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‎2020届二轮复习 阅读理解热点话题专题之五:习主席祝贺女排卫冕世界冠军 President Xi congratulates women's volleyball team on defending world championship 文章选自《China Daily》‎ 读前导读:‎ ‎2019年女排世界杯大阪站,中国女排以3比0战胜阿根廷女排,收获本届赛事的十一连胜,以全胜战绩成功卫冕。中国女排再一次创造了历史,用新鲜出炉的世界杯冠军为祖国献上了一份沉甸甸的生日礼物。中国女排夺得2019年女排世界杯冠军,成功卫冕。中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平致电,向中国女排全体队员、教练员表示热烈的祝贺和诚挚的问候。‎ 一:高级实词荟萃 1. congratulate  /kənˈɡrætʃuleɪt/ vt. ‎ 2. leading adj. sporting adj. champion /ˈtʃæmpiən/ n冠军 3. outstanding  /aʊtˈstændɪŋ/  adj. ‎ 4. championship /ˈtʃæmpiənʃɪp/ n.‎ 5. ‎ achievement n.‎ 6. ‎ glory n.‎ 7. ‎ straight adj.‎ 8. ‎ squad /skwɑːd/ ‎ 1. trophies /ˈtrəʊfi/ ‎ 2. sportsmanship   /ˈspɔːrtsmənʃɪp/ n. ‎ 3. characteristics  /kærəktə'rɪstɪks/ n. ‎ 4. congratulate  /kənˈɡrætʃuleɪt/ vt. ‎ 5. boast /bəʊst/ vt.‎ 二:高级词汇拓展 1. vt祝贺________________ n. 庆祝 _______________ ‎ adj. 祝贺的;庆祝的________________‎ 2. vt. 辩护; 防护; vi. 保卫; 防守 ______________ n.防护________________‎ 3. vt 取得 ______________n.成就;功绩__________________‎ 4. ‎ adj. 主要的;重要的;主修的;较多的___________ ‎ ‎ vi. 主修 ____________ n.大多数 ________________‎ 三:高级短语荟萃 1. a leading sporting nation 2. ‎ defending champion 3. ‎ sportsmanship with Chinese characteristics 4. ‎ Chinese women's volleyball team 5. ‎ defend their world championship 6. ‎ outstanding achievements 7. ‎ bring glory to the motherland and the people 8. ‎ 10 straight wins 9. ‎ win three straight sets 1. ‎ young squad 2. ‎ win the World Cup for the fifth time 3. ‎ 10 major trophies 4. ‎ world championships 5. ‎ all win 6. ‎ wrap up 7. cruise to victory against ‎ 8. wrap up the 12-team round-robin tournament 原汁文章思维力训练 President Xi Jinping on Sunday congratulated the Chinese women's volleyball team on defending their world championship with 11 straight wins in Osaka, Japan.‎ Xi said in a congratulatory message that the team has brought glory to the motherland and the people with their outstanding achievements in the FIVB Volleyball Women's World Cup.‎ Defending champions China has lifted the FIVB Women's Volleyball World Cup trophy with perfect 10 straight wins after easing past Serbia 3-0 on Saturday.‎ China cruised to victory against the world champions, which sent a young squad for the tournament, in straight sets of 25-14, 25-21, 25-16, winning the World Cup for the fifth time and have collected a total of 10 major trophies, including three from Olympics and two from world championships.‎ China have boasted a perfect record in the tournament, wrapping up the 12-team round-robin tournament with all wins.‎ ‎【重要讲话】‎ The year of 2019 marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and great achievements have been made through unremitting efforts by the Communist Party of China, and Chinese people of all ethnic groups. I hope you will maintain your morale and continue to be free from arrogance and rashness in order to claim better results in the future.‎ ‎1. Why did President Xi congratulate the Chinese women's volleyball team?‎ ‎2. 判断。(T or F and why)‎ ‎1. It is very difficult to defeat the world champions.( )‎ ‎2.It is very difficult to defeat the team Serbia.( )‎ ‎3.What does the underlined word “ease” mean in the sentence?‎ ‎4.What does the underlined word “cruise” mean in the sentence?‎ 报刊复杂句式品鉴 China cruised to victory against the world champions, which sent a young squad for the tournament, in straight sets of 25-14, 25-21, 25-16, winning the World Cup for the fifth time and have collected a total of 10 major trophies, including three from Olympics and two from world championships.‎ 译文:‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ‎ 解析:本句的主干为:________________________________________________其中附加成分分别为一个定语从句which sent a young squad for the tournament修饰先行词___________‎ 一个介词短语做状语:in straight sets of 25-14, 25-21, 25-16;一个现在分词短语做状语: _____________________‎ 双语赏析 President Xi Jinping on Sunday congratulated the Chinese women's volleyball team on defending their world championship with 11 straight wins in Osaka, Japan.‎ 周日,习近平主席致电祝贺中国女子排球队在日本大阪以十一连胜的成绩卫冕女排世界杯冠军。‎ Xi said in a congratulatory message that the team has brought glory to the motherland and the people with their outstanding achievements in the FIVB Volleyball Women's World Cup.‎ 习近平在贺电中表示,中国女排在国际排联女排世界杯上取得了优异成绩,为祖国和人民带来了光荣。‎ Defending champions China has lifted the FIVB Women's Volleyball World Cup trophy with perfect 10 straight wins after easing past Serbia 3-0 on Saturday.‎ 卫冕冠军中国女排在周六以3-0轻松击败塞尔维亚后,以10连胜的成绩捧起了国际排联女排世界杯的奖杯。‎ China cruised to victory against the world champions, which sent a young squad for the tournament, in straight sets of 25-14, 25-21, 25-16, winning the World Cup for the fifth time and have collected a total of 10 major trophies, including three from Olympics and two from world championships.‎ 中国队以25-14、25-21、25-16的比分连续三局击败了世界冠军,获得了第五次世界杯冠军。中国队总共获得了10个主要奖杯,其中包括3个来自奥运会,2个来自世锦赛。‎ China have boasted a perfect record in the tournament, wrapping up the 12-team round-robin tournament with all wins.‎ 中国队在本届世界杯上创造了完美的记录,在12支球队的循环赛中以全胜告终。‎ 致电内容原稿 The year of 2019 marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of ‎ China and great achievements have been made through unremitting efforts by the Communist Party of China, and Chinese people of all ethnic groups. I hope you will maintain your morale and continue to be free from arrogance and rashness in order to claim better results in the future.‎ 今年是新中国成立70周年,新中国取得的举世瞩目的伟大成就是全党全国各族人民团结一心、艰苦奋斗干出来的。希望你们继续保持昂扬斗志,不骄不躁,再创佳绩。‎ ‎——2019年9月29日,习近平致电祝贺中国女排夺得2019年女排世界杯冠军 同话题泛读材料 Volleyball birthday gift When people watch the Chinese women’s volleyball team play, they see a commitment to excellence.‎ 人们在观看中国女排的比赛时,总能看到一种对优秀的坚持。‎ The team successfully defended its title on Sept 29, winning the gold medal with a perfect 11-0 record at 2019 FIVB Volleyball Women’s World Cup. This is China’s fifth World Cup victory, and it was secured with the tenth world titles in the tournament.‎ ‎9月29日,中国女排以11连胜的完美战绩夺得2019年女排世界杯冠军,成功卫冕。这是中国女排第五次世界杯夺冠,第十个“三大赛”的世界冠军。‎ China’s ladies first stood atop the World Cup podium in 1981. The following 38 years have witnessed some ups and downs, but the team’s spirit has inspired one generation after another, both within the team and across the country.‎ ‎1981年,中国姑娘们首次站在了世界杯的领奖台上。过去的38年见证了一些起起伏伏,但女排精神一直激励着全队乃至全国的一代又一代人。‎ These talented ladies put in hard work to win on the biggest stage.‎ 这些优秀的姑娘们刻苦训练,就为了在这个最大的舞台上夺冠。‎ The World Cup was played in several different cities in Japan and the team didn’t have much time to train. The girls had to squeeze in training time when they could. On Sept 25, for example, they arrived in Osaka at 2:30 pm and started training only an hour later. That wasn’t enough. They used ‎ time given up by other teams or rented other arenas for extra training time.‎ 本届世界杯的比赛在日本几座不同的城市举办,留给队伍训练的时间并不多。女排姑娘们不得不努力挤出时间来训练。比如,9月25日,当天下午2点30分才抵达大阪的女排姑娘们,1小时后便开始了训练。这样还不够,她们把被其他球队放弃的训练时间都利用了起来,或者另租场地进行额外训练。‎ They brought this fighting spirit to the court. When the team struggled, captain Zhu Ting was there, ready to unleash a super spike, tip a smart dink or do whatever needed to carry the team forward.‎ 她们将这种拼搏的精神带到了球场上。当队伍陷入困境时,队长朱婷便挺身而出,时刻都准备着大力扣杀,来一记刁钻的吊球,或者做能做的一切,来带领队伍前进。‎ ‎“Every time we put on our national team jerseys, we fight for the same goal: to see our national flag raised to our national anthem at the podium ceremony,” said head coach Lang Ping, after China’s first match at the 2019 World Cup.‎ ‎“每一次身披国家队战袍,中国女排的目标都是: 升国旗、奏国歌,”总教练郎平在中国队2019年世界杯首战后如此说道。‎ 你的泛读笔记 Defending champions China lifted the FIVB Women's Volleyball World Cup trophy with perfect 10 straight wins after easing past Serbia 3-0 here on Saturday.‎ China cruised to victory against the world champions, which sent a young squad for the tournament, in straight sets of 25-14, 25-21, 25-16, winning the World Cup for the fifth time and have collected a total of 10 major trophies, including three from Olympics and two from world championships.‎ ‎2019年第十三届女排世界杯中美女排巅峰对决今天下午在日本札幌北海道道立综合体育馆上演,中美两强最雄厚的整体实力让本场火星撞地球般的对决成为本届女排世界杯提前进行的决赛。郎平将中国女排调整出了极佳的竞技状态,发球带动拦网打乱对手,而全面提速且拥有制空权的中国女排完全压制美国女排“速度排球”战术体系,一场争冠决赛在中国女排泰山压顶态势下失去了悬念,3比0!一个不可思议的总比分!中国女排赢得气势如虹,不可阻挡!中国女排打通了冲击世界杯冠军之路!‎ In the thirteenth women's volleyball World Cup in 2019, the match between the beautiful women's volleyball match was staged at the Ho Chi Minh Sports Complex in Sapporo, Japan this afternoon. The strongest overall strength of the two Chinese and American forces made the game of Mars hit the earth and became the front line of the women's volleyball World Cup. The final. Lang Ping adjusted the Chinese women's volleyball team to an excellent competitive state. The serve led the block to disrupt the opponents, while the Chinese women's volleyball team with full speed and air superiority completely suppressed the US women's volleyball "speed volleyball" tactical system, and a championship final in the Chinese women's volleyball team. Lost suspense, 3 to 0! An incredible total score! The Chinese women's volleyball team has won the momentum and is unstoppable! The Chinese women's volleyball team broke the road to the World Cup championship!‎ ‎9月16日下午,女排世界杯进入第三个比赛日,中国女排最终以3-0战胜俄罗斯女排,拿下开赛后的三连胜。对于中国女排来说,俄罗斯队是本届世界杯上所遭遇的第一个强敌,能够啃下这块“硬骨头”,不仅能保持积分上的领先,更能让球队以更好的心态面对接下来的比赛。‎ On the afternoon of September 16, the women's volleyball World Cup entered the third match day. The Chinese women's volleyball team defeated the Russian women's volleyball team 3-0 and won the three-game winning streak after the start of the match. For the Chinese women's volleyball team, the Russian team is the first strong enemy encountered in this World Cup. It can lay down ‎ this "hard bone", not only to maintain the lead in the points, but also to make the team better in terms of mentality. For the next game.‎ The Sprit of Women’s Volleyball Team 女排精神 In our country, everybody is proud of Women’s Volleyball team. In the 1980s, they had won the world championships five times, which helped the team become the symbol of strong will. But no one can win all the time, since 2004, the team had met the setback and 11 years later, the new team won the championship again. What an inspiring story. 在我们国家,每个人都为女排感到骄傲。在80年代,她们已经五次赢得了世界冠军,使得这个队成为坚强意志的象征。但是没有常胜将军,自从2004年后,女排遇到了挫折,11年后,新的队伍再次赢得了世界冠军。这是多么励志的故事啊。  The women’s volleyball team is favored by everyone. In the TV, their matches will be showed, people will watch and yell for them. My parents told me that their idols were the women’s volleyball players, because they were moved by their tough spirit. I have witnessed these girls at the top and then started to fall, now they have come to the top again. They never give up.  女排为大众所喜爱。在电视上,她们的每场比赛都会播放,人们观看并且为她们呼喊。我的父母告诉我他们的偶像就是女排队员,因为被他们的坚强精神感动。我目睹了这些女孩们站 在顶峰时期,然后开始下滑,如今她们再次回到了顶峰。她们是永不言弃的。 In last 11 years, the women’s volleyball team had experienced the bad time. They were in the turning period, the old players retired and the new players were not strong enough. Though these girls did not play well, they practiced hard and finally come to the top again. I am so moved, they deserve the biggest applause. 在过去的11年间,女排队经历了困难的时期。她们处在转型期,老队员退休了,新队员还不够强大。虽然这些女孩们打得并不是很好,但是她们刻苦训练,最终再次来到了顶峰。我很感动,她们值得拥有最大的掌声。‎

