PEP三年级下册Unit 2 My family练习题

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PEP三年级下册Unit 2 My family练习题

Unit 2My family 一、 根据课文,给下列句子重新排序(P14) ( ) He’s my father. ( ) Nice to meet you, too. ( )Hi, Dad. This is my friend, Amy. ( ) Who’s that man? ( ) Nice to meet you. 二、 读句子,选择单词,完成填空。 Amy:Who’s that man? Chen Jie: ( he He) is my father. Chen Jie: Hi, Dad. ( that This ) is ( your my) friend, Amy. Dad:Nice to ( meat meet) you. Amy:Nice to meet you, too. 三、 根据课文,给下列句子重新排序(P17) ( ) He’s my brother. ( ) Who’s that boy? ( )Yes, she is. ( )Is she your mother? ( )No, he isn’t. He’s my teacher. ( ) Is he your father? 四、 读句子,选择单词,完成填空。 Amy:Who’s that (bay boy)? Chen Jie: He’s ( me my) brother. Amy: Is she ( you your) mother? Chen Jie: Yes , (She she ) is. Amy:Is he ( you your) father? Chen Jie: No, he isn’t. (he’s He’s ) my teacher! 五、选词填空 he she 1. Who’s that boy? Is your brother? 2. Who’s that girl? Is your sister? 3. Who’s that man? Is your dad? 4. Who’s that women? Is your mother? 六、听音,写字母。 en enenegegegeded 五、 把第六题单词重新排列。单词首字母按字母顺序表的顺序。

