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初一英语选词填空练习 ‎ 1‎ well want think help exciting see play favorite difficult sport Dave is an English boy. He likes China. He to learn Chinese. Chinese is to learn, but he he can learn it . Tom is Dave’s brother. He likes China too. He likes Chinese action movies. He thinks they are . “I can’t speak Chinese well. But I like Chinese Kung Fu,” he tells his Chinese friends. Sally is Dave’s sister. She is a star in the school. She can ‎ ping-pong very well. Her sport star is Wang Nan.‎ Cara is Sally’s friend. She likes Chinese chess. She often plays Chinese chess on her computer. She also likes Chinese music. Maria, Cara’s sister, likes Beijing opera. She thinks it is interesting. She thinks it her to learn about Chinese history. She often goes to Beijing Opera with his parents.‎ ‎ 2‎ school buy for from in by people like get open I work in a small shop. It's near an American . Every day students come to_______ things. ________the morning I get up at six, and then I have breakfast. I go to school _______bike. I _______ to shop at about six fifty. The shop ________ at seven. We sell things _________food and drinks. We have school things, too. So there are often many ________in our shop __________morning to evening. I have lunch in the shop. At seven in the evening the shop is closed. I go home _______ supper.‎ ‎ 3‎ be play weekend go like get interesting think study student Li Hong a boy. He is twelve years old. He up at six every morning. He and his friend Wang Tao are in No 1 Middle School. He playing basketball after school. But his friend, Wang Tao, doesn’t like to it. They often to a movie on . But they don’t like documentaries(纪录片). They science is boring, they think English is very . They very well at school.‎ ‎ 4‎ fly back carry fun, sing, free, good, picnic, well, forget, to, take, ‎ I’m 1________ this Sunday. I go to West Hill for a 2________ with my friends Li Ming, Jack and Maria. We 3________ some food and drinks with us. Li Ming wants me to 4_______ kites with him. But I have no time. I have to cook. Jack 5________ some water for me. Maria can play the guitar very 6________. But she 7_________ to bring her guitar. So she 8_________ some songs for us. We go 9_________ home at half past five in the afternoon. We all have 10________.‎ ‎ 5‎ my, much, many, woman, may, out, but, bag, next to, seat, old, and, man It’s Sunday. There are 1 people on the bus. And an 2 man is looking here and there. He wants to find a 3 . Then he finds one. He goes to it. A small 4 is on the seat. And a young man is 5 it. “Excuse me, 6 I have this seat?” asks the old man. “Sorry, it’s for a 7 . She goes to buy some bananas.” says the young man. “Well, ” says the old man. “Let me sit here, please. When she comes back, I will leave(离开) here.” The bus starts. “She doesn’t come, 8 her bag is here. Let me give her the bag.” The old man wants to throw the bag 9 of the window. “Don’t throw! It’s 10 bag.” The young man jumps and shouts(大喊).‎ 首字母填空 ‎ 1‎ I am an American girl. My name is Alice Green. I am a middle school s . I am fifteen. I have two b . They are middle school students, too. We go to school from M to Friday. We don't h any calsses on Saturdays and Sundays. My father and mother are teachers. They always say China is great. I like reading. I am reading a Chinese storybook. I t it's very i . My brothers and I like p football and basketball. What s do you like? Let’s b good pen pal, OK? Please w to me soon.‎ ‎ 2‎ We have two new students in our school .They are from Canada. They s English. They look the s . Their n are Lily and Lucy. They live with t parents. There are four people in their f . Their father and mother are t . They have milk and eggs f breakfast. They say they want to v Beijing. They like China very ‎ much.‎ ‎ 3‎ I am an American b . My name is Jerry Black. You can c me Jerry. I h a sister, Ginny. We are twins(双包胎). But we are very d . I have a long face w a high nose, while she has a round face with a small nose. I like football. But she l basketball. I like loud music. She likes light music.‎ ‎ My father is a doctor in a h . My mother runs(经营) a clothing s . We have a family member, Beibei. She is a lovely dog. She will have a puppy(小狗) s .‎ ‎ 4‎ John gets up early from Monday to F , because he must go to school before 7:30 on weekdays(工作日) and go to the D Club at 8:00 on Saturday mornings. He draws very well. He usually goes to the b to look at the new books on Saturday afternoons, and after supper he watches TV until(直到) m .‎ He doesn’t get up early on weekend. John’s parents b work on Sundays. John always watches TV after he gets up. Then he usually goes to KFC to have a h 6 and some juice for lunch. After that, he goes back home and b to play computer games until his parents come back. He does his homework after supper. He usually has a lot of w homework, so he must s three hours on it. He usually goes to bed at about 11:00 p.m. on Sundays. He often complains(抱怨) he has too m homework to do.‎ ‎ 5‎ A woman is going shopping. She is going by b .The boat is going a ‎ the river. Her basket is empty(空的). Oh dear! Look! Her basket is in the w ‎ ‎"help!" she says. "Look! My basket is in the river."‎ A boy sees the basket. He say, "Don't w ! I can get it! I'm a very good ‎ s ." He takes off his shoes and shirt. "Look a my shirt and shoes, please!" he says and then jumps into the river.‎ A d sees the basket. "I can go by basket !" it thinks. It gets to the basket. The boy’s swimming in the river. "Where's the basket?" he calls. "It's over there!" calls the woman. "It's behind you! It's u that duck!" The boy gets to the basket. "Go away!" he says to the duck. The duck j out of the basket and swims away. The boy takes the basket to the land. "Oh, thank you!"says the woman. "Thank you very much!"‎ ‎"Not at all," says the boy. " Do you have my shirt and shoes , please?"‎ ‎"Yes , here you are. Oh, what's in the basket? It's the duck's e !"‎ 短文填空 ‎ 1‎ Jeff and John are good friends. They are from different . They are now China. They are in the class. Jeff is twelve, John is eleven. Jeff is from the U. S.A. and John is England. They both English. Jeff usually goes to on foot. John usually goes to school subway. Mr. Yang is their Chinese teacher. Jeff is good at Chinese. He can speak very well. But John can’t. He can only a little Chinese. Mr. Yang and Jeff often help with his Chinese.‎ ‎ 2‎ Dear students, ‎ ‎ My mane is Bob. I live in Toronto, Canada, and I want a (1) pal in China. I think China is a very interesting (2). I’m 14 years (3) and my (4) is in November. I can (5) English and a little French. I (6) a brother, Paul, and a sister, Sarah. They have pen pals in the United Kingdom and Australia. I like (7) to the movies with my friends and playing sports. My (8) subject in school is P.E. It’s fun ‎ (9) I don’t like math. It’s too difficult ! ‎ ‎ Can you write (10) me soon? ‎ ‎ Bob.‎ 书面表达 ‎1. 假如你是林涛,你给你的笔友Jim写一封信,告诉他你明天要去动物园,并告诉他动物园里都有哪些动物。那些动物都喜欢吃些什么。你最喜欢的动物是什么。‎ ‎2. 介绍自己的一个好朋友。(姓名,年龄,长相,电话号码,兴趣爱好等)‎ ‎ ‎

