牛津沪教版六上英语Project 2课件

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牛津沪教版六上英语Project 2课件

Project 2 沪教牛津 · 六年级上册 Save the animals 1 Find out more about an animal in danger. Stick a picture and write. Stick a picture. Name:___________ Colour: ___________ Food: _____________ Lives in: ___________ Number: ___________ Stick a picture. Name:_____________ Colour: _____________ Food: _______________ Lives in: _____________ _____________ Number: ___________ brown grass and leaves near the Changjiang River about 2,000 elk 2 Put your classmates’ pictures together and make a photo album of “Animals in danger”. Then do show-and-tell. Name: Chinese white dolphin Colour: grey, pink or white Food: fish Lives in: the South China Sea Number: about 2,500 Chinese white dolphins live in the South China Sea. They’re grey, pink or white. They eat fish. Now they’re in danger. They are only about 2,500 in the wild. 3 Make a front page for your photo album. We are in danger! We need your help. SAVE US!

