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Section_Ⅲ Lesson_2_&_Lesson_3_—_Pre­reading [原文呈现] UNDERwater WORLD The Best Place to See Sea Creatures Polar World We have polar bears and a real iceberg① too!You can only see a small part of it above the water. It's three times as big② underwater. Watch the acrobatic seals③ at feeding time. Meet our less energetic④ but more friendly penguins⑤. You'll love them! Ocean Floor See some of the most beautiful coral⑥ and the most unusual fish in the world. Watch some fish “flying” through the water. They are less colourful than some other fish but they move beautifully. Sea Theatre See our intelligent⑦ dolphins. There are fantastic shows every⑧ two hours. Discovery⑨Pool Especially for younger children. They can touch crabs ⑩ and other smaller creatures. They can be educated⑪ about daily life on the beach in this exciting area. [读文清障] ①iceberg /'aIsbɜːɡ/ n.冰山,浮冰 ②three times as big 是倍数表达法(的省略)。 ③seal /siːl/ n.海豹 ④energetic /ˌenə'dʒetIk/ adj.有活力的 energy n.精力,干劲,能量 ⑤penguin /'peŋɡwIn/ n.企鹅 ⑥coral /'kɒrəl/ n.珊瑚 ⑦intelligent adj.聪明的,有才智的 intelligence n.智力,才智 ⑧every adj.每,每隔……的 every other day=every two days=every second day 每隔一天/每两天 every few days 每隔几天 ⑨discovery /dIs'kʌvri/ n.发现 discover v.发现 ⑩crab /kræb/ n.蟹 ⑪educate /'edjʊkeIt/ vt.教育 educated adj. 受过教育的 education n. 教育 水下世界观赏海洋生物的最佳地点 极地世界 这里有北极熊和一座真正的冰山!你只能看见水上的一小部分冰山。它的水下部分是水 上部分的三倍大。在给海豹喂食时观看表演杂技的海豹。会会我们不爱运动却更加友好的企 鹅。你会爱上它们的! 海底 看看世界上的一些最美的珊瑚和最奇异的鱼类。看一些鱼“飞翔着”穿过水面。与其他 一些鱼类相比,它们不算绚丽多姿,但它们的游姿很优美。 海洋剧院 看看我们聪明的海豚。每两个小时就有一场精彩的表演。 探索池 这里是专为较小的孩子设计的。他们可以触摸蟹和其他较小的生物。他们可以在这个令 人兴奋的地方学到关于海滩上日常生活的知识。 Virtual Reality⑫ Voyage Our most up­to­date ⑬ attraction⑭. Come with us on a “virtual reality” trip to the ocean floor and see some of the strangest fish in the world. ·Noisiest Fish. Some fish can produce sounds almost twice as loud as⑮ your speaking voice! You certainly won't find a noisier fish. ·Prettiest Fish. Some fish attract ⑯ other fish with a light on their body — and then eat them!They have a huge mouth and can eat fish as big as⑰ themselves. Watch out⑱! ·Tiniest Fish. Look carefully for the tiniest fish in the world. It is not as big as a fly in your house! ·Swim with dolphins and face ⑲ an attack by the most dangerous creature in the sea — the great white shark⑳! See these and many more! Special discount○21 before the 22nd so the sooner the better○22 ! We're open every day from 10:00 till 19:00. ⑫virtual reality 虚拟现实 ⑬up­to­date adj.最新的;现代的 out of date 过时的,陈旧的 ⑭attraction /ə'trækʃn/ n.吸引人的地方 attractive adj. 有吸引力的,引起注意的 ⑮twice as ... as ... ……的两倍,是倍数表达法的形式之一。 ⑯attract /ə'trækt/ vt. 吸引 attract one's attention 吸引某人的注意力 ⑰as big as “跟……一样大”,是形容词的原级比较形式。 ⑱watch out 注意 watch out for ... 提防……,密切注意…… ⑲face vt. 面临,面向,面对 be faced with 面临,面对 ⑳shark /ʃɑːk/ n.鲨鱼 ○21 discount /dIs'kaʊnt/ n.折扣,减价 at a discount 打折 ○22 the sooner the better 越早越好 the more ... the more ... 越……就越…… 虚拟现实航行,这是我们最新式的引人入胜之处。来和我们一起进行“虚拟现实”航行 吧,到海底走一走,看一看世界上一些最奇异 的鱼。 ·最吵的鱼。有些鱼能发出几乎是你讲话声音两倍大的声音!你绝不会找到(比它们)更吵 闹的鱼。 ·最漂亮的鱼。有些鱼用它们身体上的一种光吸引其他的鱼——然后吃掉它们!这些鱼 的嘴巨大无比,可以吃掉和自己体积一样大的鱼。要当心哦! ·最小的鱼。要仔细寻找世界上最小的鱼。它还不及你家的苍蝇大!, ·和海豚一起游泳, 面对海洋中最危险的生物——大白鲨的攻击!,快来参观吧,还有好多生物呢!22 日前特价, 所以越早越好!每天上午 10 点开门,晚上 7 点关门。 Pre­reading Please match the words with their proper meanings. 1.pollute         A.长度,长 2.chemical B.折扣,减价 3.ban C.(长度、数量)为;测量 4.handle D.吸引 5.department E.教育 6.port F.有活力的 7.present G.发现 8.intelligence H.智力,理解力 9.energetic I.港口,海港 10.discovery J.演示;讲演 11.educate K.禁止 12.attract L.对付 13.discount M.部,系,局,部门 14.trick N.化学物 15.measure O.戏法,把戏 16.length P.使污染 1~5 __________ 6~10 __________ 11~16 __________ 答案:1~5 PNKLM 6~10 IJHFG 11~16 EDBOCA Lead­in If you have a ticket for Qingdao Underwater World, which would you like to choose from the following marine livings and give your reasons? I_would_like_to_choose_the_fifth_one_—_dolphins._Because_they_are_very_friendly_and _lively. While­reading Scan the text and Choose the best answers according to the text. 1.According to the passage, which one is Right? A.In the Polar World, you can't see the polar bears. B.There are fantastic shows every two hours in Sea Theatre.  C.Younger children are not allowed to touch crabs in the Discovery Pool. D.In the Ocean Floor, you can see some fish “flying” on the ground. 2.Where can we see some of the most beautiful coral? A.Sea Theatre. B.Virtual Reality Voyage. C.Ocean Floor. D.Discovery Pool. 答案:1~2 BC Read the text carefully and fill in the chart with the information in the text. Topic: The best place to see sea creatures Polar World ·have polar bears and a 3. real iceberg ·watch the acrobatic seals at 4. feeding time Ocean Floor ·see some of the most beautiful coral and the most 5. unusual fish ·watch some fish “flying” 6. through the water 1. Sea Theatre ·see our 7. intelligent dolphins 2. Discovery Pool ·especially for 8. younger children ·9. touch crabs and other smaller creatures  our most 10. up­to­date attraction Noisiest Fish Some fish can produce sounds almost 11. twice as loud as your speaking voice! Prettiest Fish Some fish 12. attract other fish with a light on their body — and then eat them! Virtual Reality Voyage Tiniest Fish This kind of fish is not as big as a fly in your house! Ⅰ.阅读理解 A There are eight species of dolphins in Hawaii. The bottle­nosed dolphin is the most common type of dolphin. This name came from its longer upper and lower jaws. This dolphin is a very loving and friendly animal. There are cases of dolphins that rescue injured divers in the ocean. In Hawaii, you can experience swimming with dolphins. There are several companies on Oahu and the Big Island that offer a swim with these animals in the wild. These kinds of tours usually are combined with water sports such as snorkel (水下呼吸管) or scuba diving. Dolphins are protected by the Marine Mammal Protection Act and it is against the law to become closer than 50 yards (45 m)to them. But these friendly animals can approach to check you out. You have to consider that if dolphins prefer to keep away, you should not try to swim close to them. If dolphins come close while you are swimming in the ocean, don't attempt to touch them and don't make aggressive or sudden movements. At the Sea Life Park on Oahu, they have special dolphin programs that allow you to swim and hug dolphins, besides, you'll learn about these mammals' habits. The Dolphin Quest program will explain to you why dolphins are considered one of the most intelligent creatures. Swimming with dolphins is one of the most attractive activities if you come to Hawaii. But Hawaii's underwater world is amazing and has many other species to watch:Humpback whales, Green sea turtles,Monk seals and so on. While you get in touch with this underworld,always have in mind the main rule of the ocean respect: Look but don't touch. 语篇解读:本文向读者介绍在夏威夷和海豚一起游泳时需要注意的几点事项。 1.What's the main idea of Paragraph 1? A.Dolphins in Hawaii have long­bottle noses. B.Dolphins in Hawaii love friends. C.Dolphins in Hawaii always save the divers. D.Dolphins in Hawaii are explained in brief. 解析:选 D 段落大意题。第一段简单地介绍了夏威夷海域里海豚的情况。 2 . According to the Marine Mammal Protection Act, when you swim in the ocean you ________. A.have to follow the dolphins B.must stay close to the dolphins C.should keep a distance from the dolphins D.can't move with the dolphins 解析:选 C 细节理解题。由第三段第一句 “Dolphins are protected ... to them.” 可知, 人们要与海豚保持一定的距离,否则就触犯了法律。 3.If you want to know something about dolphins' life, you can ________. A.travel to the Big Island now and then B.obey the Marine Mammal Protection Act C.turn to the dolphin programs at the Sea Life Park D.live with the dolphins for a long time on Oahu 解析:选 C 细节理解题。由第四段可知,从这些节目中可以了解海豚的生活习性。 4 . When travelling around Hawaii's underwater world, you can do all of the following EXCEPT ________. A.swim with dolphins B.have a hug with dolphins C.watch other animals besides dolphins D.touch every animal 解析:选 D 推理判断题。由文章最后一句可知,在夏威夷海底世界有些动物不能触摸。 B The world's stocks of seafood will have collapsed ( 暴 跌 ) by 2050 at present rates of destruction by fishing, a scientist said. By 2048, to be exact, catches of all the presently fished seafoods will have decreased on average by more than 90 percent since 1950. The study says the loss of biodiversity (生物多样性) cuts down the ability of oceans to feed the world's growing human population — expected to rise by 50 percent to nine billion in 2050. Over­fishing also destroys the stability of ocean environments largely, reducing the ocean's ability to produce seafood, resist diseases, filter ( 过 滤 ) pollutants and rebound ( 回 升 ) from stresses such as climate change. And every species matters when it comes to the ocean's ability to repair itself, says the study. Dr. Boris Worm, of Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia, the lead author, said, “This is what is projected, not predicted, to happen. I am confident we will not go there because we will do something about it. But if this trend continues in this predictable fashion, as it has for the last 50 years, the world's currently fished seafoods will have reached what we define (定义) as collapse by 2048.” “Every year a higher percentage of the currently fished stocks collapse. We are losing it piece by piece.” Prof Callum Roberts, of the University of York, who was not involved in the study, said, “The animals and plants that inhabit the sea are not merely embellishments (装饰) to be wondered at. They are essential to the health of the oceans and well­being of human society. We need to ban destructive fishing practices and create a network of large­scale marine reserves around not just Britain, but globally. ” 语篇解读:本文阐释了过度捕捞给整个海洋环境造成危害,并呼吁在全球范围内禁止过 度捕捞,建立保护网络。 5.According to the passage that all seafood will run out in 2050 will ________. A.make the sea water much fresher and cleaner B.make it impossible to support more people with the seafood C.make the whole animals on land die away D.make the fishermen have more free time to rest 解析:选 B 由第一段中的“The study says the loss of biodiversity (生物多样性) cuts down the ability of oceans to feed the world's growing human population — expected to rise by 50 percent to nine billion in 2050.”可知,过度捕捞造成的生物多样性消失最终将使海洋养活不 了增长的世界人口。 6.What bad result will over­fishing bring to us? A.Destroying the stability of ocean environments. B.Largely reducing the ocean's ability to produce fresh water. C.Increasing the ocean's ability to filter pollutants. D.Making the ocean have no more capability to repair itself. 解析:选 A 由第二段中的“Over­fishing also destroys the stability of ocean environments largely,reducing the ocean's ability ...”可知过度捕捞会破坏海洋环境的稳定性。 7.What is Dr. Boris Worm's idea about the future of the seafood in the world? A.All seafood will surely run out in 2050. B.The seafood will become more than now in 2050. C.Seafoods will not have collapsed if people try their best to protect the ocean. D . The situation of the seafoods will get much worse than predicted even if people do something about it. 解 析 : 选 C   由 第 三 段 中 的 “I am confident we will not go there because we will do something about it.”可判断 C 项正确。 8.How should we do in order to protect the seafood from running out? A.We should encourage the destructive fishing practices around the world. B . We should regard the animals and plants that inhabit the sea embellishments to be wondered at. C.We should create a network of large­range sea reserves around the whole world. D.We should learn that the animals and plants that inhabit the sea are not necessary to the health of the oceans. 解析:选 C 由最后一段最后一句“We need to ban destructive fishing practices and create a network of large­scale marine reserves around not just Britain,but globally.”可知,Callum Roberts 教授提出了两个解决办法,C 项与第二个办法吻合。 C There's a new viral music video on the Internet that's getting millions of people dancing and laughing. Psy is a singer who created Gagnam Style, a music video which featured a catchy tune and interesting dance. The new music video called The Fox (What does the fox say?) has recently gone viral. At 123,000,000 views, it may even catch up to Gagnam Style. The video asks the question, “What does the fox say ?” It's a good question. And it seems, at least according to the music video, there is no good answer. Actors in the video dress up like the animals they're singing about. One of the brothers dresses up like a fox. There is a surprising and silly dance in the video that takes the viewer a bit off­guard. The video's appeal is the song's simple rhythm and catchy chorus (副歌). The makers of the video never expected the video to do well or even to be taken seriously. In fact, it started out as a joke. The song was written by two brothers from Norway, Vegard and Bard Ylvis ker. The brothers have their own late­night talk show in Norway. They thought the video would be so bad that it would give them something to talk about on their show. On their website, they say the video was “supposed to entertain a few Norwegians for three minutes — and that's all.” But people started loving it. Some people say that once you listen to the delightfully silly song, you want to listen to it again and again. The brothers have been guests on some major North American talk shows. They say they're happy about the success of their video, but they know that tomorrow something else could come along and be even bigger. 语篇解读:本文介绍了最近网络上很流行的一首歌:The Fox。具体说明了这首歌的特 点、创作缘由以及人们对这首歌的喜好程度。 9.What can be learnt about the music video invented by Psy? A.It featured the traditional style of Korean music. B.It was difficult for people to follow. C.It was named after a new virus. D.It could make people relax a lot. 解析:选 D 细节理解题。根据文章第三段最后一句“The video's appeal is the song's simple rhythm and catchy chorus (副歌). ”这首歌的节奏很简单,副歌部分很吸引人。再根 据倒数第二段最后一句“Some people say that once you listen to the delightfully silly song,you want to listen to it again and again.”可知有些人一听到这个令人高兴的音乐就会一遍一遍地 再听。说明这首歌让人很放松,人们都想听它。可知,故 D 项正确。 10.Which of the following best describes the new music video The Fox? A.It can catch the viewers' heart easily by its amusing tune and dance. B.It features the same story with the music video Gagnam Style. C.It answers the question“What does the fox say?”exactly. D.It has the real animals in the video. 解析:选 A 推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段最后一句“Some people say that once you listen to the delightfully silly song,you want to listen to it again and again.”可知有些人一听到 这个令人高兴的音乐就会一遍一遍地再听。说明这首歌能够抓住听众的心。故 A 项正确。 11.It can be inferred from the passage that nowadays most people ________. A.like to enjoy music with simple and easy style. B.have difficulty in understanding the viral movie music. C.are working hard for the advancement of classic music. D.are tired of many music videos which are popularized through Internet too quickly. 解析:选 A 推理判断题。根据第三段最后一句“The video's appeal is the song's simple rhythm and catchy chorus(副歌).”可知这首歌的节奏很简单,说明人们很喜欢这种简单容易 的风格的歌。故 A 项正确。 12.The underlined word “off­guard” in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ________. A.Annoyed.       B.Offended. C.Unexpected. D.Relaxed. 解析:选 C 词义猜测题。根据第三段中的“There is a surprising and silly dance in the video that takes the viewer a bit off­guard.”前半句中 surprising and silly 可知视频中的舞蹈很 出人意料也很愚蠢滑稽,让观众想象不到。所以“off­guard”应该与 C 项 unexpected 词义一 致。 Ⅱ.阅读七选五 What Exactly Is Cheating? __1__ For kids, cheating may happen at school, at home, or while playing a sport. If a baseball team is for kids who are 8 or younger, it's cheating for 9­year­old to play on the team and hit home run after home run. __2__ Cheating can happen in a lot of different ways. Jeff is doing it by sneaking answers to a test, but it's also cheating to break the rules of a game or contest or to pretend something is yours when it isn't. When people cheat, it's not fair to other people, like the kids who studied for the test or who were the true winners of a game or a contest. Why Kids Cheat? Some kids cheat because they're busy or lazy and they want to get good grades without spending the time studying. __3__ Even when there seems to be a “good reason” for cheating, cheating isn't a good idea. Truth and Consequences. Many kids feel tempted to cheat once in a while. Most resist and do the work instead. Some kids cheat once and feel so bad that they never do it again. __4__ Unfortunately, some kids start cheating and feel like they can't stop. Making a Comeback. There are plenty of reasons why a kid shouldn't cheat, but some kids have already cheated. __5__ Cheating can become a habit, but like other bad habits, a kid can always decide to act better and make better choices. It might help to talk the problem over with a parent, teacher, or counselor. Choosing to play fair and be honest again can help a kid feel relieved and proud. A.How Do People Cheat? B.How to deal with cheat? C.Others get caught and decide it isn't worth it. D.If that's you, it's never too late to stop cheating. E.Other kids might feel like they can't pass the test without cheating. F. There's an old saying that cheaters never win and winners never cheat. G. Cheating is when a person misleads, deceives, or acts dishonestly on purpose. 答案:1~5 GAECD

