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Unit 7 The Sea Learning to learn ‎1. participate vi. ‎ participation participant participate in a competition/ discussion She actively participates in local politics.‎ ‎2. fill out an application form fill in an application form fill in the blank ‎3. evaluate vt. / assess (access)‎ evaluation I can’t evaluate his ability without seeing his work.‎ ‎4.arrange v. arrangement n.‎ Arrange a time and place for the next meeting Arrange a dinner to celebrate their anniversary I’ll arrange for a car to meet you at the airport.‎ ‎4. sign n./v.‎ traffic/road signs sign language/body language She showed no sign of being interested.‎ Crying is seen as a sign of weakness.‎ There are obvious signs of…‎ Sign (your name) here, please. v.‎ sign a letter/a cheque The policeman signed for them to stop.‎ 比较signal, mark ‎5. hunt v. hunter n.‎ hunt an escaped criminal hunt for a lost book Many graduates are hunting for good jobs in the city.‎ go hunting ‎6. collect v. collection n.‎ collect stamps/coins/information/money a fine collection of paintings a collection of poems ‎7. what if + 陈述句 What if it rains when we can’t get under shelter?‎ ‎8. more than one More than one student has seen the film.‎ ‎9. enjoy doing be interested in ‎ prefer doing to doing ‎ prefer to do rather than do sth be fond of be keen on be crazy about be absorbed in put one’s heart into sth.‎ A is to B what C is to D Reading is to me what water is to fish.‎ Warm up ‎1. ski v.‎ go skiing ‎2. frighten vt.‎ frighten sb to death I was frightened of being left by myself in the house.(be afraid of)‎ I was too frightened to ask him now.‎ ‎(be afraid to do)‎ frightened frightening The speed of the car was ______.‎ The _____ scene made the children _____.‎ The girl cried out a __voice at the sight of a big poisonous snake.‎ ‎3. freeze(froze, frozen)‎ Water freezes at o°C.‎ Two men were frozen to death on the mountain.‎ frozen food I’m freezing.‎ It is freezing outside.‎ freezing point Lesson one ‎1. spirit the spirit of explorers(S精神)‎ He answered with spirit.(U活力)‎ the spirits of the dead(C灵魂)‎ I don’t drink spirits.(P烈酒)‎ in low/high spirits(P情绪)‎ ‎2. set sail set sail for +place set sail from A to B set sail further west ‎3. further It is not safe to go any further/farther.‎ Have you any further questions?‎ further education/discussion ‎4. according to act according to one’s principles Everything went according to plan.‎ According to Tom, the film was boring.‎ ‎5. get into trouble Even an experienced climber can get into trouble.‎ get sb. into trouble His quick temper was always getting him into trouble.‎ be in trouble Have trouble (in) doing sth=have difficulty doing ‎ have trouble with sth=have difficulty with sth make trouble ask for trouble take trouble to do take trouble over sth.(在…下功夫)‎ ‎6. persuade/persuasion/persuasive persuade sb.(not) to do sth.‎ persuade sb. into doing sth.‎ persuade sb. out of doing sth.‎ He persuaded his daughter to change her mind.‎ How can I persuade him into joining us?‎ I tried to persuade him to change his mind, but he just wouldn’t listen.‎ persuade sb. that…‎ persuade (convince)sb. of sth.‎ I’m almost persuaded of his cleverness.‎ ‎7. make it (to)‎ ‎--- You have just 15 minutes to catch your train.‎ ‎---All right, I think I can make it.‎ You can’t make it to the other shore in such bad weather.‎ So far, relatively few women have made it to the top in the business world.‎ ‎8 search sb search for sb ‎ search sb for sth ‎ search place for sth/sb The policemen searched him for drugs.‎ The policemen searched the forest for the missing boy.‎ Volunteers joined in the search for the lost child.‎ Scientists are in search of a cure for the disease.‎ ‎8. unknown be unknown to sb.‎ The side-effects of the drug are as yet unknown to scientists.‎ X and Y are unknowns. n.‎ ‎9.eventually adv.‎ After many attempts she eventually managed to get promotion.‎ ‎10.present-day fashions/conditions adj.‎ in the present situation the present problems the present government at the present time=at present=now There were 200 people present at the meeting.‎ Present at the meeting were 200 leaders from different countries.‎ The mistake was obvious to those (who are) present v.‎ The mayor will start the race and present the prizes.‎ The students presented flowers to their teachers.(present their teachers with flowers)‎ The company has decided it must present a more modern image.‎ present呈现 a report to the government May I present 介绍my father to you?‎ ‎11.deed n.‎ deeds of heroism Deeds are better than words when people are in trouble.‎ ‎12.journey go on a journey Have a good journey our great journey through life ‎13.lecture give a lecture on sth attend a lecture ‎14. brake n./v.‎ The driver braked hard as the child ran onto the road in front of him.‎ The brake doesn’t work.‎ ‎15.apologise vi. apologize apologise to sb. for sth.‎ make an apology to sb. for sth.‎ ‎16. be forced to do be forced into doing In the end they were forced to give up.‎ ‎17.commit a murder commit a crime commit a mistake ‎18.but he was blown off course and found himself in an unknown land, from where he eventually reached Greenland.‎ The ship was blown off course.‎ A button has come off my shirt.‎ an island off the coast fall off the tree I must be off now.‎ shoes with $ 5 off She is off today.‎ When he came to himself, he found himself in hospital.‎ ‎19. Leif followed Biarni’s directions and sailed to what is believed to be the coast of present-day Canada.‎ The other day, my brother drove his car down the street at ____I thought was a dangerous speed.‎ A. that B. which C. what. D as ‎20. They are the first records (we have) of Europeans sailing to the Americas.‎ Tom’s/ His coming is what we have expected.‎ They insist on Tom’s/his staying longer.‎ They insist on Tom/ him staying longer.‎ Is there any hope of our team winning the match?‎ It was quite unexpected the students finishing the exam so soon.‎ Lesson Two ‎1. pollute vt. pollution. n.‎ The river was polluted with/by chemical waste from factories.‎ polluted water ‎2. industry/industrial waste agriculture/ agricultural waste ‎3. chemical/chemistry/chemist a chemical experiment/reaction adj.‎ chemical n.‎ ‎4. ban n./v.‎ The government has banned the use of chemical weapons.‎ He was banned from attending the meeting.‎ put a ban on import of alcohol ‎5. altogether adv.‎ I don’t altogether agree with you. (completely)‎ Altogether, the children have done well. (in a word)‎ That’s ten pounds altogether. (in total)‎ ‎6. handle v.‎ Computers can handle huge amounts of data.‎ The headmaster handled the situation very well Some customers are quite difficult to handle.‎ ‎7. department the English department ‎ Department for Education/Culture ‎8. make a living earn a living ‎9. solution the solution to a crossword puzzle the solution to a problem ‎10. intelligence n./intelligent adj.‎ a person of high intelligence an intelligent child ‎11. deal with Some government departments are trying to deal with the situation.‎ How can we deal with the problem?‎ How would you deal with an armed burglar?‎ I hate dealing with 打交道large companies.‎ The next chapter deals with verbs.(discuss)‎ do with What are we going to do with the food left over from the party?‎ She doesn’t know what to do with herself. ‎ ‎12. remind sb. to do ‎ remind sb. of sth. ‎ The old photo reminded me of my childhood.‎ ‎13. owe…to Modern technology owes ecology an apology He owes me 10000 yuan.‎ He owes 10000 yuan to me.‎ ‎“I owe my parents a lot,” he admitted Lesson Three ‎1. energy n. energetic adj.‎ She is full of energy.‎ ‎2. discover v. discovery adj.‎ make a discovery ‎3. educate / educated/ education/ educator Parents should educate their children to behave well.‎ a highly-educated woman ‎4.up-to-date styles/methods ‎ out-of-date ‎5.attract/attractive/attraction The beautiful scenery attract many visitors.‎ attract one’s attention/interest ‎6 watch out (for sb/sth)‎ watch “注视”、 “观看” 、“观察”‎ Zhang Heng liked watching the stars in the sky as a child Watch out! There’s a car coming.戒备,小心(look out for sth)‎ ‎7.discount We give a 10% discount for cash.‎ at a discount 减价,不受重视 Concern for others seems to be at a discount You can discount what Jack said; he is a dreadful (bad or unpleasant) liar.‎ ‎9. trick n./v.‎ play a trick on sb.‎ trick sb. into sth/doing sth He tricked her into marriage He tricked her into marrying him.‎ ‎10. melt v.‎ The ice melted when the sun shone on it.‎ Sugar melts in hot tea.‎ Pity melted her heart.‎ melting point melting pot New York is a vast melting pot of different nationalities.‎ ‎11. measure n./v.‎ The pond measures about 2 metres across.‎ My bedroom measures about 3 by 5 metres.‎ take measures/take steps to do sth.‎ made to measure You’ll need to get a suit made to measure.‎ ‎12. long/length/lengthen strong/strength/strengthen wide/width/ widen deep/depth/deepen high/height/heighten(提高,加强enhance, increase, improve)‎ ‎13. every:(表示发生的频率)每隔 ‎ The bus goes every 10 minutes. ‎ ‎ We had to stop every few miles.‎ every three years=every third year ‎ ‎ every few days every other day= every two days ‎14.on (the) one hand…on the other (hand)‎ On the one hand they’d love to have kids, but on the other hand, they don’t want to give up freedom.‎ ‎14. the sooner the better ‎15. especially ‎ specially I came here ____ to see you.‎ I made this ____for your birthday.‎ I love the country, ____in spring.‎ Lesson Four ‎1. horrible weather/nightmare horribly/ horror n. horrify vt.‎ horrified /horrifying ‎2. terrible/terribly/terror/terrorism/‎ terrorist/terrify/terrified/terrifying terrify children with ghost stories a terrifying experience be terrified of spiders ‎3.float v.‎ The raft was floating gently down the river.‎ A balloon floated across the sky.‎ There wasn’t enough water to float the ship.‎ ‎4. escape v.‎ She managed to escape from the burning car.‎ He narrowly escaped death.‎ He narrowly escaped being killed.‎ He escaped punishment.‎ He escaped being punished.‎ ‎5. soul serve the people heart and soul keep body and soul together勉强度日 He scarcely has enough money to keep body and soul together.‎ ‎6. survive v.‎ Of the six people injured in the crash, only 2 survived.‎ The old man survived two world wars.‎ She survived her husband by three years.‎ survivor幸存者,生还者C survival 幸存,残存,存活 U surviving 继续存活的,未死的adj.‎ ‎7. all at once All at once the tyre burst.‎ ‎8. recover He has now recovered from his stroke中风/the shock.‎ recover one’s senses/sight recover 重新获得stolen goods recovery make a full recovery from ‎9. scream n./v.‎ The fans screamed with excitement when they saw the famous singer.‎ ‎10. sink (sank, sunk)‎ Wood doesn’t sink in water, it float.‎ The ship sank to the bottom of the ocean.‎ He sank down into an armchair.‎ ‎11. unable ‎ be unable to do sth ‎12. recognize/ recognition I couldn’t recognize his voice on the phone.‎ They recognized承认 the new government.‎ He was recognized 认可as the best football player in the school.‎ ‎13. opposite Hot and cold are opposites. n.‎ What’s the opposite of ‘able’?‎ I sat opposite him during the meal. adv.‎ The bank is opposite the supermarket. prep.‎ They drove off in the opposite direction. adj.‎ ‎14 leak n./v.‎ a leak in the gas pipe The roof was leaking.‎ Contents of the report were leaked to the press.‎ ‎15.It took less than a single day to change my hair from black to white.‎ ‎16. One day, my two brothers and I were coming back from the islands, our boat full of fish.‎ ‎17 … in the direction of the whirlpool.‎ When the police arrived, the crowd scattered in all directions.‎ ‎18….on the edge of the whirlpool,‎ She stood on the edge of the cliff.‎ ‎19. But moment after moment passed,..‎ year after year/day after day time after time不断地 ‎20.at great speed ‎21.tie A to B The old farmer tied the cow to the tree.‎ ‎22. As you can see, I did escape.‎ I did come here yesterday.‎ He does like football.‎ Do write to me soon.‎ ‎23.I will bring my story quickly to a conclusion.‎ draw reach/ come to / arrive at a conclusion ‎24. In the end , a boat picked me up.‎ Communication Workshop ‎1. debate v./n.‎ An intense debate is going on within the government.‎ 一场激烈的争论正在政府内部进行。‎ The United Nations Security Council will debate the issue today.‎ 联合国安理会今天将辩论该问题。‎ debate on 关于…进行辩论 public debate 公开辩论 under debate 在争论中 ‎2. local n./ adj.‎ in the local newspaper/ local residents Camping is a great way to meet the locals as the Portuguese themselves are enthusiastic campers.‎ 野营是与当地居民接触的好途径,因为葡萄牙人本身就是热情的露营者。‎ ‎3. wildlife U The spread of urban areas endangers wildlife. ‎ 扩大城市面积危害着野生物。‎ ‎4. disagree vi.‎ This is where I disagree.‎ disagree with sb./ what you have said

