2019-2020学年新教材高中英语Unit2 Let’s celebrate

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2019-2020学年新教材高中英语Unit2 Let’s celebrate

- 1 - Unit 2 Let’s celebrate 英国伦敦每年都会举行隆重的活动来庆祝中国的农历新年,届时成千 上万的人都会聚集在伦敦西区,共享春节的喜悦。 Chinese Lunar New Year in London When Chinese Lunar New Year comes, people in London are also filled with excitement.Read the following passage and find out what you can do to join in the excitement! For London’s Chinese community, Chinese Lunar New Year is a huge event.Before this day, people make sure their houses are clean and tidy, buy new clothes and have their hair cut to bring good luck for the new year.London has the biggest celebrations outside of Asia.Hundreds of thousands of people go to watch the parade(游行) from the West End to Trafalgar Square, which includes Chinese acrobatics(杂技), and traditional lion and dragon dances. In central London there are fireworks and stage performances with all kinds of acts and special guests.There are also celebrations including fashion shows and Chinese hip hop acts, as well as traditional acrobatic performances. In Chinatown, the streets which are full of food stalls are decorated with many lucky red lanterns(灯笼).If you’re thinking of eating in one of Chinatown’s excellent Chinese restaurants, book a table early, or you won’t have one on that night. For young Chinese people studying or working in the U.K., video chatting is a common way of joining big family celebrations back home.Those missing home might also cook traditional Chinese dumplings for friends in Britain or organize an evening of karaoke(卡拉 OK), another popular way of celebrating.The festivities are not as noisy as back home, they say, where loud firecrackers are traditionally used to frighten away a terrible monster called “Nian”,and the special red envelopes of money from relatives back home may also be hard to reach the U.K.But there is still plenty of excitement, happiness and good feelings , as people come together to enjoy the celebrations. - 2 - Section Ⅰ Starting out & Understanding ideas 重点 单词 阅读词 汇 (在不认识的单词前划√) □dragon n. □lunar adj. □poet n. □vote v. □fantasy n. □literature n. □envelope n. □pole n. □polar adj. □roof n. □starving adj. 写作词 汇 1.harvest n. 收成 2.regardless__adv. 不管,不顾 3.novel n. (长篇)小说 4.regard v. 认为,看作 拓展词 汇 5.honour v.向……表示敬意→honourable adj.可敬的;光荣的 6.decoration n.装饰物→decorate vi. & vt.装饰;装修 7.freedom__n.自由,自由权利→free adj.自由的 8.participate v.参加,参与→participation n.参加;参与 9.inequality n.(社会上的)不平等→equal adj.平等的→equality n.平 等→equally adv.平等地 10.limitless__adj.无限的→limit n.(常作复数)范围→limited adj. 有限的 11.regular__adj.频繁的;经常的→regularly adv.有规律地;定期地; 经常 12.complain__v.抱怨;不满;发牢骚→complaint n.抱怨 13.warning n.警告,警示,告诫→warn v.警告 重点短语 1.take__place 举办 2.in__memory__of 纪念;追念 3.add...to... 把……增添到…… 4.get__together 聚会;组织 5.regardless__of 不管,不顾 6.be__known__as 作为……而著名 7.be__made__into 被制成 8.regard...as... 把……视作…… 9.stop...(from)__doing... 阻止……做某事 10.wrap__up (用纸、布等)包,裹 - 3 - 11.__as__well__as 和;除了;既……又…… 12.in__a...way 用……方法 重点句型 1.with 复合结构:May Day is a festival to celebrate the start of summer, with__celebrations__held__across__Europe__and__in__parts__of__No rth__America(庆祝活动在欧洲和北美部分地区举行). 2.keep+宾语+宾补:As parents, they try to keep__that__magic__alive(让这种魔力永存) for their children for as long as they can. 3.This/That is why...这/那就是……的原因:That__is__why(那就 是……的原因) Letters from Father Christmas could be the perfect book for those who regard Christmas as a special time of year. Ⅰ Read the text and fill in the blanks. Paragraph 1: Parents try to keep the magic of Christmas 1.____________ for their children. ↓ Paragraph 2: J . R.R.Tolkien kept writing letters to his four children for more than 2.____________ years. ↓ Paragraph 3: The children were 3.____________ when they opened the letters. ↓ Paragraph 4: The letters told wonderful stories about Father Christmas’s life and 4.____________ at the North Pole. ↓ Paragraph 5: We can all share the true spirit of 5.____________ at Christmas time. 答案:1.alive 2.twenty 3.excited 4.adventures 5.giving Ⅱ Read the text carefully and choose the best answer according to the text. 1.Who may be most interested in the book Letters from Father Christmas? A.People who like reading novels. - 4 - B.People who like playing games. C.People who like reading books about festivals. D.People who consider Christmas a special time of year. 2.Which of the following statements about J.R.R.Tolkien is NOT true according to Paragraph 2? A.J.R.R.Tolkien has four children. B.J.R.R.Tolkien is very famous in French literature. C.J.R.R.Tolkien is the author of The Lord of the Rings. D.J.R.R.Tolkien kept writing letters to his children for over twenty years. 3.What kind of true spirit can we learn from the book Letters from Father Christmas? A.Giving. B.Being happy. C.Being with family members. D.Expressing love for family members. 4.What kind of father do you think J.R.R.Tolkien is? A.Humourous. B.Strict. C.Serious. D.Caring. 答案:1-4.DBAD honour v.向……表示敬意;尊敬 n.尊敬,荣誉 (1)honour sb. for... 因……而尊敬某人 (2)have the honour to do/of doing... 有幸做…… in honour of 为了纪念…… It’s an/one’s honour to do... 做……是一种/某人的 荣幸 (3)be honoured for... 因……而受到尊敬或获 得荣誉 be honoured as ... 被尊为…… - 5 - be/feel honoured to do/of doing... 做……而感到荣幸 ①The athletes competed for the honour of their countries. 运动员为自己国家的荣誉而比赛。 ②We honour Lang Ping for her excellent guidance in the 2019 Volleyball Women’s World Cup. 因郎平在 2019 年女排世界杯中的出色指导,我们很尊敬她。 ③He was honoured as the best player in his team. 他被誉为是他队里最好的选手。 ④This monument was built in__honour__of those brave soldiers. 这座纪念碑是为纪念那些勇敢的战士们而修建的。 [巧学活用]——一句多译 应邀为你们做关于中国传统文化的讲座,对此我深感荣幸。 (1)I__feel__honoured__to__be__invited__to__give you a lecture on traditional Chinese culture.(honoured adj.) (2)It__is__my__honour/an__honour__to__be__invited__to__give you a lecture on traditional Chinese culture.(honour n.) honour 如果表示“一件荣誉的事或一个光荣的人”时,是可数名词。 in memory of 纪念;追念 (教材 P13)They are held in memory of Qu Yuan, a poet and statesman in Ancient China. 它们是为纪念中国古代诗人和政治家屈原而举行的。 in praise of 赞美,歌颂 in honour of 纪念;向……表示敬意 in search of 寻找 in charge of 负责;掌管 ①She set up an educational fund in memory of her parents. 她成立了一个教育基金会来纪念她的父母。 ②A new monument which some workers are busy building is in__memory__of the national hero. 工人们正忙着建的纪念碑是纪念这位民族英雄的。 ③Can you tell me who is in__charge__of the whole company? 你能告诉我谁负责整个公司吗? regardless adv.不管,不顾 - 6 - (教材 P13)Freedom Day is held every year on 27 April to celebrate South Africa’s first fullyparticipated elections in 1994, in which everyone was allowed to vote regardless of skin colour. 自由日在每年 4 月 27 日举行,以庆祝 1994 年南非第一次全 面参与的选举,在这次选举中,每个人都可以不分肤色进行投票。 regardless of 不管,不顾 despite=in spite of 尽管…… ①Nobody has the right to spit in the street regardless of their social position or age. 不管社会地位或年龄如何,没人有权当街吐痰。 ②Despite the heavy traffic, he managed to come on time. 尽管交通拥挤,他还是设法准时到达了。 ③In__spite of the bad weather, they still went shopping. 尽管天气不好,他们还是去购物了。 despite(=in spite of)为介词,后接名词、代词或动名词作让步状语,不接从句(what 从句除外);而 though, although 或 as 是从属连词,引导让步状语从句。 [巧学活用]——一句多译 尽管天气不好,飞机还是起飞了。 (1)Although/Though__the__weather__was__bad,__the plane took off.(状语从句) (2)The plane took off despite/in__spite__of__the__bad__weather.(介词/介词短 语) regard...as... 把……视作…… (教材 P14)That is why Letters from Father Christmas could be the perfect book for those who regard Christmas as a special time of year. 那就是为什么《圣诞老人的来信》这本书对于那些把圣诞节视作一年中特殊时刻的人来 说是一本完美的书。 ①Never regard study as a duty. 绝对不要把学习视作一项任务。 ②(2019·全国卷Ⅰ)Mountains are regarded as spiritual places by many cultures. 山被许多文化视为心灵之地。 [巧学活用]——单句语法填空 (1)Regarded(regard) as one of the most gifted poets, Li Bai wrote poetry that concentrated on imagery, human and nature. (2)The Chinese people stress to send gifts in pairs, for odd numbers are regarded - 7 - as unlucky. complain v.抱怨,不满,发牢骚 (教材 P15)In another letter, Father Christmas complained about how he could not stop his helpers playing games with the toys instead of wrapping them up. 在另一封信中,圣诞老人抱怨说,他怎样也无法阻止他的助手们玩玩具游戏,而不是把 它们包装起来。 (1)complain to sb.of/about sth. 向某人抱怨某事 complain (to sb.) that... (向某人)抱怨…… (2)complaint n. 抱怨;牢骚;投诉 ①( 江西卷)Mother always complains that children wear out their shoes very quickly. 母亲总是抱怨孩子们很快就把鞋子穿烂了。 ②It’s no use complaining(complain) about the heavy air pollution without taking action. 光抱怨严重的空气污染而不采取任何行动是没用的。 ③Customers have the right to make a complaint(complain) about the poor service they receive. 顾客有权对他们得到的不好的服务投诉。 complain 的后面不能直接跟 sb.作宾语,要加介词 to。类似的词还有 explain, mention, reply, appreciate, occur 等。 [巧学活用]——完成句子 他向我们抱怨说没有人去机场接他。 He complained__to__us__that no one had been at the airport to meet him. warning n.警告,警示,告诫 (教材 P15)Interestingly, the letters did not contain the usual warnings to children that they might not receive their presents if they were not good. 有趣的是,这些信并没有像往常一样警告孩子们:如果他们(表现)不好的话,他们可能 不会收到礼物。 warn v. 警告;提醒 warn sb.against doing sth.=warn sb.not to do sth. 警告某人不要做某事 warn sb.of sth. 提醒某人某事 warn sb.that... 警告/提醒某人…… - 8 - ①The red light is a warning sign for stop. 红灯是通知停止行进的信号。 ②The leader warned us of__the serious situation. 领导警告我们面临的严峻局势。 ③The police warned us against pickpockets. 警察提醒我们要提防扒手。 [巧学活用]—— 一句多译 父亲警告我不要在河里游泳。 (1)My father warned__me__not__to__swim in the river. (2)My father warned__me__against__swimming__in the river. keep+宾语+宾补 (教材 P14)As parents, they try to keep that magic alive for their children for as long as they can. 作为父母,他们尽量让这种魔法在孩子身上永存。 句中的 keep that magic alive 为 “keep+宾语+宾补” 结构。意为 “使……继续处 于某种状态”,keep 为使役动词。 (1)keep+宾语+名词/形容词/副词/介词短语 (2)keep+宾语+现在分词 (3)keep+宾语+过去分词 ①Children are requested to keep the classroom in order. 孩子们被要求保持教室整洁干净。 ②He kept his eyes closed(close) and stayed where he was. 他闭着眼睛待在原地。 ③Don’t keep the water running(run) when you wash your hands; it is a waste. 你洗手的时候不要让水一直流,那是一种浪费。 ④Please remain seated and keep your seat belts fastened (fasten). 请坐好并系好安全带。 在 “keep+宾语+分词” 结构中,如果宾语与宾语补足语之间为逻辑上的主谓关系, 宾语补足语用现在分词;如果宾语与宾语补足语之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,宾语补足语用过 去分词。高考中常考的可以接过去分词或现在分词作宾语补足语的动词还有 find, leave, feel, see, hear, have, get 等。 - 9 - This/That is why... 这/那就是……的原因 (教材 P14)That is why Letters from Father Christmas could be the perfect book for those who regard Christmas as a special time of year. 那就是为什么《圣诞老人的来信》这本书对于那些把圣诞节视作一年中特殊时刻的人来 说是一本完美的书。 This/That is why...是一个常见句型。意为:这/那就是……的原因。其中 why 引导表 语从句。 This/That is because... 这/那是因为…… The reason why...is that... 原因是…… ① You have improved your studying methods.That is why you have made rapid progress. 你改进了学习方法。那就是你进步这么快的原因。 ②He missed the first bus and that was because__he got up late this morning. 他没能赶上早班车,那是因为他今天早上起晚了。 ③The reason why he failed in the exam was that he didn’t work hard. 他没有通过考试的原因是他学习不够努力。 [巧学活用]——单句语法填空 (1)We are late.That’s because we were held up in the traffic jam. (2)We were held up in the traffic jam and that’s why we are late. (3)The reason why we are late is that we were held up in the traffic jam. Ⅰ 品句填词 1.(福建卷)Our club is open to everyone regardless(不管;不顾) of age, sex or educational background. 2 . (2017· 天 津 卷 )Nowadays, cycling, along with jogging and swimming, is regarded(认为) as one of the best allround forms of exercise. 3.The prize was to honour(向……表示敬意) him for his great discoveries. 4.Today we have the freedom(自由) to decide our own futures. 5.During the Spring Festival, we can see many red decorations(装饰物) in every room. 6.I will devote my limited life to the limitless(无限的) job of serving the people. 7.People often complain(抱怨) about traffic jams in big cities. - 10 - 8.Chinese children grow up with warnings(告诫) not to waste single grain of rice, out of respect for farmers’ labor. 9.The machine can recognize handwritten(手写的) characters and turn them into printed text. 10.A dream of Red Mansions occupies an important place in the history of Chinese literature(文学). Ⅱ 完成句子 1.他从一棵很高的树上摔了下来。那就是他弄伤腿的原因。 ①He fell from a tall tree.That__was__why he hurt his leg. ②He hurt his leg.That__was__because he fell from a tall tree. ③The reason why__he__hurt__his__leg__was__that he fell from a tall tree. 2.医生告诫病人不要再吸烟。 ①The doctor warned__the__patient__against__smoking any longer. ②The doctor warned__the__patient__not__to__smoke any longer. 3.他让我等了半个小时,这让我非常生气。 He kept__me__waiting for half an hour, which made me very angry. 4.人们把中秋节视为家庭成员聚会的特殊时刻。 People regard the MidAutumn Festival as a special occasion for family members to get together. 5.为了向老师表达敬意,我们每年庆祝教师节。 We celebrate Teachers’ Day every year in__honour__of teachers. Ⅲ 课文语法填空 Every Christmas, Tolkien’s children would get an envelope, inside 1.which there was a handwritten letter from Father Christmas.These letters from Father Christmas were indeed written by Tolkien, one of the most famous 2.names(name) in English literature.In this way, Tolkien 3.kept(keep) Father Christmas alive for his four children. The letters told wonderful stories about Father Christmas’s life and adventures at the North Pole with 4.a regular character, Polar Bear.In a letter, Father Christmas 5.complained(complain) about his helpers who played games with the toys instead of 6.wrapping(wrap) them up.7.Interestingly(interesting), Tolkien didn’t warn his children that they might not receive presents 8.if they were not good.The letters did, however, change as his children got 9.older(old).From these letters, we can share the true spirit of giving at Christmas time.Tolkien’s love and care 10.for - 11 - his children made him very like Father Christmas. Ⅰ 单句语法填空 1.It is really an honour to__have(have) a happy talk with the president, which I will value forever. 2.He wrote a long moving poem__in memory of Qian Xuesen who is known as “Father of Chinese Space Program”. 3.If the soup is a little salty, try adding(add) some water to it. 4.First impressions are the most lasting.After all,you never get a second chance to make(make) a first impression. 5.It is likely that my parents will not allow me to__go(go) to the cinema next week. 6.The Last Supper is widely regarded as one of Leonardo Da Vinci’s masterpieces. 7.He didn’t like the meal so he complained(complain) to the manager of the restaurant. 8.Email, as well as telephones, is(be) playing an important part in daily communication. 9.You should not talk with a person with your finger pointing(point) at him. 10.Christmas is a global festival, regardless of religion or location. Ⅱ 完成句子 1.在过去的十年里,我们的家乡发生了巨大的变化。 Great changes have__taken__place in our hometown during the past ten years. 2.在日常生活中我们必须时刻让自己远离危险。 In our daily life,we must keep__ourselves__away__from__danger. 3.因为还有很多工作要做,他没有被允许外出。 With__a__lot__of__work__to__do,__he wasn’t allowed to go out. 4.他以前曾看过那部电影,那就是他昨天晚上没有去看的原因。 He had seen the film before.That__is__why__he__did__not__see__it last night. 5.我试图阻止我父亲吸烟,但失败了。 I tried to stop__my__father__from__smoking,__but failed. Ⅲ 阅读理解 A Thanksgiving is an important festival in North America.We interviewed several students from the USA and Canada.Here is - 12 - what they have told us about their Thanksgiving experiences. Josie from New York, USA “In America, Thanksgiving is celebrated every year at the end of November.It is to remember the first group of people from Europe to live in America.When they first arrived, they found the environment strange.But they learned to survive after some native American friends showed them how to grow and find food.Thanksgiving is meant to be a traditional celebration.” Todd from California, USA “Thanksgiving is the first day of Christmas shopping.That means we have four weeks to buy Christmas presents for our families and friends.For me and my friends, the most important part of the festival is the big football game on TV.The match is watched by millions of people all over America.Thanksgiving is seen as an exciting day for football!” Ian from Saskatoon, Canada “In Canada, Thanksgiving is held on the second Monday in October.On the Sunday before Thanksgiving Day, many people go to church.Thanks is given for all the good things that happened to them during the year.I always give thanks for the nice big turkey I’m going to have at the family dinner! Like all festivals, Thanksgiving is about food!” Katie from Maritimes, Canada “On Thanksgiving Day, we have dinner with all our cousins, aunts and uncles.It is always very busy.Sometimes we have two Thanksgiving dinners because we go to both our grandparents’ houses.The dinner is usually attended by more than twenty people at each house! My mother and my aunts do all the cooking but the washingup is done by me and my cousins.And that’s not an easy job! But I don’t mind because Thanksgiving is meant to be a time to give thanks.” 【解题导语】 本文一篇应用文,主要讲的是美国和加拿大的一些学生在感恩节的不同 经历。 1.People in the USA and Canada ________. A.all have the same opinion of Thanksgiving B.have different opinions of Thanksgiving C.feel that Thanksgiving is about food D.have no interest in Thanksgiving B 解析:推理判断题。从对四个学生的采访内容中可知,美国人和加拿大人对感恩节持 - 13 - 不同的观点和看法。 2.When is Thanksgiving celebrated every year in Canada? A.On the second Monday in October. B.On the second Monday in November. C.At the end of October. D.At the end of November. A 解析:细节理解题。从第三个采访“Ian from Saskatoon, Canada”中的“In Canada, Thanksgiving is held on the second Monday in October.”可知答案。 3.Where does the person who thinks that Thanksgiving is a traditional celebration come from? A.New York. B.California. C.Saskatoon. D.Maritimes. A 解析:细节理解题。从第一个采访“Josie from New York, USA”中的“Thanksgiving is meant to be a traditional celebration.”可知答案。 4.What is the main idea of this passage? A.Students learn to give thanks on Thanksgiving. B.Many students like spending Thanksgiving at home. C.Students have different experiences on Thanksgiving. D.Thanksgiving is an important festival in North America. C 解析:主旨大意题。本文主要讲的是美国和加拿大的一些学生在感恩节不同的经历。 B More and more people around the world are getting tattoos(文身). In the United States a large number of people aged 25 to 40 get tattoos. A third of all Americans between 18 and 25 have a tattoo.In Britain a fifth of all adults are tattooed.Tattooing has become an important industry as well. Today, there are more than 50,000 tattoo artists in the U.S. alone. Even famous people such as Angelina Jolie and David Beckham have some kind of tattoo on their bodies. According to researchers many people tattoo themselves as a sign of individuality(个性).They want to express themselves and show others who they are. Other forms of body art are also on the rise. Today, tattoos are widely accepted in society. That hasn’t always been the case.Tattoos used to be connected with criminals(罪犯), lower class people or certain groups like sailors and motorcycle gangs. While tattooing was once only for men, more - 14 - and more women are now getting tattoos. Tattooing goes way back in history.In many parts of the world, people used tattoos for different purposes. The ancient Romans tattooed their slaves. Native Americans tattooed themselves as a sign of bravery. In Nazi Germany Jews were marked with a number to tell who they were. Not only has tattooing itself become a big industry, but removing them is also on the increase. Many people just don’t realize that a tattoo lasts forever, and at some time in their lives they may want to get rid of it. The cost of tattooing yourself usually depends on how large the tattoo is or how complex(复杂的) it is. Prices are usually from a hundred to over a thousand dollars. 【解题导语】 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了文身这门艺术的历史及现状。 5.The numbers in Paragraph 1 are used to show that________. A.tattoos are now very popular B.many tattoo artists are moving to America C.young adults have a preference for tattoos D.it is against the law to get tattoos in Britain A 解析:细节理解题。由该段中的 a large number of people...a fifth of all adults are tattooed 和 there are more than 50,000 tattoo artists in the U.S. alone 可知, 作者通过这些数字旨在说明文身现在非常流行,故选 A 项。 6.What might be David Beckham’s attitude towards tattooing? A.He is worried about it. B.He is interested in it. C.He thinks little of it. D.He has no idea of it. B 解析:推理判断题。由第二段中的 Even famous people...David Beckham have some kind of tattoo on their bodies.可知,David Beckham 也喜欢文身,故选 B 项。 7.We can learn from the text that tattooing________. A.is still not accepted by women B.usually costs a lot of money C.is not good for our health D.has a long history D 解析:推理判断题。由倒数第二段中的 The ancient Romans, Native Americans 和 Nazi Germany 可知,文身这种行为已经有很久的历史了,故选 D 项。 8.It seems that the business of tattooing will________. - 15 - A.slow down B.disappear soon C.continue growing D.become very hard C 解析:推理判断题。由最后一段中的 Not only has tattooing itself become a big industry, but removing them is also on the increase.可知,文身这个行业将会继续发 展,故选 C 项。 Ⅳ 完形填空 I passed a man on the way home from work this evening.He was staggering(摇摇 晃晃地走) down the road.I slowed down and __1__ whether to stop and give him a lift.However,there were a lot of cars behind me and I lost the __2__ to stop there because the road was too __3__. I was not __4__,but he seemed to be quite drunk.So I finally __5__ my car beside the road and watched him in my rearview mirror(后视镜).__6__,he was too drunk.A truck changed its direction to avoid him—he didn’t even __7__.I thought I could sit and __8__ him to reach my car.Five minutes went by,he __9__.My windows were down,and I asked him if he wanted my __10__.He said he was going to the next town.It was not __11__ enough to put me to trouble.So I asked him to get into my car.“Sorry, I’m __12__ quite drunk.I attended a funeral(葬礼) but my family left earlier,so I decided to __13__ home.I’m Ryan,”he said and offered me his __14__. Along the way we had a __15__ talk.He told me he had buried his uncle,and that he was a traveler.He called me “Brother” and gave me his sunglasses as payment.I __16__ and said the joy was in the giving.We __17__ almost everything such as where we came from and where we lived.And he said sorry __18__ for being so drunk. “Anywhere around here is fine for me,” he said.So I __19__ him at the next crossing,and then we said goodbye.I felt lucky to have had that __20__ to help him! 【解题导语】 本文是一篇记叙文。作者在下班开车回家的路上,看到了一个喝醉的人 沿着马路摇摇晃晃地走着,于是就停下来让他搭便车。作者为此感到很开心。 1.A.asked B.knew C.wondered D.doubted C 解析:作者在下班开车回家的路上,看到一个人沿着马路摇摇晃晃地走着,就减速慢 行,寻思着是否捎他一程。 2.A.courage B.time C.right D.ability A 解析:根据本空前的“However,there were a lot of cars behind me”可知,因 为后方车太多,作者没有勇气停车。 - 16 - 3.A.long B.wide C.old D.busy D 解析:根据上文中的“there were a lot of cars”可知,车太多,路上交通拥挤。 4.A.upset B.sure C.tired D.calm B 解析:由下文的“he seemed”可知,作者不确定。 5.A.left B.started C.stopped D.protected C 解析:由本空后的“watched him in my rearview mirror(后视镜)”可知,作者停 下了车。 6.A.Clearly B.Luckily C.Interestingly D.Finally A 解析:根据本空后的“A truck changed its direction to avoid him—he didn’t even ______.”可知,此处指“他明显是醉了”。 7.A.cry B.suffer C.move D.care D 解析:他醉了,就连卡车改变方向来避开他他都不在意。 8.A.depend on B.wait for C.cause D.order B 解析:根据本空后的“Five minutes went by,he ______.”可知,作者在车里坐 着,等候他的到来。 9.A.disappeared B.continued C.arrived D.slowed C 解析:依据本空后的“My windows were down,and I asked him if he wanted my ______.”可知,五分钟之后,他来到了作者的车旁。 10.A.help B.guide C.suggestion D.present A 解析:由上文中的“whether to stop and give him a lift”可知,作者问他是否 需要帮助。 11.A.pretty B.safe C.large D.far D 解析:由本空前的“the next town”和空后的“So I asked him to get into my car.” 可知,这个城镇不远。 12.A.also B.really - 17 - C.probably D.never B 解析:根据本空前的“Sorry”和下文中的“And he said sorry ______ for being so drunk.”可知,他说自己确实是醉得厉害。 13.A.drive B.ride C.walk D.stay C 解析:根据上文中的“He was staggering(摇摇晃晃地走) down the road.”可知, 他决定走路回家。 14.A.hand B.price C.service D.address A 解析:依据本空前的“I’m Ryan”及下文提到的“愉快的交谈” 可知,这个人伸手 跟作者握手。 15.A.serious B.terrible C.boring D.pleasant D 解析:根据文中他们之间的谈话可知,该谈话是令人愉快的。 16.A.noticed B.accepted C.refused D.remembered C 解析:由本空后的“the joy was in the giving”可知,作者拒收他的太阳镜。 17.A.talked about B.thought of C.believed in D.met with A 解析:由他们之间的谈话可知,这里是指他们几乎谈到了所有的事情,例如来自哪里 和在哪里居住。 18.A.soon B.early C.just D.again D 解析:依据上文中的“Sorry,I’m ______ quite drunk.”可知,他再次为醉酒而 道歉。 19.A.joined B.dropped C.welcomed D.thanked B 解析:依据本空前的“Anywhere around here is fine for me”可知,作者让他在 下一个十字路口下了车。 20.A.patience B.chance C.power D.excuse B 解析:依据上文的故事可知,作者为能有机会帮他而感到幸运。 - 18 -

