2014年名校模拟试题分类汇编英语 专题20 书面表达

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2014年名校模拟试题分类汇编英语 专题20 书面表达

2014 年名校模拟试题分类汇编英语 专题 20 书面表达 【2014 届辽宁五校协作体摸底试题】书面表达(满分 25 分) 假如你是英国的 Mike,你的朋友李华打算到国外留学,他写信询问你什么样的中国学生最 受国外高校青睐。请你根据下列要点给对方写一封回信: 1. 语言是道硬门槛; 2. 适应能力很重要; 3. 兴趣爱好被看重; 4. 要有社会责任感。 注意:1.词数 100 左右; 2.开头和结束语已为你写好,不计入总词数。 Dear Li Hua, I’m glad to hear that you want to study abroad in your letter. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Yours, Mike 解析: 试题分析:本文是一篇应用文。也是高考常考的文体形式之一。文章给出了简单的汉语 提示,成文时需要考生充分发挥想象力,使文章内容丰富。成文时应注意一下几点:1.文章 内容要齐全;(1) 语言是道硬门槛; 2) 适应能力很重要;(3) 兴趣爱好被看重;(4) 要 有社会责任感。2.时态:用一般现在时;3.人称:第一人称和第二人称;4.使用一些高级词 汇、短语及句型,提高文章的档次;5.恰当运用一些连词和插入语,使文章自然、流畅。 【亮点说明】1.高级句型:Here is what I know about what kind of Chinese students are favored in foreign colleges and universities. the language ability is essential, which helps you communicate with others and makes it easier for you to understand the courses. those who are willing to shoulder social responsibility are especially respected and welcomed. 2.连词和插入语:As far as I know,Besides, What’s more, Last but not the least, 答案: Dear Li Hua, I’m glad to hear that you want to study abroad in your letter. Here is what I know about what kind of Chinese students are favored in foreign colleges and universities. As far as I know, the language ability is essential, which helps you communicate with others and makes it easier for you to understand the courses. Besides, you should have the ability to adapt quickly to the new environment. "What’s more, your interest is valued as well, for it has a lot to do with success. Last but not the least, those who are willing to shoulder social responsibility are especially respected and welcomed. This is some of my advice, and I hope it can be of some help to you. May you succeed! Best wishes and good luck. Yours Mike 【2013 届江苏扬州中学高三最后一卷】书面表达(满分 25 分) 请认真观察下面的漫画,简要描述漫画内容,并根据你对该漫画的理解,结合学习实际, 谈谈自己的思考和看法。 参考词汇:缸:vat; 漏出来:leak out; 漏洞:loophole 解析: 试题分析:这是一篇看图作文,由图画中所反映得问题来联系实际谈谈学习中存在的问 题。写作时不仅要将画面所包含的有效信息直接运用英语思维转换成英语语言文字进行描 述,而且要就此联系实际而展开叙述。展开时需要围绕画面所反映的实质问题谈谈自己的思 考和看法。写作时注意准确运用时态(因为是客观描述图画,又是谈谈自己的思考和看法, 所以用现在范畴的时态),上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。 【亮点说明】范文对图画的描述仅仅用了三句话:一个简单句,两个复合句。这充分显示了 作者概括提炼图画所反映内容的能力。接着作者用“It reminds me of the problems in our study.”这个过渡句,就很自然地联系到我们的学习中存在的问题。将图画中的“缸的漏洞” 与“学习中的错误”很紧密地挂起钩来,顺理成章。然后就对“学习中的漏洞”问题普遍存在 的处理问题提出了自己的观点“小洞不补,则会吃大苦”,为后面的议论埋下了伏笔。最后 一段为本文增添了亮点。范文中所用词汇非常丰富,且雅俗共赏。 答案: One possible version: In the picture, four people are trying to fill a vat with water. Two men are carrying water while two others are pouring water into the vat. However, with so many loopholes at the bottom of the vat, they’ll never store any water, because no one tries to mend the holes. It reminds me of the problems in our study. While studying, we always try to read more books and do more exercises. However, we seldom pay attention to the mistakes we’ve made, nor do we try to correct them. Therefore, “holes” are left. Day by day, there appear more and more “holes”, or rather the shortages. No matter how many books we’ve read, we have never mastered any knowledge because they have leaked out through the hole. So we should pay attention to the mistakes we’ve made and the holes we have in our study. Only in this way can we learn much knowledge and fill up our mind with it. 【2014 届四川省成都市高三摸底试题】书面表达(满分 35 分) 作为即将进入高三的学生,将要面对更繁重的学习和生活压力,因此,保持积极心态非 常重要。现在,请围绕“积极心态与健康、学习、交友及家庭生活"四个方面的关系,以 Keeping a Positive Attitude 为题目,写一篇英语短文,阐述你的观点及理由。 注意:1.词数:120 字左右;。 2.短文题目已给出,并不计入总词数。 Keeping ,a Positive Attitude 解析: 本文的话题是如何在健康,学习,交友及家庭生活四个方面保持积极的心态,写作中注 意围绕要点组织材料,确定写作内容。写作中注意将“积极心态与健康、学习、交友及家庭 生活"四个方面的关系介绍清楚。在写作的时候要运用合适的连接词把要点串联起来,选择 词汇的时候要选择相对高级的词汇,也要运用多种句型,让文章更有变化。注意改变文章的 样式。难度在于选择合适的词汇和句型表达文章需要的意思,可以变换使用一些容易驾驭的 句子或者词汇实现同样的目的。要使用合适的连接词来连接各要点,使文章成为一个整体。 建议信作文的关键在于表达方式的选择和要点的完备,不能有遗漏或者省略。提出建议要切 实可行,要符合英语习惯,所以在写作的时候要变换句式,要写得更为亲切直白。 【参考范文】 Keeping a Positive Attitude How times flies! It won't be long before we are in Senior 3, when we will be faced with more learning tasks and heavier pressure. Therefore, it's crucial and necessary that we keep a positive attitude both in our study and daily life Keeping a positive attitude does us a lot of good. First of all, it can help us stay healthy physically. Meanwhile, it's also beneficial to our study, for we can usually learn much more effectively when keeping a positive attitude. Besides,it's easier for us to make more friends and get on better with our family if we keep a positive attitude. Now that a positive attitude can bring so much happiness to us, why not try our best to keep it as much as we can in spite of everything? 【2014 届新余一中宜春中学高三联考】书面表达(满分 25 分) The saying goes“Attitude is everything, details determine success or failure. ”请用英语写一篇短 文,谈谈自己对上述观点的一些看法。 注意:①无须写标题,不得照抄英语提示语; ②除诗歌外,文体不限;③词数为120左右。 解析: 试题分析:本文是开放式作文,也是话题作文,要求考生根据英文提示,结合生活中的 一个事例,根据所给的英语提示,写一篇话题作文。这种“开放式”的论述文的命题形式给考 生很大的自由发挥空间,对写作的布局谋篇提出了较高要求,要求考生既要会发表观点认识, 又要会进行描写叙述。这种写作命题有利于立体考查学生的语言知识、创新思维能力和价值 观,具有较强的选拔功能。在写作中不要忘了用高级的词汇和复杂的句型表达,主要是学过 的知识适当的运用,也要注意句与句的关联,使文章更连贯。 【亮点说明】文中使用了非常好的短语和句子为文章增色不少,比如 But sometimes it is the details that determine our success, for they may be the very thing that has a great impact on what we’re doing.这句话有强调句,宾语从句和定语从句,还有 We may find that when faced with lots of work, the faster we do it, the more mistakes we will make.这句话运用了状语从句的省略 和 the more,the more 这样的句型,we should keep it in mind that quality comes first, without which quantity is of no significance.这里用了 it 做形式宾语,文章还注意了句子的衔接如:first, What’s more, As far as I’m concerned,等等。 答案: Some people may think that one who wants to achieve great success shouldn’t pay much attention to details. But sometimes it is the details that determine our success, for they may be the very thing that has a great impact on what we’re doing. Since we have realized the importance of details, what should we do? First, we should form the habit of being careful, because a careful person will rarely overlook details. What’s more, we should learn to keep the balance of quantity and quality. We may find that when faced with lots of work, the faster we do it, the more mistakes we will make. Why? Because when we work at high speed, the only thing we care about is quantity in which case we are more likely to neglect the details. As far as I’m concerned, we should keep it in mind that quality comes first, without which quantity is of no significance. 【2014 届浙江温州十校第一次联考】书面表达(满分 30 分) Growing Pains(《成长的烦恼》)是大陆较早引进的一部美国情景喜剧,讲述的是西佛一家的 三个孩子在成长中遇到一些故事。而你们在自己的成长过程中也一定碰到过一些挫折,失败, 而长大的标志是你在这些经历中获得了一些宝贵的财富。请以 Gains from Growing Pains 为 题,写一篇不少于 120 词的英语短文。(开头已经给出,不计入字数。) 要求:1. 描述成长过程中的一件令你烦恼的事情。 2. 说说此事最终带给你的启示和收获。 Growing up is not always a very enjoyable time. 解析: 试题分析:此篇书面表达是夹叙夹议的记叙文。描述成长中的烦恼以及它所带来的收获, 内容贴近生活,学生很容易把握写作要求和写作内容。考生在写作之前要认真审题,把握两 个要点,即烦恼和收获启示;注意文章的时态,要求让“你”描述成长过程中的烦恼,所以要 用一般过去时,而且用第一人称。同时要注意句子的衔接。 【亮点说明】文中定语从句和非谓语的使用不但使文章衔接紧凑,而且为文章增色不少,比 如“Now looking back, I am so glad that my parents encouraged me to take music lessons , which can enrich my life” . “Everybody is to experience growing pains ,which are just small pains in life.”,此外“we will realize our growing pains are actually growing gains.”也为点睛之笔。文章 描述精彩感人,读后会给人带来深刻启示。 答案: Growing up is not always a very enjoyable time. It means we have to work hard. As for my childhood, my parents made me learn to play the violin so I had no time to play with other friends. I got very annoyed .I hated music, just because it was what they wanted me to do. Sometimes I felt puzzled and trapped. I even didn’t understand why I was a child. Now looking back, I am so glad that my parents encouraged me to take music lessons , which can enrich my life. I come to realize why my parents are always pushing me along. Everybody is to experience growing pains ,which are just small pains in life. A little hard work and sweat never hurt us. If we realize these pains are just small bumps on our road to success, we will realize our growing pains are actually growing gains. 【2014 届安徽池州一中月考】书面表达(共 1 题,满分 25 分) 最近,你们班英语课上老师组织一次主题为“Does beauty really make much sense?”的讨论。根据 下面同学们的讨论结果用英语写一篇 120 字左右的短文并谈谈自己的观点。 1.学生观点 1:一副好面孔就是一张通行证,在社交、求职、竞争中起着重要作用。 2.学生观点 2:漂亮不等于胜任工作,只有追求内在完美才是真正的美。 3.你的观点…… 参考词汇:通行证:pass 社交: social communication 内在美:spiritual beauty. Does beauty really make much sense? Last week in our English class, we had a very heated discussion on the topic—does beauty really make much sense? ______ 解析: 试题分析:要求考生根据所给的写作要求和提纲,确定文章的中心思想,然后紧紧围绕 中心思想展开写作。注意文章文体、人称和时态。根据所给提纲,列出要点,并以此为基础 充分发挥自己的想象力,灵活运用英语知识,采用不同的表达方式将各要点完整地表述出来, 注意主次分明,详略得当。语言力求准确、简洁。根据情景的发展,按顺序安排好材料。同 时应选用合适的连接词或过渡词,使文章具有一定的连贯性。 【亮点说明】文中使用了非常好的短语和句子为文章增色不少,比如 Some students think that a good face is a pass, Not only can it make you become more confident but also it makes you impressive in the job interview.还运用了 What I want to say is that…; 主语从句及倒装句等等。 并注意了句子的衔接如:As far as I am concerned 等等。 答案: One possible version: Does beauty really make much sense? Last week in our English class, we had a very heated discussion on the topic—does beauty really make much sense? Some students think that a good face is a pass. Good appearance often makes a big difference in social communication, social competition, job hunting and so on. Not only can it make you become more confident but also it makes you impressive in the job interview. Other students hold different opinions. Good appearance doesn’t make any difference. Spiritual beauty is more important. A beautiful person is not necessarily one with good looking, but one with a great talent and kind heart. As far as I am concerned, both physical beauty and spiritual beauty are very important. What I want to say is that we should never ignore our spiritual beauty training while simply pursuing good appearance. 【2014 届安徽望江中学月考】书面表达(满分 25 分) 根据下面的提示,写一则字数为 100—120 的口头通知,用学校广播向同学们发布。 事件:英国残疾人史密斯将来校演讲; 时间:4 月 25 日下午 2~4 点; 地点:学校第三教学楼 302 室; 内容:他将介绍他是如何克服困难的。他 8 岁时,在一次事故中失去左腿和右臂。通过 努力,他能生活自理并学有所成; 听完演讲后进行讨论:如何鼓励、帮助残疾人;怎样向史密斯教授学习等。 解析: 试题分析:这是一篇文字提纲式作文,就“英国残疾人史密斯将来校演讲”发出的口头通 知。写作时不仅要注意叙述的顺序要清楚尤其是时间地点排列的顺序要讲究,而且还要要特 别注意写作时准确地运用时态:这份口头通知时态比较复杂。涉及到一般现在时,一般将来 时以及一般过去时。 【亮点说明】范文叙述的逻辑顺序清晰;时间、地点状语的安排得很巧妙(from 2 to 4 o'clock on the afternoon of April 25 in Room 302, the No.3 teaching building.),充分显示了作者的语言 功底。范文用时态运用准确。范文以简单句为主,复合句为辅,非常符合口头通知的特点。 范文灵活表达要点的方法最值得我们效仿。如在表达“通过努力,他能生活自理并学有所成” 要点时,范文没有照字面去直译,而是这样来表达的“He struggled in his life and managed to look after himself. He also achieved great success in his work.” 答案: One possible version: Attention, please! I've something to tell you. Professor Smith-an English disabled person will come to our school to give us a lecture from 2 to 4 o'clock on the afternoon of April 25 in Room 302, the No.3 teaching building. His lecture is about how he smoothed away /overcame all sorts of difficulties he had met. When he was eight years old, he lost his left leg and right arm in an accident. He struggled in his life and managed to look after himself. He also achieved great success in his work. After the lecture we will have a discussion in groups on how to encourage disabled people, how to help them and how to learn from Professor Smith. (That's all. )Thank you! 【2014 届广东珠海市高三 9 月摸底】基础写作 (共 1 小题,满分 15 分) 假如你叫李华,现正在美国加利福尼亚州上大学,你的一个朋友刘英写信向你了解美国加利 福尼亚州的情况,请根据以下内容提示给他回信简介加利福尼亚州。 地理方面 面积 42.4 万平方千米,美国西部,西濒太平洋,美国面积第三大的州 人口方面 约 38,000,000 人; 据说 15000 前印第安人首先进入;16 世纪欧洲人开始进入;19 世纪中世界各 地的人带着发财梦进入;未来将还会有人因喜爱加州的气候和生活方式进入。 语言方面 58% 的人把英语作为母语来讲,42%的人讲其它语言。 *加利福尼亚州: California;太平洋:the Pacific;印第安人:Indians 【写作内容】 请根据以上内容给朋友写回信,内容包括: 1、加里福尼亚的地理方面的信息; 2、人口及其语言方面的信息; 3、信的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入句子数。 【写作要求】 只能用 5 个句子表达全部内容。 【评分标准】 句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章连贯。 Dear Liu Ying, Your letter reached me yesterday. You would like me to tell you something about California, so now I am writing to you. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ If you want to know more, you may go to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/California#History. Best wishes to you. Yours ever, Li Hua 解析: 试题分析:考生首先要仔细审题,要点是以提纲形式出现的,做题时包括以下几个方面: (1)层次结构(2)句子的时态(3)内容要点。尤其是内容要点要把握准确到位,要点需 要考生拿捏准确以及正确,这加大了写作难度。再者考生要注意尽可能使句子的表达形式多 样化,适当的使用一些高级句式和高级词汇,以提高书面表达的档次和可读性。因为只能使 用 5 个句子表达全部的内容。又要包括所有的要点,考生要多使用复杂句,一句话中要多包 含些信息。 【亮点说明】文中使用了非常好的短语和句子为文章增色不少,比如 would like sb to do, is located in 还运用了 It is said that…,It is believed that 句式; who 引导的定语从句及 only in the 16th century did Europeans come to settle.倒装句等等。并注意了句子的衔接如:As for language 等等。 答案: One possible version: Your letter reached me yesterday. You would like me to tell you something about California, so now I am writing to you. California, the third largest state in size in the USA with a population of more than 38 million, is located in the west of the United States on the Pacific in the west. It is said that the first settlers were Indians who got there 15000 years ago and only in the 16th century did Europeans come to settle. In the 19th century, people from all over the world came rushing into California with the dream of becoming rich. It is believed that in the future more people, attracted by the climate and lifestyle, will keep immigrating to California. As for language, only 58% of Californians speak English as their native language, while the others speak other languages. If you want to know more, you may go to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/California#History Best wishes to you. Yours ever, 第二节【2014 届广东珠海市高三 9 月摸底】读写任务 (共 1 小题,满分 25 分) 阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇 150 词左右的英语短文。 Children in kindergarten are learning social skills. For this reason, it’s important to tell the children what will make them become good citizens when they grow up. It’s up to parents, teachers and all others involved with a kid to teach these skills. Teaching kids to pick up things by themselves is a good way to teach them not to throw things on the ground. For example, if a class has to make paper cutouts (剪下的图样), after cutting, have the children pick up the wastepaper and place it in the wastebasket. The golden rule of good citizenship should be taught at this age. The rule is “One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself”. Teachers should ask their students how they want to be treated. There are many answers, such as not being treated in bad manners. The teacher should explain that others don’t like to be scared, so you should not scare (使惊恐) others either. Following the laws is good citizenship(公民义务). Proper games can be played in the classroom. Games have rules, and all students in the class should follow the rules of the games. If a child doesn’t want to follow, it is up to the teacher to explain them to the child. Teaching children about following rules should help them understand the need to obey the law when they become adults. 【写作内容】 1. 以约 30 个词概括这篇短文的内容要点; 2. 不少城市在创建文明城市。请以约 120 个词谈我们如何成为文明市民。内容包括: (1) 你认为文明市民 (a civilized citizen) 应具备什么素质,列举两三种文明行为; (2) 作为中学生,谈谈你应如何从小事做起,为创建文明城市作贡献。 【写作要求】 1.可以使用实例来支持你的论点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中 的句子; 2.作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。 【评分标准】 概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,语篇连贯。 解析: 试题分析:这篇书面表达给了一段材料:先要求以约 30 个词概括上文的主要内容,要 求有很高的概括提炼的能力,要抓住文章的主题,再以约 120 个词写一篇短文, 本文属于读 写任务写作,动笔前,一定要认真阅读原文,并理解内容。认真看清题目要求,不能遗漏要 点,跑题偏题。平时除了加强词汇积累,写作联系以外,还可以适当记忆一些类似的范文, 这样在考试中可以起到事半功倍的效果。 【亮点说明】文中使用了非常好的短语和句子为文章增色不少,比如 in my daily life,pick up, be ready to do 还运用了 It is important to do…句式; what I can to become a civilized citizen in my daily life 引导的宾语从句及 Only in this way can we make …倒装句等等。并注意了句子的 衔接如:Therefore , Besides,As far as I am concerned, Last but not the least, For example, All in all 等等。 答案: One possible version: The writer illustrates that it is important to teach children some skills of becoming good citizens. Therefore, he suggests teaching children to pick up things by themselves, to respect others and follow the laws. As far as I am concerned, a civilized citizen is supposed to respect others. In public places, such as restaurants, stations or hospitals, a civilized citizen would not speak or talk loudly. Besides, a civilized citizen ought to be always ready to reach out their helping hands. Last but not the least, a civilized citizen should be aware of the significance of obeying the law. As a senior high school student, I will do what I can to become a civilized citizen in my daily life. For example, I will pick up rubbish on the ground and put it into the dustbin. On my way to school, I will follow the traffic rules. All in all, I will do what I am expected to do. Only in this way can we make our hometown a more comfortable place for all of us to live in. 【2013 届河南省六市高三第二次联考】书面表达(满分 25 分) 假如你是李华,上周在英国参加了你校组织的“中学生文化交流周”活动,并住在 Kelly 家里。请你给在英国期间认识的新朋友 Kelly 写封感谢信,内容包括: 1. 交流活动中的收获; 2. 难忘在 Kelly 家的美好日子; 3. 感谢她送你的英文词典。 注意:1. 词数 100 左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3. 开头语和结束语已为你写好(不计入总词数)。 提示词汇: 文化交流周 Cultural Exchange Week Dear Kelly, I’ve been back home safely from England. Welcome to China when it’s convenient for you! Yours, Li Hua 解析: 试题分析:本文是一篇书信。文章给出了提纲式汉语提示。成文时应注意一下几点:(1) 内容要点要齐全;a 交流活动中的收获;b 难忘在 Kelly 家的美好日子;c 感谢她送你的英文词 典。(2)人称:以第一人称为主;(3)时态:一般过去时和一般现在时为主;(4)适当使用 一些连词和插入语,使文章自然、流畅;(5)恰当使用一些高级词汇和句型,以增加文章的 档次。 【亮点说明】1.使用高级句型:(1)I enjoyed myself in your country. We visited the city museum and some places of interest, which made me have a better understanding of the English society, culture and history.(2)It’s a great help for me to learn English well.2.使用了过渡词语:What’s more, I was lucky enough to stay at your home. Of course, I also made many new friends. 3.使用 了重要短语:I will treasure and make full use of it. I participated in the Cultural Exchange Week. I enjoyed myself in your country. 答案: Dear Kelly, I’ve been back home safely from England. Thank you for the warm help during my stay in England. Last week, I participated in the Cultural Exchange Week. I enjoyed myself in your country. We visited the city museum and some places of interest, which made me have a better understanding of the English society, culture and history. Of course, I also made many new friends. What’s more, I was lucky enough to stay at your home. And I’ll never forget the days we spent together. Here I especially thank you for the dictionary you offered me as a gift. It’s a great help for me to learn English well. I will treasure and make full use of it. Welcome to China when it’s convenient for you! Yours, Li Hua 【2013 届黑龙江大庆市高三第二次模拟】书面表达(满分 25 分) 目前高中学生出国留学(study abroad)是一个普遍的社会现象。假定你是某中学的学生李 华,你的美国朋友 Jim 想要了解人们对此现象的看法。请你根据下面的要点提示,用英语给 他写一封信,告诉他人们的不同看法,并谈谈你自己的观点。要点: 1.赞同(学好英语、旅游、独立……) 2.反对(沟通困难、自理能力差、孤独……) 3.你的观点…… 注意:1.词数 100 左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.开头语已为你写好,不计入总词数。 Dear Jim, I am glad that you have an interest in this phenomenon. With more and more high school students choosing to study abroad, people’s views on the trend are divided. Best regards, Li Hua (请将书面表达写在答题卡指定区域内) 解析: 试题分析:本文是篇材料作文,材料非常简单,学生很容易把握写作要求和写作目的。 考生在写作之前必修认真审题,首先要注意文章的时态,要求是对高中学生出国留学(study abroad)这样一个普遍的社会现象进行简单描述和发表看法,所以要用一般现在时。要求让 你给你的美国朋友 Jim 写一封信,因此本文必须用第一人称。再有就是不要根据材料逐字逐 句的翻译,应该注意句子的衔接,以提高作文的档次。 【亮点说明】范文使用了非常好的短语和句子为文章增色不少,比如 advocate its advantages, provide them with good opportunities,suffering from the difficulties in communication,in turn 等等。还运用了 not only…but also 并列句型以及 which 引导的非限制性定语从句等等。并注 意了句子的衔接如:On the other hand,Personally 等等。 答案: One possible version: Dear Jim, I am glad that you have an interest in this phenomenon. With more and more high school students choosing to study abroad, people’s views on the trend are divided. Many students and education agencies advocate its advantages. They claim that studying abroad can not only help students learn English well, but also provide them with good opportunities to travel around the English-speaking countries and start to live an independent life. On the other hand, many others have a negative attitude. They believe that lots of students studying abroad are actually suffering from the difficulties in communication, which in turn makes them lead a lonely life. What’s worse, some students lack the skills in looking after themselves. Personally, I prefer students to study abroad after receiving their bachelor’s degrees at home, because it is the necessary life skills and higher English level that guarantee a successful study. Best regards, Li Hua 【2014 届湖北省荆门市龙泉中学月考】短文写作(共 l 题,满分 30 分) 请根据以下提示,并结合事例,用英语写一篇短文。 Without pain and struggle, life is never complete and successful, just as without amounts of suffering and struggle in cocoon(茧),a butter can never fly. 注意:1.无须写标题,不得照抄英语提示语。 2.除诗歌外,文体不限。 3.内容必须结合生活中的一个事例。 4.词数为 120 左右。 解析: 试题分析:本文是一篇给出简单汉语提示的议论文类书面表达。本文近似于命题作文。 文章给出的汉语提示,只是定出了文章的主要论调。要想写好这类作文,考生必须充分发挥 自己的想象力,打开文章的思路,使其有血有肉。文章成文时应注意:1.三段成文法。(1) 第一段引出文章的主题;(2)用生活中的实例阐明主题观点;(3)总结全文,得出结论。2. 人称:第一人称;3.时态:叙述过去的实例用一般过去时,论述自己的观点用一般现在时。 4.适当使用一些连词和插入语,使文章自然、流畅,浑然一体;5.恰当使用高级词汇、短语 和句型,以通过文章的档次。 【亮点说明】范文亮点 1.使用了强调句型:It is our attitude towards the pain and difficulties that determines how far we can go. Whatever difficulties we are faced with, as long as we don’t give up and learn from our mistakes, we are sure to succeed.2.使用非谓语动词短语:Hearing that, I pushed myself harder to practise it.3.短语:for lack of;give up;little by little;be faced with; be sure to do. 答案: Writing:One possible version The road of life is never straight and smooth. It is our attitude towards the pain and difficulties that determines how far we can go. Playing the violin was once my dream, but for lack of practice and playing skills. I did very badly in the beginning, so I was often teased by other students. Gradually, I lost confidence in myself and I wanted to give up the violin. But my teacher told me: “Nothing is easy. Pain and struggle are the vital parts of our life.” Hearing that, I pushed myself harder to practise it. Little by little, I made progress. Eventually I won the first place in a violin competition. For the first time, I tasted the flavor of success after my struggle. From my experience I’ve learnt the lesson that it is pain and struggle that lead us to success. Whatever difficulties we are faced with, as long as we don’t give up and learn from our mistakes, we are sure to succeed. 【2013 届湖北孝感中学第二次月考】短文写作(共 1 题,满分 30 分) 请根据以下提示,结合你校园生活中的一个事例,就“自信”这一话题,用英语写一篇短 文。 If one has no confidence, there is little possibility that one can achieve anything when faced with hardships. 注意:①无须写标题,不得照抄英语提示语; ②除诗歌外,文体不限; ③内容必须结合校园生活中的一个事例; ④文中不得透露个人姓名和学校名称; ⑤词数 120 左右。 解析: 试题分析:话题作文要求考生根据英文提示,结合生活中的一个事例,根据所给的英 语提示,写一篇话题作文。这种“开放式”的论述文的命题形式给考生很大的自由发挥空 间,对写作的布局谋篇提出了较高要求,要求考生既要会发表观点认识,又要会进行描写 叙述。这种写作命题有利于立体考查学生的语言知识、创新思维能力和价值观,具有较强 的选拔功能。 【亮点说明】文中使用了非常好的短语和句子为文章增色不少,比如 Equipped with confidence, make a difference 还运用了 It was at this moment that 强调句型; which 引导的非限 制性定语从句等等。并注意了句子的衔接如:As the saying goes,As a consequence 等等。 答案: One possible version: Whatever one does, one should do it with confidence. Equipped with confidence, we can deal with any challenges and difficulties until we succeed. When I entered Senior 3, I found myself faced with difficulty learning English, and even failed in my English exam. As a consequence I began to feel frustrated, losing confidence in myself. It was at this moment that my parents encouraged me, and my teachers gave me some valuable advice on my studies, telling me to be confident. With their help, I regained my confidence and began to make steady progress. As the saying goes, where there’s a will, there’s a way. If we are to make a difference, we should build up our confidence, which is of vital importance if we want to overcome any obstacles and finally achieve our goal. 【2014 届江苏六合高级中学第一次模拟】书面表达(满分 25 分) 用英语写一篇 150 词左右的短文发表你的看法。 1.目前许多商品存在过度包装的现象 2.出现这一现象的原因 3.我对这一现象的看法和建议 解析: 此文为说明文:首先,审题:时态,因为是说明的现状及自己的观点,所以用一般现 在时为主。第一段:说明许多商品存在过度包装的这个现象,来引出话题。第二段:对其 原因进行分析,从厂家和消费者双方的角度说明原因。第三段:说明自己对此现象的看 法。最后一段:自己的建议。针对其原因,提出有针对性的解决办法。 【亮点说明】 文章分为四段,分述现存的一种社会现象—过度包装、过度包装的原因、自己的看法和 改变现状的建议。层次分明,结构清晰。文中用到了像:phenomena,to name but a few, stimulate ,thus, mistakenly, delicate, disastrous consequences, restrict, raise one’s awareness, equal, advocate ,in my point of view 等高级词汇和短语,使得文章表达准确、地道、流畅。 答案: Nowadays the phenomena of excessive packaging of goods are prevailing in our society: clothes swathed in tissue paper, placed in cardboard box and finally wrapped in well-designed plastic bags, imported bottles of grape wine packed in wooden boxes, fruits put in hand-woven baskets, to name but a few. There are several causes of excessive packaging. The first reason is that a large number of companies believe that they can attract customers’ attention and stimulate their purchasing desire by over-packaging their goods, thus gaining more profits. On the other hand, quite a number of consumers mistakenly hold that the more delicate the package is, the better the quality will be, thus encouraging excessive packaging. In my point of view, excessive packaging has disastrous consequences, including the loss of precious resources, excessive consumption of water and energy, and unnecessary extraction of scarce land for landfill. To solve the problem, it’s necessary to take the following measures. First, laws and regulations must be made to restrict excessive packaging of companies. In addition, we need to raise consumer’s awareness that excessive packaging doesn’t equal to high quality and advocate packaging recycling. 【2013 届山东实验中学二模】写作(满分 30 分) 假如你是高三学生黎明,代表高三学生在毕业典礼上进行毕业演讲。 请根据以下要点写一篇英语短文,内容包括。 (1)对获得的帮助表示感谢: (2)消除与同学之间的误会: (3)努力学习,实现人生梦想: (4)对学弟、学妹的建议。 注意: (l)可适当加入细节,以使行文连贯: (2)词数:100 左右(开头己给出,不计 入总词数)。 Hello, everybody I am greatly honored to be here, representing all of my fellow senior three classmates to give a speech. ______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ____________ __________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ ______________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 解析: 试题分析:这是一篇演讲稿,属于提纲类作文。人称应使用第一人称。时态用一般现在 时。文章首句已写好,文中给出的要点比较具体,故需要准确表达.可以用一些表示并列的词 或递进的词进行连接。如:First of all,Secondly, What’s more 等词。其中“(4)对学弟、学 妹的建议”部分,需要自己发挥,写出一、二点建议即可。属于半开放型作文。同样可用一 些词进行层次连接注意演讲稿的格式及称呼语,写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯, 符合逻辑关系,尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文 章显得更有档次,特别注意在选择句式时要赋予变化。 【亮点说明】(1)使用一些如 Firstly,Secondly,thirdly ,finally 等承接词进行连接,层次清晰。 (2)使用了一些高级句型,如 it’s high time to。。。,及虚拟语气的运用 Without their help and advice my life would be different.(3)谚语、名言的运用,如:as the old saying goes, “no pains, no gains”,”time and tide wait for no men”(4)高级词汇及短语的使用,如 make up one’s mind,make every effort,make full use of 等. 【参考范文】 Hello, everybody I am greatly honored to be here, representing all of my fellow senior three classmates to give a speech. Now, I have much to share with my fellow students. Firstly, I would like to show my appreciation to those standing by me all the way, teachers and friends included. Without their help and advice my life would be different. Secondly, it’s high time to say sorry to classmates whom I hurt or misunderstood. Communication and smiles act as bridges to friendship. Thirdly, I have made up my mind to make every effort to study, for I believe hard work is the key to success. Just as the old saying goes, “no pains, no gains”. Finally, I hope that all the younger fellows can make full use of time, because time and tide wait for no men. 【2014 届陕西汉中市洋县实验学校高三月考】书面表达( 满分 30 分) 假设你是新华中学的李华,将参加主题为“Let’s Ride Bicycles”的英语演讲比赛,请撰写一份 演讲稿,主要内容包括: 1.目前汽车带来的空气污染和交通堵塞等问题; 2.骑自行车的益处,如节能环保、有利健康等。 参考词汇:低碳生活(low-carbon life);节能(energy saving) 注意:1. 词数:100 词左右; 2. 演讲稿开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。 Good morning, everyone. I’m Li Hua from Xinhua Middle School. The topic of my speech is “Let’s Ride Bicycles”. Thank you! 解析: 试题分析:演讲稿主题部分应该阐述清楚事情的缘由、结果和要求。第一部分的内容应 该以详细完整地介绍事情为主,具体地讲,包括事情的发生、发展及结局。第二部分的内容 应该提出个人看法等。演讲稿以简单句为主要的表达形式。同时,演讲稿的语言必须有感染 力,所以演讲稿可以使用祈使句、感叹句、强调句等句式来达到这种目的。写作时要注意适 当地使用关联词承前启后,用词要得体,符合语言环境。 【亮点说明】文中使用了非常好的短语和句子为文章增色不少,比如 As is known to all, with the improvement of people’s living standards, cars have become a popular means of transport,还 运用了 because 引导的原因状语从句等等。并注意了句子的衔接如: As far as I’m concerned; For one thing…For another, What’s more 等等。 答案: One Possible Version As is known to all, with the improvement of people’s living standards, cars have become a popular means of transport, bringing great convenience to our life. However, they have also caused some problems such as air pollution and traffic jams. How can we solve the problems then? As far as I’m concerned, riding bicycles is a good solution. For one thing, bicycles don’t need any petrol and they are energy-saving. For another, bicycles are environmentally friendly because they won’t give off waste gas. What’s more, riding bicycles is a good way for us to exercise and it is beneficial to our health. 【2013 届天津市红桥区高三二模】书面表达(满分 25 分) 当今过洋节成了年轻人的一种时尚,中国传统节日备受冷落。为了彰显民族文化的优秀传统, 中国的一些传统节日已经被定为法定假日了。为了进一步扩大传统节日的影响,你要写一篇 不少于 100 词的短文来提议将乞巧节作为法定节日。短文中需要有你的观点以及支持你的观 点的依据或理由。 短文的要点有: 1.当今人们对于中西方节日的态度; 2.乞巧节来历(又叫七夕节,农历七月初七,牛郎织女相会,源于汉代); 3.你的观点以及支持这个观点的理由。 参考词汇:情人节 Valentine’s Day; 农历 lunar 解析: 试题分析:本文是篇材料作文,给出写作的要求和要点,学生很容易把握文章的结构和 写作要点。考生在写作之前必修认真审题,首先确定人称,文章要求有你的观点,所以用第 一人称。其次要确定时态,文章要求客观介绍乞巧节来历并陈述把它作为法定节日的理由, 所以要用一般现在时。再次是确定文体,文章要求先叙述乞巧节,再提出把乞巧节作为法定 节日,说明依据或理由,可知是夹叙夹议的议论文。最后确定篇章结构(用三段式):首段, 当今人们对于中西方节日的态度;第二段,乞巧节来历;第三段,我的观点是把乞巧节定为 法定假日及我的理由。再有就是不能根据材料逐字逐句的翻译应该注意句子的衔接,以提高 作文的档次。考生在写作时要根据写作内容列要点:1、过洋节成了年轻人的一种时尚 young people seek western festivals/ western festivals are popular with young people;2、中国传统节日 备受冷落 forget all about Chinese traditional festivals/ Chinese traditional festivals are ignored;3、 七夕节 Double seventh Festival;4、农历七月初七 on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month;5、牛 郎织女相会 Niulang and Zhinu meet each other;6、源于汉代 since the Han Dynasty/origin from the Han Dynasty;7、把乞巧节定为法定假日 make Qiqiao Festival a legal holiday;8、乞巧节 是传统文化一部分 Qiqiao Festival is part of our traditional culture;9、告诉人们什么是真爱 tell people what true love is ;10、以中国方式珍惜爱 value love in a Chinese way。最后,考生要 利用各种句式和过渡词连词成句,连句成段,连段成篇。 【亮点说明】文中使用了能运用较高级的单词和短语,如:seek, value, instead of, be popular with, 还运用了多样化的句式和句法结构,使行文连贯,增添亮点,如: it 作形式主语和形 式宾语句型 It’s adj. for sb. to do sth.(It’s wrong for young people only to seek western festivals …),believe it +n. + to do sth.(I believe it a good idea to make this festival a legal holiday);定语从句…which is known as Chinese… ,…which is a traditional festival…,…who meet each other…,the way it is celebrated;时间状语从句… since it is part of our traditional culture.,宾语从句 tell people what true love is and show how we value love in a Chinese way。 答案: One possible version: It’s wrong for young people only to seek western festivals but forget all about Chinese traditional festivals. We should have Qiqiao Festival instead of Valentine’s Day. Qiqiao Festival, or Double seventh Festival, on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month, which is known as Chinese Valentine’s Day, which is a traditional festival full of romance in China. It comes from the beautiful Chinese love story about Niulang and Zhinu, who meet each other once a year on this day. Chinese people have been celebrating this festival since the Han Dynasty. I believe it a good idea to make this festival a legal holiday since it is part of our traditional culture. The long history and the way it is celebrated tell people what true love is and show how we value love in a Chinese way. 【2013 届浙江鲁迅中学适应性考试】书面表达(满分 30 分) 假如你是高中生李越,请用英语给你的一位朋友写一封 100-120 个词的信。信中应包括以下 内容: 1. 推荐一本(部)你最喜欢的书; 2. 写出几点你推荐该书的理由; 注意:信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入词数。 解析: 试题分析: 此篇书面表达体裁是书信,内容贴近生活,学生很容易把握写作要求和写作内容。考生在写 作之前要认真审题,注意书信的格式和文章的时态,要求让“你”介绍一本喜欢的书,所以要 用一般现在时,用第一人称。要注意句子的衔接。 【亮点说明】文中使用一些短语不但使文章衔接紧凑,而且为文章增色不少,比如 not only ..but also ;besides ,what’s more 等等,文章简练但不失精彩。 答案: My dear friend, My favorite book is Harry Potter, which is a series of books written by JK Rowling. It is not only about magic and strange creatures, but also about the real world. By reading the book, you can learn that the most important lesson for us is about real life, friendship and how to be brave. Besides, you can also learn about the power of love. It teaches us that if we want to be happy and live a good life, it is not enough to be strong in heart and mind; we must also believe in ourselves and help others. What’s more, we should know who we are if we want to succeed in the world. I think Harry Porter is really a book worth reading. Yours sincerely, Li Yue 【2013 届浙江桐乡市高三模拟】书面表达(满分 30 分) 你校正在开展“和谐宿舍生活”的主题周活动,请按下列要求写一篇 100-120 词的英语短 文向英语社投稿: 1. 阐明和谐宿舍生活的必要性; 2. 提出建议。 注意:短文的开头已给出(不计词数)。 参考词汇:harmonious 和谐的; harmony 和谐 Dormitory life is regarded as an important part of school life. _______________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 解析: 试题分析:本文是篇材料作文,对此话题考生非常熟悉,应该有话可说。考生在写作 之前必修认真审题,首先要注意文章的时态,要求是对构建“和谐宿舍生活”的重要性进行阐 述及如何构建 “和谐宿舍生活”提出建议,所以要用一般现在时。其实本篇书面表达的开放 程度还是蛮大的。题目中所列的两点“阐明和谐宿舍生活的必要性”和“提出建议”都需要考生 自拟。因此在自拟要点时,考生要注意围绕主题去联想和展开。 【亮点说明】范文使用了非常好的短语和句子为文章增色不少,比如 significance,emotion, as well, promote mutual understanding, maintain a harmonious dormitory life get rid of the bad habits 等。倒装句“Only in a condition where nothing annoying exists can we put our heart and soul into study”以及状语从句“if there are any”“when an annoying situation arises”的运用更是 锦上添花。此外非谓语动词“helping building up, In order to maintain a harmonious dormitory life, try to get rid of ,so as to lay a solid foundation for mutual understanding.”的使用更显作者语 言运用的功力。作者还注意了上下文的衔接:“Besides,,Additionally, Moreover”等等的使用 使文章顺畅连贯。 答案: One possible version: Dormitory life is regarded as an important part of school life. A harmonious dormitory life is of great significance to students’ study and emotion as well. Only in a condition where nothing annoying exists can we put our heart and soul into study. Besides, a dormitory life filled with harmony can promote mutual understanding, helping building up a good relationship between roommates. In order to maintain a harmonious dormitory life, we should form a healthy style and try to get rid of the bad habits, if there are any. Additionally, when an annoying situation arises, we need to communicate sincerely with or tolerate each other and co-exist. Moreover, we’d better share happiness and sorrow with each other so as to lay a solid foundation for mutual understanding.

