pep人教版英语三年级下册Unit 5 Part A 第3课时优质课件

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pep人教版英语三年级下册Unit 5 Part A 第3课时优质课件

Unit 5 Do you like pears? Part A Let’s spell PEP·三年级下册 Enjoy the song — Happy fruits Do you like _____?pears Revision Do you like ______?oranges Do you like _______?bananas Do you like _____?apples Look and say What am I doing? run What did I find? A duck. I found the toy duck under the desk. Ø Where did I find the toy duck? Now I’m very happy. I have a lot of fun. Let’s chant Fun, fun, fun, the boy is fun. Run, run, run, the boy likes to run. Duck, duck, duck, the duck is black. Under, under, under, the ball is under the chair. Clap your hands and chant together. Can you find which sound is the same? fun run duck under u [Ʌ] fun Read and summarize —How many sounds do you hear in “fun”? —What are they? Three. run —How many sounds do you hear in “run”? —What are they? Three. duck —How many sounds do you hear in “duck”? —What are they? Three. under —How many sounds do you hear in “under”? —What are they? Four. fun run duck under Listen and say. —How many sounds can you hear in “fun”? — — — —Fun! For example: Uu [Ʌ] ub td ckr nf ns n Can you read? Listen, repeat and chant. Run duck run. (Quack.) Run duck run. (Quack.) Under the sun. (Quack.) Under the sun. (Quack.) Run duck run. (Quack.) Run run run! (Quack! Quack!) Practice 1.Read after the chant. 2.Do the actions. 3.Chant together. 4.Show time. fun sunrun duck cutbut under Read, listen and number 1. duck cut run fun 2. under duck up run Check the answers 1. duck cut run fun 2. under duck up run 2 3 1 4 1 4 3 2 Look, listen and write Let’s write Blackboard Design Unit 5 Do you like pears? u: /Ʌ/

