2020版高考英语 Unit 3 Life in the future(词汇考查+词汇应用)(含解析)新人教版必修5

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2020版高考英语 Unit 3 Life in the future(词汇考查+词汇应用)(含解析)新人教版必修5

Unit 3‎ 李仕才 ‎ 一、词汇复习 ‎(一)单句语法填空 ‎1. _____ is said that they have been married for twenty years. ‎ ‎2. Children love  ______    ______   as a hero.(打扮;装饰)‎ ‎3. One of the ___________(景点,吸引人的地方) in London is Buckingham Palace.‎ ‎ 4. Speeches were _________ (limit)to 15 minutes.‎ ‎5. We aim to offer good value and service to all our __________(顾客).‎ 参考答案 ‎1. It 2. dressing up 3. attractions   4. limited 5. customers ‎ ‎(二)英汉互译 ‎144.aspect n. __________‎ ‎145.impression n. __________‎ ‎146.take up __________‎ ‎147.constant adj. __________‎ ‎148.constantly adv. __________‎ ‎149.jet n. __________‎ ‎150.△jet lag __________‎ ‎151.△flashback n. __________‎ ‎152.previous adj. __________‎ ‎153.uncertain adj. __________‎ ‎154.guide n. vt. __________‎ ‎155.tablet n. __________‎ ‎156.△expertise n. __________‎ ‎157.capsule n. __________‎ ‎158.steward n. __________‎ ‎159.stewardess n. __________‎ ‎160.opening n. __________‎ ‎161.sideways adv. __________‎ ‎162.surrounding n. adj. __________‎ ‎163.tolerate vt__________. ‎ ‎164.△combination n. __________‎ ‎165.lack vi. & vt. n. __________‎ ‎166.adjustment n. __________ ‎ ‎167.mask n. __________‎ ‎168.be back on one’s feet __________‎ ‎169.△hover vi. __________‎ 8‎ ‎170.carriage n. __________‎ ‎171.press vi. & vt. n. __________‎ ‎172.fasten vt. __________‎ ‎173.belt n. __________‎ ‎174.safety belt __________‎ ‎175.lose sight of…__________‎ ‎176.sweep up __________‎ ‎177.flash vt. & vi. __________‎ ‎178.switch n. vt. __________‎ ‎179.timetable n. __________‎ ‎180.△exhausted adj. __________‎ ‎181.slide into __________‎ ‎182.optimistic adj. __________‎ ‎183.△pessimistic adj. __________‎ ‎184.speed up __________‎ ‎185.△pedal n. __________‎ ‎186.△alien n. adj. __________‎ ‎187.mud n. __________‎ ‎188.desert n. __________‎ ‎189.△enormous adj. __________‎ ‎190.△imitate vt. __________‎ ‎191.△moveable adj. __________‎ ‎192.citizen n. __________‎ ‎193.typist n. __________‎ ‎194.typewriter n. __________‎ ‎195.postage n. __________‎ ‎196.postcode n. __________‎ ‎197.button n. __________‎ ‎198.instant n. adj. __________ ‎ ‎199.receiver n. __________‎ ‎200.△efficiency n. __________‎ ‎201.△efficient adj. __________‎ ‎202.△ribbon n. __________‎ ‎203.dustbin n. __________‎ ‎204.△dispose vt. __________‎ ‎205.△disposal n. __________‎ ‎206.ecology n. __________‎ ‎207.greedy adj. __________‎ ‎208.swallow vt. __________‎ ‎209.material n. __________‎ ‎210.recycle vt. __________‎ ‎211.△manufacture vt. __________‎ ‎212.goods n. __________‎ ‎213.△etc abbr. __________‎ 8‎ ‎214.representative n. adj. __________ ‎ ‎215.settlement n__________‎ ‎216.motivation n. __________‎ 二、阅读理解 A Oliver and the Seawigs by Philip Reeve Published by OUP Press ISBN: 978-0-192-73455-6‎ Oliver grew up in a family of explorers—but his biggest adventure is about to begin! Along with his new friends, Oliver goes off to look for his missing parents.‎ I really like this book because it’s not one of those short stories that are over too quickly, but a longish book that takes time to read. I recommend this book and give it 5 stars.‎ Ginny, age 8‎ Lady Lydia: Read Me a Story by Anne Lavis Published by A H Stockwell ISBN: 978-0-722-34327-2‎ Lady Lydia is old and eccentric (古怪的), but she is never lonely. She shares her home with bats and mice and spiders, and all the animals round about are her friends too.‎ My lovely daughter Alice likes all the pictures of the animals in this book, but she doesn’t like it when the pages have lots of writing on with no pictures. Alice rates this book 2 out of 5.‎ Alice‎, age 4‎ I Am a Woolly Hat (EARLY READER)‎ by Salma Koraytem Published by Orion Books ISBN: 978-1-444-00844-9‎ Early Readers are stepping stones from picture books to reading books. A blue Early Reader is perfect for sharing and reading together.‎ 8‎ This book makes my sweetheart Lucie feel lovely inside and the drawing are not as good because the colors are not bright like other books. Lucie rates this book 3 out of 5.‎ Lucie, age 4‎ A Royal Fairytale by Ink Robin Published by Egmont ISBN: 978-1-405-26843-1‎ See Kate and Will’s romance develop from their studying days at Edinburgh through to their happy wedding at Buckingham‎ ‎Palace with the royal family, even the queen, in tow.‎ My little angel Amy likes the book. The best parts are the wedding and fireworks as she likes fireworks and the colors on the page are really bright. Amy rates it 4 out of 5.‎ Amy, age 4‎ ‎1.Which book might an animal lover prefer?‎ A. A Royal Fairytale.‎ B. Oliver and the Seawigs.‎ C. Lady Lydia: Read Me a Story.‎ D. I Am a Woolly Hat (EARLY READER).‎ ‎2.Who likes bright colors?‎ A. Ginny and Alice. B. Lucie and Amy.‎ C. Ginny and Amy. D. Alice and Lucie.‎ ‎3.Whose book shows romance and happiness?‎ A. Philip Reeve. B. Anne Lavis.‎ C. Salma Koraytem. D. Ink Robin.‎ ‎【文章大意】这篇文章为读者推荐了一些书。‎ ‎1.C 【解析】细节理解题。由Lady Lydia is old and eccentric (古怪的), but she is never lonely. She shares her home with bats and mice and spiders, and all the animals round about are her friends too.可知一位动物爱好者更喜欢阅读Lady Lydia: Read 8‎ ‎ Me a Story.选C。‎ ‎3.D 【解析】细节理解题。由See Kate and Will’s romance develop from their studying days at Edinburgh through to their happy wedding at Buckingham Palace with the royal family, even the queen, in tow.可知Ink Robin的书表现了快乐和浪漫,选D。‎ B If you have the opportunity to visit some places in New Zealand, then the list below is our recommendation.‎ Fiordland‎ ‎National Park This park is part of the South Westland World Heritage Area and is New Zealand’s largest national park and one of the largest in the world. The scenery in Fiordland is nothing short of extremely beautiful, with steep mountains, wild waterfalls, and abundant rain forests. Being able to come back and forth in its deep bay attracts most of the visitors.‎ The area has some of the world’s greatest walks including the world famous Milford Track, which was described as the finest walk in the world in the early twentieth century.‎ Abel‎ Tasman ‎National Park Abel Tasman may be New Zealand’s smallest national park, but the attractions are huge. Located in one of New Zealand’s sunniest spots, the area also has the best beaches in the country.‎ The popular Abel Tasman Walk is a great way to see this park. It takes 3-5 days to complete. Sea taxis are also available and can drop you off at any number of beaches within the park.‎ Rotorua Accessible from New Zealand’s biggest city, Auckland, Rotorua is famous for 8‎ ‎ its volcanic activities. Rotorua is also famous for its plentiful lakes which are great for swimming and fishing. The surrounding area contains plenty of native bushes and some famous walks.‎ Rotorua is also the best area in the country to experience and learn about Maori culture.‎ Mt Cook National Park Mt Cook as well as the surrounding area is an alpine(高山的) park within the World Heritage listed in South Westland. The biggest peaks in all of Australasia are here. The park doesn’t contain many trees or plants due to the altitude. Walks range from a twohour walk to difficult tracks suitable for experienced mountaineers only.‎ A helicopter or plane ride gives visitors excellent views of the mountains with the option of landing at the top of Tasman Glacier, a true permanent snowcovered alpine environment. ‎ ‎【解题导语】 本文是一篇应用文,主要介绍了新西兰值得游玩的几个地方。‎ ‎1.The most impressive experience in Fiordland National Park may be .‎ A.rock climbs    B.forest camps C.water jumps D.boat trips D 解析:推理判断题。根据Fiordland National Park部分第一段尾句可知,能够在它的深海湾里来回穿梭会吸引大多数的游客;据此可以判断,在Fiordland国家公园,令人印象最深刻的经历是乘船旅行,故D项正确。‎ ‎2.If you are interested in folk customs, you can go to visit .‎ A.‎Fiordland‎ ‎National Park B.Rotorua C.Mt Cook National Park D.‎Abel‎ Tasman ‎National Park B 解析:细节理解题。根据Rotorua部分第二段可知,Rotorua也是全国最好的学习毛利文化的地方;如果你对民间风俗感兴趣,可以去那里,故B项正确。‎ ‎3.If you go to visit Mt Cook National Park, you can .‎ A.view some amazing waterfalls 8‎ B.enjoy some tropical fruits C.step on the top of Tasman Glacier D.take walks in various bushes C 解析:细节理解题。根据文章最后一句可知,乘坐一架直升机或飞机并选择在Tasman Glacier顶部着陆,可以让游客欣赏到山区的美景,Tasman Glacier是真正的永久积雪覆盖的高山环境。据此可知,如果去Mt Cook国家公园,你可以登到Tasman Glacier顶部,故C项正确。‎ 三、七选五 Choosing the Right Path to Be a “Better” Person Life is a constant exercise in selfimprovement.In the rush to achieve,the idea of being “better” can become lost sometimes.You may always wonder how to improve yourself and fulfill your dreams in an easier way.__1__‎ Explore your talents.‎ Everybody has some outstanding skills or interests.So it's often necessary to be patient and try many things before you find one that suits you.‎ ‎__2__ For example,people loving adventure may not be interested in the quiet chess club,but someone who enjoys other quiet activities might be.Determining who you enjoy being around may help you know what you'll enjoy.‎ ‎__3__‎ No matter how much money you make,you will not be happy if you spend your entire life doing something you hate.It's important to at least devote some of your time to what makes you happy.‎ If you're particularly unhappy at your job,consider why.__4__ If you feel your job isn't meaningful,or isn't in line with your values,consider finding another job.‎ Experience something new.‎ Research has shown that when we're in our comfort zone,we aren't as productive as we are when we step just beyond it.__5__ Because of that,we may react slowly to our own positive experiences.It's important to have new experiences and interactions with others,even when those are a little scary.Doing so can help you achieve more.‎ A.Do what you love.‎ 8‎ B.Here are some tips for you.‎ C.Register in a class you're interested in.‎ D.Human adapt very quickly to positive events.‎ E.It's possible that some changes may change your feeling.‎ F.Similar types of people may be attracted to the same activities.‎ G.Try not to allow yourself to focus so much on a certain aspect of your life.‎ ‎【解题导语】人生就是不断自我提升的过程,有时我们急于取得成功,却迷失了自我。本文就如何提升自己给出了一些建议。‎ ‎1.B 上文提到你可能想知道如何用更简单的方式提升自己,下文则给出了一些建议。由此可知,设空处承上启下。B项符合语境。‎ ‎2.F 本段最后一句提到,判断你喜欢跟谁在一起有助于你了解自己喜欢什么。由此可知,F项符合语境。故选F项。‎ ‎3.A 本题考查标题句。根据该标题下的It's important to at least devote some of your time to what makes you happy.可知,花时间做自己喜欢的事很重要。由此可知,A项(做你喜欢的事)符合语境。‎ ‎4.E 上文提出如果特别不喜欢现在的工作,考虑一下原因,下文则提出考虑换一份工作。由此可知,E项(有时候作出一些改变也可以改变你的心情)符合语境。‎ ‎5.D 本段主题是体验新事物。空格后说,正因为如此,我们可能对自己的积极的经历反应迟钝。D项(人类对积极的事件适应很快)正好解释了下文的现象。故选D项。‎ ‎ ‎ 8‎

