牛津沪教版六上英语Revision 2课件

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牛津沪教版六上英语Revision 2课件

Revision 2 沪教牛津 · 六年级上册 Review w o r d s son daughter owl rhino thousand 儿子 女儿 猫头鹰 犀牛 一千 一百 挖(土);掘(洞) 死;死亡 学会;学习 hundred dig die learn 安排去;寄;送 邻居 吵闹的 野生环境;野生的 路;方式;方法 国家 其他的 业余爱好 (游戏或运动的)队 年级 你自己 send neighbour noisy wild way country other hobby yourself team grade 制造噪音 下国际象棋 照顾;照料 去散步 华南虎 p h r a s e s make noise play chess take care of go for a walk South China tiger 蓝鲸 面临危险 在过去 在野外 在某人回家的路上 blue whale in danger in the past in the wild on one’s way home Let’s revise (Ⅰ) 询问过去是否做过某事的句型 Did you see them play with him this morning last weekend ? 过去是否做过某事的 答语 句型 Yes No , I did didn’t . 例句 : 上周末你和萨姆一起玩了吗? Did you play with Sam last weekend? 是的,我和萨姆一起玩了。 Yes, I did. didn’t = did not There was were a park many pandas in the past . there be 的一般过去时态: 例句:在过去,有很多只 蓝鲸 。 In the past, there were many blue whales. Ask and answer October 10 Sunday October 11 Monday S1: There was a/some … yesterday. were some Did you eat/drink it /them? S2: Yes, I did. No, I didn’t. was a/some were some Yes, I did. No, I didn’t. October 10 Sunday October 11 Monday Play roles There was some milk yesterday. Did you drink it? Yes, I did. October 10 Sunday October 11 Monday There was a watermelon yesterday. Did you eat it? No, I didn’t. October 10 Sunday October 11 Monday There was some tomatoes yesterday. Did you eat them? Yes, I did. Let’s revise ( Ⅱ ) go to the cinema with me Would you like to have e-friends in other countries ? 语气较委婉地询问对方意见 的句型 wouldn’t = would not Yes No , I’d like to I wouldn’t . Think and write Would you like to___________ ? No, __________. Would you _______ ________________? Yes, I’d like to. play chess I wouldn’t like to go to the cinema Think and circle My work in Module 2

