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Section_ⅥLesson_4‎ ‎                   ‎ ‎[原文呈现]‎ A It may seem strange, but at that moment, when we were on the edge of① the whirlpool, I felt calmer than when we were moving towards it. We went round and round, nearer and nearer to the horrible② edge of the whirlpool. Suddenly, we went over the edge. I thought my life was over. But moment after moment③passed, and I was still safe. The boat was on the inside of the huge whirlpool and we were going round in circles at great speed④. I saw clearly that there were other objects in the whirlpool — trees and barrels⑤. I noticed that the heavier objects went down more quickly than the smaller, lighter ones. So I tied myself to a barrel to help me float⑥. I tried to make my brother understand, but he was terrified⑦ and stayed in the heavy boat. Without waiting, I dived into⑧the sea to try and escape⑨.‎ ‎[读文清障]‎ ‎①on the edge of 在……的边缘 ‎②horrible /'hɒrIbl/ adj.可怕的;令人厌恶的 ‎③moment after moment(时间)一点点地 ‎④at great speed 以高速 at a speed of 以……速度 ‎⑤barrel /'bærəl/ n.圆桶 ‎⑥float /fləʊt/ vi.漂,浮 float off 浮起,漂离 ‎⑦terrified adj.恐惧的,受惊吓的 terrify /'terIfaI/ vt.令人感到恐惧 terrifying adj.可怕的 ‎⑧dive into 跳入,投入 ‎⑨escape /I'skeIp/ vi.逃脱,逃跑 A 似乎有点儿奇怪,当我们处在漩涡边缘的时候,我的心情比向它驶近时平静。我们转了一圈又一圈,离那个可怕的漩涡边缘越来越近。我们猛然间到了边缘。我觉得我的生命就要完结了。但时间一点点地过去,我还很安全。船进入了巨大的漩涡内部,我们在漩涡里飞速地旋转着。我清楚地看到,漩涡里还有其他东西——树和木桶。我发现沉重的物体比小而轻的物体下沉得快。于是我把自己捆在一个木桶上,使我在水上漂浮。我努力使哥哥明白这一点,但他十分恐惧,呆坐在沉重的木船里。刻不容缓,我潜入海里设法逃生。 ‎ B About three years ago,something terrible happened to me. Those six hours of terror⑩ have broken my body and soul⑪. You think I am a very old man — but I am not. It took less than a single day to change my hair from black to white. One day,my two brothers and I were coming back from the islands,our boat full of fish⑫. All at once⑬,the sky was covered with dark clouds and in less than a minute we were in a terrible storm. An enormous⑭ wave covered our boat and my younger brother fell into the sea. Our boat survived⑮, and I was trying to recover⑯ when my elder brother put his mouth close to⑰my ear⑱,and screamed⑲ out the terrifying word “Whirlpool⑳!” With the wind and waves we were going in the direction of the whirlpool,and nothing could save us!,terror /'terə/ n. 恐怖,恐惧 terrorist n.恐怖分子 terrorism n.恐怖主义 ‎⑪soul /səʊl/ n.灵魂 body and soul 身心 heart and soul 全心全意 ‎⑫our boat full of fish 是“名词+形容词”类型的独立主格结构,作状语。‎ ‎⑬all at once 突然,忽然 ‎⑭enormous adj.巨大的,庞大的 ‎⑮survive /sə'vaIv/ vi.幸存,生存下来 survive sb.by two years 比某人多活两年 ‎⑯recover /rI'kʌvə/ vi.恢复正常;康复 recover from 从……中恢复 ‎⑰close to 接近,靠近 ‎⑱ I was trying to recover when ... 是be doing ... when ... 句式,意为“正在做……,这时……”。‎ ‎⑲scream /skriːm/ vi.(因恐惧、疼痛、兴奋等)尖声大叫 ‎⑳whirlpool /'wɜːlpuːl/ n.漩涡 in the direction of 朝着……方向 B 大约3年前,我遇上了一件可怕的事。那6个小时的恐惧情形让我身心俱毁。你认为我是一个很老的人——其实我不是。就在不到一天的时间里,我的头发由黑变白。一天,我和我的两个兄弟从岛上归来,船上载满了鱼。突然,天空被乌云笼罩,刹那间,我们就卷入了可怕的暴风雨中。一个巨浪劈头盖脸地向我们的小船扑来,我弟弟落水了。我们的船保住了。我正竭力从恐惧中回过神来,就在这时,哥哥把嘴凑到我耳旁,大声说出了那个让人胆战心惊的词——“漩涡!”。风浪把我们推向了漩涡,什么也救不了我们!‎ C As you can see,I did escape. I will bring my story quickly to a conclusion. Some time after I left the boat,with my brother in it,it sank into the bottom of the whirlpool. Soon afterwards,the whirlpool became less violent. Then the sky was clear,the wind calmer and the moon was shining. I was still tied to the barrel and the waves soon carried me to an area where the other fishermen were. In the end,a boat picked me up. I was very tired. The fishermen were my old friends,but they were unable to recognise me. When I told them my story,they did not believe it. Now I have told you,and I cannot expect you to believe me more than the fishermen did. ‎ ‎(Adapted from A Descent into the Maelstrom by Edgar Allan Poe),bring ... to a conclusion 使……结束 come to/arrive at/reach/draw a conclusion 得出结论 with my brother in it 是with的复合结构,其构成为“with+名词+介词短语”。‎ sink /sIŋk/vi.下沉;沉没 pick up 取,接载 unable /ʌn'eIbl/adj.不能的,不会的 recognise /'rekəɡnaIz/vt.辨认出 recognise 是非延续性动词。‎ know “认识”,是延续性动词。‎ adapted from 节选自 adapt /ə'dæpt/ 改编;适应 adopt 采纳,收养 C 如你所见,我的确逃脱了。我的故事即将收尾。我离开船不久,哥哥就随船沉入涡底。很快,漩涡变得不再那么猛烈。后来,天晴了,风静了,月光在闪烁。我还被捆在木桶上,浪很快把我带到其他渔夫聚集的地方。最后,一条船把我救了起来。这时我已筋疲力尽了。那些渔夫是我的老朋友,但他们已经认不出我了。我给他们讲述我的故事时,他们并不相信。现在我已经把故事告诉了你,我也不能期望你会比那些渔民更相信我。‎ ‎(摘自埃德加·爱伦·坡的《身陷大漩涡》)‎ True (T) or False (F).‎ ‎1. The writer is an old man.__F__‎ ‎2.The writer and his brothers were trapped in the whirlpool.__T__‎ ‎3.The writer tried his best to tie himself to a barrel to help him float.__T__‎ ‎4.The writer and his brothers caught no fish that day.__F__‎ ‎5.At last the writer escaped, but his brothers didn't. __T__‎ ‎6.Some fishermen jumped into the sea and saved the writer and his brothers. __F__‎ Read the text carefully and choose the best answers.‎ ‎1. What did the writer notice while he and his brother were going round and round on the inside of the whirlpool?‎ A.The smaller and lighter objects went down more quickly.‎ B.The heavier objects went down more quickly.‎ C.His boat went down more quickly.‎ D.Trees and barrels went down more quickly.‎ ‎2.What made the writer's hair change from black to white?‎ A.Medicine.       B.Sorrow.‎ C.Something terrible. D.The old age.‎ ‎3.Who did not save the writer?‎ A.The barrel. B.The writer himself.‎ C.Some fishermen. D.The writer's brother.‎ ‎4.Which one of the following is TRUE?‎ A. The fishermen didn't recognise the writer because his hair turned all white.‎ B.The writer's brother didn't die because he stayed in the boat.‎ C.The writer didn't die because the fishermen told him to tie a barrel to him.‎ D.The writer had his legs and arms broken in the terrible things.‎ ‎5. What did the writer mean by the last sentence of the passage?‎ A. He was not sure that the readers would believe him.‎ B.He was sure that the readers would believe him, though the fishermen didn't.‎ C.He was sure that the readers would believe half of his story.‎ D.He expected the readers would believe him rather than the fishermen.‎ 答案:1~5 BCDAA 一、这样记单词 记得准·写得对 记得快·记得多 Ⅰ.基础词汇 ‎1.float vi.     漂,浮 ‎2.leak vi. 渗漏;泄露 ‎3.escape vi. 逃脱,逃跑 ‎4.soul n. 灵魂 ‎5.scream vi. (因恐惧、疼痛、兴奋等)尖声大叫 ‎6.Oceania n. 大洋洲 ‎7.sink vi. 下沉;沉没 Ⅱ.拓展词汇 ‎1.horrible adj.可怕的;令人厌恶的→horribly adv.可怕地;令人恐惧地→horror n.恐怖 ‎2.terrify vt.令人感到恐惧→terrified adj.恐惧的,害怕的→terrifying adj.令人恐惧的→terror n.恐怖;可怕的人或事物→terrible adj.糟糕的 ‎3.survive vi.幸存;生存下来→survival n.幸存→survivor n.幸存者,生还者 ‎4.recover vi.痊愈,康复→recovery n.恢复,痊愈 ‎5.recognise (=recognize) vt.辨认出→recognition n. 认出;承认 ‎6.opposite n.对立的人(物);反义词→opposition n.对立,意见相反 ‎1.float vi.漂,浮 ‎[反义] sink下沉;沉没 ‎[词块] ①float along/down 顺流 ‎②float up 飘上……‎ ‎③float down 飘下……‎ ‎④float on water 在水上飘浮 ‎2.escape vi.逃跑;逃脱 ‎[记法] es(off)+cape (海角)→离开海角→逃跑 ‎[词块] ①escape from  从……中逃脱 ‎②escape one's attention/notice 逃过某人的注意;被某人忽略 ‎③a lucky escape 幸运逃脱 ‎④an escape of gas 气体泄漏 ‎3.Oceania n.大洋洲 ‎[联想] 由Oceania想到的 ‎①Asia 亚洲 ②Europe 欧洲 ‎③Africa 非洲 ④South America 南美洲 ‎⑤North America 北美洲 ⑥Antarctica 南极洲 二、这样记短语 记牢固定短语 多积常用词块 ‎1.in the end        最后,终于 ‎2.make sense 有意义,讲得通 ‎3.in the direction of 朝……方向 ‎4.bring ... to a conclusion 使……结束 ‎5.pick up 取,接载 ‎6.all at once 突然,忽然 ‎1.tie ... to ...       把……系在……‎ ‎2.on the edge of 在……的边缘 ‎3.go down 下降 ‎4.dive into 潜入水中 ‎5.fall into 掉入……中 ‎6.less than 少于 三、这样记句式 先背熟 再悟通 后仿用 ‎1.One day,my two brothers and I were coming back from the islands, our boat full of fish.‎ 一天,我和我的两个兄弟从岛上归来,船上载满了鱼。‎ 独立主格结构作状语。‎ Computers_small,_we can use them widely.‎ 电脑虽小,我们却能广泛地利用它们。‎ ‎2.Our boat survived,and I was trying to recover when my elder brother put his mouth close to my ear ...‎ 我们的船保住了。我正竭力从恐惧中回过神来,就在这时,哥哥把嘴凑到我耳旁……‎ be doing ... when ... “正在……,这时(突然)……”。‎ I was_watching the Sept.3rd military parade when someone knocked at the door.‎ 我正在看9·3大阅兵,这时有人敲门。‎ ‎3.As you can see, I did escape.‎ 如你所见,我的确逃脱了。‎ ‎“do/does/did+动词原形”强调谓语动词。‎ Sun Yang did_win a gold medal.‎ 孙杨的确获得了金牌。‎ ‎1.(教材P14)I tried to make my brother understand, but he was terrified and stayed in the ‎ heavy boat.‎ 我努力使我哥哥明白这一点,但他十分恐惧,呆坐在沉重的木船里。‎ terrify vt. 令人感到恐惧 ‎(1)terrify sb. into (doing) sth.  恐吓某人做某事 ‎(2)terrifying adj. 吓人的 terrified adj. 恐惧的,害怕的 be terrified of (doing) sth. 对(做某事)感到害怕 be terrified at/with/by ... 被……吓一跳 be terrified that ... 害怕……‎ ‎(3)terror n. 恐怖,可怕的人或事 terrible adj. 糟糕的 ‎①The dog's sudden appearance terrified the thief away.‎ 狗的突然出现,把贼吓跑了。‎ ‎②The robber terrified her into handing out her money.‎ 劫匪恐吓她交出所有的钱。‎ ‎③She was terrified of being killed in an air raid.‎ 她害怕空袭时会被炸死。‎ ‎[语境串记]‎ I had a terrifying experience which was terrible; as a result, I often feel terrified at the thought of it. It is full of terror.‎ 我有一次可怕的经历,它糟透了。因此一想起我就常常会感到害怕。太恐怖了。‎ ‎2.(教材P14)Without waiting, I dived into the sea to try and escape.‎ 刻不容缓,我潜入海里设法逃生。‎ escape vi. 逃跑;逃脱vt. 逃避;被遗忘n. 逃跑,逃脱,逃避 ‎(1)escape from/out of ... 从……逃走 escape n./doing sth. (常用被动语态)避开……‎ escape sb. 被某人遗忘 ‎(2)have a narrow escape 九死一生 ‎①He escaped from prison, but was rearrested by police a month later.‎ 他成功越狱,但一个月后再次被警方逮捕。‎ ‎②He escaped punishment/being_punished (punish).‎ 他逃脱了惩罚。‎ ‎③He had_a_narrow_escape during the war.‎ 战争中他九死一生。‎ ‎3.(教材P14)All at once, the sky was covered with dark clouds and in less than a minute we were in a terrible storm.‎ 突然,天空被乌云笼罩,刹那间,我们就卷入了可怕的暴风雨中。‎ all at once 突然,忽然(=suddenly, all of a sudden); 同时,一齐(=at the same time, all together)‎ at once          立刻,马上 once in a while 偶尔 once upon a time 很久以前 once more=once again 再一次,又一次 ‎①We didn't know why the machine stopped all at once.‎ 我们不知为什么机器忽然停了下来。‎ ‎②They go out together once_in_a_while but not very often.‎ 他们偶尔一块出去,但不经常。‎ ‎③Can you explain it to me once_more?‎ 你能再向我解释一次吗?‎ ‎4.(教材P14)Our boat survived, and I was trying to recover when my elder brother put his mouth close to my ear ... ‎ 我们的船保住了。我正竭力从恐惧中回过神来,就在这时,哥哥把嘴凑到我耳旁……‎ survive vi. 幸存,生存下来vt. 从……中幸存下来(后接疾病、灾害、事故等名词);比……活得久 survive from sth.     从……幸存下来 survive on sth. 依靠……生活 survive sth. 幸免于……,从……中艰难度过 survive sb.(by three years) 比……活得长(三年)‎ ‎①His doctor says it's a miracle that he survived.‎ 他的医生说他能活下来是个奇迹。‎ ‎②Still a few houses have survived from the Tang Dynasty.‎ 仍然有一些房子从唐朝遗留下来。‎ ‎[名师点津] survive用作及物动词时,可直接跟“疾病、灾难、事故”等名词,表示“从……中幸存下来”。‎ ‎③He is lucky to survive the massive earthquake in Japan.‎ 他很幸运能够在日本大地震中幸存下来。‎ ‎5.(教材P14)With the wind and waves we were going in the direction of the whirlpool, and nothing could save us!‎ 风浪把我们推向了漩涡,什么也救不了我们!‎ in the direction of 朝着……的方向 in every direction/in all directions   朝四面八方 from the direction of 从……方向来 ‎①After a week in Dalian we sailed in the direction of Shanghai.‎ 在大连停泊了一个星期后,我们起锚驶向上海。‎ ‎②The enemy fled in_every_direction/in_all_directions.‎ 敌军四处逃散。‎ ‎6.(教材P15)In the end, a boat picked me up.‎ 最后,一条船把我救了起来。‎ pick up 取,接载;收听(节目,电台);(偶然)学会;(身体)好转;收拾;拿起;拾起 写出下列句中pick up的含义 ‎①Sally walked onto the platform,picked up a piece of chalk and wrote on the blackboard:“Rule 1. We are family!”拿起 ‎②My radio can pick up the BBC programmes clearly.‎ 收听 ‎③I'll pick you up at your home tomorrow. 接载 ‎④It's surprising that your brother picked up Russian so quickly — he hasn't lived there very long.(偶然)学会 ‎⑤Business has been very poor but they expect it to pick up again before Christmas.好转 ‎⑥Children, it's time to pick up and have dinner.收拾 ‎[语境串记] After I picked up a collection of Monkey King stamps on the market, I heard that Lily was waiting for me to pick her up, so I picked up speed.‎ 我在市场廉价买到一套猴王邮票后,得知莉莉在等我去接她,所以我加快了速度。 ‎ ‎7.(教材P15)The fishermen were my old friends, but they were unable to recognise me.‎ 那些渔夫是我的老朋友,但他们已经认不出我了。‎ recognise (=recognize) vt. 认出,辨认出;承认,认可 ‎(1)recognise ... by ...      凭借……认出 ‎(2)recognise ... as/to be ... 认为……是……‎ recognise that ... 认识到……‎ be recognised as 被公认为……‎ ‎①I recognised him as soon as he came in the room.‎ 他一进屋我就认出了他。‎ ‎②I recognised her by her red hat.‎ ‎ 我凭借她的红帽子认出了她。‎ ‎③People in the world recognise Mao Zedong as/to be a great man.‎ 世人认为毛泽东是个伟人。‎ ‎④He recognised_that he made a severe mistake.‎ 他认识到自己犯了严重的错误。‎ ‎1.One day, my two brothers and I were coming back from the islands, our boat full of fish.‎ 一天,我和我的两个兄弟从岛上归来,船上载满了鱼。‎ ‎(1)本句为简单句,our boat full of fish为独立主格结构,在句中作状语。‎ ‎(2)独立主格结构不是句子,只是一个修饰成分,在句中作时间、原因、方式、条件和伴随状语。独立主格结构是由“名词/代词+分词/不定式/形容词/副词/介词短语”构成,名词/代词与这些词之间有主谓或动宾关系。该结构常用逗号与句子的主干部分隔开。‎ ‎①Tom looked at the millionpound note, his eyes wide open.‎ 汤姆眼睛睁得大大的,看着这张百万英镑的钞票。‎ ‎②The test finished (finish), we began our holiday.‎ 考试结束了,我们开始放假。‎ ‎③The teacher came in, a_book_in_his_hand/book_in_hand.‎ 老师进来了,手里拿着一本书。‎ ‎④The headmaster came into the room,a group of students following (follow) him.‎ 一群学生跟着校长进了房间。‎ ‎⑤So many people to_help (help) him, he is sure to succeed.‎ 这么多人帮他,他一定会成功的。‎ ‎2.Our boat survived, and I was trying to recover when my elder brother put his mouth close to my ear, and screamed out the terrifying word “Whirlpool!”‎ 我们的船保住了。我正竭力从恐惧中回过神来,就在这时,哥哥把嘴凑到我耳旁,大声说出了那个让人胆战心惊的词——“漩涡!”。‎ were trying ... when ... 为“be doing ... when ...”句型,意为“正在做……,这时(突然)……”,when为并列连词。‎ ‎①I was walking along the street when I heard someone calling my name.‎ 我正在街上走,这时突然听到有人喊我。‎ when用作并列连词句型归纳:‎ ‎(1)be doing ... when ...    正在做……这时……‎ ‎(2)had just done ... when ... 刚做完某事这时……‎ ‎(3)be about to do ... when ... 正要做……这时……‎ ‎(4)be on the point of doing ... when ...‎ ‎ 正要做……这时……‎ ‎②The thief was on the point of putting his hand into the lady's handbag when the bus suddenly stopped.‎ 小偷正要把手伸进那位女士的手提袋中,这时公共汽车突然停了。‎ ‎③Jim was_watching (watch) a late night film at home when, right in the middle of a thrilling scene, the television went blank.‎ 吉姆正在家里看午夜电影,恰好演到一个惊险场面时,电视没影像了。‎ ‎④I was_about_to_give_up_when my father came and encouraged me to keep going.‎ 我正要放弃这时父亲来鼓励我继续努力。‎ Ⅰ.单句语法填空 ‎1.Weather permitting (permit), we are going to visit you tomorrow.‎ ‎2.It is necessary to use a shortwave radio to pick up the programmes.‎ ‎3.The old lady survived his husband by 10 years.‎ ‎4.It took him a long time to recover from a bad cold.‎ ‎5.The thunderstorm terrified (terrify) the child and he burst into tears.‎ Ⅱ.完成句子 ‎1.We were_about_to_leave_when it began to rain.‎ 我们正要离开,这时天突然下起雨来。‎ ‎2.They drove in_the_direction_of_the_station.‎ 他们开车朝车站方向去了。‎ ‎3.The book is_now_recognised_as_a_classic.‎ 这本书现在是一部公认的经典著作。‎ ‎4.Only with the greatest of luck did she manage to escape_from_the_rising_flood_waters.‎ 她设法逃离了不断上涨的洪水只是非常侥幸而已。‎ ‎5.All_at_once,they rushed out together.‎ 突然他们一起跑出去了。‎ 一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高 Ⅰ.单词拼写 ‎1.Lisa didn't change lot.I recognised (认出) her the moment we met again four years later.‎ ‎2.Water was leaking (渗漏) from a pipe in the bathroom.‎ ‎3.At the news the children were screaming (尖声大叫) with laughter. ‎ ‎4.A lot of water flowed into the boat and soon it sank (沉没).‎ ‎5.Fortunately,he narrowly escaped (逃脱) death in a storm.‎ ‎6.It took a long time for him to_recover (恢复正常).‎ ‎7.I looked up at the clouds floating (漂浮) in the sky.‎ ‎8.Fortunately he survived (幸存) the Wenchuan earthquake.‎ Ⅱ.单句语法填空 ‎1.If you have a job, do devote yourself to it and finally you'll succeed.‎ ‎2.She is surprised at the recovery (recover) of the missing diamond.‎ ‎3.Charles often attempts to escape being_fined_ (fine) whenever he breaks traffic regulations.‎ ‎4.I was walking in the street when the accident happened.‎ ‎5.The last guest to_arrive (arrive), our party will start.‎ ‎6.He comes from the direction of south.‎ ‎7.My room is opposite to his.‎ ‎8.Alexander tried to get his work recognised (recognise) in the medical circles.‎ Ⅲ.选词填空 ‎1. No one could tell why Mary left all_at_once.‎ ‎2.The police found that the murderer's car went in_the_direction_of Yunnan.‎ ‎3.The meeting this evening has lasted for two hours.Let's bring it to_a_conclusion.‎ ‎4.The children picked_up many sea shells at the seashore.‎ ‎5.This sentence doesn't make_sense at all.‎ ‎6.They tried to escape by diving_into a river.‎ Ⅳ.课文语法填空 About three years ago, something terrible happened to me. Those six hours of 1.terror (terrible) have broken my body and soul. One day, my two brothers and I were coming back from the islands. All 2.at once, the sky 3.was_covered (cover) with dark clouds and in less than a minute we were in 4.a terrible storm.‎ It may seem strange, but at that moment, 5.when we were on the edge of the whirlpool, I felt 6.calmer (calm) than when we were moving towards it. I noticed that the heavier objects went down more quickly 7.than the smaller, lighter ones. So I tied myself to a barrel to help me float. And without 8.waiting (wait), I dived into the sea to try and escape.‎ As you can see, I did escape. In the end a boat picked me 9.up. I was very tired. The ‎ fishermen were my old friends, but they were unable 10.to_recognise (recognise) me. When I told them the story, they did not believe it.‎ Ⅴ.串点成篇微表达 天气很好(独立主格结构),我们决定去参观一座追溯到(date back to)宋朝的寺庙。一大早,我们就朝寺庙的方向(in the direction of)出发(set sail)。当我们到达时,我们了解到这座寺庙经历(survive)了一场可怕(horrible)的大地震。当我们正在欣赏寺庙的美丽时,突然(all at once)我们听到一声可怕(terrible)的尖叫声(scream)。一名游客掉到一条很深的河里,我立即把他救起来(pick up)并设法把他送到医院。尽管我不能好好欣赏一下寺庙,但这对我很有意义(make sense)。‎ Weather_fine,_we_decided_to_pay_a_visit_to_an_old_temple_dating_back_to_Song_Dynasty._Early_in_the_morning,_we_set_sail_in_the_direction_of_the_temple._When_we_arrived_there,_we_learned_that_it_survived_a_horrible_earthquake._When_we_were_enjoying_the_beauty_of_the_old_temple,_all_at_once_we_heard_a_terrible_scream._A_visitor_fell_into_a_deep_river._I_picked_him_up_immediately_and_managed_to_take_him_to_a_local_hospital._Although_I_couldn't_have_a_good_look_at_the_temple,_it_made_great_sense_to_me.‎ 二、勤练高考题型,多练自能生巧 Ⅰ.完形填空 All of us go through some difficult times as we approach teenage years. It's the age when we have to deal with the most __1__ in our life. This transition (过渡) from childhood to adulthood is __2__ for some, but rough for others. The most important thing about being a teenager is __3__. When we are teenagers, we would get blamed or even punished for anything wrong we do. ‎ It's all not so __4__about being a teenager though. We don't have to have our __5__ take us to somewhere we want to go or we couldn't go before. We can have __6__ with friends or even alone, which we couldn't have because we were too __7__ to know what pleasure is! It's a very enjoyable time of life. During this age, we are old enough to __8__ what is good for us, and make decisions without __9__ others. ‎ But like the saying goes, “All good things must come to an end, but all bad things can continue __10__.” During this period, we are having much __11__ for our studies. If we don't pass, we won't get jobs, and things will take a turn for the __12__. With the present world economy in __13__, we have to do really, really well in our __14__ for a job. Adults say that their __15__ is the hardest part of life. But I think the transition from a kid to an adult is much __16__ than being already an adult. What we do in our teenage years will __17__ what we become and how we lead our life in the future.‎ In conclusion, it is quite __18__ that parents put much pressure on an already stressed out teenager. If they realized that, living condition for teenagers would be much better. __19__ for the teens ourselves we should get to know what is best for us. What's more, we should understand the ‎ right __20__ of life we choose at this age can make us happy for the rest of our existence.‎ 语篇解读:在从童年到成年的过渡时期,人们需要应对很多困难,在这个阶段所选择的生活方式会影响我们的一生。‎ ‎1.A.chances        B.changes C.feelings D.expectations 解析:选B 由下文“This transition(过渡)”可知,在这个阶段我们需要应付生活中最多的改变(changes)。‎ ‎2.A.smooth B.practical C.demanding D.necessary 解析:选A 从童年到成年的过渡,对于有些人来说是很顺利的 (smooth),但是对于有些人来说却很艰难。此处用smooth“顺利的”和后面的rough相对应。‎ ‎3.A.knowledge B.independence C.confidence D.responsibility 解析:选D 根据此空的下一句“当我们成为青少年时, 我们会因犯错受到责备甚至是惩罚”可知,此处表示“成为青少年最重要的一件事就是责任(responsibility)”。 knowledge“知识”;independence“独立”;confidence“自信”。‎ ‎ 4.A.easy B.strange ‎ C.bad D.interesting 解析:选C 由下文可知,成为青少年并非总是如此糟糕(bad)。‎ ‎5.A.guides B.partners C.parents D.friends 解析:选C 根据第6空后的“with friends or even alone”可知,此处表示“我们不需要父母(parents)带着我们去我们以前想要去或不能去的地方”。‎ ‎6.A.fun B.trouble C.relation D.business 解析:选A 此处表示“我们可以和朋友一起玩,甚至独自去玩”。have fun“玩得开心,玩得高兴”,符合语境。‎ ‎ 7.A.proud B.young C.smart D.mature 解析:选B 根据语境可知,此处young“年轻的”正确。proud“自豪的”;smart“聪明的”;mature“成熟的”。‎ ‎8.A.predict B.remember C.imagine D.understand 解析:选D ‎ 在这个年龄段,我们已经足够成熟,明白什么对我们好,而且能够不需要咨询别人就做出决定。understand“理解,明白”,符合语境。‎ ‎9.A.guiding B.helping C.inviting D.consulting 解析:选D 根据上题解析可知,consult“咨询,请教”,符合语境。guide“引导,带领”;help“帮助”;invite“邀请”。‎ ‎10.A.occasionally B.briefly C.forever D.naturally 解析:选C 但是正如谚语所说,“一切美好的事物一定会走到尽头,但是所有不好的事情可能会永远继续。”forever“永远,永久”,符合语境。occasionally“偶尔,间或”;briefly“短暂地”;naturally“自然地”。‎ ‎11.A.pressure B.passion C.motivation D.panic 解析:选A 在这个阶段,我们在学业上有很大的压力(pressure)。passion“激情,热情”;motivation“动机”;panic“恐慌,惊慌”。‎ ‎12.A.better B.worse C.fewer D.more 解析:选B 如果我们不能通过考试,我们就没有工作,事情就会更糟(worse)。‎ ‎13.A.decline B.hope C.increase D.debt 解析:选A 由下文可知,“我们”真的需要在学业上好好表现,为工作做好准备,因此此处应为世界经济衰退,就业形势不好。decline“衰退,下降”,符合语境。‎ ‎14.A.contribution B.education C.application D.qualification 解析:选B 根据上题解析可知,education“教育”,符合语境。contribution“贡献”;application“应用,申请”;qualification“资格,条件”。‎ ‎15.A.promotion B.work C.experience D.age 解析:选D 成年人认为他们这个年龄(age)阶段是人生中最难的部分。promotion“促销,提升”;work“工作”;experience“经验”。‎ ‎16.A.harder B.happier C.easier D.lighter 解析:选A 但是“我”认为从小孩到成年人的过渡期比成为一个成年人更加艰难(harder)。‎ ‎17.A.reflect B.confirm C.determine D.identify 解析:选C 在青少年阶段,我们所做的将决定我们将来成为什么样的人,我们未来的生活如何。determine“决定”,符合语境。reflect“反映,反射”;confirm“确认”;identify“鉴定,识别”。‎ ‎18.A.vital B.urgent C.common D.unnecessary 解析:选D 总之,父母真的没有必要对已经很大压力的青少年施加更多的压力。unnecessary“没有必要的”,符合语境。vital“至关重要的”;urgent“紧急的,急迫的”;common“共同的,普通的”。‎ ‎19.A.Or B.Otherwise C.But D.Because 解析:选C 但是,对于我们青少年而言,我们应该知道什么对我们来说是最好的。此处和上句之间是转折关系,故用but。 ‎ ‎20.A.experience B.way C.condition D.power 解析:选B 而且,我们应该理解,这个年龄我们选择正确的生活方式能够使我们的余生幸福。the right way of life“正确的生活方式”,符合语境。‎ Ⅱ.语法填空 Charles Babbage was born in ‎1792 in Britain. He was in poor health in his __1__ (young) so he had to be educated at home. Concerned __2__ his health, his mother was advised that he should not be taught too much. However, the boy showed __3__ early interest in mathematics and worked __4__ (hard) at it than anyone else. Later he __5__ (admit) into Cambridge‎ ‎University. ‎ In 1827 he became a professor of mathematics. He worked selflessly, __6__ (devote) a lot of his wealth and energy to computing machines. In 1834 he __7__ (invent) the Analytical Machine which is the prototype (原型) of a Computer. This was a great achievement but Charles Babbage never produced a real computer. ‎ Finally in 1871, Charles Babbage, __8__ is remembered as the “grandfather of computing”, died __9__ (peaceful). However, his principles are still those on __10__ modern computers are based. ‎ 答案:1.youth 2.about/for 3.an 4.harder 5.was admitted 6.devoting 7.invented 8.who 9.peacefully 10.which

