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Unit 7 How much are these socks? 第六课时 Section B (3a3b)—单元同步作文指导 在七年级的英文书面表达中,有很多都是根据提示翻译完成作文,这时 候需要将所学过的单词,尽量灵活地运用到句子中。具体到本单元的书 面表达中,要求学生会根据提示(汉语、图片、表格等),写一则促销广 告。 教材中出现的常用句型: ①Come and buy... at our great sale! ②We sell... at very good prices. ③Do you like/need...? ④For girls,we have... ⑤We have... (in+颜色) for only+价格. ⑥How much are our...? ⑦Socks are only $2 for three pairs. ⑧Come to+商店名称! 拓展常用句型: ①You can buy... for only+价格.你只需花费多少钱就能买到……。 ②Come and see for yourself!亲自来看看吧! Miss Charm的服装店开张了,请你根据提示写一篇50词左右的广告。 提示:①我们有黑色和蓝色的帽子,只要12元; ②我们有60元一件的毛衣; ③我们有45元钱一个的运动包; ④我们还有8元一双的足球袜和各种颜色的裙子,只要18元。 Come and buy your clothes at Miss Charm's Clothes Store!①Do you like hats?We have black and blue hats for 12 yuan.We have sweaters at a very good price.Only for 60 yuan!②Do you need bags for sports?We have great bags for only 45 yuan!For boys,you can buy football socks for only 8 yuan.For girls,we have skirts in all colors for only 18 yuan!Come to Miss Charm's Clothes Store now! 【点评】根据提示翻译,叙述很有条理性,尽量使用学过的句子。写作 中要注意语言要有吸引力,也就是所写出的句子要有足够的“煽动性”, 如①、②两处。加上这两处该篇作文就更贴近生活,具有现实意义了。 梦鑫服装店在进行服装展销,请根据表格内容提示,写一则50词左右的 广告。 Clothes Color Price Tshirts black 25 yuan socks white,yellow,blue 2 yuan shorts black,red,green 35 yuan hats yellow,white 5 yuan Mengxin Clothes Store Sale! Come and buy your clothes at our great sale!Do you need Tshirts?We have black Tshirts for 25 yuan!And socks are in white,yellow and blue for only 2 yuan.The shorts are only 35 yuan.They are black,red and green.You can buy hats in yellow and white.They are only 5 yuan.Come and see for yourself at Mengxin Clothes Store! 琳达(Linda)是一位网店店主,为了使她的童装店更有人气,她开展了活 动。下表是促销商品的信息,请根据表格,帮助琳达写一则店铺活动通 知,放在网站的首页。 要求:1.条理清楚、意思连贯、书写工整; 2.50词左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数) One possible version: Hello!Come and buy some clothes for your children!We sell all our clothes at very good prices.Does_your_son_need_sweaters? We_have_blue_sweaters_for_only_$20.We_also_have_shorts_and_Tshirts _for_boys.The_black_shorts_are_only_$18_and_the_red_Tshirts_are_only _$12.What_do_you_need_to_buy_for_your_daughter? We_have_jackets_in_green_for_only_$26.How_much_are_our_blue_dress es?Only_$25!Look_at_the_shoes!They're_only_$19.Come to our store now! One possible version: Hello!Come and buy some clothes for your children!We sell all our clothes at very good prices.Does_your_son_need_sweaters? We_have_blue_sweaters_for_only_$20.We_also_have_shorts_and_Tshirts _for_boys.The_black_shorts_are_only_$18_and_the_red_Tshirts_are_only _$12.What_do_you_need_to_buy_for_your_daughter? We_have_jackets_in_green_for_only_$26.How_much_are_our_blue_dress es?Only_$25!Look_at_the_shoes!They're_only_$19.Come to our store now! 单元常见错误诊断 病号1:We sell jackets for good prices. 【处方】英语中表达“以便宜的价格出售/买进”,常用介词at。表示具 体价格常用介词for。故原句中的for应改为at。 病号2:The Tshirt is 40 yuans. 【处方】在介绍物品价格时,人民币单位常用yuan。yuan没有复数形式, 但是美元dollar有单复数之分。故原句中的yuans应改为yuan或dollars。 病号3:These socks are very nice.I'll buy them. 【处方】当顾客认为某物很漂亮或价格合理,决 定买下时,常用动词take。故原句应改为“I'll take them.”。 病号4:We have skirts with all colors. 【处方】“in+颜色”常用来表示“……颜色”,故原句中的with应改为 in。 病号5:—What's thirty and eighteen? —It's forty_eight. 【处方】在英语中,在构成两位数的基数词时,十位数和个位数之间要 加连字符“”。故原句中的forty eight应改为fortyeight。

