人教版PEP小学英语毕业总复习专题训练-写作范文 (过去时)

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人教版PEP小学英语毕业总复习专题训练-写作范文 (过去时)

Jack 昨天跟他妈妈买东西,请根据下表的信息,写一篇不少于 60 个单词的小作文。 Happy Shop:Some pieces of candy ¥4 A roll of toilet paper ¥5 Mr. Chen’s Store:A carton of ice cream¥15 Uncle Eddy’s Store:A bottle of shampoo¥45 A pair of socks¥8 Big Blue Department Store:A bag of chips ¥9 Toy car ¥105 Yesterday was Jack’s shopping day. He went shopping with his mother. They went to the Happy Shop. They bought some pieces of candy. They are 4 Yuan. They bought a roll of toilet paper. They bought a carton of ice cream at Mr. Chen’s Store .They bought a bottle of shampoo and a pair of socks at Uncle Eddy’s Store. They went to the Big Blue Department Store. They bought a toy car. It’s 105 Yuan. They were very happy.

