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‎2013届高三英语语法要点精讲(配最新高考+模拟)‎ 专题02 动词的时态及语态 ‎【考纲解读】‎ 动词的时态和语态历来是高考题中考查的重头戏之一。测试重点放在根据特定语言环境区别使用一般过去时和现在完成时;一般现在时(过去时)与现在(过去)进行时;及物动词的被动用法;特定的时间状语中时态的使用;结合所获得的语言知识确定正确时态的能力等。综上所述,动词的时态和语态在高考测试中的地位非常重要。因而考生在复习备考中必须对本专题引起足够的重视。 ‎【知识要点】‎ 动词的时态 一、一般现在时的用法 ‎1.经常性或习惯性的动作,常与表示频度的时间状语连用。 时间状语: every...,sometimes,on Sunday I leave home for school at 7 every morning. 我每天早上七点离家去学校。‎ ‎2.客观真理,客观存在,科学事实。 The earth moves around the sun.地球围着太阳转。 Shanghai lies in the east of China.上海位于中国的东方。‎ ‎3.表示格言或警句中。 Pride goes before a fall.骄者必败。 注意:此用法如果出现在宾语从句中,即使主句是过去时,从句谓语也要用一般现在时。‎ Columbus proved that the earth is round.哥伦布证明地球是圆的。‎ ‎4.现在时刻的状态、能力、性格、个性。 比较:Now I put the sugar in the cup.现在我往杯子里放糖。 I am doing my homework now.我在做作业。 第一句用一般现在时,用于操作演示或指导说明的示范性动作,表示言行的瞬间动作。再如:Now watch me,I switch on the current and stand back. 第二句中的now是进行时的标志,表示正在进行的动作的客观状况,所以后句用一般现在时。 二、一般过去时的用法 ‎1.在确定的过去时间里所发生的动作或存在的状态。 时间状语有:yesterday,last week,an hour ago,the other day,in 1982等。 Where did you go just now? 刚才你去哪儿了?‎ ‎2.表示在过去一段时间内,经常性或习惯性的动作。 When I was a child,I often played football in the street. 我小的时候,经常在街上踢足球。‎ ‎3.句型: It is time for sb.to do sth.“到……时间了”“该……了” It is time sb.did sth.“时间已迟了”“早该……了” It is time for you to go to bed.你该睡觉了。 It is time you went to bed.你早该睡觉了。 would (had)rather sb.did sth.表示“宁愿某人做某事”‎ ‎4.wish,wonder,think,hope 等用过去时,作试探性的询问、请求、建议等。 I thought you might have some. 我以为你想要一些。 比较: 一般过去时表示的动作或状态都已成为过去,现已不复存在。 Christine was an invalid all her life.她已不在人间。 Christine has been an invalid all her life.她现在还活着。 Mrs.Darby lived in Kentucky for seven years. 达比太太已不再住在肯塔基州。 Mrs.Darby has lived in Kentucky for seven years. 现在还住在肯塔基州,有可能指刚离去。 注意: 用过去时表示现在,表示委婉语气。 动词want,hope,wonder,think,intend 等。 Did you want anything else?您还要点别的吗? 情态动词 could,would Could you lend me your bike?能借用一下你的自行车吗?‎ ‎5.used to/be used to ‎1)used to+do:“过去常常”表示过去习惯性的动作或状态,但如今已不存在。 Mother used not to be so forgetful.母亲以前没有这么健忘。 Scarf used to take a walk.Scart过去常常散步。 ‎2)be used to+doing: 对……已感到习惯,或“习惯于”,to是介词,后需加名词或动名词。 Scarf is used to taking a walk.Scart现在习惯于散步。 三、一般将来时 ‎1.shall用于第一人称,常被will 所代替。 will 在陈述句中用于各人称,在征求意见时常用于第二人称。 Which paragraph shall I read first?我应该先读哪一段?‎ ‎2.be going to+不定式,表示将来。 ‎1)主语的意图,即将做某事。 What are you going to do tomorrow?明天你打算干什么? ‎2)计划,安排要发生的事。 The play is going to be produced next month.这部戏预计要下个月拍。 ‎3)有迹象要发生的事 ‎ Look at the dark clouds,there is going to be a storm.看那乌云,要来暴风雨了。 ‎4)be+不定式表将来,按计划或正式安排将发生的事。 We are to discuss the report next Saturday.我们打算下周六讨论这个报告。 ‎5)be about to+不定式,意为马上做某事。 He is about to leave for Beijing.他正打算动身去北京。 注意:be about to 不能与tomorrow,next week 等表示明确将来时的时间状语连用。‎ ‎3.be going to/will 用于条件句时, be going to表将来 will表意愿 If you are going to make a journey,you’d better get ready for it as soon as possible. 如果你打算去旅行,最好尽快准备好。 Now if you will take off your clothes,we will fit the new clothes on you in front of the mirror. 如果你愿意脱下身上穿的衣服,我们就可以在镜子前给你试穿一下新衣服。‎ ‎4.be to和be going to be to 表示客观安排或受人指示而做某事。 be going to 表示主观的打算或计划。 I am to play football tomorrow afternoon. (客观安排) I’m going to play football tomorrow afternoon.(主观安排)‎ ‎5.一般现在时表将来 ‎1)下列动词:come,go,arrive,leave,start,begin,return的一般现在时表将来。这主要用来表示在时间上已确定或安排好的事情。 The train leaves at six tomorrow morning. 火车明早六点发车。 ‎2)倒装句,表示动作正在进行 Here comes the bus.=The bus is coming.车来了。 There goes the bell.=The bell is ringing.铃响了。 ‎3)在时间或条件句中。 When Bill comes (不是will come),ask him to wait for me.比尔来了后,让他等我。 I’ll write to you as soon as I arrive there.我一到那儿就给你写信。 ‎4)在动词hope,take care that,make sure that等后边。 Make sure that the windows are closed before you leave the room. 离开房间前一定要确保窗户都关上了。‎ ‎6.用现在进行时表示将来 意为:“意图”“打算”“安排”常用于人。常用词为 come,go,start,arrive,leave,stay等。‎ I’m leaving tomorrow.我打算明天动身。 Are you staying here till next week? 你打算在这儿住到下周吗? 四、现在完成时 现在完成时用来表示之前已发生或完成的动作或状态,其结果的确和现在有联系。动作或状态发生在过去但它的影响现在还存在;也可表示持续到现在的动作或状态。其构成: have (has)+过去分词。 ‎1.比较过去时与现在完成时 ‎1)过去时表示过去某时发生的动作或单纯叙述过去的事情,强调动作;现在完成时为过去发生的,强调过去的事情对现在的影响,强调的是影响。  ‎2)过去时常与具体的时间状语连用,而现在完成时通常与模糊的时间状语连用,或无时间状语。 ‎3)现在完成时可表示持续到现在的动作或状态,动词一般是延续性的,如live,teach,learn,work,study,know。过去时常用的非持续性动词有come,go,leave,start,die,finish,become,get married等。 I saw this film yesterday.我昨天看了这部电影。(强调看的动作发生过了。) I have seen this film.这部电影我看过了。(强调对现在的影响,电影的内容已经知道了。) She has returned from Paris.她已从巴黎回来了。 She returned yesterday.她昨天回来了。 He has been in the League for three years.(在团内的状态可延续) He has been a League member for three years.(是团员的状态可持续) 句子中如有过去时的时间副词如 yesterday,last,week,in 1960时,不能使用现在完成时,要用过去时。 ‎(错)Tom has written a letter to his parents last night. ‎(对)Tom wrote a letter to his parents last night.‎ ‎2.用于现在完成时的句型 ‎1)It is the first/second time....that...结构中的从句部分,用现在完成时。 It is the first time that I have visited the city.这是我第一次参观这座城市。 ‎2)This is the...that...结构,that 从句要用现在完成时。 This is the best film that I’ve (ever)seen.这是我看过的最好的电影。 This is the first time (that)I’ve heard him sing.这是我第一次听他唱歌。 注意:非延续性动词的否定形式可以与表示延续时间的状语连用。即动作不发生的状态是可以持续的。 ‎(错)I have received his letter for a month. ‎(对)I haven’t received his letter for almost a month.‎ ‎3.比较since和for since 用来说明动作起始时间,for用来说明动作延续时间长度。 I have lived here for more than twenty years.我在这儿住了20多年了。 I have lived here since I was born.我自出生就住在这儿。 I have not heard from my uncle for a long time.我好久没收到叔叔的信了。 注意:并非有for 作为时间状语的句子都用现在完成时。 I worked here for more than twenty years. ‎ 我在这里工作过20多年。(我现在已不在这里工作。) I have worked here for many years.我在这里工作了多年了。(现在我仍在这里工作。) 小窍门:当现在完成时+一段时间,这一结构中,我们用下面的公式转化,很容易就能排除非延续动词在完成时中的误用。 汤姆学习俄语有3年了。 ‎(对)Tom has studied Russian for three years. ‎=Tom began to study Russian three years ago,and is still studying it now. Harry结婚6年了。 ‎(错)Harry has got married for six years. ‎=Harry began to get married six years ago,and is still getting married now. 显然,第二句不对,它应改为 Harry got married six years ago.或Harry has been married for six years.‎ ‎4.since的四种用法 ‎1) since+过去一个时间点(如具体的年、月、日期、钟点、1980,last month,half past six)。‎ I have been here since 1989.我自1989年就在这儿。 ‎2)since+一段时间+ago I have been here since five months ago.自五个月前我就一直在这儿。 ‎3)since+从句 Great changes have taken place since you left.自从你走后发生了很大的变化。 ‎4)It is+一段时间+since从句 It is two years since I became a postgraduate student. 自从我考上研究生已有两年了。‎ ‎5.延续动词与瞬间动词 ‎1) 用于完成时的区别 延续动词表示经验、经历; 瞬间动词表示行为的结果,不能与表示段的时间状语连用。‎ He has completed the work.他已完成了那项工作。 (表结果) I’ve known him since then.我从那时起就认识他了。(表经历) ‎2)用于till/until从句的差异 延续动词用于肯定句,表示“做……直到……” 瞬间动词用于否定句,表示“到……,才……”。‎ He didn’t come back until ten o’clock.他到10 点才回来。 He slept until ten o’clock.他一直睡到10点。 五、过去完成时 ‎1.概念:表示过去的过去 其构成是had+过去分词构成。‎ ‎2.用法 ‎1)在told,said,knew,heard,thought等动词后的宾语从句中。 She said (that)she had never been to Paris.她说她从来没去过巴黎。 ‎2) 状语从句 在过去不同时间发生的两个动作中,发生在先,用过去完成时;发生在后,用一般过去时。When the police arrived,the thieves had run away.等到警察来的时候,贼早已经跑了。 ‎3)表示意向的动词,如hope,wish,expect,think,intend,mean,suppose等,用过去完成时表示“原本……,未能……”。 We had hoped that you would come,but you didn’t.我们原本希望你能来,但你却没来。‎ ‎3.过去完成时的时间状语 before,by,until ,when,after,once,as soon as。 He said that he had learned some English before.他说他以前学过英语。 By the time he was twelve,Edison had began to make a living by himself. 等到爱迪生12岁那年,他早已学会自我谋生了。 注意:hardly...when …… 就…… no sooner...than 刚…… 就……‎ ‎4.用一般过去时代替完成时 ‎1)两个动作如按顺序发生,又不强调先后,或用then,and,but 等连词时,多用一般过去时。When she saw the mouse,she screamed.看到老鼠,她尖叫了起来。 ‎2)两个动作相继发生,可用一般过去时;如第一个动作需要若干时间完成,用过去完成时。When I heard the news,I was very ‎ excited.听到这个消息时,我非常激动。 ‎3)叙述历史事实,可不用过去完成时,而只用一般过去时。 Our teacher told us that Columbus discovered America in 1492.老师告诉过我们哥伦布在1492年发现了美洲。 六、将来完成时 ‎1.构成will have done sth. ‎2.概念 ‎1)状态完成:表示某事继续到将来某一时为止一直有的状态。 ‎2)动作完成:表示将来某一时或另一个将来的动作之前,已经完成的动作或已获得的经验。‎ They will have been married for 20 years by then.到那时他们结婚就20年了。 You will have reached Shanghai by this time tomorrow.明天这个时候你就到了上海了。 七、现在进行时 现在进行时的基本用法: ‎1.表示现在(指说话人说话时)正在发生的事情。 We are waiting for you.我们正在等你。‎ ‎2.习惯进行:表示长期的或重复性的动作,说话时动作未必正在进行。 Mr.Green is writing another novel.格林先生在写另一部小说。 ‎(说话时并未在写,只处于写作的状态。) She is learning piano under Mr.Smith.她在跟史密斯先生学钢琴。‎ ‎3.表示渐变的动词有:get,grow,become,turn,run,go,begin等。 It’s getting warmer and warmer.天越来越暖和了。‎ ‎4.与always,constantly,forever 等词连用,表示反复发生的动作或持续存在的状态,往往带有说话人的主观色彩。 You are always changing your mind.你总是改变主意。‎ ‎5.不用进行时的动词 ‎1)事实状态的动词have,belong,possess,cost,owe,exist,include,contain,matter,weigh,measure,continue I have two brothers.我有两个哥哥。 This house belongs to my sister.这房子是我姐姐的。 ‎2)心理状态的动词know,realize,think see,believe,suppose,imagine,agree,recognize,remember,want,need,forget,prefer,mean,understand,love,hate I need your help.我需要你的帮助。 He loves her very much.他非常爱她。 ‎3) 瞬间动词 accept,receive,complete,finish,give,allow,decide,refuse I accept your advice.我接受你的建议。 ‎4)系动词seem,remain,lie,see,hear,smell,feel,taste,get,‎ become,turn You seem a little tired.你看起来有点累。 八、过去进行时 ‎1.概念:表示过去某时正在进行的状态或动作。 ‎2.过去进行时的主要用法是描述一件事发生的背景;一个长动作发生的时候,另一个短动作发生。 ‎3.常用的时间状语 this morning,the whole morning,all day yesterday,from nine to ten,last evening,when,while It was raining when they left the station. 他们离开车站的时候,天正下着雨。 九、将来进行时 ‎1.概念:表示将来某时进行的状态或动作,或按预测将来会发生的事情。 She’ll be coming soon.她很快就会来了。 注意:将来进行时不用于表示“意志”,不能说 I’ll be having a talk with her.‎ ‎2.常用的时间状语 Soon,tomorrow,this evening,on Sunday,by this time,tomorrow,in two days,tomorrow evening By this time tomorrow,I’ll be lying on the beach.明天这个时候,我正躺在沙滩上。 十、一般现在时代替将来时 ‎1.时间状语从句,条件句中,从句用一般现在时代替将来时 when,while,before,after,till,once,as soon as,so long as,by the time,if,in case (that),unless,even if,whether,the moment,the minute,the day,the year,immediately He is going to visit her aunt the day he arrives in Beijing. 他一到北京,就去看他姨妈。‎ ‎2.表示现在已安排好的未来事项,行程等活动。 The museum opens at ten tomorrow.博物馆明天10点开门。(实际上每天如此。) 十一、一般现在时代替过去时 ‎1.“书上说”“报纸上说”等。 The newspaper says that it’s going to be cold tomorrow. 报纸上说明天会很冷的。‎ ‎2.叙述往事,使其生动。 Napoleon’s army now advances and the great battle begins.拿破仑的部队冲上来了,战斗打响了。十二、一般现在时代替完成时 ‎1.有些动词用一般现在时代替完成时: hear,tell,learn,write,understand,forget,know,find,say,remember I hear (=have heard)he will go to London. I forget (=have forgotten)how old he is.‎ ‎2.句型“It is...since...”代替“It has been...since...” It is (=has been)five years since we last met. 十三、一般现在时代替进行时 ‎1.句型:Here comes...; There goes...‎ Look,here comes Mr.Li.看,李先生来了。 十四、现在进行时代替将来时 ‎1.表示即将发生的或预定中计划好的活动。 Are you staying with us this weekend? 这周和我们一起度周末吗? We are leaving soon.我们马上就走。 ‎ ‎2.渐变动词,如:get,run,grow,become,begin,die He is dying.他快要不行了。 十五、时态一致 ‎1.如果从句所叙述的为真理或不变的事实,则永远用现在时。 At that time,people did not know that the earth moves. 在那时,人们不知道地球是运动的。 He told me last week that he is eighteen.他上周告诉我他18岁了。‎ ‎2.宾语从句中的助动词ought,need,must,dare 时态是不变的。 He thought that I need not tell you the truth.他原以为我没有必要告诉你真相。 十六、时态与时间状语 时间状语 一般现在时 every...,sometimes,at...,on Sunday 一般过去时 yesterday,last week,an hour ago,the other day,in 1982,just now 一般将来时 next...,tomorrow,in+时间 现在完成时 for,since,so far,ever,never,just,yet,till/until,up to now,in past years,always,recently 过去完成时 before,by,until,when,after,once,as soon as 过去进行时 this morning,the whole morning,all day,yesterday,from nine to ten last evening...when,while 将来进行时 soon,tomorrow,this evening,on Sunday,by this time,tomorrow,in two days,tomorrow evening 动词的语态 一、分类及定义 语态有两种:主动语态和被动语态。 主语是动作的发出者为主动语态;主语是动作的接受者为被动语态。 ‎1.若宾语补足语是不带to 的不定式,变为被动语态时,该不定式前要加“to”。此类动词为感官动词。 feel,hear,help,listen to,look at,make,observe,see,notice,watch The teacher made me go out of the classroom.老师把我赶出了教室。→I was made to go out of the classroom (by the teacher).我被老师赶出了教室。‎ ‎2.情态动词+be+过去分词,构成被动语态。 Coal can be used to produce electricity for agriculture and industry. 煤可以用来发电以供应工农业生产。 二、功能及用法 ‎1.let 的用法 ‎1)当let后只有一个单音节动词,变被动语态时,可用不带to 的不定式。 They let the strange go. The strange was let go.他们让那个陌生人走了。  ‎2)若let 后宾补较长时,let 通常不用被动语态,而用allow或permit 代替。 The nurse let me go to see my classmate in the hospital. I was allowed/permitted to see my classmate in the hospital.护士让我去看望在医院的同学。‎ ‎2.短语动词的被动语态 短语动词是一个整体,不可丢掉后面的介词或副词。 My sister will be taken care of by grandma.我妹妹将由奶奶来照顾。 Such a thing has never been heard of before.那种事情以前从来没听说过。‎ ‎3.表示“据说”或“相信” 的词组 believe,consider,declare,expect,feel,report,say,see,suppose,think,understand  It is said that...据说 It is reported that...据报道 It is believed that...大家相信 It is hoped that...大家希望 It is well known that...众所周知 It is thought that...大家认为 It is suggested that...据建议 It is taken granted that...被视为当然 It has been decided that...大家决定 It must be remembered that...务必记住的是…… It is said that she will leave for Wuhan on Tuesday.据说她周二动身去武汉。‎ ‎4.不用被动语态的情况 ‎1)不及物动词或某些动词短语无被动语态: appear,die disappear,end (vi.结束),fail,happen,last,lie,remain,sit,spread,stand,break out,come true,fall asleep,keep silence,lose heart,take place 比较: rise,fall,happen是不及物动词;raise,seat是及物动词。 价格上涨了。 ‎(错)The price has been risen. ‎ (对)The price has risen. 事故发生在上周。 ‎(错)The accident was happened last week. ‎(对) The accident happened last week. 要想正确地使用被动语态,就须注意哪些动词是及物的,哪些是不及物的。特别是一词多义的动词往往有两种用法。解决这一问题惟有在学习过程中多留意积累。 ‎2)不能用于被动语态的及物动词或动词短语:  fit,have,hold,marry,own,wish,cost,notice,watch agree with,arrive at/in,shake hands with,succeed in,suffer from,happen to,take part in,walk into,belong to Your story agrees with what had already been heard.你的故事跟我们听到的相符。 ‎3)系动词无被动语态:  appear,be become,fall,feel,get,grow,keep,look,remain,seem,smell, sound,stay,taste,turn It sounds good.这听起来不错。 ‎4)带同源宾语的及物动词、反身代词、相互代词,不能用于被动语态:  die,death,dream,live,life She dreamed a bad dream last night.她昨天晚上做了一个噩梦。 ‎5)当宾语是不定式时,很少用于被动语态。 她喜欢游泳。 ‎(对)She likes to swim. ‎(错)To swim is liked by her.‎ ‎5.主动形式表示被动意义 ‎1) wash,clean,cook,iron,look,cut,sell,read,wear,feel,draw,write,sell,drive... The book sells well.这本书销路好。 This knife cuts easily.这刀子很好用。 ‎2)blame,let(出租),remain,keep,rent,build I was to blame for the accident.对于这起事故我应受责备。 Much work remains.还剩下好多活。 ‎3)在need,require,want,worth(形容词),deserve后的动名词必须用主动形式。 The door needs repairing.=The door needs to be repaired.这扇门需要修了。 This room needs cleaning.这房间应该打扫一下。 This book is worth reading.这本书值得一读。 ‎4)特殊结构:make sb.heard/understood(使别人能听见/理解自己) have sth.done (要某人做某事)。‎ ‎6.被动形式表示主动意义 be determined,be pleased,be graduated (from),be finished,be prepared (for),be occupied (in),get married  He is graduated from a famous university.他毕业于一所有名的大学。 注意: 表示同某人结婚,用marry sb. 或get married to sb. 都可。 He married a rich girl. 他娶了一个有钱的女孩。 He got married to a rich girl.‎ ‎7.need/want/require/worth 注意:当 need,want,require,worth(形容词)后面接doing也可以表示被动。 Your hair wants cutting.你的头发该理了。 The floor requires washing. 地板需要冲洗。 The book is worth reading.这本书值得一读。 ‎【考点诠释】‎ 考点一、一般现在时与现在进行时 ‎ ‎1.一般现在时 ‎ ‎(1)考查表示按时间表将要发生的动作或事件 ‎ 例1—Look at the timetable. Hurry up! Flight 1026 _______ off at 18: 20. ‎ A. takes B. took C. will be taken D. has taken ‎ ‎【解析】飞机起非的时间是时间表上的安排,所以无论将来什么时候发生都用一般现在时,答案应是A。 ‎ ‎(2)考查表示特征、能力或现时的情况或状态 ‎ 例2 This machine _______. It hasn’t worked for years. ‎ A. didn’t work B. wasn’t working C. doesn’t work D. isn’t working ‎ 例3 The house belongs to my aunt but she _______ here any more.‎ A. hasn’t lived B. didn’t live C. had lived D. doesn’t live ‎ ‎【解析】句中的谓语动词是现在时,故不住在这里也应该是现时的情况,答案应为D。 ‎ ‎(3)考查表示普遍真理、事实 ‎ 例4Months ago we sailed ten thousand miles across this open sea, which _______ the Pacific, and we met no storms. ‎ A. was called B. is called C. had been called D. has been called ‎ ‎【解析】尽管我们横渡太平洋是几个月前的事情,但是海洋的名称是存在的事实,所以用一般现在时,答案是B。 ‎ ‎2.现在进行时 ‎ ‎(1)考查表示现在或现阶段正在进行的动作或发生的事 ‎ 例5 I have to go to work by taxi because my car _______ at the garage. ‎ A. will be repaired B. is repaired C. is being repaired D. has been repaired ‎ ‎【解析】句中的谓语动词是现在时态,所以现在汽车正在被修理,故答案选C。 ‎ 例6Since I won the big prize, my telephone hasn’t stopped ringing. People _______ to ask how I am going to spend the money. ‎ A. phone B. will phone C. were phoning D. are phoning ‎ ‎(3)考查表示某个按最近的计划或安排将要进行的动作、即将开始或结束的动作 ‎ 常用的这类动词有:go, come, leave, arrive, land, meet, move, return, start, stay, stop, give, change, fly, work等。 ‎ 例7Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belt. The plane _______. ‎ A. takes off B. is taking off ‎ C. has taken off D. took off ‎ ‎1.一般过去时 ‎ 主要考查表示过去某个特定时间或某一段时间发生的动作或情况 ‎ 例8It’s said that the early European playing-cards ________ for ‎ entertainment and ‎ education. ‎ A. were being designed B. have designed C. have been designed D. were designed ‎ ‎【解析】句中的the early说明以前欧洲扑克牌的设计是为了娱乐和教育,用一般过去时说明过去某个特定时间发生的动作或情况,答案是D。 ‎ 例9My cousin went to Canada two years ago. He _______ there for a few months and then went to America. ‎ A. worked B. would work C. would be working D. has been working ‎ ‎【解析】此题中的two years ago说明是发生在过去的事情,所以答案是A。 ‎ ‎2.过去进行时 ‎ ‎(1)考查表示过去某一时刻或某阶段正在发生的动作,强调未完成 ‎ 例10—Has Sam finished his homework today? ‎ ‎—I have no idea. He _______ it this morning. ‎ A. did B. has done C. was doing D. had done ‎ ‎(2)考查表示过去某一时间将要发生的动作 ‎ 例11—What were you doing when Tony phoned you? ‎ ‎—I had just finished my work and _______ take a shower. A. had ‎ started B. started C. have started D. was starting ‎ ‎【解析】“我”刚刚完成手头的工作,将要去洗澡,所以答案是D。 ‎ 一般过去时与过去进行时的区别如下: ‎ 一般过去时:完成性 ‎ 过去进行时:未完成 ‎ 考点三、现成完成时与现在完成进行时 ‎ ‎1.现成完成时 ‎ ‎(1)考查表示所发生的动作或事情对现在的影响或产生的结果 ‎ 例12Although medical science _______ control over several dangerous diseases, what worries us is that some of them are returning. ‎ A. achieved B. has achieved C. will achieve D. had achieved ‎ ‎【解析】尽管句中未出现时间状语,我们从句意可以判断出医学已经控制住了一些危险的疾病,所以答案是B。 ‎ ‎(2)考查表示一个从过去某个时间开始,延续到现在的动作 ‎ 例13My friend, who _______ on the International Olympic Committee all his life, is retiring next month. ‎ A. served B. is serving C. had served D. has served ‎ ‎【解析】此题中的时间状语all his life 说明我的朋友从过去到现在一直在奥委会工作,答案应是D。 ‎ 例14My brother is an actor. He _______ in several films so far. ‎ A. appears B. appeared C. has appeared D. is appearing ‎ ‎2.现成完成进行时 ‎ 主要考查表示一个从过去某时开始发生,一直延续到现在并可能延续下去的动作。 ‎ 例15Now that she is out of a job, Lucy _______ going back to school, but she hasn’t decided yet. ‎ A. had considered B. has been considering C. consider D. is going to consider ‎ ‎【解析】因为失业,Lucy一直考虑重返校园,但是到现在还没做出决定,所以答案为B。 ‎ 现在完成时与现在完成进行时的区别如下: ‎ 现在完成时:完成性     强调动作的结果 ‎ 现在完成进行时:未完成性  动作在不久前持续进行的情景 ‎ 考点四、 主动表示被动的三种情况 ‎ ‎1. 不及物动词与状语连用,用以表示主语的品质和状态。 ‎ 常见动词是:cut, sell, read, write, fill, cook, lock, wash, drive, keep等。 ‎ ‎2. 一些连系动词的主动式+形容词。 ‎ 常见动词是:look, smell, taste, sound, feel, prove, turn out等。 ‎ 请同学们看下面一道题: ‎ 例16The roast duck_______delicious and a lot_______in two hours. ‎ A. was tasted; was sold B. tasted; was sold C. was tasted; sold ‎ D. tasted; would sell ‎ ‎【解析】根据所给情景,taste应为连系动词,英语中连系动词不用被动语态,所以第一空填tasted,后半句意为“烤鸭两小时内被卖掉很多”,所以答案为B。 ‎ 上题可以变化如下: ‎ 例17The roast dark which Mr and Mrs White prepared_______well. ‎ A. sold B. had been sold C. was sold D. would sell ‎ ‎3. 五个“发生”: happen, take place, occur to, break out,come about等。 ‎ 例18is well known to everyone, the Olympic Games_______every four years. ‎ A. It; are heldB. As; take place C. That; happenD. As; break out ‎ ‎【解析】本题考查定语从句和表示“发生”等词的用法。A项it 不对,are held正确,改成以下句子正确:It is well known to everyone that the Olympic Games are held every four years. C、D项中That与break out不妥,B项中as引导的定语从句修饰the Olympic ... 整个句子,take place相当于are held,所以答案为B。‎ 考题名师诠释  ‎【例1】What we used to think impossible now does seem possible.‎ A.is B.was C.has been D.will be 解析:句意为:我们原先认为不可能的事,如今确实显得可能了。此句貌似简单,实则相当复杂。What we used to think为主语从句的主语从句,答案was为主语从句的谓语动词,主句的谓语动词为一般现在时。‎ 答案:B ‎【例2】was giving a talk to a large group of people,the same talk I to half a dozen other groups.‎ A.was giving B.am giving C.had given D.have given 解析:我在给一大群人做报告,与给其余六组人做过的是同一个报告。‎ 答案:C 链接·提示 依据上下文的时间概念,推断出所需要的时间(过去的过去)。‎ ‎【例3】Look at the timetable.Hurry up!Flight 4026 off at 18:20!‎ A.takes B.took C.will be taken D.has taken 解析:按照规定、时间(刻)表安排定时进行了的动作,通常用一般现在时表达。句意为:看看时间表。快点!4026次航班在18点20‎ 分起飞。‎ 答案:A 链接·提示 近年高考题对时态的考查变得更加灵活,把握准句意显得更加重要。‎ ‎【试题放送】‎ ‎【2012江西卷】26.--Look! Somebody the sofa.‎ ‎ --Well, it wasn’t me. I didn’t do it.‎ ‎ A.is cleaning B.was cleaning C.has cleaned D.had cleaned ‎【答案】C  ‎ ‎【考点】考察时态 ‎【解析】句意为”看,有人已经打扫了沙发.是的,不是我,我没有做.过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响用现在完成时.‎ ‎【2012湖南卷】33. -- I remember you were a talented pianist at college. Can you play the piano for me?     -- Sorry, I ____ the piano for years. ‎ ‎ A. don't play B. wasn't playing C. haven't played D. hadn't played ‎【答案】C ‎【考查】本题考查动词的时态。‎ ‎【解析】根据remember, can可知语境为现在,for years得出为从过去到现在,所以用现在完成时态。动词的时态 现在完成时态 ‎ ‎【2012湖南卷】27. The moment ____ soon, he thought to himself, waiting nervously. ‎ ‎ A. came B. has come C. was coming D. is coming ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】本题考查时态。‎ ‎【解析】根据soon可知为将来的事情,且是直接引语,应为现在,所以选D,进行时态表将来。动词的时态 现在进行时态表将来 ‎ ‎【2012湖南卷】25. Close the door of fear behind you, and you ____ the door of faith open before you. ‎ ‎ A. saw B. have seen C. will see D. are seeing ‎【答案】C ‎【考点】本题考察动词的时态。‎ ‎【解析】从前一分句为祈使句可知此语境为将来的情况,而且这是一常见句型:“祈使句+and+表将来的句子”。动词的时态 一般将来时态 ‎ ‎【2012湖南卷】22. Don't worrry. The hard work that you do now ____ later in life. ‎ ‎ A. will be repaid B. was being repaid C. has been repaid D. was repaid ‎【答案】A ‎【考点】考查动词时态和语态。‎ ‎【解析】从don't可知语境为现在,排除B、D;而later in life可知为将来的动作,故选A。动词的时态 一般将来时态 ‎ ‎【2012重庆卷】27. Food supplies in the flood-stricken area ______.We must act immediately before there’s left.‎ A. have run out B. are running out C. have been run out D. are being run out【答案】B ‎【考点】动词的时态 ‎【解析】分析题干语境可知,食品供应即将耗尽。run out为不及物动词短语,不能使用被动形式,由此可排除C和D两个选项。B选项为现在进行时态,可以表示将来,符合题意。因此,正确答案为B选项。‎ ‎【2012重庆卷】22.-kevin,you look worried. Anything wrong?‎ ‎ -Well, I____ a test and I’m waiting for the result.‎ ‎ A. will take B. took C. had taken D. take ‎【答案】B ‎【考点】动词的时态 ‎【解析】根据答语的后半句可知,现在Kevin正在等待测试的成绩,参加测试为一个过去的动作,应该使用一般过去时态。因此,正确答案为B选项。‎ ‎【知识拓展】‎ 一般过去时表示过去某时发生的动作或状态,也可表示过去某段时间内经常或反复发生的动作。其标志性状语常为in the past, yesterday, just now, the day before yesterday, last week, in 2000, two weeks ago等。‎ ‎【2012辽宁卷】35. Mum, I was wondering if you could lend me a few dollars until I on Friday. ‎ ‎ A. get paid B. got paid C. have paid D. had been paid ‎【答案】A ‎【考点】动词时态和语态 ‎【解析】在时间状语从句中用一般现在时表将来,且I与pay之间是动宾关系,所以选A。‎ ‎【2012辽宁卷】33. Jack is a great talker. It’s high time that he something instead of just talking. ‎ ‎ A. will do B. has done C. do D. did ‎ ‎【答案】D ‎【考点】动词的时态 ‎【解析】在句型 “It’s high/ very time that…”中, 从句中的谓语动词用did或should do.所以选D项。‎ ‎【2012辽宁卷】31. I feel so excited! At this time tomorrow morning I to Shanghai. ‎ A. will be flying B. will fly ‎ C. have been flying D. have flown ‎【答案】A ‎【考点】动词的时态 ‎【解析】at this time tomorrow morning作时间状语,所以用将来进行时,选A项。‎ ‎【2012四川卷】9.—Did you catch what I said? 高666考%%资&&&源##网 ‎—Sorry. I ______ a text message just now.‎ A. had answering B. have answered C. would answer D. was answering ‎【答案】 D ‎ ‎【考点】本题考查动词时态。‎ ‎【解析】句意为:“你听懂我所说的了吗?”“对不起。我刚刚在回短信。”根据句意及时间状语just now可知,回短信的动作正好是发生在问话人说话的那一时间点,即表示过去某一时间点正在发生的动作,故选过去进行时态D。‎ ‎【2012四川卷】11. They are living with their parents for the moment because their own house ____.‎ A. is being rebuilt B. has been rebuilt C. is rebuilt D. has rebuilt ‎【答案】 A ‎ ‎【考点】本题考查动词的时态和语态。‎ ‎【解析】句意为:他们现在暂时和父母一起居住,因为他们自己的房子正在重建。根据句意可知,应使用被动语态,且house与动词rebuilt之间为被动关系,故使用现在进行时态的被动语态。‎ ‎【2012陕西卷】24.—Can I call you back at two o’clock this afternoon?‎ ‎ —I’m sorry, but by then I______ to Beijing. How about five?‎ A. fly B. will fly C. will be flying D. am flying ‎ ‎【答案】C ‎ ‎【考点】考查动词时态。‎ ‎【解析】根据问句中的two o’clock和应答句中的by then可知所填词表示的动作在当时正在进行,用将来进行时,选C。‎ ‎【2012北京卷】22. By the time you have finished this book, your meal ______ cold.‎ A. gets B. has got C. will get D.is getting ‎【答案】C ‎【考点】考查动词时态。‎ ‎【解析】此处by the time 后接现在时,表示将来之前发生的动作,故用将来时。‎ ‎【2012北京卷】25. George said that he would come to school to see me the next day, but he ______.‎ A. wouldn’t B. didn’t C. hasn’t D. hadn’t ‎ ‎【答案】B ‎【考点】时态考点。‎ ‎【解析】前半句的would come是过去将来时,但是仍然发生在过去.‎ ‎【2012北京卷】29. —Have you heard about that fire in the market?‎ ‎— Yes, fortunately no one _____.‎ A. hurt B. was hurt C. has hurt D. had been hurt ‎【答案】B ‎【考点】考查被动语态。‎ ‎【解析】发生在过去的被动动作。‎ ‎【2012北京卷】30. Our friendship _____ quickly over the weeks that followed.‎ A. had developed B. was developing C. would develop D. developed ‎【答案】 D ‎【考点】考查动词时态。‎ ‎【解析】描述在过去阶段发生的动作,强调状态,用一般过去式。‎ ‎【2012全国II】18. The manager ______ the workers how to improve the program since 9 am.‎ A. has told B. is telling C. has been telling D. will have told ‎【答案】C ‎【考点】考查动词时态。‎ ‎【解析】现在完成进行时表示:过去某一动作从过去开始一直延续到现在,现在刚刚结束或还在进行。句意:经理从早上9点开始就一直在不停的告诉工人们如何改进这个项目。根据句意选C。‎ ‎【2012全国II】14. ---Did you ask Sophia for help?‎ ‎---I ______ need to – I managed perfectly well on my own.‎ A. wouldn’t B. don’t C. didn’t D. won’t ‎【答案】C ‎【考点】考查动词时态。‎ ‎【解析】句意:---(过去)你向Sophia寻求帮助了吗?---我没有必要向她求助。我自己就很完美的处理了。对话的内容谈论的是过去的事情,故用一般过去时。‎ ‎【2012天津卷】The three of us___________around Europe for about a month last summer.【A】‎ ‎ A. travelled B. have travelled C. had travelled D. travel ‎【2012天津卷】The letters for the boss___________ on his desk but he didn’t read them until three later.【A】‎ A. were put B. was put C. put D. has put ‎【2012全国新课程】33. I had been working on math for the whole afternoon and the numbers before my eyes.‎ A. swim B. swum C. swam D. had swum ‎【答案】C ‎ ‎【考点】考查动词时态。‎ ‎【解析】主句用过去完成进行时,所以后半句用一般过去时,只有这样才能具备“过去的过去”的条件。句意:我一整个下午都在做数学题,那些数字在我的眼前晕眩。‎ ‎【2012全国新课程】23. "Life is like walking in the snow", Granny used to say, "because every step ”‎ A. has shown B. is showing C. shows D. showed ‎【答案】C ‎【考点】考查动词时态。‎ ‎【解析】此处是奶奶过去常常说的一句话,这里是直接引语,句子的内容是生活哲理。所以用一般现在时。句意:奶奶过去常常说:“生活就像在雪中行走,因为每一步都看得见。”‎ ‎【2012山东卷】34. The manager was concerned to hear that two of his trusted workers ______. A. will leave B. are leaving ‎ C. have left D. were leaving ‎ ‎【答案】D ‎【考点】考查动词时态。‎ ‎【解析】此处用过去进行时表示过去将来时。这里were leaving表示:过去要离开。句意:听到自己最信任的两个职员要离去,经理很关注。‎ ‎【2012山东卷】28. After Jack had sent some e-mails, he _______ working on his project.‎ ‎ A. had started B. has started ‎ C. started D. starts ‎ ‎【答案】C ‎【考点】考查动词时态。‎ ‎【解析】根据前半句的谓语动词用了过去完成时,可知后半句用一般过去时,这样才能符合“过去的过去”这一条件。句意:Jack发了几份电子邮件之后,他才开始研究他的项目。‎ ‎【2012届河北省普通高考模拟】27. ----Hi,Jack!When did you arrive in Berlin?‎ ‎ -----Last weekend. I __________ a different culture since then.‎ ‎ A. was experiencing B. will be experiencing C. have been experiencing D. had been experiencing ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查动词时态。句意:---Jack!你什么时候到的柏林?---上个周末。从那时起,我就一直在体验不同的文化。‎ ‎【2012届河北省普通高考模拟】32.It_________five or ten years before the new medicine is tested on human beings.‎ A. will take B.took C.takes D. has taken ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查动词时态。句意:5或10年后这种新药才能在人类身上试验。‎ ‎【2012届保定市高三第一次模拟】22.“You'd better not ring me up between 9 and 10. I________an important meeting then",Dr. Lee said.‎ A. have B. had C. was having D. will be having ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查动词时态。此处考查的是将来完成时will be having。句意:你最好在9和10点之间, 那时我将正在开一个重要的会议。‎ ‎【2012届保定市高三第一次模拟】26. If only I could have helped you!But I really________no good idea how.‎ A. have B. had C. have had D. had had ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查动词时态。句意:要是我能帮助你该多好啊!可是我真的不知道怎样帮助你。第一句为虚拟语气句,第二句为真实语意的句子,故用一般过去时。‎ ‎【2012届北京海淀区高三一模】21. ---What happened to Bill?‎ ‎---He _____ really fast when suddenly he ran headfirst into a parked car.‎ A. had run B. was running C. has run D. has been running ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查动词的时态和语态。后面的suddenly提示一瞬间的突发性动作,所以前后应该是过程+突发瞬间的逻辑关系,描述过程使用B选项过去进行时。C选项强调完成,D选项强调最近一直,都和现在有关,排除。A选项描述过去的过去,即过去动作的先后顺序,就要理解为run跑的动作发生在前,完成后再发生run into撞上的动作,明显是不合理的。‎ ‎【2012届北京海淀区高三一模】24. ---Do we have to wear our school uniforms tomorrow?‎ ‎---I think so. We _____ the coming-of-age ceremony in the afternoon.‎ A. will be attending B. have attended C. attend D. attended ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查动词的时态和语态。根据原文的tomorrow和in the afternoon,明显可以了解动作发生在将来,所以排除表现过去+现在的B选项、表现纯现在的C选项和表现纯过去的D选项。此题极其简单,干扰项设置值得商榷。‎ ‎【2012届北京海淀区高三一模】28. Jonny, I can’t believe how much you have changed! You _____ at least one foot!‎ ‎ A. grow B. grew C. have grown D. are growing ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查动词的时态和语态。现在完成时与一般过去时的区别是单选常考点,只要学生了解两种时态在时间表述上的本质区别,即可轻松应对。grow的动作明显发生在过去,现在也出现,将来会继续,所以排除B选项纯过去的grew。A选项和D选项描述纯现在,即忽略所有过去现在将来的区别,但是前面的句子特别强调发生变化,变化的着眼点是过去到现在的变化,所以选择C选项have grown,现在进行时描述的时间就是过去+现在。‎ ‎【2012届北京海淀区高三一模】32. Although the Eiffel Tower _____ to last for 20 years, it is still standing today.‎ A. has designed B. had designed C. is designed D. was designed ‎ ‎【答案】D ‎【考查】动词的时态和语态题。design的动作应该是被动,所以排除主动的A选项和B选项。design的动作发生在过去,所以排除C选项纯现在。切记,选项中出现主被动区别,首先甄别主被动。‎ ‎【2012届江西省上饶市第一次高考模拟】28.—Who do you guess I am? ‎ ‎ —Sorry,your name my mind.‎ ‎ A.slipped B.has slipped C.had slipped D.slips ‎ ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查动词时态。句意:---你猜我是谁?---对不起,我忘了你的名字。此处表示已经想不起来了。‎ ‎【2012届江西省上饶市第一次高考模拟】31.Then I made a complaint to the manager and the problem soon.‎ ‎ A.was solved B.had been solved C.would solve D.has been solved ‎ ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查动词的时态和语态。句意:问题不久就被解决了。根据soon用一般过去时。‎ ‎【2012届四川省成都石室中学高三二诊模拟】17.—How long ___ like this?‎ ‎ —Three weeks! It's usual here that rain ___ without stopping these ‎ days of the year.‎ ‎ A.has it rained; pours B.is it raining; is pouring ‎ C.has it been raining; pours D.does it rain; pours ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查动词时态。第一空根据答语像这样已经下了三天了,所以用现在完成进行时;第二空每年的这些日子都不停的下雨,用一般现在时。‎ ‎【2012届四川省成都石室中学高三二诊模拟】20.—Mary, are you sure your aunt ___ back from America?‎ ‎ —Yes.My mother ___ me.I am going to see her now.‎ ‎ A.has come; told B.came; had told ‎ C.had come; tells D.is coming; has told ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查动词时态。句意:---玛丽,你确定你姑姑已经从美国回来了吗?----是的。我妈妈告诉我的。我现在就要去看她。‎ ‎【2012届河南省郑州市高三第二次质量预测】28. —Do you know what Kate is doing now?‎ ‎—Well, she _______ a book when I saw her a while ago.‎ A. is reading B. had read C. read D. was reading ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查动词时态。句意:---你知道凯特现在正在做什么吗?---刚才我看到她的时候她正在读书。‎ ‎【2012届河南省郑州市高三第二次质量预测】30. The number of deaths from heart disease ‎ will be reduced greatly if people _______ to eat more fruit and vegetables.‎ A. have persuaded B. are persuaded C. persuade D. will be persuaded ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查动词的时态和语态。此处指被说服,在条件状语从句中用一般现在时代替一般将来时。‎ ‎【2012届河南省郑州市高三第二次质量预测】33. I wonder if Sally has lost my phone number. I _______ her call for the last two hours.‎ A. had expected B. have expected C. am expecting D. have been expecting ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】查动词时态。句意:我想知道Sally是否丢了我的电话号码。我最后两个小时一直在等她的电话。‎ ‎【2012届江西省六校联考】23.—If it hadn’t been raining so hard, I might have been home much earlier.‎ ‎   —It’s too bad you _____ it. Nancy _____ here and she _____ to see you.‎ ‎  A. didn’t make; is; was  B. won’t make; will be; wants ‎  C. didn’t make; was; wanted D. wont’ make; would be; wanted ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查动词时态。本题的第一句为虚拟语气,第二句为真实语气的句子。 对过去的假设,事实为过去,用过去时。‎ ‎【2012届江西省六校联考】34. Our food supply _____. We’d better get some in case there’s ____ left.‎ A. is running out, none B. has run out of, none C. is using up, nothing D. has used up, nothing ‎【答案】A ‎ ‎【解析】考查动词的时态和语态。 表示快用完不是已用完;后面有特定范围指食物.‎ ‎【2012届河北省邯郸市高三第一次模拟考试】34. — Are you still very busy?‎ ‎— Yes, I the report for the manager and it won’t take long.‎ A. have just finished B. am just finishing C. had just finished D. am just going to finish ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查动词时态。句意:---你依然很忙吗?---是的,我就要完成经理的报告了,它不会用多长时间了。此处用进行时表将来时。‎ ‎【2012届甘肃省高三第一次高考诊断】18.---Sorry, sir, your car isn’t ready yet.It ____ by our workers.‎ ‎ --- Oh, my God, when can I come to fetch it?‎ A.is repaired B.has been repaired C.is being repaired D.will be repaired ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查动词时态。句意:---对不起,先生,你的车还没修好。它正在被工人们修。--啊,我的天啊,我什么时候来取呀。‎ ‎【2012届贵州师大附中高三年级检测】15. —I hope you liked the concert last night.‎ ‎ —How on earth do you know I went to the concert? I ______ you. ‎ ‎ A. haven’t told B. hadn’t told C. didn’t tell D. won’t tell ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查动词时态。句意:---我希望你喜欢昨晚的音乐会。---你究竟是怎么知道我去听音乐会了?我(过去)没告诉过你。‎ ‎【2012届山西太原五中4月月考】25. Some analysts predict that slowing economic growth ________ enterprises reduce ‎ ‎ their intake of new workers. ‎ A. contributes to B. has led to C. will cause D. will see ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查动词时态及用法。此处根据see sb do sth可知选D。‎ ‎【2012届山西太原五中4月月考】27. ---Have you seen the movie The King's Speech?‎ ‎ --- No. Who _____ it?‎ A. had directed B. has directed C. directed D. directs ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查动词时态。电影The King's ‎ Speech已经上映,上映导演是过去的动作。故用一般过去时。‎ ‎【2011届江苏省苏、锡、常、镇四市高三调研测试(一)】23. Jeremy, who ___________ on his food, looked up at the mention of the word cash.‎ ‎ A. has been concentrating B. has concentrated C. had been concentrating D. had concentrated ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查动词时态。根据主句是一般过去时可知,非限制性定语从句用过去完成进行时。‎ ‎【2012届吉林省吉林市高三第二次模拟】27.— That’s the third time he’s won the award in this field.‎ ‎ — Yes. He ________ his maximum potential in the past decade.‎ ‎ A. explored B. is exploring ‎ ‎ C. has been exploring D. has explored ‎【答案】 C ‎ ‎【解析】考查时态:“近十年来,我一直在挖掘自己最大潜能,所以又获奖了。”‎ ‎【2012届山东省菏泽重点高中高三下学期4月模拟】23. Professor James will give us a lecture on the Western culture, but when and where _______ yet.‎ A. hasn’t been decided B. haven’t decided C. isn’t being decided D. aren’t decided ‎【答案】 A ‎ ‎【解析】 现在完成时表示已经完成的动作或从过去某个时候开始一直延续到现在的动作。根据时间状语yet可判断出要用现在完成时。因为主语与decide之间存在被动关系,所以要用现在完成时的被动语态,表示“还没有被确定下来”。‎ ‎【2012届广西桂林市、崇左市、百色市、防城港市高考联合调研】27.I while listening to music. Luckily, Jack woke me up in time!‎ ‎ A.had fallen asleep B.have fallen asleep ‎ C.fall asleep D.fell asleep ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查动词时态。句意:我在听音乐的时候睡着了,幸运的是,Jack及时把我叫醒。‎ ‎【2012届广西桂林市、崇左市、百色市、防城港市高考联合调研】34.Have you seen my dog? I for it and still haven’t found it.‎ ‎ A.looked B.was looking ‎ ‎ C.have been looking D.had been looking ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查动词时态。句意:你看见我的狗了吗?我一直在找它但还没有找到。‎ ‎【河南省郑州市2012届英语信息卷(三)】9. I was giving a talk to a large group of people, the same talk I to half a dozen other groups.‎ A. am giving B. was giving C. have given D. had given ‎【答案】D ‎ ‎【解析】考查动词时态。主句用的时态为过去进行时,而the same talk所发生的时间在此之前,因此表示“过去的过去”,故用过去完成时态。‎ ‎【2012届浙江杭州重点高中原创模拟】9. The US troops_______ out of Iraq by the end of next month and they were sent there 9 years ago.‎ A. have withdrawn B. will withdraw C. had withdrawn D. will have withdrawn ‎ ‎【答案】D ‎ ‎【解析】考查时态辨析。句意为:美军在下个月末将会已经撤离伊拉克,从开始驻军到撤离有9年了。根据by the end of next month 可知要用将来完成时,故选D。‎

