pep人教版英语三年级下册Unit 6 Part B 第5课时优质课件

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pep人教版英语三年级下册Unit 6 Part B 第5课时优质课件

Unit 6 How Many? Part B Let’s learn & Let’s chant PEP·三年级下册 Let’s chant Hello, my friend. Please tell me. How many cars do you see? One, two, three … I see eleven. One, two, three … I see eleven. 11 12 13 14 15 Game: Guess the number. I guess twelve. No, more. Thirteen. Yes, you’re right.How many pencils do I have? thirteen fourteen three four ten ten + + = = How about “six / seven/eight/nine + ten?” Let's work out. fifteen five ten + = sixteen seventeen six seven ten ten + + = = eighteen eight ten + = nineteen nine ten + = 十六 十七 基数词 +teen后缀 十八 十九 基数词 +teen后缀 ?ten ten + 二十 Listen and answer What does John see? Cars. Watch and answer How many cars do they have? They have twenty. How many cars do you have? We have twenty. Listen and repeat Work in pairs 1. Role-play John and the worker in pairs. 2. Act out. Let’s chant How many do you have? How many do you see? 10 and 8 makes 18. Can you count with me? How many do you have? How many do you see? 4 times 5 makes 20. Can you count with me? Magic words I have a turntable, when it stops, please say the answer as quickly as you can. 8+9= 4×5= 3×6= 2×8= 12+7= What does 8 and 9 make? 8 and 9 makes seventeen. 16 17 18 19 20 Make your own dialogues. —How many ____ do you have? —I have _____. 16 17 18 19 20 A: How many ________ do you have? B: I have ________. erasers sixteen Blackboard Design Unit 6 How many? —How many cars do you have? —I have twenty. sixteen six ten + = seventeen eighteen seven eight nineteen nine ten ten ten + = + = + = twentyten ten + =

