冀教一起六下lesson Buying Gift

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冀教一起六下lesson Buying Gift

‎(冀教版)六年级英语下册教案 unit4 lesson25‎ Lesson 25 Buying Gift 一、教学目标:‎ ‎1、知识与技能:‎ ‎(1)学生能够听、说 、读、写、下列词汇和句式 :形容词:every名词:flag标准问句:How many______? ______.‎ ‎(2)学生可以说出并且听懂下列标准问句:‎ How far is it? ___kilometres. ‎ How much is it ? It is ___ dollars.‎ ‎2、过程与方法:在教学中运用游戏、情景表演等多种形式,增强学习的趣味性,培养学生运用语言的实际交际能力。‎ ‎3、情感态度与价值观:关注学生的情感,营造宽松、民主、和谐的氛围,用多种形式的教学手段和丰富多彩的教学活动吸引学生参与其中,继续激发和保持学生对英语的持久兴趣,促进学生的口语交际能力。‎ 二、教学重、难点:‎ ‎ 重点:‎ ‎1、形容词:every 名词:flag.‎ ‎2、标准问句:How many______? ______.‎ 难点:‎ 用How many______? ______.进行口语交际。‎ 三、教学用具:‎ 单词卡片 、录音机 、自制国旗 、书 、T恤衫 ‎ 四、教学过程:‎ ‎1、打招呼问候 : 复习句式 How old are you ? 和 How tall are you ?‎ 由此引出 How do you go to school ?‎ ‎2、回忆故事,引入课题。李明到加拿大上学,现在他要回国了,想去买纪念品。‎ ‎①(引导学生讨论)‎ T : How will they go to the store ?‎ S1: They will go to the store by bus .‎ S2 :……‎ ‎②听课文第一部分,回答问题:‎ ‎1、How far is it to the store ?‎ ‎2、What does Li Ming want to buy ?‎ ‎③引用句式:“Let`s go to the shop to buy .”用卡片进行替换练习。最后出示加拿大国旗flag ,向学生介绍:This is a souvenirs of Canada .Then lead the Ss read the word several times .‎ ‎3、介绍重要概念every,flag,复习句型How many ?‎ ‎( Ask five boys and five girls to come to the front of the class. Give each girl a flag. Give each boy a book .Stick the price of the flag and book . Lead a dialogue such as:‎ T: Look! How many people are there?‎ Ss : Ten !‎ T: How many girls are there?‎ Ss : Five !‎ T : Right!(point to each girl, one at a time )Look ! Dose she have a flag?‎ Ss: Yes.‎ T : Good! (point to each boy , one at a time) Dose he have a flag?‎ Ss: No!‎ T: Right! Every girl has a flag. She has a flag and She has a flag and She has a flag ……Every girl has a flag. ‎ Say it ,please.‎ Ss: Every girl has a flag.‎ T: (Give a book to each boy.) Now every boy has a book.‎ ‎ Say it ,please.‎ Ss: Every boy has a book. ‎ T : How many flags are there?‎ Ss : Five! ‎ T : How many books are there?‎ Ss : Five! ‎ T : How much is the flag ?‎ Ss : It is one dollar .‎ T : How much is the book ?‎ Ss : It is fifty dollars .‎ Lead the Ss to read “every ”and “flag” a few times.‎ ‎4 .学生回答完之后,教师简单介绍 expensive 和cheap 。‎ 教师指着标有一美元的国旗说 :This is cheap . The flag is cheap .‎ 指着标有五十美元的书说 :This is expensive .The book is expensive .‎ Ss can understand 、read and say these two words .‎ ‎5 .听录音(part 2),理解课文内容 ,回答问题 。‎ What gifts dose Li Ming buy? ‎ How many gifts dose Li Ming need?‎ How much is the flag ?‎ How much is the book ?‎ How much is the T-shirt ?‎ ‎6 .将实物教具国旗、书、T恤衫分发给学生,编排对话并分组展示。‎ Eg : S1 : How many flags do you have ?‎ ‎ S2 : I have flag(s) .‎ ‎ S1 : How much is the flag ?‎ ‎ S2 : It is dollar(s) .‎ ‎7、结束课堂教学,布置作业。 李明为家人选了合适的礼物,还要给Jenny一个surprise,什么是surprise?小组讨论,怎样给Jenny一个惊喜。请你们每个小组编一个对话,能用上How many ____? How much ______? How far____?‎ 五、板书设计:‎ Lesson 25 Buying Gift How far is it? ___kilometres. ‎ How many do you need ? .‎ How much is it ? It is ___ dollars.‎

