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UNIT 1 Phoning Home General Goals for Unit 1 In this unit,Li Ming and your students learn vocabulary and common English phrases for using the telephone. Specific Goals for Unit 1 Mastery Vocabulary Students can read, write, say and aurally understand the following vocabulary: Combining adjectives Nouns ( context of using telephone ) : number telephone ( phone ), zero Standard phrases: answer the phone call___on the phone hang up the phone make a call talk on the phone talk to___ Verbs: hear ,listen, ring Oral Vocabulary Students can say and aurally understand the following vocabulary: Standard telephone phrases: Is_____ there? Yes/No, he / she is ( not ) here. Just a moment, please. It’s_____( name ) calling. May I take a message? Thanks for calling. Each unit exposes students to more words and phrases than they need to master or use orally. We have included these extra words because they form part of typical English conversation, which, we believe, students shoule hera.These extra words and phrases also allow the natural curiosity of children to guide some of their language learning. As you encourage and respond to questions about these estra words, you may decide to demonstrate, translate or use examples to make their meaning clear. Resources Teachers Need for Unit1 A real telephone. Lesson 1 The Telephone Class Opening and Review SUGGESTIONS FOR REVIEW Play “Draw and Guess” to review objects the students mastered in the previous levels such as “computer,” “stove,” “refrigerator” and “TV.” (See “Games.’) Key Concepts Telephone ( phone ) Answer the phone Hang up the phone Talk on the phone SUGGESTIONS FOR TEACHING KEY CONCEPTS INTRODUCE Role-play with a telephone to demonstrate the new vocabulary. Ask for a volunteer to make the sound of the ringing phone when you signal. Then act out answering and hanging up the phone as you say phrases such as: This is a phone. The phone is ringing! I’m answering the phone. Hello? Okey! Thank you! Now, I’m hanging up the phone. Ask for two volunteers to be “ phones. ”One “ phone ” stays with you.One phone picks a student for you to “call.” Lead a dialogue such as follows. Teacher: I am talking. What am I doing? I am talking.( Pick up the “receiver” on your “phone” and “call” the student the other “phone” has chosen. When that student “answers,” continue.) Now I’m talking on the phone. What am I doing? I am… Class: …talking on the phone. Teacher: I am talking on the phone. I am talking to____. Who am I talking to? I am… Class:…talking to____ USE THE STUDENT BOOK AND AUDIOTAPE Ask some questions to make sure the students understand the main idea of the story in the student book. Use as much English as possible,but allow the discussion to take place in Chinese where necessary.Use questions such as: Where is Danny? Who does he talk to on the phone? Why does he run to his classroom? PRACTICE Play Variation 1 of “ Mother, May I ?”to review the new phrases and other phrases. For example: Please answer the phone. Please hang up the phone. Please wash your hands. Please dry the dishes. Please eat a sandwich. Please make a snowball. Please draw a picture. LESSON 2: Let’s Call a Friend! Class Opening and review SUGGESTIONS FOR REVIEW Review numbers up to ten thousand with the “Number Game” or “Write the Number.” Review how to say time with “ What time is it ?” Key Concepts zero, number call___ on the phone SUGGESTIONS FOR TEACHING KEY CONCEPTS INTRODUCE The students should know the word “number” because they have seen it often in the previous levels.Write the numbers ( not the words) one to ten on the blackboard. Point to the numbers and say “ What are these? These are numbers!” Add a zero before the number one. Say “ This is a zero. Let’s count! Zero, one, two…” USE THE STUDEN BOOK AND AUDIOTAPE Note the phrase” phone number” and “ phone book” in the student book. The students know all the words individually. What do they think the phrases describe? Note some of the English idioms in this lesson and translate them where necessary. Ask puestions such as: What do you say when you answer the phone? (Hello?) What do you say when you hang up the phone? (Good-bye.) Jenny wants to speak to Kim. What does she say? (Is Kim there?) What is the answer?( Just a moment, please.) PRACTICE Show the class how to act out being a phone. A student can pretend to be a phone by putting one arm over his or her head like a telephong receiver. To make the phone ring, the student makes a ringing noise. To answer the “ phone,” students pick up the “phone’s” arm and pretend to talk into it like a telephong receiver. To dial a number, students pretend to push buttons on the “ phone’s” forehead. To hang up the “ phone,” students replace the arm on the “ phone’s” head. Divide the class into groups of six. Ask each group to make up a dialogue about calling a friend. Why are they calling a friend? Brainstorm some ideas with the class. In each group, two students are “phones”;two students are calling the friend, but don’t know the phone number; and two students are “at home” and will answer the phone when it rings. Encourage the students to use as many Englis idioms as possible. Please read about making up dialogues in “Teaching Techniques.” LESSON3: Is Steven There? Class Opening and Review SUGGESTIONS FOR REVIEW Play “Mother,May I ?” to review the phrases “answer/hang up the phone” and other phrases. Play a game to review “ zero” and “number”. Write out four or five phone numbers, that include the number zero, on separate pieces of paper in large numbers. Ask for some boys and some girls to the front of the class. Give each of there students a number to hold up. Drill the numbers with the question “ What’s his/ her number?” Key Concepts Review “call___ on the phone” SUGGESTIONS FOR TEACHING KEY CONCEPTS INTRODUCE Role-play “calling” students on the phone. Ask for two volunteers to be “phones.” One “ phone” stays with you. The other “ phone ” picks students for you to “ call.” When the other “ phone ” picks a student, he or she kneels beside the student with one arm over his or her head and “rings ” When you give a signal. Use phrases such as: I want to call_____ What’s his/ her number? Hmmm…I know! It’s______ ( make up a number). I’m calling____now. I’m calling_____on the phone. ( Signal the other “phone”to “ ring ” and lead the student who “ answers ” througg a conversation on the phone.) USE THE STUDENT BOOK AND AUDIOTAPE Note, and translate where necessary, some of the new English idioms in the student book: Who is calling? _____’s not here. May I take a message? Thanks for calling! PRACTICE Divide the class into small groups. Each group has two “phones” and makes up a dialogue about calling a friend or friends. They must make up a different situation than last in the last lesson and use as many English phrases for the telephone as they can, including: Let’s call_____ Let’s call_____ on the phone. I want to call_____. What’s his/ her number? Is _____ there? It’s_____calling. Just a moment,please. _____ is not here. May I take a message? Thanks for calling! USE THE ACTIVITY BOOK Number 2 in the activity book is a listening exercise on the audiotape as follows: Listen. Each phone number makes a word. Write the phone numbers and guess the words. a. 648-8364 b. 364-5484 c. 244-2536 d. 541-7170 e. 273-8837 f. 142-0253 Class Closing Lesson 4 Hello Class opening and reviewing Suggestions for review .play “Never Never”to review adverbs of frequency. .play“opposites”toreviewthefollowing vocabulary:quick/slow,fast/slow,loud /quiet,big/litter,cold/hot Key concepts Combining adjectives Hear,listen,ring,talk to Suggestion for teaching key concepts Introduce Role-play to demonstrate “hear”,”listen”and “ring”.Ask for a volunteer to be a “phone”,ask the phone to ring .say phrase such as: Listen !I hear the phone. Do you hear it?Listen It’s ringing! Let’s answer the phone. Hello?Listen!I hear a man talking!It’s Mr Wood! Shhhh!I am listening to Mr .Wood now. Ok,we’ll work hard! Thanks for calling!Good-bey! Use the student book and audiotape .Ask questions to reinforce vocabulary in the story in the student book .Use as much English as possible,but allow the discussion to take place in Chinese where necessary. Practice .Use the story to work on combining adjectives. .Then write some other words and blanks and ask the students to fill in appropriate words. .Play Variation 1of “living picture”to practice the new vocabulary and review other vocabulary from this unit .list some names the players in each group must use. Use the activity book Number 2in the activity book is a listening exersise on the audiotape as follows: Listen .Answer the questions: a. Why is LiMing happy? a. Why is LiMing wearing his jackets ,mitts and scarfs? Check for questions. Class closing Lesson 5 I need to call my mother Class opening and review Suggestion for review .Play” mother ,may I”?to review the structure for asking permission. .Play “why Because “to review the why-because structure. Key concepts This lesson reviews the words they have learned in the previous lessons. Use the student book and audiotape Practice .Play “Dial-a-Word” Play “Simon Says “or give commands to practice telephone vocabulary. Divide the class into pairs .Tell the students that in each pair,one student is a parent and one is a child .The child calls the parent to ask permission to do something.Encourage the students to use as much English as possible,especially telephone idioms .Brainstorm some of these phrases before you begin.Please read about making up dialogues in “Teaching techniques.” Use the activity book .Number 1in the activity book is a listening exercise on the audiotape as follow Check for understanding Class closing Lesson 6 LiMing calls China Class opening and review Suggestions for review .Play “Dial-a-Word.” Key Concepts Make a call Suggestions for teaching key concepts Introduce Role-play “making a call”with a volunteer “phone”. Use the student book and audiotape Practice .Divide the class into small group.Ask each group to make up a dialogue about phoning a friend in Canada.Please read about making up dialogues in “Teaching Techniques”.Remember:China is about fifteen hours ahead of Canada ,so the student can have fun phoning the friend at an unusual time!Each group need at least six students;two phones;two friends in China to plan a call;a friend in Canada;and a narrator.the narrator must watch the action closely and describe it at the correct points with the sentences below.Write the sentences on the blackboard first: ----is making a call? ----is answering the phone? ----and___are talking on the phone? - ----is talking to - - ? -----is hanging up the phone? Use the activity book .Number 2 in the activity book is a listening exercise on the audiotape. Check for understanding Class closing 本单元教学反思: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Key Concepts wake right,wrong SUGGESTIONS FOR TEACHING KEY CONCEPTS INTRODUCE Role-play to demonstrate“wake" as the opposite of“sleep.”Note that English speakers generally say“wake up.”Act out phrases such as: I'm tired.I'm so tired.I'm going to sleep. I'm sleeping now. Time to wake up! Now I'm waking up. .The students should be familiar with“right”and “wrong" because they have seen and heard these words often in the previous levels.Play a game of “What's Wrong?”to demonstrate the words.(See “Games.”)After you have written an incorrect sentence on the blackboard,say“This sentence is wrong!Wrong.”When a volunteer corrects the sentence,say“Now the sentence is tight!” USE THE STUDENT BOOK AND AUDIOTAPE In the story,the tortoise and the hare race to a lake.From the pictures in the story,does anyone know what a lake is? When M〔.Wood tells the story,he says“soon,” “then" and“finally.”What do the students think these words mean in Chinese? PRACTICE Play Variation 1 of“Living Picture" with the story in the student book.(See“Games.”)Divide the class into groups of three.One student in each group plays the tortoise,one plays the hare and one plays the tree where the hare goes to sleep. USE THE ACTIVITY BOOK Number 2 in the activity book is a listening exercise on the audiotape as follows: Listen.Is Danny right or wrong? Fill in the blanks. a.(Jenn)) Danny,do you know where Li Ming went yesterday? (Danny) Yes,he went to the library. (Mr. Wood) Is Danny right or wrong,class? b.(Jenny) Danny,do you know what Li Ming did yesterday? (Danny) Yes,he played the piano. (Mr. Wood) Is Danny right or wrong,class? c.(Jenny) Danny,do you know what Li Ming is wearing? (Danny) Yes,it's hot outside.He's wearing shorts! (Mr. Wood) Is Danny right or wrong,class? d.(Jenny) It's twelve o'clock,Danny.Do you know where Li Ming is? (Danny) Yes,he's eating lunch. (Mr .Wood) Is Danny right or wrong,class? CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING Class Closing FOR YOUR INFORMATION:AUDIOTAPE SEQUENCE Student Book,Lesson -10(all) Activity Book,Lesson 10:Number 2 Class Opening and Review SUGGESTIONS FOR REVIEW Play“Whisper" to review prepositions of position the stildents mastered in the previous levels:in,on, under,beside,above and below.(See "Games.”) Key Concepts around,at,to,towards SUGGESTIONS FOR TEACHING KEY, CONCEPTS INTRODUCE Role-play to demonstrate the new prepositions. For example,write the word“library" on the blackboard.Ask for a volunteer to go to the “library,,and“read a book,,there.You go to the back of the class with a book.Ask any student to block your path to the front of the class with his or her desk.Then lead a dialogue such as: Teacher:Where is_(volunteer)?At the library.At the library.Where is_, class? Class:At the library. Teacher:Right!I am going to walk to the library.Now I am walking to the library.Where am I walking? Class:To the library. Teacher:Right!I'm going to walk this way.I'm going to walk towards's (a student's) desk.Now I am walking towards_’s desk.Where am I walking? Class:Towards 's desk. Teacher:Right!Now I am walking around’s (a student's) desk.Around 's desk. Where am I walking? Class:Around 's desk. Teacher:Now I am at the library.Where am I? Class:At the library. Teach。:; Hello,_(volunteer's name)!Nice to see you!Is that a good book? USE THE STUDENT BOOK AND AUDIOTAPE The lesson一n the student book mentions“lake.” Does:,nyone remember what it means?(The class guessed in the last lesson.) PRACTICE Play“Around and Around.”(See“Games.”) Play“The Story Game" with the words Mr.Wood suggests at the end of the lesson in the student book:dog,bone and lake.(See“Games”)Also include the new prepositions and the verb “carry.”Assemble groups of other vocabulary you would like to review,and play the game more than once with different words and different students in the class.Always,however,include the key vocabulary from this lesson.Compare the stories at the end of the game. USE THE ACTIVITY BOOK Number 3 in the activity book is a listening exercise on the audiotape as follows: Listen.Answer the questions. a .Where is Li Ming walking? b .Where is Li Ming sitting? c .Where is Li Ming going? d .Where is Danny walking? e .Where is the book? f .Where is the ball? CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING Class Closing FOR YOUR INFORMATION:AUDIOTAPE SEQUENCE Student Book,Lesson 1J:Number 1,Number 2 Activity Book,Lesson 11:Number 3 Class Opening and Review SUGGESTIONS FOR REVIEW P一::y“Around and Around.”(See“Games.”) Key Concepts lake carry SUGGESTIONS FOR TEACHING KEY CONCEPTS INTRODUCE Use your poster to demonstrate“lake.”(See “Resources Teachers Need for Unit,”above.) Ask the students to name any lakes they know· Role-play to demonstrate“carry.”For example‘ pick up a heavy book and lead a dialogue such‘ Teacher:(Pick up the book and walk arounc' the classroom.)I am carrying a卜 Carr in a book.What am I doin class? Class:C rr in a book. Teacher:Oh.! This book is heavy!(To a student,)Excuse me,can you help me? Please carry this book. Student:(Carries the book.) Teacher:Now__is carrying the book.What is _doing,class? Class:Carrying the book. USE THE STUDENT BOOK AND AUDIOTAPE PRACTICE Pi:一y Variation l of“Living Picture" with the story i,、the student book.(See“Games.”)Divide the class into groups of five.One student in each group plays the dog·This student cuts white paper into the shape of a bone for the bone.The other students in each group draw pictures on sheets of coloured paper to show“park”(gray paper), “mountain”(brown paper),“lake"(blue paper) 13课至16课 English lessonsUNIT 2 ;Tell Me a Story And“forest (green paper).Begin the game by directing these students to Stand in a line with phrases as follows; This story has a park in a city ,a mountain a lake and a forest . The park is first ,the mountain is second , the lake is third ,the forest is fourth . USE THE ACTIVTY BOOK .Number 3 in the activity book is a listening exercise on the audiotape as follows. Listen .Write what you hear . a He wanted to carry the heavy bone . b He wanted to carry it in his mouth . c He wanted to the lake . d He looked at the dog in the water. CHECK FOR UNDER STANING Class Closing LESSON13: Li Ming Tell a Story Class Opening and Review SUUGGESTIONS FOR REVIEW Give directions to review ‘tell” For example ____(student 1) ,tell ____(student 2) your name /address/favourite colour _____(student2 ).tell ___(student3)how old are where you live? Key Concepts boat show me us you them INTRODUCE . Use your poster to demonstrate “boat” 。The students should know “show” because they havesseen and heard it often in the previous levels. Demonstrate “show” by showing the class objects as you say phrases such as: I have a ____ Would you like to see it ? I can show you . Here it is. Now I ’ m showing you my ____. USE THE STUDENT BOOK AND AUDIOTAPE .Note that Number 1 in the student book covers “me” “you” “us” “them”. Write two lists of words on the blackboard .as below .Ask the student where to write “me” “you” “us” “them” in a third list so that words match. You your I my they their we our Ask the students to answer Mr.Wood ’s question at the end of the lesson. What next in Danny’s story?Let several students volunteer answers. PRACTICE .play “show and tell” USE THE ACTIVITY BOOK .Number 3 in the activity book is a listening exercise on the audiotape as follow: Listen. Follow the directions . Is the sentence right ? Draw a triangle. Is the sentence wrong ? Draw a square. a . I want to show you my dog. b. please tell your friend a story. C .The boy is carrying the house . d . After I sleep ,I wake up. Class Closing FOR YOUR INFRMATION AUDIOTAPE SEQUENCE Student book ,lesson 13 ;Number 1 Number 2. Activity book ,lesson13;Number 3 LESSON 14: Making the Mark Class Opening and Review .Play “Around and Around ’’ ( see “Game’) .play “show and Tell” Key Concepts Soon then finally INTRODUCE. Tell and act out a quick story of your own to illustrate “soon” “then”and “finally” I wanted to give ____ my marker. But my marker was lost! I looked for my marker Soon I found it . Then I walked to____ ’ desk Finally ,I gave_____ the marker. USE THE STUDENT BOOK AND AUDIOTAPE PRACTICL .D ivied the class into pairs. USE THE ACCTIVITY BOOK .Number 1 in the activity book is a listening exercise on the audiotape as follow .Colour the picture . Colour the wet things blue . Colour the dry things yellow. The rain is wet Li Ming’ umbrella is wet. His shorts are dry. His boots are wet. His grasses are are dry. .Number 2 in the activity book is also a listening exercise on the audiotape as follows. Listen ,write what you hear ,Then finish the story. I am sitting in a boat . The boat is on a lake . There is a lion in the boad . I am sleeping Soon .I wake up.. …then CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING Class Closing Student book ,Lessen14 (all) LESSON 15 ; Are you Ready for a Q uiz? Class Opening and Review. .Use the quiz in the student book as review . Observe your student closely . Here’s how the audiotape goes’ (LiMing) I ’m going to give you a quiz ! Listen carefully! Show me one finger for the right answer. Show me two finger for the wrong answer . 1. What’s the dog doing 2.What’s happening ? 3. What is the rabbit doing ? 4. What is this? 5 . Who is telling Jenny this story ? 6. What animal is in this story? 7. Is there a boat in this story? LESSSON 16: Again, Please! Class Opening and Review .play “’happy face , sad face”. Read out each words. Write down every words. 反思。 Lesson 17 Summer is coming! Teaching objectives: 4. 使学生能听、说、读和写词汇:leaves ,grass ,flowers ,sandals 5. 使学生能够用英文描述每个季节的特征并说出自己喜爱的季节。 Teaching focal points: 使学生能听、说、读和写词汇:leaves ,grass ,flowers ,sandals Teaching difficulty points: 使学生能够用英文描述每个季节的特征并说出自己喜爱的季节。 Teaching aims: tape recorder and tape, CAI Teaching steps: 一. 师生互动 1. 游戏:Simon Says.复习动作短语:swim, skip, play sports , fly a kite, look at flowers 2. 绘画:复习tree , leaves , flowers, grass, clouds. (先让学生画4棵树,然后分别在不同的树上画上四季的特征,即新叶,黄叶,白雪等,完成后让学生在树旁写上四季的名称。) 3.看图说话(引导学生自学第一部分内容) 二.自由对话:What's your favourite season? 引导学生用My favourite season is ... 或I like ....best.回答。在多次练习的基础上,拓展对话内容,谈谈喜欢这个季节的理由。 (引导学生用上课文中的句子:I like to ,I like flowers.....) 三、自学课文 1.提出问题:What's Jenny and Li Ming's favourite season? Why ? 2.学生自学,小组合作,找出答案。 3. 小组赛读(分层次竞赛,小组内分工读单词或句子,并进行相应的加分) Blackboard show: Lesson 17 Summer is coming! leaves grass flowers sandals Exercises: 一 补全单词: l_ _ves gr_ss fl_ _ers s_nd_ls 二 根据句意补全句子: 1 In summer , I like ____swim. 2 Sometimes ,I play sports ____ my friends. 3 I like ___look____the flowers. 4 I lie ___the grass and look at the clouds. Lesson 18 Let's Go Swimming! Teaching objectives: 1.使学生能听、说、读和写词汇:swim ,swimsuit ,swimming pool 2.教育学生要养成热爱运动的好习惯 3.学生会用英语表达有关游泳的一些简单常识 Teaching focal points: 使学生能听、说、读和写词汇:swim ,swimsuit ,swimming pool Teaching difficulty points: 学生会用英语表达有关游泳的一些简单常识 Teaching aims: tape recorder and tape, CAI Teaching steps: 一.游戏“你做我猜”复习swim ,duck ,fish ,river ,sandals ,lake等在课堂中将要用到的单词。 二.播放课件,学习第一部分 1,提出问题:What's Jenny doing?引导学生回答:She's swimming. T: Can you swim? s: I can swim ./I can't swim. T:(show cards) Can chicken swim? What else can swim? 2, 学习swimsuit a,猜卡片游戏复习衣物类单词。引出swimsuit. b,提问:What do you wear to swim? What else ? 3,学习swimming pool Do you want to swim? OK, let's go to the swimming pool? 引出swimming pool. Do you know , where is the swimming pool? 引导学生回答哪些地方有游泳池。 引导学生运用句型:Let's go to the swimming pool to swim!邀请好朋友去游泳 Where else can you swim?化用句型:Let's go to the lake/river to swim. 三、学习短文 提出问题:Do you like swimming? Does Danny like to swim? Can Danny swim? 小组合作学习课文。 分层选择学习: A. 能流利朗读课文 B. 能流利朗读文中对话 C。能读出大部分单词 回答问题:1.Can Jenny swim? 2.What does Danny wear to swim? 3.What does Jenny wear to swim? 4.Can Danny swim? Why? Blackboard show: Lesson 18 Let's Go Swimming! Swim swimsuit swimming pool Exercises: 一 将下列动词转换成名词: 例 skip skipping rope swim __________ play _________ run________ 二 回答问题: 1 Can you swim? 2 What do you wear to swim? 3 Where can you swim? Lesson19:Let’s go to the park Teaching objectives: 1. It looks like ____. 2. cloud , sky 3. lie .Danny goes to the park, we should clear about its meaning. It’s fun and happy, if you have time you can go out to play after you have finished your words. The nature is clear and vivid, clean air, green trees and leaves, white clouds, beautiful flowers. We can go out share it. Teaching focal points: 1. how to use “look like” 2.lie Teaching difficulty points: 1. how to use “look like” 2. lie Teaching aims: A tape A big picture of the dialogue Teaching steps: Class opening and review Review “flowers” “leaves” “grass” with a drill. Choose a drill from “Teaching Techniques” Introduce Demonstrate “cloud” and “sky” with your poster, or by pointing out the window of your classroom. Draw quick pictures of clouds on the blackboard. Make the clouds look like something. Say phrases such as: Use a puppet to introduce the word “lie” For example, draw quick pictures of a bed and some grass on the blackboard. Make the puppet “lie” on these as you say phrases for it such as: I am tired. I want to sleep. Where can I sleep? Here’s a bed. I am going to lie on the bed. Now I am lying on the bed. I don’t want to sleep here! Here’s some grass. Now I am lying on the grass. Now I can see the sky! Practice Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to make up a dialogue about lying on the grass and looking at clouds in the sky. Please read about making up dialogues in “Teaching Techniques” Play “Go Fish” or “Memory Card” with the students’ flashcards for the following words: cloud, sky, flowers, leaves, grass, snow, ice, rain, sun and wind. Use the activity book Number 2 in the activity book is a listening exercise on the audiotape as follows: Listen, draw the shapes and write the words. a triangle b. line c. circle d. square Blackboard show: Lesson19:Let’s go to the park lie on cloud sky It looks like _________ . Exercises: 一 补全单词并写出汉语意思: cl_ _d ( ) sk_ ( ) c_ _ cle ( ) gr_ ss ( ) 二 写出下列动词过去式的原形: ran ( ) lay ( ) liked ( ) did ( ) made ( ) went ( ) was ( ) thought ( ) 三 补全句子: 1 What does the kite look like? __ ___ ____ a bird. 2 What does the cloud look like? __ ___ ____ an airplane. 3 Iam going to ____ ____ the grass. 4 I want to ____ _____ at the sky. Lesson 20 Tomorrow We Will Work and Play 一、教学目标: 知识目标:will, skip, fly, very, park... 能力目标:学会在将来时态中使用 “will” 情感目标:培养学生保护花草树木的思想感情 二、教学重难点:“will”在将来时态中的使用 三、教具学具:单词卡片,表示处所的图画和动作单词,课件等 四、教学过程: 1、Greeting: 2、用表示处所的图片和相应的动作单词卡片练习句型Let's go to the _____(场所)to ____ (动词) _____(名词)。 Eg: Let’s go to the bathroom to wash our hands. Let’s go to the living room to watch TV. Let’s go to the gym to play ping -pong. Let’s go to the park to fly kite. 3、做游戏“Memory Card”来复习动词的三种时态: 挑选10个左右动词,分别写出他们的三种时态。教师把单词卡片分成 “过去,现在,将来”三种时态放在黑板前,首先让学生记忆单词一分钟,然后让他们挑出相应单词三种形式组合在一起,并贴在黑板相应的位置上。看那组记得准。 4、介绍will是be going to的另一种表达方法,然后在黑板上将来时态的部分加出第四栏,给出一个will的例子,学生试着填充其他动词的这一部分。 5、小组活动: 将学生分成若干小组,告诉学生我们明天要去公园,请小组合作制作一项计划,围绕 “What will you do in the park?”展开讨论,并把商议结果以对话的形式汇报。 6、听录音,回答问题: Question: A. what will LiMing, Jenny and Danny do? B. What will Danny do in the park? 7、Reading following the tape. 8、练习: A: 仿写句子: Eg: pencil Tomorrow I will write a story. 1.book __________________________ 2.kite __________________________ 3.skipping rope __________________________ 4.park __________________________ 5.grass __________________________ B:用所给词适当形式填空: 1. Yesterday I _______(go) to the park with my parents. 2. LiMing always _______(go) to school by bus. 3. Tomorrow I ________(go) to library to read a book. 4. I ______(go) to beijing next holiday. 5. Last holiday I _______(help) my mother with housework. 五、Blackboard: Lesson 20 Tomorrow We Will Work and Play Yesterday Today Tomorrow Ate Eat going to eat Will eat Lesson21: Summer Holiday Lesson 21 Summer holiday 1.教学设计学科名称:Lesson 21 Summer holiday(小学英语六年级) 2.所在班级情况,学生特点分析:班内学生已经有一定的英语基础,具备了一定的听、说、读、写能力,但是也出现了不同水平的分层现象,学生已经了解 will构成的将来时的结构,但缺乏练习和应用。 3.教学内容分析:本课的教学内容选自冀教版小学六年级英语八Unit3的一课。本单元Li Ming、Danny尽情享受夏季的各种活动,并且讨论他们的暑期计划。本课课文主要学习beach、ocean、sand三个词汇,并通过Li Ming、Danny谈论暑假活动的对话,复习过去时和will构成的将来时。 4.教学目标 知识于技能:本课要求学生读、写、听、说并听懂词汇:ocean、sand、beach,通过学习课文中的对话,复习will构成的将来时,学生了解夏季活动的表达方法,并运用到自己的生活中,从而培养学生的综合能力。 情感态度价值观:设置真实的情景吸引学生参与到教师设置的各个环节中,继续激发学生的英语学习爱好,使培养学生良好学习习惯的同时,提高与他人交往的能力。 5.教学难点分析:要求学生读、写、听、说并听懂词汇:ocean、sand、beach,通过学习课文中的对话,复习will构成的将来时,学生了解夏季活动的表达方法,并运用到自己的生活中,从而培养学生的综合能力。 6.教学课时 一课时 7.教学过程 一、 Greetings T: Hello, boys and girls. S:Hello, teacher T:Are you ready for English class? S: Yes. (通过简单的问候,稳定学生的情绪,将留意力转移到英语课堂中来) Review T:I’m very happy now. Why? Do you know? Because I will buy a computer tomorrow,/ Because I am going to buy a computer tomorrow. I want to know what will you do ? S1: I will go to the shop. S2: I will… S3: I will… (通过师生之间平等的交流、对话,复习will构成的将来时,同时这种交谈为学生的英语表达提供了真实的语境,让学生在自己的生活中将所学的语言运用自如.) 二、 New Concepts T:Class,there is a holiday in June, and we don’t go to school. What is it? S:暑假. T: That’s right.It’s summer holiday. Today we will learn Lesson21 :Summer Holiday S:学生理解课文题目 T:Class ,Do you like summer holiday ? S:Yes,we do. T: Me too. Because I can go on a trip. Do you like to go on a trip? And where do you like to go on your summer holiday ? S1: I will go to Bei Jing . S2… T: Ok, today I want to take you to beautifull places, Let’s go ,Ok? S: Ok ,Let’s go. Do you think are they beautifull places (教师通过和学生聊天自然的导入新课.在这一过程中,通过教师的引导,学生用英语自由谈论自己的想法,最后教师的邀请设置了小小的悬念,使学生对本棵布满了好奇,同时也为本课的学习增添了趣味性.) 出示海滩图片学习词汇:beach、sand 、ocean(在学习词汇的过程中可采用以下方法增强趣味性:读词由“快”到“慢”,或相反;由“强”到“弱”或相反。反复练习单词的读音,最后通过整体读、单个读、整排读等多种方式拼读单词。) T:On the beach , What can we do ? S:Swim. 1. T:First,read the lesson and answer the questions “(1)What did Jenny do last summer? (2)What will she do this summer?” 并且请你留意第一段和第二段的动词词组有什么不同为什么? T:Question (1)? S1:She went to the lake … S2: She swam… S3: She played … T:Now,talk about your last summer in your groups 。 2.告诉学生李明在6月25日将要乘坐这架飞机提出问题:What will Li Ming do on June twenty-fifth? (在这段中学生通过自己读课文回答老师问题) S1:Li Ming will go home 。 S2:He will … 在知道了李明要回家以后,教师再次提出问题李明回家以后What will he do ? (学生再次通读课文,教师出示相应情景的图片,通过图片的提示使学生更好的理解课文内容) S1: He will say hello… S2: He will visit … S3: IHe will play … T:What will you do this summer ?Talk about in groups . S1:I will … S2:… (结合课文,给学生自由讨论的空间,让学生在课文的基础上运用这些语言,懂得怎样使用得当,提高了其表达能力) 情景表演 通过教师出示图片、要害词提示让学生分组表演本课对话,学生还可以用简短的话复述或表演某一情景。 (在这一部分中,要考虑到部分学困生的实际情况,可以降低要求,如借助书只表演一部分,这样会大大增加他们学习英语的自信心 9.作业安排:可以让学生说一说自己的假期计划 11. 自我问答 本节课运用多种教学手段激发学生学习兴趣,创设情境帮助学生理解新知识,使学生能够主动学习 六、 作业。 活动手册3、4题 本课练习 一、 根据中文信息,选择正确的选项, 完成单词。 ( )1, s_ _mer A. an B. am C. um D. un ( )2, air_ _ane A. al B. pl C. ch D. ph ( )3, _ _ip A. cr B. dr C. tr D. ty ( )4, mi_ _ A. ee B. rr C. tt D. ss ( )5, c_ _sin A. ou B. oa C. oe D. oo 二、 用所给词的正确形式填空。 My family like to _______(go) on trips for our holiday. Last summer we _______(go) to Beidaihe for our holiday. We ______(stay)on the beach most of the time.(大部分时间)There we ________(make)thins with the sand. I _______(can not) swim. So my father _______(teach) me to shenyang for our winter holiday. My aunt and uncle ________(live) there. So we _______(visit) them. Also we ____(go) skiing and skating. 三、连词成句。 1、 like, beach, playing, I, the, on 2、 will, and, aunt, I, uncle, visit, my 3、 in, play, summer, to, sports, like, I, the 4、 Danny, too, I, miss, and, will, you 5、 ill, again, happy, feel, we, see, to, China Lesson22:What will you do at the beach? 教学目标: 1.知识目标:本课复习与海滩相关的词汇内容。e.g. ocean, beach, sand, lie on the beach, swim in the ocean…… 2. 能力目标:能够准确流利地描述自己的海滩经历,恰当地运用相关语句。 3情感目标:培养学生热爱大自然的情感以及保护环境的意识。 教学重点:关于海滩的一些词汇。e.g. ocean, beach, sand等。 教学难点:正确应用句式表达自己的经历和感受。 教具准备:pictures, water, radio. 教学方法:启发式,谈话式。 教学过程 备注 一. Class opening and greeting. 二. Warm-up. T:What do you like to do? Ss:I like to fly a kite. I like to sing a song. I like to draw a picture. …… 三.New concepts. T: Look, please! This is me at a beach. What am I doing? Sa:You’are wearing swimsuit. T:What am I going to do? Sb:You are going to swim. T:Where can I swim in? Sc:You can swim in the ocean. T:Yes.You’re clever.Now listen to me to introduce this picture again. This is me at the beach. Beaches have sand. I can make a sand animal. I can lie on the beach. I am wearing swimsuit. I am going to swim in the ocean. Did you go to the ocean? Ss:Yes/No. T: What did you do there? (提给那些去过海边的学生) Ss:….. T: If you are going to the ocean on this summer holiday, what will you do there?(此问题提给那些没去过海边的学生) Ss:…... T: Ok now I have two glasses of water, one is our drink water, the other one is ocean water. Who can tell us which one is the ocean water? Ss: Teacher, me! Let me try! (叫一名学生到前边来,他用品尝的方法告诉我们答案.) Sd: 咸的这杯是海水. T: Yes, clever! We know the ocean water is salty. “Salty” means “咸”. 四.Listen and read. 五.Try to retell. What will Jenny do at the beach? Ss: She will lie on the beach. She will wear shorts and sandals. She will make a sand animal. She will put on her swimsuit. She will swim in the ocean…… 六.Learn to sing a song. 1.Play the song. 2.Explain the meaning. 3.Learn to sing. 七.Class closing. 八. Homework: Write a short passage about your ocean trip. 九.板书设计: Lesson22:What will you do at the beach? beach sand ocean ↓ ↓ ↓ lie on the beach make sand animals swim in the ocean 由学生感兴趣的问题导入,激发他们的学习欲望。 展示教师自己的生活照片,拉近与学生的距离,更直观生动地呈现本课的新授内容。 教师启发引导学生回答问题,在此过程中强化训练了学生的口语表达能力。 教师的看图描述给学生做了很好的示范,不仅锻炼了学生的听力还培养了他们叙述事情的逻辑思维和组织能力。 对学生能力的提升,让他们自己去想去说,训练他们的句式结构的组织及表达的综合能力。 这是本课的一个小游戏,能激发学生的兴趣和探究欲望,并考查了学生的一些生活常识。 复述是体现学生对已知内容的理解、运用和表达。 学唱歌曲能培养学生的韵律感,也能舒缓紧张的学习情绪,更能帮助学生识记更多的语句。 Exercises: 1. 补全单词: b_ _ch s_ _d oc_ _n 2. 英汉互译: lie on the beach( ) swim in the ocean( ) 穿短裤和凉鞋( ) 穿游泳衣( ) 3. 小练笔:What will you do at the beach? Lesson 23: Are You Ready for a Quiz? 一、教学目标: 知识目标:学习故事“Baby Becky’s Summer” 能力目标:能听懂故事内容并回答简单的问题,较好完成课本上的测试。 情感目标:培养学生发现问题,自己解决问题的能力。 二、教学重、难点:通过本单元的学习,能过运用所学知识去解决问题。 三、教具、学具准备:录音机、磁带、故事书 四、教学过程: 1、Class Opening and Review ①Sing “Summer’s Coming” ②Review: Do some exercises on student book Listen carefully! Swim for the right answer. Fly for the wrong answer. ⑴What do you wear to go swimming? ⑵What does this cloud look like? ⑶What are they doing? ⑷Where will Jenny go for the summer holiday? ⑸What is on the tree? What is under the tree? 2、Story ①Prepare to read Look at the pictures on the story book. Questions: What’s her name? Can she fly a kite? Can she skip? Does Baby Becky cry in this story? ②Read Listen to the audiotape and read. ③Discuss the story Divide the students into small groups (<5 children), show some questions for discussion. Questions: When is next summer? Can Baby Becky fly a kite in this story? When will she fly a kite? Can she skip? When will she skip? Does Baby Becky like next summer better than this summer? Do you like this story? Why or why not? T: Do you have any other questions? (让学生提出更多的问题,大家共同解决,培养学生发现问题,自己解决问题的能力。) 3、Activity Book: N2 4、Class Closing 五、板书: Lesson 23: Are You Ready for a Quiz? Baby Becky’s Summer put on her swimsuit Baby Becky fly a kite next summer skip Lesson 24: Again,Please! 教学目标:1,复习巩固本单元所学词语,句子。 2,进行简单测试。 3,使学生具有成就感,学习信心增强。 教学重难点:从词语入手,逐步培养学生的综合语言运用能力。 教具:投影片 (书中的几幅图和提示词语)无条件的话可用小黑板出示几组词语 学具:活动手册和彩笔 教学过程: 一. Class opening and review 1. 听上节课故事,做Secret Word 游戏,将重点词语板书。 Beach sand swimsuit sandals swim swimming pool ocean park flowers leaves grass look like will lie clouds sky fly skip 2. 看图和提示词语,说一段话来描述图片,也可只给提示词语来说话。 beach cloud ocean sand sandals swim swimming pool swimsuit sandals park flowers leaves grass lie sky clouds skip fly look like 3. 回答问题: How’s the weather in summer? What about plants in summer? What clothes will you wear in summer? What sports do you like to do in summer? What will you do this summer? Will you go on a trip? Will you play some sports? Will you go swimming?... 二. Test (Activity book) 1. Find the words and write them. 2. Write the correct words. 3. Listen,Write and draw what you hear. a. I lie on the grass. b. The flowers under the tree are red. c. The leaves on the tree are green. d. The cloud in the sky looks like a donut. e. A boy is skipping. f. A girl is wearing a swimsuit and sandals. g. She is flying a kite. 三. Class closing 1.Homework:根据提示,写一段关于今年夏天的短文。 Weather, clothes, sports, plants… Will you go on a trip? Will you play some sports? Will you go swimming?. What will you do this summer? 2. Sing a song:Summer’s coming 板书:Lesson 24: Again,Please! 1. beach cloud ocean sand sandals swim swimming pool swimsuit sandals park flowers leaves grass lie sky clouds skip fly look like 2. What will you do this summer? 练习: 一.听句子,根据描述写出正确答案。 1. It is in the sky. It’s white. Sometimes it looks like an airplane or a donut. 2. It’s very big and blue. You can swim in it. There is a beach, too. 3. They have many colours. They are beautiful. Many girls like them very much. Usually they bloom in spring. 4. A fish can’t do it, but a bird can. 5. In summer, they’re green. In fall, they’re yellow, they are on the tree. 二.选择正确答案。 1.What is jenny doing? ( ) 2.Will you go to the park? ( ) 3.Waht are you going to do? ( ) 4.How’s the tree in winter? ( ) 5.What are they doing? ( ) A. watching flowers. B. They loose their leaves. C. No, I will lie on the sand. D. She is flying a kite. E. I will run very fast. Lesson 25 Buying Gift 教学目标: 1、 知识与技能: (1)、学生可以读、写、说出并且听懂下列词汇:形容词:every名词:flag标准问句:How many______? ______. (2)、学生可以说出并且听懂下列标准问句:How far is it? ___ kilometres. How much is it ? It is ___ dollars. 2、 过程与方法:在教学中运用游戏、歌谣、情景表演等多种形式,增强学习的趣味性,培养学生课前预习的能力及语言交际能力。 3、情感态度与价值观:关注学生的情感,营造宽松、民主、和谐的氛围,用多种形式的教学手段和丰富多彩的教学活动吸引学生参与其中,继续激发和保持学生对英语的持久兴趣,促进学生的口语交际能力。 教学重点: 1、 形容词:every 名词:flag. 2、 标准问句:How many______? ______. 教学难点: 用How many______? ______.进行口语交际。 教具:录音机 单词卡片 学生用的小卡片 教学过程: 一、回忆故事,引入课题。李明到加拿大上学,现在他要回国了。 He want to buy some souvenirs of Canada.复习句子结构: “Let’s go to the shop to buy ___.” 将这个句子写在黑板上,用卡片进行替换练习。最后出示加拿大国旗flag,向学生介绍:This is a souvenirs of Canada. 二、通过对话,介绍重要概念every,flag,句子How many…… Ask five boys and five girls to come to the front of the class. Give each girl a flag. Lead a dialogue such as: Teacher: Look! How many people are there? Class : Ten ! Teacher: How many girls are there? Class : Five ! Teacher : Right!(point to each girl, one at a time )Look ! Dose she have a flag? Class: Yes. Teacher:Good! (point to each boy , one at a time) Dose he have a flag? Class: No! Teacher: Right! Every girl has a flag. She has a flag and She has a flag and She has a flag ……Every girl has a flag. Say it ,please. Class: Every girl has a flag. Teacher: (Give a flag to each boy.) Now every boy has a flag. Say it ,please. Class: Every boy has a flag. Teacher:How many flags are there? Class:Ten! These flags are my gifts. What gifts dose Li Ming buy? How many gifts dose Li Ming need? 让学生先猜猜看,然后听录音。 三、听录音,理解课文内容,回答问题。 1. 先听课文第一部分并回答:a.Why will Li Ming buy gifts?b.How far is it to the store ? 2.听课文第二部分并回答:a. How many gifts dose Li Ming need? b. What gifts does he buy ?3.课前为每一位同学准备一张卡片如下: a book 1 dollar a flag 10 dollors a T-shirt 50 dollar 再听一遍第二部分,然后连线。在小组讨论结果时,让学生用How much_____?提问并做答。 4、当学生做完之后,教师指着1 dollar 说:This is cheap. The flag is cheap.指着50 dollars 说:This is expensive. The book is expensive. 四、结束课堂教学,布置作业。 李明为家人选了合适的礼物,还要给Jenny一个surprise,什么是surprise?小组讨论,怎样给一Jenny个惊喜。请你们每个小组编一个对话,能用上How many ____? How much ______? How far____? 板书: Lesson 25 Buying Gift How far is it? ___kilometres. How much is it ? It is ___ dollars. 练习: 1、看表格填空,并照样子写句子: A B C D E How many 7 pencils 3 umbrellas 10 apples 6 flags 6 T-shirts How much 1 dollar for one 15 dollars for one 2 dollars for one 4 dollars for one 10 dollars for one A. How many pencils do you need? I need ________. B. How many _______ do you need? I need _________. C. _____ ______ ______ do you need? I need ____________. D. ___ ____ _____ do you need? I need _____________. E. ____ _____ ____ do you need? I need ____________. 二、根据上表,买东西。 A. How much is a pencil? It is _____ ______. 1×7=__________ . B. How much is an u________? _____________.15×3=________ . C. _____ _____ is a_______?_______________.2×10=___________ . D. ______ ______ ___ a ________? _________4×6=__________ . E. ______ _____ ___ a ______?___________.10×6=________ . Lesson 26 Looking at Picture 教学目标:1、学生能正确说、读、写、用forget、remember 2、学生能用下列句子进行会话: Do you remember this? Yes, it is a . (No, I forget.) 教学重点:1、学生能正确说、读、写、用forget、remember 2、学生能熟练运用下列句子进行会话: Do you remember this? Yes, it is a . (No, I forget.) 教学难点:学生能用下列句子进行会话: Do you remember this? Yes, it is a . (No, I forget.) 教 具:词卡、录音机 课 时:1课时 教学过程: 一、 问侯: 二、 唱歌: 三、 操练:复习25课单词 四、 教授forget、remember 1、 示范: 教师装作忘记然后又想起某物体的英语名称,如:装作忘记怎样说bag 和 book,教师用手势和面部表情让学生看明白意思,指关物体进行下列对话: 师:What is this? I forget how to say it in English. I forget. Say it, please, class. 生:I forget. 师:Oh, I remember. It’s a bag. I remember. Say it, please,class. 生:I remember. 然后,师再指另一件物品, 师:I forget what this is. What’s this? Do you remember? 生:It’s a book. 师:Oh, yes, you remember. Now I remember, too. 2、 跟读课文录音: 3、 练习:用游戏“Go Fish”的变化形式做游戏。在游戏中,一生向另一生展示一张卡片并问:Do you remember this? 如对方有这张卡片,便回答:Yes, it is a . 如对方没有这张卡片,则回答No, I forget. 4、 角色扮演: 5、 《活动手册》 No.1 6、 游戏: 五、 结束本课教学: 作业:1、熟练本课对话 2、做《活动手册》 板书: Lesson 26 Looking at Picture remember forget Do you remember this? Yes, it is a . (No, I forget.) Exercises: 一、Match the word and write Chinese in the blanks: for member ( ) um brella ( ) re get ( ) 二、Write the correct words: ----What is this? ----I (忘记) how to say it English.(用英语) ----Do your (记得)? ----It’s a book. ----Oh, yes, I (记得). ----It’s a book. Lesson27 I Remember 教学目标:Review regular and irregular past-tense verbs. 教学重难点:Ask the students to remember regular and irregular past-tense verbs. They can say sentences with them. 教学过程: 一、 Review Play “Santa” to review vocabulary from unit 4 of level 7. 二、 Key Concepts 1、 Practice verb tenses with a chart. Write “yesterday”,“today”,“tomorrow” across the top of the blackboard. Ask the students to call out words from the lesson in the student book. Write these under “yesterday”. Then write “buy”,“think”, “teach”, “go”, “see” and “eat” under “today”. Ask the students to call out the corresponding words in the lesson for me to write under “yesterday”. Then ask for volunteers to complete the chart. 2、 Divide the class into pairs. Each student draws a picture of something that happened during Li Ming’s visit to Canada. They label as much of their pictures as they can in English. They then take turns describing their pictures to their partners. 3、 Teach “Red river Valley” in Number2 of the student book. 三、 Activity book 四、 Homework Writing on the blackboard: Lesson27 I Remember Yesterday today tomorrow Cleaned clean Washed wash Talked talk Wanted want Laughed laugh Lesson28 A party of Li Ming 教学目标:Teach the students some words: “early” “late” “begin” and “after”. They can say sentences with them. 教学重难点:介绍一组反义词early和late, 让学生融入到李明的party中,通过情境让学生了解surprise这个词。 教学过程: 一、 Review Play “Before” and “After” to review “before” and “after”. 二、 Key Concepts early, late, begin party, surprise 1、 Demonstrate “early”, “late” and “begin” together. Draw a big clock on the blackboard that shows the time. Facing the clock, write “before” on the left and “after” on the right. Draw a clock under “before” that shows a few minutes before class time and a clock under “after” that shows a few minutes after. 2、 T: We are learning English now. This is English class. When does English class begin? S: At _______. T: Right! Look! Here’s ________. 3、 Demonstrate “party” with the large vocabulary card. 4、 Role-play to demonstrate “surprise”. Ask a volunteer to leave the classroom. Hide a surprise in the volunteer’s desk. Then ask the volunteer to return to the room. T: I put something in your desk. Dose ____ know what’s in his/her desk, class? S: No. T: _____ doesn’t know what I put in her desk. It’s a surprise! S: Surprise. T: Yes! There’s a surprise in your desk. Can you find it? S: Yes! T: What is it? S: A flag. 三、 Practise Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to make up a dialogue about organizing a surprise party for a friend. 四、 Activity book 五、 Homework Writing on the blackboard: Lesson28 A party of Li Ming before-------- after early-------late begin Lesson 29: Surprise ! 一、教学目标: 知识目标: 1.Four skills: cake, cookies, sugar, someone, ice cream 2.Three skills: flour, oil, salt, bowl 3.学生能听懂并会运用句型How long is ? . 能力目标:通过课本剧表演,培养学生在真实情境中运用语言的能力。 情感目标:通过本课的学习,培养学生热爱生活,关心他人,产生积极的情感体验。 二、教学重、难点: 1.掌握新授单词。 2.掌握制作饼干所需要的原材料。 3.学习课文后进行课本剧的表演。. 三、教具学具:电话,鸡蛋,面粉,油,盐,糖,碗,多媒体课件。 四、教学过程: (一)、Class Opening and Review 1.Greetings: T: Hello, boys and girls. How are you? S: Fine, thank you. And you? T: I’m fine, too. What day is today? What’s the date today? How’s the weather? 2.Students answer these questions together. 3.Sing an English song. 4.Act out dialogues. T: Do you like a party? S: Yes. T: Li Ming has lived in Canada for ten months. Let’s have a party for him. I think we can invite some friends for the party. Who do you want to invite? Please call them. (教师出示一部电话提示学生编一个电话会话) Show their telephone conversations. (由于是复习旧知识,学生们可提前准备好道具,教师要提醒学生正确使用“打电话”用语。如:Who’s that speaking? This is …Is that…speaking? Yes, it is.等。) (二)、Key Concepts 1. Presentation. T: Today is Li Ming’s party. Yesterday I bought some things for the party. What are they?(出示课件,学生边看边回答。) S: Watermelon, pop, pizza, apples, banana… T: But I think we need some more things. What do we need? S: We need…(学生也许会给出很多不同的答案,如“蛋糕,饼干,牛奶,水果等”) T: (出示课件:一块蛋糕,一些饼干) Yes, we need a cake, some cookies. (出示实物“cookies” )They are cookies,and this is a cookie.(教师区别单复数,并将图片出示给学生) Students read and spell the new words T: Can you make a cake? What do we need to make a cake? (学生也许会给出不同的答案如:鸡蛋,牛奶等,教师可拿出准备好的物品帮助他们回答) T : We must have these things to make cookies.. What are they? You can taste it and guess. (学生通过品尝得出结论,是油,盐,糖,面粉。但要学生注意面粉和花的发音一样, 做cookies需要面粉而不是花) Then teach and read these new words. T+S: We need flour, oil, salt, sugar to make cookies. 2. Listen and Say T: Now, Li Ming’s friends Jenny, Danny make some cookies. But, when they begin making cookies, there’s someone at the door. Who’s that? (教师走到门口敲门,用身势语解释there’s someone at the door.的意思。) They make some cookies, what does every cookie have? Kim bought a gift for the party. What did she buy?(教师一边提问,一边出示幻灯,打出问题,) Please listen to the tape and answer the questions. (放录音,学生听后回答问题。此环节培养学生在短时间内捕捉英语信息的能力以及锻炼他们的听说能力。) Then show the picture of “ice-cream”, read and spell. 3.Read and say Play the tape again, students listen and repeat. Then read the text together. (朗读课文时可采取多种形式:先自由读---分角色读---齐读。) 4. Act. T: Boys and girls, Li Ming is leaving soon. Let’s have a party for him. How do you prepare the party and how to have the party for him, now I give you some sentences, you can accord to the sentences and the text, make a dialogue with your friends. (教师根据课本提炼出主要句型出示给学生:1. What do you need for the party? 2. How do you make cookies? 3. Who comes to the party? 4. How do you have the party?学生根据句型及课文,编排一个课本剧。教师提示学生要联系生活实际,想想如何开聚会。) Students show their play. (三)、Class Closing Sing a song. T: Let’s sing a song for Li Ming. Let’s wish he and his friends “Auld Lang Syne”. Play the tape, students listen to the music and sing the song. 五:板书: Lesson 29: Surprise ! cake make sugar su + gar cookies cook + ie + s someone some + one ice cream ice + cream Lesson30 Good-bye ! 一、教学目标: 知识目标:学生能听懂并会运用句型How long is -----?----- 能力目标:在活动中培养学生积极参与的精神和与他人团结协作的精神。 情感目标:培养学生学英语的态度,并通过活动调动学生学习英语的积极性 通过学习语言,培养珍视友谊、关爱他人的情感。 二、教学重、难点:学生能听懂并会运用句型How long is -----?----- 三教具准备:钟表,红色的龙,录音机 四、教学过程: 一、Class Opening 1.Greeting. (T: Hello !Ss. S: Hello! T. T: How’s the weather today? S: It’s sunny. 2.Review 用“How many?”提问下列单词:minutes,hours,days,weeks,months,years。 (1) 向学生展示一只大钟表并且提示学生 a minutes与an hour的概念 (2) 引导学生进行对话 T: How many minutes in an hour? S: Sixty. T: (在minutes 与hours之间话一个箭头,旁边写上数字60) How many hours in a day?(以此类推) 二、New Concepts 1. Introduce 1.(Show a big clock) T: When does the English class begin ? S: At 10:10. 2.Practice T: How long is English class? (做出数时针的动作)。 S: Forty minutes. 2.(出示许多地点名称,并在两地之间标出距离和行程的长短) Ask Ss to make a drill, 3.Free Talk such as : How far is it from Canada to Bei jing .? It’s ------kilometers. How long is it? ------minutes hours. Ask for volunteers to present. (播放书中第二部分歌曲,告诉学生李明将要离开加拿大,并让他们讨论下面的问题) When they are at the airport what will they talk about ? 4.Use the Ss Book and Audiotape Play the audiotape as the student follow it and find out “What’re the surprises for Li Ming and Jenny” ? 5.Role-Play 让学生分角色朗诵课文。 6。Sing the Song Ask Ss to sing this song after the tape. 7.Homework Ask Ss to write a postcard for Li Ming or Jenny . 三、Class Closing 四、课后小练笔 1、选择填空。 1) A: _______is it from school to the library ? B: Two hours. A. How B. how much C. how long D: How often 2) A: _______is it from school to your home ? B: Three kilometers . A. How B. how much C. how long D: How often 3). A: ______ are they ? B: Five dollars . A. How B. how much C. how long D: How often 4). A: ______do you go to school ? B :by bike. A. How B. how much C. how long D: How often Lesson31: Are You Ready for a Quiz? 一、教学目标: 通过故事的教学,使学生对本单元的单词、词汇掌握得更扎实。 通过多种方法和手段,为学生营造语言环境,使学生在模拟真实的情景中进行交际,增加信息量激发学生学习英语的兴趣,提高学生听、说、读、写及知识自学的综合能力。 能在活动中互相合作,体验合作的愉快,发展合作精神,培养自己的创造力与想象力。 二、重点与难点: 重点:时态、本单元的词汇 难点:时态的灵活应用。 三、教、学具 录音机 课本 活动手册 四、教学过程: (一)Class opening and review 1. Greeting. 2. Sing a song 通过这一步骤既可让学生有一个适应教师语言(包括语音、语速等)的过程,消除紧张气氛,又可为进一步扩展学习个人信息交流作好复习铺垫。为了激发学生的学习兴趣,引起注意,拉近师生距离,首先以歌曲的形式导入正课。 (二)Revision 1. T: Who can remember: What did Jenny Danny and the others do before Li Ming go home? Ss:学生根据本单元的学习,回答老师提出的问题 T: What did Li Ming do? Ss:学生根据本单元的学习,回答老师提出的问题 (在学生的回答中引出第31课小册中的问题,以旧引新,过渡自然。) 2. T: Now let’s do a quiz. T: Play the audiotape. Smile for the right answer. Frown for the wrong answer. Don’t worry. It’s not hard! Ss:Listen and do. 1) What does Jenny have in her hand? A flag. 2) Can you name these foods? Cake, ice cream and sugar. 3) How many cookies have letters? Every cookie has letters! I’m hungry now! 4) Li Ming’s party begins at 4:00. Is Steven early or late? He’s late! 5) How much are the socks? Fifteen dollars. 鼓励学生积极参与、大胆表达,使学生在宽松、愉快的氛围中学习,在活动中有成功的体验。培养学生的自信心,让学生在参与活动中学会学习、学会合作。 (三)Story (为了调动学生的积极性,利用Work in pairs, ,in group 等多种不同方式操练巩固。使学生处于积极思维的状态之中,全方位、多角度培养学生运用英语的能力。让学生进行分组自由对话。这一步既是展示本节课的语言学习成果,也是一个口语方面的反馈矫正机会与过程。) 1) Prepare to read: Here are some questions I can use to prepare the students for the story. Use as much English as possible, but allow the discussion to take place in Chinese where necessary. a. What is Danny making? b. What does his cake look like? c. What do the cookies look like? d. What is in Li Ming’s box? 2) Read and discuss. Let’s do questions and answer. Let’s talk in groups. (Here are some questions I can use to reinforce the main idea of the story.) a. What did Danny put in his cake for a surprise? b. What did Danny forget to put in his cake? c. Was that a surprise? d. What did Mr. Wood’s class send to Li Ming? e. What did Li Ming find in his cake? f. Do you like this story? Why or why not? 3) Answer the questions. pair/ group work是培养学生的合作意识,增加交际氛围,引导学生结合语境,促进学生的实践能力,为学生提供自主学习和相互交流的机会以及充分表现的空间。在活动中注意创设各种合作学习的活动,促进学生相互学习,互相帮助,体验集体荣誉感和成就感,发展合作精神。 4)Fill in the blanks. Danny wakes up _______in the morning. His class is going to have a ________. Danny is going to make a s______ c______.He b________s working on his cake. ______do you make a cake? Does Danny _______? No, he ________s! He puts flours, eggs, oil, milk and salt in the cake, but he forgets the ________. Danny carries his cake to school. He walks slowly and he is _____for school. Mr. Wood brings __________ for the party. Jenny brings _________. _________cookie looks like _____in the class. Danny’s cake looks like Canada’s_______. 5)Do No.2. 分层次设计问题:使学生的学习有坡度,从而能够学的轻松,在学生熟练掌握本课重点,使学生的交际向前发展。学生通过思考、讨论、交流的合作的方式,学习和使用英语,完成学习任务。 (四)Class closing Homework:李明收到蛋糕后想要做什么或说什么写下来。试着做一个蛋糕。 五、板书 Lesson31: Are You Ready for a Quiz? a. What is Danny making? b. What does his cake look like? c. What do the cookies look like? d. What is in Li Ming’s box? e. What did Danny put in his cake for a surprise? f. What did Danny forget to put in his cake? g. Was that a surprise? h. What did Mr. Wood’s class send to Li Ming? i. What did Li Ming find in his cake? j. Do you like this story? Why or why not? 六、练习 一、补全单词并连线 s__ __ pr_se 早地 c__ __ kies 有人 __ __ rly 冰淇淋 s__me__ne 饼干 __ce cr__ __m 意外的惊喜 二、按要求改写句子. 1. Rice is my favourite food.(改为同一句) I_________ rice _____________. 2. He has breakfast at 6:00 every morning.(改为过去时) He ________ breakfast at 6:00 yesterday morning. 3. They walk to school five days a week.(改为现在进行时) They ___________ to school now. 三、写出下列单词的相应形式 put(过去时)______________ happy(反义词)_______________ sheep(复数形式)_________forget(反义词)______________ Lesson32: Again , Please! This is the revision of this unit. So there are two parts in this lesson. One part is the revision , the other part is the test. [教学目标] 1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写下列单词和句子。 early every late party flag surprise cake cookies ice cream sugar someone begin forget remember 2. 能正确理解、运用下列重点句型,并能运用下列句子开展实践性的活动。 How many_________? ______________. How far is it? ________ kilometres. How long is _______? __________. How much is it? ________ dollars. [教学重点] 单词、句子的正确书写及其在语言环境中的正确运用。 [教学难点] 重点句型在语言环境中的灵活运用。 [教学准备]卡片 录音机 课本 活动手册等 [教学过程] (一)Class opening and review 1. Greeting. 2. Free talk. 通过这一步骤既可让学生有一个适应教师语言(包括语音、语速等)的过程,消除紧张气氛,又可为进一步扩展学习个人信息交流作好复习铺垫。 (二)Revision 1. T: Who can tell me : What will Li Ming do after he got the cake?(有的说写信、打电话等) Ss: He will ……(复习将来时) T: How far is from Shijiazhuang to Canada? Ss:…… T: How many sentences do you remember beginning with “how”? Ss: …… T:汇总学生的回答并板书:How (much many far long old tall often…)___________? 使学生处于积极思维的状态之中,全方位、多角度培养学生运用英语的能力。让学生进一步展示本单元的语言学习成果,也是一个知识系统化的过程。) T: Last lesson I asked you to make a cake. How many minutes do you need to make a cake? Ss: …… T: We learned to make the cake from the story :Danny’s Surprise Cake. Who can tell me how to do? (复习过去时) Ss: ……(学生边回答,边让他把自己需要的材料写在黑板上) T: Did you forget the sugar? Don’t forget the sugar. Remember it. Did your cake has a flag? What did your cake look like? Did your cake look like someone? Is it surprise? …… Ss: ……(学生边回答,边让他把本单元所要掌握的单词写在黑板上) T: You were happy when you made the cake. I think you have a wonderful time from your childhood. Please tell your friends about it and write it. 2. T: Now let’s do a quiz. 1) Listen. Write what you hear. a. Let’s have a surprise a surprise party for Li Ming. b. When does the party begin? c. Do you remember what we ate the restaurant? d. What’s your name? I forget. e. Cake, cookies and ice cream are very good! f. The cake looks like Canada’s flag. g. She will be late. h. Please come early in the morning. i. Every coolie looks like someone in the class. j. How many eggs do you need? 2) Draw clocks and answer the questions. 3) Listen. Write the words. Then make a sentence. a. cookies b. how c. need d. many e. you f. will g. cake h. I i. sugar j. like k. in l. my (三)Class closing Homework:. Please tell your friends about a wonderful time from your childhood and write it. 板书: Lesson32: Again , Please! How (much many far long old tall often…)___________? flag surprise cake cookies ice cream sugar someone early every late party begin forget remember 练习 一、选择 1. _________is the trip? It’s eleven hours to Tianjin. A. How long B. How often C. How much D. How many 2.__________ do you play basketball?---Once a week. A. How long B. How often C. How much D. How many 3.________ are these shoes?---Fifty dollars. A. How long B. How often C. How much D. How many 4. __________ books do you have?---I have four books in my hand. A. What B. Where C. How much D. How many 三、写出下列单词的正确形式 go see teach flew bought Will go Will swim Will teach查看更多