pep人教版英语三年级下册Unit 1 Part A 第3课时优质课件

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pep人教版英语三年级下册Unit 1 Part A 第3课时优质课件

Revision I’m... I’m from ... What‘s your name? Where are you from? Enjoy a song. Unit 1 Welcome back to school! Part A Let’s spell PEP·三年级下册 Listen and guess a cat What’s that? /k/-/æ/-/t/,cat. bag What’s this? It’s a ______. /b/-/æ/-/g/,bag. This is my father. That is to say, he is my “dad”. /d/-/æ/-/d/,dad. What can you see in my hand? There is a ________ in my hand. /h/-/æ/-/n/-/d/,hand. Listen, repeat and chant. What do they have in common? Let’s chant. Dad has a black cat. The cat is in the bag. Dad has a black cat. The bag is in his hand. Can you find the common letter in the chant? Letter ”a”. Dad has a black cat. The cat is in the bag. Dad has a black cat. The bag is in his hand. The letter ”a” has the same sound of . Read the chant. Find out more words with the letter “a” that sounds “/æ/”. Try to summarize the pronunciation rule of the letter “a”. Train, train, train cat bag dad hand cat Read and play Read the words one by one. Chant and show. Read the words. cap map has can hat fat bad sad a— Turn, turn, turn cap has hat bad map can fat sad bad map Read, listen and circle. 1. cat bag 2. bag dad 3. Canada panda 4. hand dad Listen and write. Let's write. Read for fun Blackboard design Unit 1 Welcome back to school! cat bag dad hand

