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‎2020届二轮复习 名词性从句经典精讲学案(上)‎ ‎ 开篇语 本讲在高中学习中的地位及考查形式:‎ 名词性从句在高考中的地位是非常重要的。它不仅在单项选择题中考查,而且对阅读理解非常有帮助,学生们通过学习名词性从句,能够对阅读理解中比较复杂的句型更好地理解。另外,名词性从句对于书面表达也有很大的帮助。中学生一般只会写简单句,通过学习名词性从句,能够学会使用较为复杂的句式,有利于书面表达的得分。‎ 开心自测 开心自测讲解 ‎1. When asked _____ they needed most, the kids said they wanted to feel important and loved. ‎ A. what B. why C. whom D. which ‎ ‎2. _______was most important to her, she told me, was her family.‎ A. It B. This C. What D. As ‎ ‎3. Tomorrow is Tom’s birthday. Have you got any idea ____ the party is to be held?‎ A. what B. which C. that D. where ‎4. People in Chongqing are proud of ____ they have achieved in the past ten years.‎ A. that B. which C. what D. how ‎5. The companies are working together to create ____ they hope will be the best means of transport in the 21st century.‎ A. which B. that C. what D. who 主要考点梳理 名词性从句包括宾语从句、主语从句、表语从句以及同位语从句。名词性从句相当于一个名词,在句中作宾语、主语、表语以及同位语。主要连接词为who, that, what, which, whether, whatever, whichever, etc.‎ 填空题:‎ ‎1. ________ will teach us English is still unknown.‎ ‎2. ________ has been done has been done.‎ ‎3. ________ he said at the meeting is reasonable.‎ ‎4. ________ team will win the World Cup is still not clear.‎ ‎5. ________ he failed in the exam made us upset.‎ ‎6. ________ Beijing will hold the 2020 Olympic Games is not decided yet.‎ 做题三步曲:‎ 步骤一:首先把主句和从句区分开来(从第二组谓语动词处用虚线把主句和从句分隔开)。‎ 步骤二:分析从句缺何种成分。‎ 步骤三:根据分析,选择恰当的连词。‎ 定语从句 that(缺主宾表时使用)‎ 名词性从句 what(缺主宾表时使用)‎ 金题精讲 题一:‎ ‎1. I said that I _____ there the next day.‎ A. will go B. would go ‎2. I said that the sun ____ every morning.‎ A. rises B. rose C. raises D. raised West life : You raise me up Backstreet Boys: As long as you love me 孙燕姿:The moment 朴树: Colorful days imagination, destination, passion 题二:‎ ‎1. I don’t know ________.‎ A. where does he live B. where he lives ‎2. I wonder ________.‎ A. what he is B. what is he ‎3. I want to know _________.‎ A. what is wrong with him B. what wrong with him is What is wrong with sb./sth.‎ What is the trouble with sb./sth.‎ What is the matter with sb./sth.‎ 题三:‎ ‎1. ----Do you think our team will win the match?‎ ‎----Yes, I __________. ‎ ‎----No, I ________.‎ ‎2. ----Do you hope our team will beat the other team?‎ ‎----Yes, I ________. ‎ ‎----No, I ________.‎ A. think so B. don’t think so ‎ C. hope so D. don’t hope so ‎ E. think it F. hope it G. hope not H. think not 题四:‎ ‎1. What do you think _______ to him?‎ A. was happened B. is happened C. of happening D. has happened ‎2. Where do you suppose _____?‎ A. does he live B. he lives ‎3. Susan practises English every morning, which ______ important for us students.‎ A. I think it is B. I think is C. is I think D. it is I think How long do you think it will be before…‎ Who do you suppose could be invited to our party?‎ How do you suppose she is getting on…‎ 题五:‎ What do you suppose ____?‎ A. he is B. is he 题六:‎ ‎1. British scientists have produced ___ they believe is the world’s smallest Christmas card.‎ A. which B. who C. that D. what ‎2. After five hours’ drive, they reached _______ they thought was the place they had been dreaming of.‎ A. where B. what C. which D. that 题七:‎ ‎1. He is now living in _______ used to be a forest long ago.‎ A. which B. that C. where D. what ‎2. He is now living in the place ________ we grew corn and wheat.‎ A. which B. where C. in that D. what ‎3. He is now living in ____ used to be a temple.‎ A. what B. which C. that D. where ‎1) Qatar is a tiny country hosting what is called the most impressive Asia Games ever.‎ ‎2) After what seemed like hours, he came out with a bitter smile.‎ ‎3) He always thinks of how he can do more for the people.‎ 开心自测讲解 ‎1. A 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. C 主要考点梳理 ‎1.G; 2.B; 3.B; 4.C; 5.A; 6.F 金题精讲 题一:1.B; 2.A 题二:1.B; 2.A; 3.A 题三:1.A、B 2.C、G 题四:1.D; 2.B; 3.B 题五:A 题六:1.D; 2.B 题七:1.D; 2.B; 3.A

