pep人教版英语三年级下册Recycle 2 The second period优质课件

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pep人教版英语三年级下册Recycle 2 The second period优质课件

Recycle 2 PEP·三年级下册 The second period Page 68 & Page 68 Enjoy the song Look and write. What are they? Write down the words. Aa Let’s spell Aa a tchf dd nm p Ii Ii i b g p g s x th n m lk Ee Ee et nptw ntyr dd sk Uu Uu uf nd ckb sc p Oo Oo o th ngl gd Let’s chant a, a, a, I can see a fat cat. e, e, e, I have a red pen. i, i, i, I can see a big pig. o, o, o, I have a hot dog. u, u, u, I can see a fun duck. Make a chant Find other words containing the letters “a, e, i, o, u” from your English books. Then make a new chant with the new words you find from your English books. Sing a song. Short vowel song Where is short a? Where is short a? Here I am. Here I am. I’m in a fat cat. I’m in a fat cat. Here I am. Here I am. red pen fat cat big pig hot dog fun duck Go up the ladders. Go down the snakes. Consolidation & Extension Can you see the ladders and the snakes? Yes, we can. What can you see? I can see Mike with a Canadian flag. What about this picture? I can see fifteen pears. Work in pairs and talk about the pictures. cap pig desk duck dog Blackboard Design

