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‎2015年江苏省十三市任务型阅读 连云港 七、任务型阅读 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)‎ 请阅读下面短文,在短文后表格中的空白处填上适当的单词 (注意:每空1个单词)。‎ Stop Smoking Now ---We Can Help ‎ In almost every US city and town, there are local organizations to help people to stop smoking. One of the most popular and successful is California Smokers’ Helpline. Here is a page from one of their leaflets.‎ When you really want a cigarette---try the three DS:‎ ‎1. Delay: Look at your watch and wait for a couple of minutes. If you can wait two minutes, you won't want to smoke. ‎ ‎2. Drink something: If you drink water or some other drinks, you’ll reduce the need to have something in your mouth. ‎ ‎3. Deep breathing: Breathe in slowly and deeply. Count to five when your lungs are full. Then breathe out slowly. Repeat several times.‎ And here are some ideas from Florida Anti-smoking Club to help people to give up smoking:‎ ‎1. Make a plan: Make a list of friends who smoke and places you smoke. Don’t see those people and don’t go to those places!‎ ‎2. Keep busy: Instead of smoking, make a phone call, take a short walk, talk with a friend. ‎ ‎3.Develop new interests: Exercise—walking, biking, jogging, swimming, or taking a gymnastic class—helps you to forget about cigarettes.‎ It is now against the law for anyone who smoke anywhere at any time in our schools. So set a date and act at once to give up smoking for your own good.‎ Title: Stop Smoking Now ---We Can Help Passage outline Supporting details Organizations to help stop smoking There are local organizations to help people to stop smoking. Among them are California Smokers’ Helpline and Florida’s Anti smoking (71) __________.‎ Ways to help smoking l Delay your action. Delay for more than two minutes, and ‎ you will probably give up the want to smoke. ‎ l Drink something: Drink water or something else, you ‎ can reduce the need to (72) __________. ‎ l Deep breathing: Take a (73) _________ breathe slowly,‎ ‎ count to five , and then breathe out ‎ Ideas to help give up smoking l Keep busy doing something instead of smoking.‎ l Make a plan to (74) __________meeting the friends who ‎ smoke and don’t go to those places where you smoke.‎ Develop new interests to help you to forget about cigarettes.‎ ‎(75) ______to smokers For your own good, you’d better set a date and act at once to give up smoking.‎ 七、任务型阅读(共5小题;每小题l分,满分5分)‎ ‎71. club 72. smoke 73. deep 74. avoid 75. Advice/Suggestion(s)‎ 常州市 四、阅读衰达(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)‎ 阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词 注意:请将答案写在答题卡上相应题号的横线上。每个空格里只填一个单词。‎ ‎ Any time of the day you can devote to exercising is a good time for getting active, but if you want to make a healthy fitness plan, it may be helpful to keep several points in mind and find out the best time to exercise.‎ ‎ First, try to know what kind of person you are. Especially, are you an early bird who always wakes up early in the morning, or a night owl(猫头鹰)who almost never goes to bed before midnight? Once you are generally aware of what your sleep characteristics are, you will understand better when your body needs exercise, either early in the morning, sometime during the day, or later on in the evening.‎ ‎ Second, consider your daily plan. When do you seem to be most busy, and when do you plan your most important tasks? Try to fit in your exercise before or at least around these events if possible, so that you can keep exercising and your life won't be affected(影响)as well.‎ ‎ Third, think about when you feel you have the most energy. For most people, that time is usually in the morning after a good night's rest, or after a long day of work. After a busy or much stressful day, exercising can reduce your working stress from hard work.‎ ‎ Lastly, find out the place you plan to do exercise. Your house provides exercise at any time if you own fitness equipment(设备),but if there is a gym(健身房)down the street or along the way home from work, it will make it more suitable for you to exercise.‎ More importantly, you need to make a plan and try sticking to it for one week. If you do so and can get through the exercise without being pulled in another direction, make it a habit. And once you have set up your fitness plan, don't make any great changes to it unless your doctor allows you to.‎ Introduction ‎__36___to take several points about exercise and find out the best time to exercise.‎ Main Points ‎▲.Know your sleep characteristics and you will have a better__37___of your body needs exercise.‎ ‎▲.Make your daily Plan well 50 that you can keep exercising__38__your life.‎ ‎▲.Think about when you are most energetic. Exercising after work can make___39___stressed.‎ ‎▲.Find out where to do exercise,and it will make it more suitable for you.‎ Suggestions ‎▲.Stick to your time table and never give up for one week. Then a habit may formed.‎ ‎▲.Don’t change your plan unless you and your doctor reach a(n)_____40___.‎ ‎36. Remember 37. understanding 38. without 39. less 40. agreement 淮安市 六、任务型阅读(共20分)‎ 阅读下面短文, 根据要求完成下列各题。‎ A ‎“Mum, I hate you. I don't need a new schoolbag or clothes. I'm not afraid of being hit by you. I only want you to come back. ”‎ When Chen Jiuying read her daughter's letter, she couldn't help crying. Chen and her husband are now working far away from their hometown. Their daughter, Xiao Li, is looked after by her grandparents. Like Chen, many migrant workers(外来务工人员) are dreaming about a better life, so they have to leave their children behind. ‎ According to a survey, there are now about 61 million left-behind children(留守儿童) in poor   in China. This has brought about many problem. These children care little about others. They do not do well at school. They lost confidence . ‎ Luckily many Chinese are now thinking about the life of the left-behind children and actions have been taken to help solve the problem. ‎ A charity could take place Beijing before Children's Day. Its was to raise (意识) of leftbehind children. The event was held to raise money from businesses and the public to prepare “love bags”. Inside the bags, these are things for children including books, touches, and envelopes and stamps so that children can write to their parents. ‎ The event was started by Chen Weihong, a television host in China. “The leftbehind children don't have enough parental love and family care. They need to be in touch with their parents. We hope our love bags will help them communicate with their parents, and make them happier, ” he said. ‎ 根据上面短文的内容回答问题。‎ ‎21. Who is looking after Xiao Li?‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎22. How many leftbehind children are there in poor areas in China according to a survey?‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎23. Have actions been taken to help solve the problem?‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎24. Where did the charity event take place?‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎25. Why did Chen Weibong start the charity event?‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ B Online, English has become a common language for users from all over the world. In the process, the language itself is changing. ‎ There are now about 4, 500 million web pages around the world. Some people say that within 10 years people will use English widely on the Internet, but in forms it is very different from what we accept and know as English today. Why?‎ That's because more people now speak English as a second language. And they use it to communicate with other nonnative speakers, especially on the Internet where they pay little attention to grammar and spelling. ‎ ‎“The Internet gives non-native speakers more freedom to use English in important and meaningful ways, ” says Bill Smith, a professor of language at American‎ ‎University in Washington D. C. ‎ Internet users already create a number of different “Englishes” like Hinglish(Indian English), Spanglish(Spanish English) and Konlish(Korean English). Though these different forms have been there within different cultures, they are now going far and wide online. ‎ Some words are taken from traditional English. “Blur”(=“not clear” or “slow”), for example, is often used in Singlish (Singaporean English), Some English words are put together to make something new. In Chinglish(Chinese English), “long time no see” means “have not seen you for a long time”. ‎ ‎“In fact, most people speak different languages—it's less common to speak only one, ” says Mr Smith. English has become the world's language, but it's not pushing out other languages. Instead, other languages are pushing their into English, and in the process, creating something new. ‎ 根据上面短文内容填空。‎ ‎26. English has become a ________ for Internet users around the word, and in the process, the language itself ________. ‎ ‎27. Though English will ________ on the Internet within 10 years, yet it is different from English today ________. ‎ ‎28. On the Internet, nonnative speakers ________ to grammar and spelling, and they have ________ to use English in important and meaningful ways. ‎ ‎29. “Blur” is taken from ________ while “long time no see” is made ________ some English words together. ‎ ‎30. In the passage, ________ kind of “Englishes” are talked about, and online English users from different cultures will continue to ________. ‎ 六、任务型阅读(共20分)‎ A 【答案】21. Her grandparents. 22. 61 million. 23. Yes, they have. 24. In Beijing. 25. To raise social awareness of left-behind children ‎ B 【答案】26. common language; is changing 27. be widely used that we accept and know; as English 28. pay little attention; more freedom 29. English; by or from putting ‎ ‎30. five; to push their way into English, and in the process, creating something new.‎ 南京市 五、 阅读填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)‎ ‎ A) 阅读下面短文,根据所读内容,在文章后第56-65小题大空格里填入一个最恰当的单词,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为56-65的相应位置上。‎ ‎ 注意:每个空格只填1个单词。‎ ‎  Noah Webster was born on October 16, 1758, in the West Division of Hartford, where his father farmed and worked as a weaver. His mother was a housewife. ‎ ‎  Few people went to college at that time, but Noah loved so much to learn that his parents let him go to Yale‎, ‎Connecticut’s only college. Noah graduated in 1778. He desired (渴望) to study law, but his parents didn’t have more money to send him to school. So, in order to make a living, Noah taught in Glastonbury, Hartford and West Harford. Later he studied law. ‎ ‎  Noah did not like American schools. Sometimes 70 children of all ages were crammed (挤满) into one room schoolhouses with poor books and untrained teachers. Their books came from England. Noah thought that Americans should learn from American books so in 1783. Noah wrote his own textbook A Grammatical Institute of the English Language. Most people called it the “Blue Backed Speller” because of its blue cover. ‎ ‎  For 100 years, Noah’s book taught children how to read, spell, and pronounce words. It was the most popular American book of its time. Ben Franklin used Noah’s book to teach his granddaughter to read. ‎ ‎  When Noah was 43, he started writing the first American dictionary. He did that because Americans in different parts of the country spelled, pronounced and used words differently. He thought that all Americans should speak in the same way. He also thought that Americans should ‎ not speak and spell just like the English. Noah used American spellings like color instead of the English color and music instead of musick. He also added American words that weren’t in English dictionaries like skunk and souash. He spent over 27 years writing his dictionary. When Noah accomplished (完成) his dictionary in 1828, at the age of 70, the first American dictionary came out. It had 70. 000 words in it. ‎ Noah did many things in his life. He worked for copyright laws, wrote textbooks, Americanized the English language, and edited magazines. When Noah Webster died in 1843, he was considered an American hero. ‎ Noah Webster and the 56 American Dictionary Name: Noah Webster Date of birth: October 16. 1758‎ Major events Ø ‎1778: After graduating, Noah had to work as a 57 because his parents couldn't 58‎ his further education.‎ Ø ‎1783: Crowded schoolhouses with poor English books and untrained teachers didn't 59 ‎ Noah. He wrote the textbook of his own. The textbook was so 60 at that time that even Ben Franklin used it to teach his granddaughter to read.‎ Ø ‎1801: Noah started writing the first American dictionary because he realized it was 61_ ‎ ‎ for all Americans to speaking the same way. Also, he thought all Americans should speak and spell in their 62 way.‎ Ø ‎1828: The first American dictionary wasn't 63 until Noah was 70 years old. It ‎ 64 him over 27 years to write it.‎ Ø ‎1843: Because of his contribution to America, Noah was considered an American 65 ‎ when he died.‎ ‎66. First 67. teacher 68. afford 69. satisfy 70. popular ‎ ‎71. necessary 72. own 73 accomplished/finished 74. took 75. hero ‎ B) 根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为66-75的相应位置上.‎ ‎ Suppose you find a bright yellow bike on a street corner in the city. You hop on it and ride away. But wait-isn’t this s__66 _? No one shouts, “Stop! Thief!” That b 67 _ this free ride is just fine with the city. ‎ ‎ You can find h 68 _ of free yellow bikes in some U. S.‎ cities. The idea began in Portland‎, ‎Oregon, in 1994. People saw a need for f_ 69_ transportation, and they wanted to help c_ 70 _ pollution. So, to get citizens out of their cars and onto pollution free bikes, they s_ 71 _ the Yellow Bike Project. ‎ ‎  The public bike are p__ 72__ bright yellow and placed throughout the city. People can hop on a yellow bike and ride to work to school, or to run errands. They then leave the bike for the ‎ n_ 73_ rider. There have been times when bikes have been stolen, but most people obey the r_ 74 _. What would be the point of stealing something that’s already free?‎ Portland‎’s i_ 75 _ quickly became popular. Within two years of its start similar programs were set up in cities in six other states. ‎ ‎66‎ s________‎ ‎67‎ b________‎ ‎68‎ h________‎ ‎69‎ f________‎ ‎70‎ c_______‎ ‎71‎ s________‎ ‎72‎ p________‎ ‎73‎ n________‎ ‎74‎ r________‎ ‎75‎ i________‎ 五、阅读填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)‎ A)阅读下面短文,根据所读内容,在文章后第62-71小题的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词 ‎56. stealing/strange 57. because 58. hundreds 59. free 60 control ‎ ‎61. started 62 painted 63. next 64. rule/rules 65. idea ‎ 考点:单词拼写 试题解析:‎ ‎1. stealing:偷盗 ‎2. because:因为 ‎3. hundreds of: 数以百计的 ‎4. free:自由的;免费的 ‎5. control:控制 ‎6. started:开始;创办 ‎7. painted:绘画 ‎ ‎8. next :接下来 ‎9. rule/rules:规则 ‎10. idea:注意;想法 B) 根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词 ‎66. First 67. teacher 68. afford 69. satisfy 70. popular ‎ ‎71. necessary 72. own 73 accomplished/finished 74. took 75. hero ‎ 泰州市 四.阅读表达 阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容回答问题。(10分)‎ ‎ Smog (雾霾) is one of the hot subjects these years. It does great harm to people’s health. The most terrible smog lasted for about a week in February, 2014. It covered 15 percent of the land in northern and central China.‎ ‎ Now, more and more people in China have realized the importance of protecting the environment. They ry to save energy by walking or riding to work in their daily life. Cities including Beijing and Shanghai have taken action by controlling the number of cars and closing heavily polluting factories.‎ ‎ Beijing is heavily polluted, so it’s not easy to see blue skies there. But during the APEC ‎ summit(亚太经合会议峰会) in November last year, Beijing saw blue skies for a few days. People happily call the “APEC blue.”‎ ‎ “I hope the APEC blue will last, and I believe it will, because China put great efforts into reducing pollution.” Said President Xi Jinping during the summit.‎ ‎ The two large countries, China and the USA, produce about 45 percent of the world’s greenhouse gasses (温室气体). On November 12, Presidents Xi Jinping and Obama announced that both countries would work together to cut down CO2 emissions (二氧化碳的排放). The goal needs everyone’s effort.‎ 回答下面5个问题,每题答案不超过6个词。‎ ‎46. How long did the most terrible smog in China in February, 2014?‎ ‎ ____________________________________________________‎ ‎47. How do more and more Chinese people help save energy in their daily life?‎ ‎ ____________________________________________________‎ ‎48. Why is difficult for Beijing to see blue skies?‎ ‎ ___________________________________________________‎ ‎49. When was the APEC summit held in Beijing?‎ ‎ __________________________________________________‎ ‎50. What would China and the USA work together to do?‎ ‎ ____________________________________________________‎ 五、任务型阅读,阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一最恰当的单词,每个空格只填1个单词。(10分) ‎ ‎ A good book can teach you things beyond your class. It can open your eyes and clear your minds. If you want to get into a good reading habit, there are a number of ways to develop it.‎ ‎ Plan your time ‎ You should give yourself at least thirty minutes in all for reading every day. When time is set, nothing can change it. For example, make it a habit to read during breakfast or lunch time.‎ ‎ Always carry a book ‎ Wherever you go, take a book with you. When you leave the house, make sure that you always carry a good book as well as your school things. Remember that a book always stays with you.‎ ‎ Find a quiet place Find a place in your home where you can sit in a comfortable chair. When you read a book, no one will trouble you. There should be no television, computer, music or even noisy family members around you.‎ Have a library day Have a library card, and you read as many good books as possible in the library. Make it a weekly trip to the library, you can save a lot of money.‎ Blog it ‎ One of the best ways to develop a good reading habit is to put it on your blog (博客). If you don’t have one, create one. It’s free. Ask your friends and family to go there to share your ideas and offer you suggestions.‎ Title Some ways to have a good reading (51) ‎ Plan your time You should read at least half a(n) (52) _______every day. Make it a habit to (53) __________during breakfast or lunch time.‎ Always (54) a book Make sure a book always stays with you Wherever you go.‎ Find a quiet place Find a place at home with a (55) _________ chair and without televisions, (56) _________,music or noisy people around you.‎ Have a (57) day It is a very cheap way to read good books in the library. Go on a trip to the library every (58) ___________.‎ Blog it It (59) __________ no money to create a blog. Your friends and family can share your ideas and (60) _________ you some suggestions online.‎ 七、短文填空 根据短文内容及首字线提示,补全空格内单词,使短文完整、通顺。(请在答题卡上写出完整单词)(10分) ‎ ‎ In a national spelling competition, an 11-year-old girl, Sara, was asked to spell a word. But because of her soft voice, the judges (裁判) were not sure (71) i_____ the girl spelled the word with the letter B or D. They asked her to repeat what she said. By then, Sara realized she had made a (72) m_______. Instead of telling a (73) l________, she told them that she said the wrong letter. As a result, she (74) l__________ the competition.‎ As the girl went back to her seat, all the people stood up and cheered for what she did. She smiled. Many newspapers (75) r________ the girl’s story the next day. In fact she won great respect from others (76) b_________ she was honest.‎ The young girl could simply tell a lie, and nobody would find it out except (77) h . But She was brave (78) e_________ to tell the truth. She made the right choice.‎ It’s true that that the choices we make today will decide (79) w_______ we are like tomorrow. Our children will follow us. So if you want them to grow up to be (80) h_________, we must show them that we are honest ourselves.‎ 四、阅读表达 ‎46. For about a week ‎47. By walking or riding to work ‎48. Because Beijing is heavily polluted ‎49. In November last year ‎50. To cut down CO2 emissions 五、任务型阅读 ‎51 habit 52.hour 53.read 54.carry/take 55.comfortable ‎ 56.computers 57.library 58.week 59.needs/costs 60.offer/give 七、短文填空 ‎71.if 72.mistake 73. lie 74. lost 75.reported 76.because 77.herself 78.enough 79.what 80.honest 无锡市 六、阅读填空 先通读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容,在文章后表格的空格内填入一个最恰当的单词。所填单词必须写在答题卡对应题号的横线上。每个空格只能填一个单词。(本大题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)‎ ‎ A "blog" is a shortened name for a "web log". People write blogs about all kinds of things, from news and events to hobbies and reviews. Some people use them just as a simple record of what they have done.‎ ‎ “Blogging" has become very popular as more and more people use the Internet. New technologies have made keeping a blog an easy thing to do, so millions of people now have their own blogs. They are usually free to set up and are easy to update. You can upload pictures onto a blog and link to other websites. To many people, these features make blogs much more useful than traditional diaries.‎ We are now able to send texts, pictures and videos from our mobile phones directly onto the Web. New technologies like this are making blogging even easier, People also think that blogs are better than newspapers for finding out about news, events and opinions. They like to use blogs because they can get information from everywhere. It looks like blogs are going to become one of the most important ways to find and share information in the near future.‎ Title: Basic Knowledge of A Blog What is a blog?‎ l ‎"Blog" is l for "weblog".‎ l Writing blogs is like keeping a 2 0nline.‎ Why are blogs so popular?‎ l The number of the Internet users is 3 .‎ l They are easy to use and cost nothing.‎ ‎4 are blogs developing?‎ l Texts, pictures and videos can be sent directly onto the Web from mobile phones now.‎ l Blogging will be one of the most important ways to find and share information 5 .‎ 六、阅读填空(本大题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)‎ ‎ 1. short 2.diary 3.increasing 4.How 宿迁市 六、任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题0.5分,满分5分)‎ 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容填写表格,每空限填一词。‎ What do your dream mean?‎ Have you ever found yourself doing an exam in the middle of the sea with your favorite film star? Don’t worry, it’s only a dream! But what do your dreams say about you? Here is a fun guide to explaining them. ‎ Being chased ‎ If you dream someone is trying to catch you, you are worried about something in the future that you don’t feel ready for yet.‎ Falling “Falling dreams” are also related to worry.You might be going the wrong way or you might be in danger.‎ Death ‎ This doesn’t mean you are going to die — relax! You are going through some kinds of change in your life. ‎ Teeth falling out ‎ You might be shy or you might think you’re a loser. Something is certainly troubling you!‎ Being locked in ‎ If you dream that you are in a room and you can’t get out, you may be feeling uncomfortable in a relationship –maybe with a parent, a friend or a cousin. You can’t be yourself in this relationship and want to get out of the situation.‎ Finding money ‎ You are looking for something! If you dream you find gold coins, this means you will find some success in real life.‎ It is, however, important to realize that different people and even different cultures, all have different ways of explaining dreams. One thing that appears to be a common belief, though, is that dreams work in opposites.‎ What do your dreams mean?‎ Introduction A fun (66) to explaining what your dreams say about you.‎ Different dreams Being chased You (68) about something in the future that you don’t feel ready for.‎ ‎(67) _________‎ You are going (69) some kinds of change in your life.‎ Teeth falling out l You are (70) or you are a loser.‎ l Something is (71) you.‎ Being locked in You are not feeling (72) in a relationship with a friend, or a cousin.‎ Finding money You will be (73) in a real life.‎ Conclusions l Different people and different cultures have different ways of (74) dreams.‎ l It’s a (75) _________ belief that dreams work in opposites.‎ ‎67. Death 68. worry 69. through 70. shy 71. troubling 72. comfortable 73. successful 74. explaining 75. common 镇江市 六、任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ A How do you talk with new people when meeting them if you want to leave a good impression? Here are some tips for you.‎ Tip l ‎ You have to show up, which can be a challenge for many of us. You can show up as an observer(旁观者)of other interesting people and let that be a learning experience for you. Before you start talking, it's important to just listen. even if you think you are a wise storyteller. If you are close to a group of people who are discussing a topic, watch their body language and see if they will let you join in their conversation.‎ Tip 2‎ ‎ You'd better go in the conversation with a couple of topics to keep it going, or questions to ask if there is a short stop. Simple things Like "How do you know the host?" and "How did you get here'?" are always good conversation starters to a certain extent(在一定程度上).‎ Tip 3‎ ‎ Don’t fear silences. Awkward(令A尴尬的)silences are common part of talking with people, just rush to fill them. If you don't want to go on with the conversation, just say you are going to get another drink or something to eat, and find another group to talk with. ‎ Tip 4‎ Relax. If you cannot keep a conversation going, or you don't know what you should say next, give yourself a little time to clear your head. Relax, and then turn back into the discussion.‎ 阅读以上信息,用恰当的词完成下面的短文,每空一词 。‎ ‎ When you meet new people. you always want to leave a good impression. But do you know how to be a good speaker? Here is some advice for you.‎ ‎ The first advice is that you have to show up and observe or listen to others even if you can tell stories 56 .If you go near a group of people, watch their body language to see if they will offer you a 57 to talk with them. The second advice for you is that some topics should be 58 before the conversation. Next. you don't need to be 59 of silences. You can rush to fill them or leave for another group. The last is relaxing. If you can't keep a conversation going or you 60 what you should say next, take a break and clear your head, then return to the discussion.‎ B For many Chinese people, potatoes are considered as a kind of vegetable. But in the future,‎ this will no longer be the case (情况). Potatoes will be added to China's list of food products, like rice, wheat and corn. And potato starch(淀粉)will be mixed into bread, steamed buns(馒头) and noodles to suit ( 适合) Chinese people's tastes and eating habits.‎ In fact, potato is more than just a main food of diet in America. In many ways, it's an integral(不可或缺的) part of the American pop culture.‎ ‎“Mashed Potato Dance" began in 1962. The name of the dance came from the song, Mashed Potaro Time. American R&B singer Dee Dee Sharp sang this song. The move (舞步) is something like the Twist dance style.‎ ‎"Hot Potato!" is an action puzzle video game released (发行) in 2001. In the game the player must drive a bus and clear the road of alien potato beings at the same time. The potato beings are either red or blue, When two like-coloured potatoes touch each other, they disappear. Over the years, this game has been welcomed by many players, especially children.‎ ‎ “Mr Potato Head" is an American toy invented by George Lerner in 1949. The toy is made up of a plastic potato model and plastic parts like hands, feet, ears and a mouth. In 1952, this toy became the first toy advertised on television,‎ 阅读以上信息,用恰当的词完成下面的表格,每空一词。‎ Potatoes in ‎China ◆ Many Chinese people consider potatoes as a kind of vegetable.‎ ◆ In the future, bread, steamed buns and noodles with some potato starch will ‎ 61 at dinner table as main food.‎ Potatoes in American ‎◆ A kind of main food of diet.‎ ◆ An integral part of pop culture Mashed Potato Dance l Its name came from the song, Mashed Potato Time, 62 by Dee Dee Sharp.‎ l The move of the dance is something like the Twist dance style.‎ Hot Potato!‎ l The game has been played since the 63 of the 21st century.‎ l The game is popular 64 children.‎ l The players have to obey the game rules while playing.‎ Mr Potato Head l The 65_ of the toy was George Lerner. ‎ l The Loy is made up of a plastic potato model and some plastic parts.‎ l It was the first toy advertised on TV.‎ 六. 任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ ‎56. wisely 57. chance 58. prepared/planned 59. afraid 60. wonder/doubt ‎61, appear 62. sung 63. beginning 64. among/with 65. inventor 扬州市 五、任务型阅读(共10空,每空1分计10分)‎ 阅读下列短文,根据短文中的信息完成文后表格。在答题卡标有题号的横线上,写出空缺处所填单词的正确形式(每空一词)‎ ‎ For me, living in Canda for 25 years, China is a new world that I have longed to explore. This spring, I chose Yangzhou to be my first stop on a 16-month trip around China. It was like love at first sight. At 15, I bought a book of collection of poems about Tang Dynasty. Through it, Iheard of Yangzhou for the first time. I was deeply attracted by a poem written by Li Bai-“Sailing to Yangzhou in March”.‎ ‎ Yangzhou,sitting 2,500 years at the crossing of the Yangtze River and the 2,400-year-old Grand Canal(大运河),is one of the first 24 historic and cultural cities in China. In the old town,there are many streets an houses. It’s best to visit the city in spring. Spring oaints the city in brigtht colors.‎ ‎ Yangzhou has alwys been famous for its gardens. Among them ,the Slender‎ West ‎Lake, one of the biggest attractions in the city,was my first stop. The park with its fantastic landscape and lots of history has eenough to keep a tourist busy for the whole day. What a shame I simply could afford half a day!‎ My next stop was He Garden,one of the best prottected gardens in Yangzhou. It was once owned by the family of He Zhidao in Qing Dynasty. He Zhidao successfully brought Chinese and Western architectural(建筑的) features together. ‎ Yangzhou‎ is also the starting point of the Grand Canal tour. Taking a boat along the part of the canal in Yangzhou, I was amazed at the liveliness of this ancient waterway and the city’s history and culture.‎ ‎ Luckily, my two-day trip to Yangzhou was filled with pleasure and wonder. It made me hungry for more China.‎ Exploring ‎56 in ‎Yangzhou ‎ 57 for choosing ‎Yangzhou What attracted me to this city was a famous poem by Li Bai.‎ Brief 58 to ‎Yangzhou ‎● It is a historic and cultural city with a long history and many 59 streets and houses.‎ ‎● Spring is the 60 time to visit Yangzhou.‎ Experiences in ‎Yangzhou Slender ‎West‎ ‎Lake ‎●I first visited the ‎Slender‎ West ‎Lake ‎●61 may spend a day in the park because of its fantastic landscape andhistory.‎ He Garden ‎●I visited He Garden next.‎ ‎●He Zhidao 62 to mix Chinest and Western architectural styles together.‎ Grand Canal ‎● I took a boat trip along the canal in Yangzhou and 63 at the livelyancient waterway.‎ ‎●The Grand Canal enjoys a history for over two 64 years.‎ Feelings After the trip to Yangzhou I want to 65 more about ‎China 六、缺词填空(共10空,每空1分,计10分)‎ 根据短文内容和首字母提示,在下文空格处填入适当的词使短文完善,在答题卡标有题号的横线上,完整第写出空缺处各单词的正确形式(每空一词)‎ Frank was a curious boy. The first time he saw an hourglass(沙漏),he wandered what it was.‎ His mother said,”An hourglass is made in the s 66 of 8. The sand is put in at one end,and runs through a small hole in the m 67 . It takes the sand exactly an hour to run through.”‎ Frank was w 68 the little stream of sand. He was I 69 ,because it would not run faster. ‘Let me shake it,mother,” said he,”it is lazy,and will never get through.”‎ ‎“It will,Son,” said his mother, “The sand moves little by little,but it moves all the time. When you look at the hands of the clocl,you think they go very s 70 , but they never stop. While you are at play,the sand is r 71 , grain by grain. The hands of the clock are moving,second bu second. At night,the sand in the hourglass has run through twelve times. The hour hand of the clock has mived a 72 its great face. The is because they keep wotking every minute. They do not stop to t 73 how much they have to do and how long it will take them to do it.”‎ ‎ Now, Frank’s mother wanted him to learn a little poem,but he said,‘Mother,I can never learn ‎ ‎ i 74 ,” His mother said,”Study all the time. N 75 stop to ask how long it will take to learn it.” ‎ ‎ Frank followed his mother’s advice. He studied line after line,very busily; and in one and a half hours he know the poem perfectly.‎ 五、任务型阅读(共10空;每空1分,计10分)‎ ‎56. China 57. Reason(s) 58. introduction(s) 59. ancient/old 60. best ‎61. Tourists/Visitors/People/ Travel(l)ers 62. managed 63. wondered ‎64. thousand 65. learn/ know/explore/ find/ see 六、缺词填空(共10空;每空1分,计10分)‎ ‎66. shape 67. middle 68. watched 69. impatient 70. slow/slowly ‎71. running 72. around 73. think 74. it 75. Never 南通市 六、短文填空(本题共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 请认真阅读下面短文,并根据各题所给首字母的提示,写出一个合适的英语单词完整、正确的形式,使短文通顺。‎ Are you looking forward to the weekend?You are not the only one who enjoys it.People in the UK(66)a get excited about the weekend,as it is a time to go out and get together with family and(67)f .‎ Saturday morning is time for(68)s .For boys,football is the usual choice,while girls often go to dance or fitness classes.On Saturday afternoon,the shopping malls become(69)b .Young people hang out,looking at clothes,playing music or video games.Older people like to(70)s on Saturday too.They take a trip to the supermarket if they need(71)s for their house.It’s time for people to show off their new clothes on Saturday(72)n .They usually dress up and go out for fun.Some people go out for dinner,to all kinds of(73)r —Italian,Japanese,French or Chinese.‎ Many shops,banks and companies(74)c on Sunday.Most people don’t work and they usually have a family day.They have a big(75)l with roast beef,roast potatoes,gravy(肉汁)and vegetables.This often leads to a quiet night,since everyone is very full at noon.‎ 七、阅读与回答问题(本题共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 请认真阅读下面短文,并根据短文内容回答问题。‎ What do you when you begin to read an English newspaper?‎ You’d better know what sections are there.Usually,there is international news,business,science and technology,entertainment or lifestyle,sports and cartoons.You can choose your favorite section to read carefully.‎ Then,you come to the article itself.If you don’t have time to read the whole article,the headline(标题)and photo give you a general idea of the story.‎ Different kinds of articles A news article includes body text and a photo with a short piece of text under it.It usually puts the most important information at the very beginning.If you don’t have much time to read the story,just have a look at the first paragraph.‎ A feature article is an in-depth(深度的)report on an event or person.It usually has an interesting opening.You get to know the idea of the article as you read.‎ Another kind of article is an opinion(评论)article.Usually,some famous people give their own opinions about an important issue in a fun way.Opinion is different from news stories that are all facts.‎ Be a critical(批判性的)reader There are advertisements in newspapers.They can provide useful information about products,places,food or jobs.Remember that people make advertisements to sell you things.You don’t have to do everything advertisements tell you to do.You should be critical enough to judge which advertisements are useful and which are not.‎ 请将答案写在答题卡上 ‎76.How can you catch the general idea of an article in a short time?‎ ‎ ‎ ‎77.Where is the most important information in a news article?‎ ‎ ‎ ‎78.How many kinds of articles does the writer talk about in the passage?‎ ‎ ‎ ‎79.What is the passage mainly about?‎ ‎ ‎ ‎80.What do you usually do as a critical reader?(请自拟一句话作答)‎ ‎ ‎ 六、短文填空 ‎66. also 67. friends 68. sports 69. busy 70. shop ‎ ‎71. something 72. night 73. restaurants 74. close 75. lunch 七、阅读与回答问题 ‎76. By reading the headline and(the)photo./(I/we will/can)Read the headline and(the)photo.‎ ‎77. At the(very)beginning/In the first paragraph.‎ ‎78. (There are)Three(kinds).‎ ‎79. Tips for reading an English newspaper./Suggestions of…/Advice on…‎ ‎ /(It gives advice on)How to read an English newspaper./It provides some tips for reading an English newspaper./The ways to read an English news paper.‎ ‎80. I only read the information which is useful to me./I just read the advertisements I am interested in./I don’t do everything advertisements tell me to do./ …‎ 徐州市 五、任务型阅读(满分20分)‎ A)阅读填词。(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)(每空限填一个单词)‎ Late last night, or early this morning, something terrible happened in East‎ ‎Town. Mr Raymond Johnson has lived in East‎ ‎Town and has worked there as a manager for many years. He is forty-two years old, unmarried, and he lives in a big wooden house on Moonlight Road. The people of East‎ ‎Town know Mr Johnson as an unusual man. He does not often leave his house, but his business has made him very rich. Last night, at about midnight, a man who was out walking saw that one of Mr Johnson’s rooms was on fire. He immediately called the fire station, and the firemen arrived soon after. It took them half an hour to put out the fire. The firemen were surprised that Mr Johnson did not come out of the house, and two of them went inside to look for him. But Mr Johnson was not in the house. In the bedroom the two men found an open safe(保险箱), which was empty. There were papers on the floor. Mr Johnson’s bedroom windows on the ground floor of the house were open. The firemen also found a set of keys in the room. The police then found out that the keys belonged to Mr Paul White, who visited Mr Johnson at his home yesterday evening. The police are sure that they know the motive(动机)for the crime and are looking for Mr White. The police are puzzled because nobody knows where Mr Johnson is. ‎ REPORT ON MR RAYMOND JOHNSON’S CASE When Late last night, or 59 this morning ‎ 60 ‎ Mr Raymond Johnson’s home on 61 Road, ‎East‎ ‎Town Who Victim: Mr Raymond Johnson (a single, 42-year-old manager of great 62 )‎ Suspect: Mr Paul White What l At about midnight, one of Mr Johnson’s rooms 63 fire.‎ l It took the firemen 64 minutes to put out the fire.‎ l In the bedroom on the ground floor: an 65 open safe; papers on the ‎ floor; open bedroom windows; Mr Paul White’s 66 .‎ l The police are trying to 67 Mr Paul White.‎ l Mr Johnson is 68 , which puzzles the police.‎ B)阅读短文,回答问题。(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)‎ Red squirrels used to be a common sight in British forests and countryside. But there are fewer than 140,000 red squirrels left now and most of them are in Scotland. However, grey squirrels (introduced from North America) are now so common that many people dislike them. They can be legally(合法的)trapped and destroyed. ‎ On first sight, the two types of squirrel are similar. They both have a long tail, which helps the squirrel to balance when jumping from tree to tree, and the same large eyes, small ears and powerful back legs. However, the grey squirrel has a clear physical advantage over the red. The red squirrel has a head-and-body length of 19 to 23 centimeters, a tail length of 15 to 20 centimeters and a body weight of 250 to 340 grams. Compared to this, the grey squirrel is a larger animal. The head and body measures between 23 and 30 centimeters long and the tail is between 19 and 25 centimeters long. Adult grey squirrels are heavier, weighing between 400 and 600 grams. This size allows them to store more fat and helps them to survive a hard winter, which would be fatal(致命的)to their smaller cousins .‎ So why are red squirrels losing out in competition with grey squirrels? Size is one factor, but there are others. Red squirrels live high up in trees, while grey squirrels spend more of their time on the ground. This means any loss of forests greatly influences the red squirrel population. Another reason for the grey squirrel’s success is its ability to use food provided by people. Like the fox, the grey squirrel can survive in towns and cities. The other problem for the red squirrel is disease. Both squirrels carry a certain virus. While this doesn’t seem to attack grey squirrels, it is fatal to red squirrels. ‎ ‎69.Which are introduced from North America, red squirrels or grey squirrels?‎ ‎70.What helps the squirrel to balance when jumping from tree to tree? ‎ ‎71.How much do adult grey squirrels weigh at most?‎ ‎72.Who are the “smaller cousins” mentioned in the second paragraph?‎ ‎73.There are four reasons why red squirrels are losing out in competition with grey squirrels. ‎ Please list TWO of them.(每条不得超过4个单词)‎ 五、任务型阅读(满分20分)‎ A)阅读填词。(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)‎ ‎59. early 60. Where .61. Moonlight .62. wealth 63. caught ‎64. thirty/30 . 65. empty 66. keys 67. find/get 68. missing/lost/gone B)阅读短文,回答问题。(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)‎ ‎69. Grey squirrels (are introduced from North America). ‎ ‎70. Its/The/Their (long) tail. 答出tail即可得分 ‎71. (They weigh/are) 600 grams. 只写出600可得1分 ‎72. (The) Red squirrel(s)/ones. 只写出red可得1分。‎ ‎73. (1) (The) Size. 或Physical advantage. 或Grey squirrels are big(ger).‎ ‎. (2) (Their) Living place(s)/area(s)/space/habit(s)/condition(s)/situation(s). ‎ 或 Loss of forests.‎ ‎. (3) (The/Their) Food. 或Food provided by people. 或Eating habits. 或Diet. ‎ ‎(4) (The) Disease/Illness. 或 (The) Virus. ‎ 盐城市 B. 任务型阅读。(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分) ‎ 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成表格中所缺信息,没空一词。‎ You will read about how you are a citizen in your school, community and nation. A citizen is a person who belongs to a place. You are a citizen of the community where you live and the nation where you were born.‎ Citizens Have Rights As a citizen, you have rights that the government protects. A right is something you may do. As a citizen, you have a right to speak freely and to practise your religion. You also have the right to privacy. That means you may decide what to show or tell someone and what not to tell.‎ Citizens Have Responsibilities Along with rights, citizens have responsibilities. A responsibility is something that you should do. For example, you should follow the laws. A law is a rule that everyone in a community, state or country must follow. Laws keep people safe and help them get along well with one another. When people follow the traffic laws, they help keep others safe. When you follow laws in a park, you help others enjoy the park.‎ Being a Good Citizen Good citizens care about people's rights. They try to make things fair and safe for everyone. Good citizens work together to solve problems. Children can be good citizens by solving problems together in their school or community. They may follow proper steps to deal with problems. First, name the problem. Then, list ways to solve it. Next, choose the best way. And finally, find out if it solves the problems.‎ Citizens' 46 and Responsibilities Passage outline Supporting details Main idea Learn about 47 to be a good citizen.‎ Rights ‎☆ Speak 48 . ‎ ‎☆Practise your religion.‎ ‎☆Make a 49 on what to show or tell someone and what not to.‎ Responsibilities ‎☆Follow the laws, which are 50 that everyone should follow.‎ ‎◇Obey a traffic law to keep 51 people safe. ‎ ‎◇Follow laws in a park to help others 52 the park.‎ Ways to be good citizens ‎☆Care about people's rights.‎ ‎☆Try to do things in a 53 and safe way. ‎ ‎☆Work 54 with others. ‎ ‎☆Learn to solve problems 55 in four steps.‎ C. 阅读与回答问题。(共5小题,每小题2分,计10分) ‎ Read a Timeline Every family has a history. A timeline can show events in a family's history. A timeline is an ordered group of words and dates that shows when events happened. ‎ Learn the skill ‎ Step1 The title tells what the timeline is about. The timeline has a line divided in equal parts. Each park stands for 10 years. ‎ Step2 Look at the first and last numbers on the timeline. The numbers are years. The events on the timeline happened between these years.‎ Step3 The numbers with the events on the timeline tell the year in which each event happened.‎ ‎ Practice the skill Title _______________________‎ ‎1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000‎ ‎1970‎ Lily’s father is born ‎1946‎ Lily’s grandfather is born ‎ ‎ ‎1965‎ Lily’s grandparents marry.‎ ‎1935‎ Lily’s grandmother comes to the USA from China.‎ ‎1994‎ Lily’s parents marry.‎ ‎1935‎ Lily’s grandmother comes to the USA from China.‎ ‎1999‎ Lily is born.‎ ‎56. How long does each part in the timeline stand for? ‎ ‎ _____________________________________________________________________‎ ‎57. Where did Lily's great-grandmother come from? (in no more than 4 words) ‎ ‎ ____________________________________________________________________‎ ‎58. Who was born in 1970? ‎ ‎ ____________________________________________________________________‎ ‎59. What happened in 1994? ‎ ‎ ____________________________________________________________________‎ ‎60. What's the best title of the timeline? ‎ ‎ ____________________________________________________________________‎ C. 根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整。 ‎ English people like DIY. A lot of people always spend their holiday making their homes more b 71 . If there is anything that needs repairing or decorating around their homes, such as p 72 the walls or putting in a new shower, they will do the jobs themselves. They s 73 DIY experience with their friends. More and more people show an i ‎74 in DIY. Sometimes people also DIY in order to s 75 money. They are trying to find ways to make their house better when they can't a 76 the cost. So, it is not surprising that DIY is very popular. ‎ DIY can be difficult. People often find it not e 77 to build a piece of furniture because they can't understand the instructions well. Sometimes the instructions are simple and clear, but the furniture i 78 is difficult to build. DIY can also be d 79 . People should learn much about DIY work before doing it. Unluckily, many people don't care about that. So they may be in danger. It is r 80 that in just one year thousands of people were hurt while doing DIY in the UK, including those who fell off ladders.‎ B)‎ ‎46. rights 47. how 48. freely 49.decisions 50. rules ‎ 51. other 52. enjoy 53. fair 54. together 55. probably C)‎ ‎56. Ten years. 57. China 58. Lily’s father ‎ ‎ 59. Lily’s parents marry 60. Events in Lily’s family history

