牛津沪教版六上英语Unit 6 E-friends课件

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牛津沪教版六上英语Unit 6 E-friends课件

Unit 6 E-friends 沪教牛津·六年级上册 Lead-in Do you have friends? Can you say something about e-friends? Do you want to have an e-friend? New words e-friend 网友 country 国家 other 其他的 hobby 业余爱好 Listen and say Ms Guo: I have some e-friends in different countries. Do you have any e-friends in other countries? Joe: I have an e-friend in the UK. We both like football. We often talk about our favourite football teams. Jill: I have an e-friend in Australia. We often talk about our favourite books and films. Ms Guo: What about you, Kitty? Kitty: I don’t have any e-friends. Ms Guo: Would you like to have one? Kitty: Yes, I’d like to have an e-friend in the US. Ms Guo: What would you like to know about him or her? Kitty: I’d like to know about his or her family and hobbies. Who is Joe’s e-friend? Who is Jill’s e-friend? Who can be Kitty’s e-friend? Match and say. Jill Kitty Joe Amy Marks(Australia) Denis Smith (the UK) Gary Brown (the US) …is… ’s e-friend. He’s /She’s from… …can be Kitty’s e-friend. He’s / She’s from… Amy Marks is Jill’s e-friend. She’s from Australia. Denis Smith is Joe’s e-friend. He’s from the UK. Gary Brown can be Kitty’s e-friend. He’s from the US. Play roles Do you have any e-friends in other countries? Yes, I have an e- friend in Canada. No, I don’t. What about you? Would you like to have one? Yes, I’d like to have an e- friend in the US. Language points 询问对方是否想做某事的句型结构: Would you like to + 动词原形 + (其他)? Would you like…? 你愿意……吗? 1. Would you like to have e-friends in other countries? 你想有其他国家的网友吗? 肯定回答:Yes, I’d like/love to. 否定回答:No, thanks. 例:你愿意和我一起去吗? Would you like to go with me? 是的,我愿意。 Yes, I’d like to. other作形容词,意思是“别的;其他的;另外的”。 后面接单数或复数名词。 例句:你还能看到别的东西吗? What other things can you see? 2. Do you have any e-friends in other countries? 你们有其他国家的网友吗? 拓展:other 与数词连用时的结构: 数词 + other + 复数名词 = 数词 + more + 复数名词 例:我想再要三名学生。 I want three other students. 再几个;又几个 (1)others: 其他的人或物。相当于名词,可以独立使用。 例句:—Where are the children? —Some children are in the living room, others are in the garden. 辨析:others, the other与another (2)the other: 另一个;另一些 表示在已知的两个(或两部分)人或事物中。 常用结构:one…, the other… 例句:I have two e-friends. One is in Australia, the other is in Canada. (3)another 泛指不定数中(三者或三者以上)的“另一 个”。another 前面不能用定冠词 the,当表示“再,又” 时,可以用“another + 基数词 + 名词”结构。 例句:This computer is small. Do you have another one? talk的意思是“交谈,谈话”,着重强调两者之间的交谈。 构成短语:talk to 对……讲话 talk with 与……交谈 talk about 谈论 例句:她正在与她的妈妈交谈。 She is talking with her mother. 3. We often talk about our favourite football teams. 我们经常谈论我们最喜欢的足球队。 (1)tell是及物动词,意思是“告诉,讲述”。 例句:我的妈妈每天跟我讲一个故事。 My mother tells me a story every night. 辨析:tell, say与speak (2)say侧重说话的内容。 例句:我们的老师说“月亮绕着地球转。” Our teacher says “The moon goes around the earth.” (3)speak为及物动词,强调说的动作,侧重指说某种语言。 此外speak还可用于在较为正式的场合发表演讲或演说。 例句:你会说英语吗? Can you speak English? Look and learn Australia 澳大利亚 Canada 加拿大 the UK 英国 the US 美国 Look and read To: Subject: Gary Brown Be my e-friend Dear Gary, My name is Kitty. I get your email from the E-friend Club. I’d like to be your e-friend. To: Subject: Gary Brown Be my e-friend I am from China. I am 11 years old, and I wear glasses. There are four people in my family: my father, my mother, my brother Ben and me. My father is a pilot. My mother is a nurse. My brother is a junior high school student. To: Subject: Gary Brown Be my e-friend I go to Happy Primary School. I am in Grade Six. My favourite subjects are Maths and Music. I like singing and playing table tennis. I also like reading. Please write back soon and tell me about yourself. Yours, Kitty Complete the card for Kitty. Country: China Age: 11 Family: Dad, ________, _____________ and me School: _______________________ Maths and _________ Hobbies: __________________________ __________________________ Kitty Favourite subjects: Mum my/a brother Happy Primary School Music singing, playing table tennis and reading Language points wear的意思是“穿着;戴着”,是持续性的动作, 表示穿着的状态,宾语可以是衣帽、饰物、奖章等。 例句:你最好穿暖和的衣服,外面冷。 You’d better wear warm clothes, it’s cold outside. 4. I wear glasses. 我戴眼镜。 (1)in是介词,后面接表示衣服或颜色的词,着重于 服装的款式或颜色。它所构成的短语只能作表语或定语。 例句:今天她穿着粉红色的夹克。 She is in a pink jacket today. 辨析: in, put on, dress (2)put on的意思是“穿上,戴上”,强调“穿、戴” 的动作,后面接衣服、鞋帽等。 例句:请穿这件外套,戴这顶帽子。 Please put on this coat and this hat. (3)dress的宾语通常是人,意思是“给……穿衣服”。 dress oneself / get dressed 给自己穿衣服 be dressed in 的意思是“穿着”,表示状态。 例句:小男孩现在会自己穿衣服了。 The little boy can dress himself now. like doing / like to do 喜欢做…… like doing 指一贯性的爱好或表示动作的习惯性和经常性。 like to do 表示一次性或偶然性的动作。 例句:她喜欢唱歌。 She likes singing. 5. I like singing and playing table tennis. 我喜欢唱歌和打乒乓球。 注意:love表示“爱,热爱,爱戴”,有强烈的感情 色彩,相当于like…very much,侧重于对祖国或较亲近 的人或事物的深厚感情。 例句:我爱我的妈妈。 I love my mother. Ask and answer Would you like to have e-friends in other countries? What would you like to know about your e-friends? my e-friend family hobbies school life favourite animals favourite food favourite subjects S1 : Would you like to have e-friends in other countries? S2 : Yes. I’d like to have an e-friend in… S1: What would you like to know about your e-friend? S2: I’d like to know about… Play roles Would you like to have e-friends in other countries? Yes. I’d like to have an e-friend in the UK. What would you like to know about your e-friend? I’d like to know about his/ her school life. Think and write Science, English Country the US Age 11 Family Mum, Dad, a brother, a sister and me School Star Primary School Favourite subjects Gary Brown Hobbies football, chess To: Kitty Re: Be my e-friendSubject: Dear Kitty, Thank you for your email and your photo. I’d like to be your e-friend too. I am from_________. I am ________ years old. There are__________ people in my family. I have a ___________. His name is Charles. Linda is my________. the US 11 five brother sister I go to ______________School. ___________and ____________ are my favourite subjects. I like playing __________ and ___________. Write soon. Yours, Gary To: Kitty Re: Be my e-friendSubject: Star Primary Science English football chess Learn the sounds 1 fan van 2 smooth tooth 3 leaf live 4 then thin 5 fairy very 6 think finger Listen and circle. Culture corner People in the UK love football. People in the US love football too, but their football games are different. 同学们,这一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现在大家 来检验一下,点击下面的视频开始听写吧!

