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Hello! I’m M r s wang . I will be your new English teacher . What’s your name? I’m…. / My name is…. (将要,将会) M rs wang 15834103470 Unit 1 What’s he like ? What classes do you have this term? Chinese maths English science PE music art computer Moral Education Social Studies Let's learn new words He is old . 他很老 What’s he like? 他是什么样子的? What’s = what is He is young . 他很年轻。 What’s he like? 他是什么样子的? He is tall . He is short . 他很高。 他很矮。 What’s he like? He is funny. What’s he like? He is strong . 他很强壮。 What’s he like? What’s he like? He is thin . she is kind . and old 她很亲切,年纪很老。 What’s she like? new classm a t e s 新同学 Meet some friends Miss White 称呼未婚女性或教师 Mr Jones 称呼男性 art teacher Yes. We have a new math teacher. He’s tall and strong. Do you have new teachers? Mr 先生 Miss ( 未婚 ) 小姐 Ms 女士 ( 不指明婚否 ) 看课本第四页 Ms Wang S: Who is your Chinese teacher? C: _________________. Ms Wang Yes, she is. S: Is she _____? R: __________ k i nd S: Is she_____? C: ______________. Ms Wang Chinese teacher str i ct Yes, sometimes. Mr Li S: Who is your music teacher? R: _________________. Mr Li Yes, he is. S: Is he old? R: ___________________. o ld Mr Liu S: Who is your science teacher? R: _________________. Mr Liu No, he isn’t. He’s young. S: Is he quiet? R: ___________________. y o ung S: Who’s your __________? R: _________________. S: Is________________? R: ______________. Miss Jones art teacher f u nn y Who’s your ___________? Who is d n k i kind l o d old y f u n n funny n ou g y young s t i t c r strict Ask and answer head teacher principal A: Who’s Miss White? B: She’s our English teacher. A: Is she thin? B: Yes, she is. Miss White is our English teacher. She is thin. She’s kind. We all like her. A: Who’s _________? B: He’s _____________. A: Is he _____? B: ___________. A: Is he _____? B: ___________. Mr Jones is _____________. He’s________. He’s___________. We all like him. ______ is _____________. He’s She’s _________and _________. He’s She’s ___________. We all like him her. Homework Remember the words. 2. Copy the words four times for each. 记 住 单 词 每 个 单 词 抄 写 四 遍

