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冀教一起六下lesson Are You Ready for a Quiz
(冀教版)六年级英语下册教案 unit4 lesson31 Lesson31 Are You Ready for a Quiz? 教学目标: 通过故事的教学,使学生对本单元的单词、词汇掌握得更扎实。 通过多种方法和手段,为学生营造语言环境,使学生在模拟真实的情景中进行交际,增加信息量激发学生学习英语的兴趣,提高学生听、说、读、写及知识自学的综合能力。 能在活动中互相合作,体验合作的愉快,发展合作精神,培养自己的创造力与想象力。 重点与难点: 重点:时态、本单元的词汇 难点:时态的灵活应用。 教、学具 录音机 课本 活动手册 教学过程: (一)Class opening and review 1. Greeting. 2. Sing a song 通过这一步骤既可让学生有一个适应教师语言(包括语音、语速等)的过程,消除紧张气氛,又可为进一步扩展学习个人信息交流作好复习铺垫。为了激发学生的学习兴趣,引起注意,拉近师生距离,首先以歌曲的形式导入正课。 (二)Revision 1. T: Who can remember: What did Jenny Danny and the others do before Li Ming go home? Ss:学生根据本单元的学习,回答老师提出的问题 T: What did Li Ming do? Ss:学生根据本单元的学习,回答老师提出的问题 (在学生的回答中引出第31课小册中的问题,以旧引新,过渡自然。) 2. T: Now let’s do a quiz. T: Play the audiotape. Smile for the right answer. Frown for the wrong answer. Don’t worry. It’s not hard! Ss:Listen and do. 1) What does Jenny have in her hand? A flag. 2) Can you name these foods? Cake, ice cream and sugar. 3) How many cookies have letters? Every cookie has letters! I’m hungry now! 4) Li Ming’s party begins at 4:00. Is Steven early or late? He’s late! 5) How much are the socks? Fifteen dollars. 鼓励学生积极参与、大胆表达,使学生在宽松、愉快的氛围中学习,在活动中有成功的体验。培养学生的自信心,让学生在参与活动中学会学习、学会合作。 (三)Story (为了调动学生的积极性,利用Work in pairs, ,in group等多种不同方式操练巩固。使学生处于积极思维的状态之中,全方位、多角度培养学生运用英语的能力。让学生进行分组自由对话。这一步既是展示本节课的语言学习成果,也是一个口语方面的反馈矫正机会与过程。) Prepare to read: Here are some questions I can use to prepare the students for the story. Use as much English as possible, but allow the discussion to take place in Chinese where necessary. What is Danny making? What does his cake look like? What do the cookies look like? What is in Li Ming’s box? Read and discuss. Let’s do questions and answer. Let’s talk in groups. (Here are some questions I can use to reinforce the main idea of the story.) What did Danny put in his cake for a surprise? What did Danny forget to put in his cake? Was that a surprise? What did Mr. Wood’s class send to Li Ming? What did Li Ming find in his cake? Do you like this story? Why or why not? 3) Answer the questions. pair/ group work是培养学生的合作意识,增加交际氛围,引导学生结合语境,促进学生的实践能力,为学生提供自主学习和相互交流的机会以及充分表现的空间。在活动中注意创设各种合作学习的活动,促进学生相互学习,互相帮助,体验集体荣誉感和成就感,发展合作精神。 4)Fill in the blanks. Danny wakes up _______in the morning. His class is going to have a ________. Danny is going to make a s______ c______.He b________s working on his cake. ______do you make a cake? Does Danny _______? No, he ________s! He puts flours, eggs, oil, milk and salt in the cake, but he forgets the ________. Danny carries his cake to school. He walks slowly and he is _____for school. Mr. Wood brings __________ for the party. Jenny brings _________. _________cookie looks like _____in the class. Danny’s cake looks like Canada’s_______. 5)Do No.2. 分层次设计问题:使学生的学习有坡度,从而能够学的轻松,在学生熟练掌握本课重点,使学生的交际向前发展。学生通过思考、讨论、交流的合作的方式,学习和使用英语,完成学习任务。 (四)Class closing Homework:李明收到蛋糕后想要做什么或说什么写下来。试着做一个蛋糕。 板书 Lesson31: Are You Ready for a Quiz? a. What is Danny making? What does his cake look like? What do the cookies look like? What is in Li Ming’s box? What did Danny put in his cake for a surprise? What did Danny forget to put in his cake? Was that a surprise? What did Mr. Wood’s class send to Li Ming? What did Li Ming find in his cake? Do you like this story? Why or why not? 练习 一、补全单词并连线 s__ __ pr_se 早地 c__ __ kies 有人 __ __ rly 冰淇淋 s__me__ne 饼干 __ce cr__ __m 意外的惊喜 二、按要求改写句子. Rice is my favourite food.(改为同一句) I_________ rice _____________. He has breakfast at 6:00 every morning.(改为过去时) He ________ breakfast at 6:00 yesterday morning. They walk to school five days a week.(改为现在进行时) They ___________ to school now. 三、写出下列单词的相应形式 put(过去时)______________ happy(反义词)_______________ sheep(复数形式)_________forget(反义词)______________查看更多