福建省三明市2020届高三质量检查英语试题 Word版含解析

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福建省三明市2020届高三质量检查英语试题 Word版含解析

www.ks5u.com ‎2020年三明市普通高中毕业班质量检查A卷 第二部分阅读理解(共两节 ,满分40分)‎ 第一节(共 15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的ABC和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。‎ A Great Activities for Nature Lovers Hiking One of the easiest and most accessible ways to get close to nature is by setting out on a good old fashioned hike. Hiking generally doesn't require any fancy equipment or special skills, just a piece of map and a thirst for adventure. This activity can be as relaxing as you make it.‎ Backcountry Camping Why limit yourself to just a day hike when you can have a full weekend for a longer adventure? Backcountry camping involves packing your tent,sleeping gear ,food, and water on your back to set up camp in a remote location. I you’re an experienced hiker and camper ,this is an excellent way to test your survival skills and explore the wilderness.‎ Mountain and Road Biking Unlike long hikes through the woods , biking allows you to cover more ground and travel farther in nature. Mountain biking typically involves riding up and down steep slopes , between trees , and over rocks. If this sounds too intense or your tires aren't suited for rugged terrain( 地形) , consider taking a road bike on paved trails through forest preserves or along country roads.‎ Gardening Contrary to popular belief, you don't have to travel beyond your own backyard to experience the beauty of nature every day. If your personality is less adventurous or your mobility restricted, consider planting a garden to grow your own vegetables , fruit , herbs,or flowers. There's something truly satisfying about mixing up a salad with fresh ingredients you grow yourself. One of the best parts about spending time in gardening is that it doesn't have to break your budget and anyone can do it.‎ - 25 -‎ ‎1. W hat do hikers need for hiking?‎ A. Practical skills. B. Necessary equipment.‎ C. A useful map. D. A relaxed mood.‎ ‎2. W hat's NOT the advantage of gardening according to the text?‎ A. You don't need to go far to enjoy the beauty of nature.‎ B. It gives you a sense of satisfaction when cooking with fresh ingredients.‎ C. It doesn't take any energy or money to do it.‎ D. I’s easy to start it for anyone who likes it.‎ ‎3. Which of the following can take you to travel farthest?‎ A. Hiking. B. Backcountry Camping.‎ C. Mountain and Road Biking. D. Gardening.‎ ‎【答案】1. C 2. C 3. C ‎【解析】‎ ‎【分析】‎ 这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了几种亲近大自然的户外活动。‎ ‎【1题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据第一段“Hiking generally doesn't require any fancy equipment or special skills, just a piece of map and a thirst for adventure.”可知,徒步旅行通常不需要任何花哨的装备或特殊的技能,只需要一张地图和对冒险的渴望。徒步者们需要一张有用的地图,故选C。‎ ‎【2题详解】‎ 推理判断题。根据第三段中“One of the best parts about spending time in gardening is that it doesn't have to break your budget and anyone can do it.”可知,种花园最大的好处是不需要打破预算,每个人都可以做到,并不是不花费时间 C. It doesn't take any energy or money to do it. 不需要花费任何精力和金钱,表述与原文不符,故选C。‎ ‎【3题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据第三段中“Unlike long hikes through the woods , biking allows you to cover more ground and travel farther in nature.”可知,骑自行车可以是你在大自然中旅行地更远,故选C。‎ - 25 -‎ ‎【点睛】如何增加阅读理解的准确度---排除法。如第2小题,问题是哪一项不是园艺的优势,根据Contrary to popular belief, you don't have to travel beyond your own backyard to experience the beauty of nature every day.可知,不需走太远就可享受大自然,故A项正确; 根据There's something truly satisfying about mixing up a salad with fresh ingredients you grow yourself.可知,当你用自己种的蔬菜做饭时,会有一种满足感,故B项正确;根据最后一句“…and anyone can do it.”可知,园艺非常简单,每一个热爱园艺的人都可以做,故D项正确。通过排除法,选择C项。‎ B My name is Matthew. I'm not someone who has many secrets,because I'm a terrible liar. But there is one huge secret that I kept for years- -I failed my driving test. I had never failed a test before, and had never even come close. Driving made me anxious , but my parents told me I had to. They signed me up for driving lessons. I had gotten a perfect score for my written permit exam , but getting behind the wheel was a different story.‎ But when October 30th rolled around ,my pride set in. I wanted to be like everyone else at my school , showing off the brand new license they'd gotten. Looking back on that special day,I can't remember if I was nervous. What I do remember is starting the test , pausing at a stop sign after a few seconds , and being asked by the instructor to pull over. I had received an auto-fail since my pause was indeed a pause and not a real stop. I wasn't upset that I was leaving without a license, but I was scared everyone would know that I had failed. So when I got to class, I told everyone I didn't want to take the test on my birthday.‎ One Friday a month later, I went to the test spot again and passed. Later that night I drove for the first time by myself, which brought to me an amazing feeling I've never experienced——but sill, I couldn't imagine ever telling anyone the truth. So I didn't. It wasn't until midway through college that I came clean. It turned out plenty of my college friends had failed too! And I gathered enough courage to speak the fact out. Yes ,I had also failed.‎ Now I realize failure and imperfection are two things everyone has to experience , without which one couldn't make a true man.‎ ‎4. What can we learn about Matthew?‎ - 25 -‎ A. He was a slow learner of driving. B. He relied heavily on his parents.‎ C. He was afraid of taking exams. D. He was bored with telling lies.‎ ‎5. Why did the instructor ask Matthew to pull over?‎ A. To put an end to his lest. B. To check his parking skills.‎ C. To give him a second chance, D. To show him a better way of driving.‎ ‎6. W hat made Matthew feel extremely worried after his first attempt?‎ A. Failing to get a driving license. B. Missing his birthday celebration.‎ C. Making his parents disappointed. D. Losing face before his classmates.‎ ‎7. W hat did Matthew learn from his own experience?‎ A. Honesty is the best policy. B. Failure is a way to grow up.‎ C. Truth stands the test of time. D. Imperfection is another form of perfection.‎ ‎【答案】4. A 5. A 6. D 7. B ‎【解析】‎ 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者曾经隐瞒了自己驾照考试失败的事情,后来意识到失败和不完美是每个人成长的必经之路。‎ ‎【4题详解】‎ 推理判断题。根据第一段中“But there is one huge secret that I kept for years- -I failed my driving test.”可知,我驾照考试失败了;再有第一段中“I had gotten a perfect score for my written permit exam , but getting behind the wheel was a different story.”我的笔试成绩很好,但是开车开得不好,由此推测,他是一个学车很慢的人,故选A。‎ ‎【5题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据第二段中“I had received an auto-fail since my pause was indeed a pause and not a real stop.”由此可知,作者在驾照考试过程中由于自己的失误导致了考试失败,所以让他靠边停车,故选A。‎ ‎【6题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据第二段中“I wasn't upset that I was leaving without a license, but I was scared everyone would know that I had failed.”我不会因为没通过考试难过,但是我害怕别人知道我失败了,故我是怕在同学面前丢人,故选D。‎ - 25 -‎ ‎【7题详解】‎ 推理判断题。根据最后一段“Now I realize failure and imperfection are two things everyone has to experience , without which one couldn't make a true man.”可知,我意识到,失败和不完美是每个人都必须经历的事情,没有经历它们,就不会真正的成长。故选B。‎ C Self-driving cars have been backed by the hope that they will save lives by getting involved in fewer crashes with fewer injuries and deaths than human-driven cars. But so far, most comparisons between human drivers and automated vehicles have been unfair.‎ Crash statistics for human-driven cars are gathered from all sorts of driving situations, and on all types of roads. However, most of the data on self-driving cars' safety have been recorded often in good weather and on highways, where the most important tasks are staying in the car's own lane and not getting too close to the vehicle-ahead. Automated cars are good at those tasks, but so are humans.‎ It is true that self-driving cars don't get tired, angry, frustrated or drunk .But neither can they yet react to uncertain situations with the same skill or anticipation of an attentive human driver, nor do they possess the foresight to avoid potential perils. They largely drive from moment to moment, rather than think ahead to possible events literally down the road.‎ To a self-driving car, a bus full of people might appear quite similar to an uninhabited corn field. Indeed, deciding what action to take in an emergency is difficult for humans, but drivers have sacrificed themselves for the greater good of others. An automated system's limited understanding of the world means it will almost never evaluate ( 评估) a situation the same way a human would. And machines can't be programmed in advance to handle every imaginable set of events.‎ Some people may argue that the promise of simply reducing the number of injuries and deaths is enough to support driverless cars. But experience from aviation (航空) shows that as new automated systems are introduced, there is often an increase in the rate of disasters.‎ Therefore, comparisons between humans and automated vehicles have to be performed - 25 -‎ ‎ carefully. To fairly evaluate driverless cars on how well they fulfill their promise of improved safety, it's important to ensure the data being presented actually provide a true comparison. After all, choosing to replace humans with automation has more effects than simply a one-for-one exchange.‎ ‎8. What makes the comparison between self-driving cars and human-driven cars unfair? ‎ A. Self-driving cars never get tired. B. Statistics are collected differently.‎ C. Machines can make decisions faster. D. Self-driving cars know the world better.‎ ‎9. What does the underlined word”perils” in Paragraph 3 most probably mean?‎ A. Dangers. B. Self-driving cars. C. Pedestrians. D. Human-driven cars.‎ ‎10. In which aspect can self- driving cars beat human-driven cars? ‎ A. Driving steadily. B. Climbing steep slopes.‎ C. Evaluating the cost of loss. D. Making complex decisions.‎ ‎11. Where is the text most likely from?‎ A. A poster. B. A novel. C. A brochure. D. A magazine.‎ ‎【答案】8. B 9. A 10. A 11. D ‎【解析】‎ 这是一篇议论文。无人驾驶汽车被寄予了这样的希望,即与人类驾驶的汽车相比,无人驾驶汽车能减少车祸,减少伤亡,从而拯救生命。但到目前为止,人类司机和自动驾驶汽车之间的大多数比较都是不公平的。作者认为为了公平地评估无人驾驶汽车在多大程度上实现了其提高安全性的承诺,确保提供的数据能够提供真实的比较是很重要的。‎ ‎【8题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据第一段中Crash statistics for human-driven cars are gathered from all sorts of driving situations, and all types of roads. However, most of the data on self-driving cars' safety have been recorded often in good weather and on highways, where the most important tasks are staying in the car's own lane and not getting too close to the - 25 -‎ ‎ vehicle-ahead.(人类驾驶汽车的碰撞统计是从各种驾驶情况中收集的。还有各种各样的路。然而,大多数关于自动驾驶汽车安全性的数据通常是在天气好的时候和高速公路上记录的,在高速公路上,最重要的任务是保持在汽车自己的车道上,不要太靠近前面的车辆。)可知统计数据的收集方式不同,使得自动驾驶汽车和人类驾驶汽车之间的比较不公平。故选B。‎ ‎【9题详解】‎ 词义猜测题。根据后文They largely drive from moment to moment,rather than think ahead to possible events literally down the road.可知,自动驾驶车辆不会提前考虑可能发生事件。这说明所以它们不会避免潜在的危险(danger),故选A项。‎ ‎【10题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据第三段第一句It is true that self-driving cars don't get tired, angry, frustrated or drunk.可知,自动驾驶汽车不会感到疲倦、愤怒、沮丧或喝醉。所以自动驾驶汽车在稳定行驶方面可以打败人类驾驶的汽车。故选A。‎ ‎【11题详解】‎ 推理判断题。通览全文可知本文主要是讨论了时下很热的话题——无人驾驶汽车,因此这篇文章的时效性很强,应该是选自杂志类,A. A poster.海报;B. A novel.小说;C. A brochure.手册,这三个选项均与本文题材风格不符,故选D。‎ D We know that reading is good for children. Now, a new study suggests that just being around books has its benefits. A team of researchers in Australia finds that growing up with a large library at home improves literacy( 读写能力) ,number-sense , and even technological skills in later life. It appeared in the journal Social Science Research.‎ The researchers were exploring the advantages of scholarly culture. They were interested in a curious observation that some call the “radiation effect".“Radiation effect is a situation where children grow up around books , but they don't read books. But somehow books benefit them, even though they don't read them as much as their parents wish them to,” said Joanna Sikora , a sociologist in Australia. Joanna and her colleagues analyzed data collected between 2011 and 2015 by the Organization for Economic Development. The survey assessed the literacy,numeracy(计算能力) , and technological competency of more than 160 , 000 adults from - 25 -‎ ‎ 31 countries. And it included a question about how many books participants had in their homes during adolescence.“What we were able to make clear was that people growing up around books had better literacy , numeracy and digital problem-solving skills than people who had fewer books growing up but had similar education levels , similar jobs ,and even similar adult habits in terms of reading or working at various numeracy-improving activities," she said.‎ In fact , teens who only made it through high school but were raised in a bookish environment did as well in adulthood as college graduates who grew up in a house without books. Now , how might mere exposure lead to intellectual improvement?“If we grow up in a house , in a home where parents enjoy books , where books are given as birthday presents and valued , this is something that becomes a part of our identity and gives us this lifelong urge to always come close to books and read more than we would.”‎ So keep shelves piled with books. Your kids will not only be grateful, they'll be more likely to be able to spell “grateful" correctly as well.‎ ‎12. What's “radiation effect" according to the text?‎ A. The terrible effect of radiation on the persons and things.‎ B. The good influence of the bookish environment on adolescents.‎ C. The beneficial effect of reading books on adolescents.‎ D. The bad effect of the environment without books on adolescents.‎ ‎13. How does the exposure to books improve intellect?‎ A. Books bring a sense of identity and eagerness to read more.‎ B. Books help to provide a chance to come close to society,‎ C. Books are always given to adolescents as valuable presents.‎ D. Books will offer the teens an urge to make great achievements.‎ ‎14. What's the author's attitude towards bookish environment?‎ A. Opposed. B. Neutral.‎ C. Indifferent. D. Supportive.‎ ‎15. What's the best title for the text?‎ A. Reading More Helps Improve Children's Abilities B. Reading at Home Brings Children Many Advantages - 25 -‎ C. Growing Up Around Books Benefits Children a Lot D. Creating a Bookish Environment for Children Is of Much Importance ‎【答案】12. B 13. A 14. D 15. C ‎【解析】‎ 这是一篇说明文。文章讲述了书香环境对于孩子成长好处。‎ ‎【12题详解】‎ 推理判断题。根据第二段中“Radiation effect is a situation where children grow up around books , but they don't read books. But somehow books benefit them, even though they don't read them as much as their parents wish them to”可知,辐射效应在本文中指在书香环境中长大的孩子,虽然他们没有像父母期待的那样读那么多的书,但他们仍然从书中受益良多。由此推断出,书香环境对青少年的良好影响,故选B。‎ ‎【13题详解】‎ 推理判断题。根据第三段中“If we grow up in a house , in a home where parents enjoy books , where books are given as birthday presents and valued , this is something that becomes a part of our identity and gives us this lifelong urge to always come close to books and read more than we would.”可知,如果我们生长在父母热爱书、珍惜书的家庭中,这将成为我们认知中的一部分,让我们终身都有接近书,多读书的渴望。故选A。‎ ‎【14题详解】‎ 观点态度题。根据最后一段中“So keep shelves piled with books..”所以书柜里装满书吧。由此可知,作者对于书香环境是支持的,故选D。‎ ‎【15题详解】‎ 主旨大意题。根据全文的大意,尤其是第一段中“We know that reading is good for children. Now, a new study suggests that just being around books has its benefits.”可知,本文主要讲述了书香环境对孩子成长的好处。故选C。‎ 第二节(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填人空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ Effective Ways to Deal with Joint(关节)Discomfort Joint discomfort is a common problem, but most people who suffer from it don’t know the proven ways that you can find relief. There are several ways for helping - 25 -‎ ‎ your joints.___16___‎ Drop the extra pounds. We all know that losing weight improves health in many ways, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that it does the same for joint health. ___17___Less pressure on your knees will help prevent joint damage from happening. When it comes to losing weight while you have joint discomfort, low impact exercise is the best. Strength training, stretching, and yoga for those hoping to strengthen and support their joints are recommended. Aerobic(有氧的)exercises also help decrease sensitivity to pain through exercise.‎ ‎___18___Having a balanced diet combined with keeping a healthy weight seems to have the best long-term result for preventing joint damage. Another way is to stop eating foods that can cause inflammation(炎症).‎ Use thermal therapy and cold compresses. ___19___If you experience a lot of stiffness(僵硬)in the mornings, a warm shower or heat pack will help loosen up the tissues and joints and provide relief. ___20___Apply the ice or cold pack by wrapping it in a thin towel and applying it over the area for 10 minutes. This helps cool down the area, reduce the inflammation, and relieve pain.‎ Although there’s no perfect solution to make joint discomfort disappear, adding these lifestyle changes into your daily schedule can be really good for your joints.‎ A. Change eating habits.‎ B. What you eat doesn't make a difference.‎ C. It's better not to move when you're having joint discomfort.‎ D. However,if you're feeling joint pain ( not just stiffness),icing is the best way.‎ E. For every one pound you lose, that’s four pounds of pressure off of your knees.‎ F. And more than likely, there's one that you don't yet know about that can help you.‎ G. Using heat and ice to treat joint discomfort is a time- tested and good choice for many.‎ ‎【答案】16. F 17. E 18. A 19. G 20. D ‎【解析】‎ ‎【分析】‎ - 25 -‎ 本文是一篇说明文。关节不舒适是一个很普遍的问题,本文介绍了几种有效的应对关节不舒适的方法。‎ ‎【16题详解】‎ 考查对上下文的理解及推理判断能力。根据上文There are several ways for helping your joints.可知第一段提出向读者介绍几种有效的应对关节不舒适的方法,因此接下来应该是强调这些方法的益处。因此选项F. And more than likely, there's one that you don't yet know about that can help you. “非常可能的是,有某一种你不知道但是对你有帮助的方法。”符合语境,故选F。‎ ‎【17题详解】‎ 考查对上下文的理解及推理判断能力。根据本段首句Drop the extra pounds.(减掉多余的体重)可知本段主要是关于建议减掉多余体重对关节的益处。由此可推断出选项 E. For every one pound you lose, that’s four pounds of pressure off of your knees. “对于你减掉的每一磅体重,就是为你的关节减掉4磅的压力。”符合语境,故选E。‎ ‎【18题详解】‎ 考查对上下文的理解及推理判断能力。根据第二句Having a balanced diet combined with keeping a healthy weight seems to have the best long-term result for preventing joint damage.平衡的饮食和保持健康的体重似乎对预防关节损伤有最好的长期效果。可知本段主要是关于饮食方面的建议。由此可推断出,因此选项A. Change eating habits. “改变饮食习惯”。符合语境,故选A。‎ ‎【19题详解】‎ 考查对上下文的理解及推理判断能力。根据本段首句Use thermal therapy and cold compresses.可知本段主要是关于热疗法和冷敷,并且接下来还讲到热疗和冷敷的使用方式。由此可推断出选项G. Using heat and ice to treat joint discomfort is a time- tested and good choice for many. “使用热和冰治疗关节不舒适是一个经过实践检验的,对很多情况来说是好的选择。”符合语境,故选G。‎ ‎【20题详解】‎ 考查对上下文的理解及推理判断能力。根据本段首句Use thermal therapy and cold compresses.可知本段主要是关于热疗和冷敷两种方法。结合 后句Apply the ice or cold pack by wrapping it in a thin towel and applying it over the area for 10 minutes用薄毛巾包住冰块或冷敷袋,敷在患处10分钟.可知接下来应该是讲冷敷这一方式,因此选项D.‎ - 25 -‎ ‎ However, if you're feeling joint pain ( not just stiffness),icing is the best way. “然而,如果你感觉到关节疼痛(不仅仅是僵硬),用冰敷是最好的方法。”符合题意,故选D。‎ ‎【点睛】七选五题型考察学生把握整篇文章的布局和逻辑层次关系和把握微观信息间关联性这种题一般可从以下方面来做:‎ ‎ (1)看小标题(或每一段的第一句),小标题(或每一段的第一句)通常是概括本段的主要内容。如第2题,根据本段首句Drop the extra pounds.(减掉多余的体重)可知本段主要是关于建议减掉多余体重对关节的益处。由此可推断出选项 E. For every one pound you lose, that’s four pounds of pressure off of your knees. “对于你减掉的每一磅体重,就是为你的关节减掉4磅的压力。”符合题意,故选E。‎ ‎(2)精读空格前后两句,利用各种衔接手段选择正确的选项填入空格。七选五空出的是整个句子,可以通过选项中某个名词或动词跟空前或空后的一致性或者相关性来确定这两个句子之间有一种关联性,从而选择正确的答案。如第4题,根据本段首句Use thermal therapy and cold compresses.可知本段主要是关于热疗法和冷敷,并且接下来还讲到热疗和冷敷的使用方式。由此可推断出选项G. Using heat and ice to treat joint discomfort is a time- tested and good choice for many. “使用热和冰治疗关节不舒适是一个经过实践检验的,对很多情况来说是好的选择。”符合题意,故选G。‎ ‎(3)解题的关键是能娴熟地利用各种衔接手段。尤其要注意代词,连词等。如表示转折关系的but,though, however 等。‎ 最后,用代入法,检查答案是否合理,将所有选择答案放回空白处,通读全文,检查文章内容是否语义连贯合理、紧扣主题,语篇结构是否通顺连贯、具有一致性、合乎逻辑,写作思路是否清晰明了,格式以及用语是否恰当贴切,从而判断选择的答案是否正确。‎ 第三部分英语知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)‎ 第一节完形填空(共20小题; 每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ As older students at your school,do you sometimes feel a kind of responsibility?I was lucky enough to be named one of our prefects(级长).My___21___ has so far meant that I' ve had to help with school meetings, events, and many___22___ across the school.‎ - 25 -‎ One of the events was a soccer tournament for 7th and 8th year prefects in September.We had to___23___a soccer team made up of several prefects for the tournament.‎ ‎___24___ at the soccer field on the day of the tournament,we were full of___25___ that our age and ___26___would be enough for us to win.However ,we had underestimated(低估)the___27___.The younger students quickly started dominating us,and___28___ beat us.We were___29___ of the competition after the first game!‎ Having been___30___ we realized that our size and age really didn' t___31___ ,as the younger students were not intimidated(威吓).However, although we were defeated,we were able to talk to the___32___ students afterwards, which was quite___33___.‎ After our pitiful attempt at___34___ soccer, we had to help referee the final few___35___ .Refereeing was a difficult task, as a bad___36___ could cost a team the game.___37___for me, there were no extremely difficult decisions.‎ After refereeing, we were all given dinner and the student leaders and the younger kids ___38___ together.At that moment I___39___the true job of a prefect-we are here to___40___the school.‎ ‎21. A. join B. purpose C. enquiry D. opportunity ‎22. A. activities B. classes C. plans D. groups ‎23. A. support B. form C. attract D. challenge ‎24. A. Attending B. Aiming C. Guiding D. Arriving ‎25. A. curiosity B. possibility C. confidence D. patience ‎26. A. wisdom B. strength C. speed D. size ‎27. A. problem B. tournament C. conflict D. situation ‎28 A. firmly B. constantly C. eventually' D. roughly ‎29. A. knocked B. worn C. taken D. made - 25 -‎ ‎30. A. scolded B. defeated C. blamed D. praised ‎31. A. rise B. clarify C. matter D. match ‎32. A. senior B. younger C. cleverer D. smarter ‎33. A. anxious B. pleasant C. uncertain D. delighted ‎34. A. playing B. giving C. offering D. helping ‎35. A. rounds B. activities C. lessons D. games ‎36. A. movement B. signal C. decision D. remark ‎37. A. Frequently B. Calmly C. Privately D. Luckily ‎38. A. sat B. laughed C. jumped D. shouted ‎39. A. remembered B. realized C. expected D. dreamed ‎40. A. adjust B. develop C. unite D. change ‎【答案】21. A 22. A 23. B 24. D 25. C 26. D 27. D 28. C 29. A 30. B 31. C 32. B 33. B 34. A 35. D 36. C 37. D 38. A 39. B 40. C ‎【解析】‎ 本文是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了作者成为一名级长之后的感受,通过自己以一名级长的身份参加与低年级的学生比赛,担任裁判,与低年级学生的愉快交流,作者体会到级长应该团结学校的每一个成员,为学校服务。‎ ‎【21题详解】‎ 考查名词词义辨析。句意:到目前为止,我的加入意味着我不得不在学校会议,体育运动和各种活动中帮忙。A. join加入;B. purpose目的;C. enquiry询问;D. opportunity机会。此处join指的是上句中I was lucky enough to be named one of our prefects(级长).中提到的我被任命为级长之一,表明我加入了级长的行列。故选A。‎ ‎【22题详解】‎ 考查名词词义辨析。句意:到目前为止,我的加入意味着我不得不在学校会议,体育运动和各种活动中帮忙。A. activities活动;B. classes课;C. plans计划;D. groups团体。结合下文中的a soccer tournament可知,作者作为一名级长要经常参与到一些学校活动中。故选A。‎ ‎【23题详解】‎ - 25 -‎ 考查动词词义辨析。句意:对于这场比赛,我们不得不建立一支由几名级长组成的足球队。A. support支持;B. form组成,形成;C. attract吸引;D. challenge挑战。根据下文we were full of___5___ that our age and ___6___would be enough for us to win.可知作者和几名级长组成了一支足球队与低年级学生组成的队伍比赛。故选B。‎ ‎【24题详解】‎ 考查动词词义辨析。句意:比赛当天我们到达球场的时候,我们充满信心:我们的年龄和块头对于赢得比赛足够了。A. Attending参加;B. Aiming瞄准;C. Guiding指引;D. Arriving到达。比赛当天作者和球队应该是到达球场,arrive at到达,抵达。故选D。‎ ‎【25题详解】‎ 考查名词词义辨析。句意:比赛当天我们到达球场的时候,我们充满信心:我们的年龄和块头对于赢得比赛足够了。A. curiosity好奇心; B. possibility可能性;C. confidence信心;D. patience耐心根据。根据后句However, we had underestimated(低估)the___7___.可知作者刚开始的时候充满了信心。故选C。‎ ‎【26题详解】‎ 考查名词词义辨析。句意:比赛当天我们到达球场的时候,我们充满信心:我们的年龄和块头对于赢得比赛足够了。A. wisdom智慧;B. strength体力;C. speed速度;D. size大小,块头。下文Having been___10___ ,we realized that our size and age really didn' t___11___ ,提到了我们的块头和年龄。故选D。‎ ‎【27题详解】‎ 考查名词词义辨析。句意:然而,我们低估了形势。A. problem问题;B. tournament锦标赛;C. conflict冲突;D. situation形势。根据上文we were full of___5___ that our age and ___6___would be enough for us to win.可知之前提到作者对比赛的形势估计的很好。故选D。‎ ‎【28题详解】‎ 考查副词词义辨析。句意:低年级学生组成的球队很快就占据支配地位,并最终击败我们。A. firmly坚定地;B. constantly不间断地;C. eventually最终;D. roughly粗略地。此处指经过全场的比赛,最后战胜我们。故选C。‎ ‎【29题详解】‎ 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们在第一轮比赛就被淘汰出局。A. knocked击打,淘汰; B. worn疲惫的;C. taken带走;D.‎ - 25 -‎ ‎ made使,让。在第一轮比赛我们就被低年级学生的队击败,被淘汰出锦标赛。故选A。‎ ‎【30题详解】‎ 考查动词词义辨析。句意:被击败之后,我们意识到我们的年龄和块头没起到作用。A. scolded责骂; B. defeated击败;C. blamed 责备;D. praised赞扬。上文已经提到作者所在的球队被击败了,下文However, although we were defeated也给出提示。故选B。‎ ‎【31题详解】‎ 考查动词词义辨析。句意:被击败之后,我们意识到我们的年龄和块头没起到作用。A. rise上升;B. clarify澄清;C. matter要紧,起作用;D. match相搭配。根据上文可知作者原以为他们的年龄和块头是一大优势,但是在比赛中根本没起到作用。故选C。‎ ‎【32题详解】‎ 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:然而,尽管我们被击败了,但是之后我们和低年级的同学们谈了谈,这很令人高兴。A. senior高级的;B. younger年轻一些的;C. cleverer更聪明的;D. smarter更精明的。根据前文as the younger students可知,和低年级的同学们谈了谈。故选B。‎ ‎【33题详解】‎ 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:然而,尽管我们被击败了,但是之后我们和低年级的同学们谈了谈,这很令人高兴。A. anxious焦急的;B. pleasant愉快的;C. uncertain不确定的;D. delighted高兴的。根据前句可知尽管我们被击败了,但是之后我们和低年级的同学们谈了谈,而这个交谈应该是积极的,因此选项B和选项D符合语境,这里which引导的非限制性定语从句修饰主句we were able to talk to the___12___ students afterwards,因此应用pleasant“令人愉快的”,delighted修饰人,意为“感到高兴的”。故选B。‎ ‎【34题详解】‎ 考查动词词义辨析。句意:在我们可惜的踢球尝试之后,我们帮助裁判最后几场比赛。A. playing玩; B. giving给与;C. offering 提供;D. helping帮助。此处为固定搭配的考查,play soccer踢足球。故选A。‎ ‎【35题详解】‎ 考查名词词义辨析。句意:在我们可惜的踢球尝试之后,我们帮助裁判最后几场比赛。A. rounds回合;B. activities活动;C. lessons教训,课;D. games比赛。上文We were___9___ of the competition after the first game!以及下文中Refereeing was a difficult task, as a bad___16___ could cost a team the - 25 -‎ ‎ game.都给出了提示,这里是指最后几场足球比赛。故选D。‎ ‎【36题详解】‎ 考查名词词义辨析。句意:当裁判是一个很困难的任务,因为一个坏的决定会让一支队伍失去比赛。A. movement运动;B. signal信号;C. decision 决定,判决;D. remark评论。根据常识可知在比赛中裁判的判定起着很重要的作用。故选C。‎ ‎【37题详解】‎ 考查副词词义辨析。句意:对我来说很幸运的是,在比赛中没有非常困难的判决。A. Frequently频繁地;B. Calmly镇静地;C. Privately私下地;D. Luckily幸运地。前句提到当裁判是一个很困难的任务,因为一个坏的决定会让一支队伍失去比赛,所以在比赛中作者没遇到非常困难的判决,这是很幸运的。故选D。‎ ‎【38题详解】‎ 考查动词词义辨析。句意:当晚裁判之后,我们享用提供的晚餐,学生干部和低年级学生坐在一起。A. sat坐;B. laughed大笑;C. jumped跳;D. shouted大喊。根据常识可知吃晚餐的时候应该是坐在一起。故选A。‎ ‎【39题详解】‎ 考查动词词义辨析。句意:在那一刻,我们意识到一名级长的真正工作:我们在这里就是为了团结整个学校。A. remembered记得;B. realized意识到;C. expected期望;D. dreamed梦想。通过作者参加足球比赛和当裁判的经历,作者意识到作为一名级长的真正意义。故选B。‎ ‎【40题详解】‎ 考查动词词义辨析。句意:在那一刻,我们意识到一名级长的真正工作:我们在这里就是为了团结整个学校。A. adjust调整;B. develop发展; C. unite联合,团结;D. change改变。通过作者比赛中想着战胜低年级学生队,到在比赛中帮忙担任裁判,最后与低年级学生一块共进晚餐,我们可以看出,作为级长更多地是团结学校的每一个成员。故选C。‎ 第II卷 第三部分英语知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)‎ 第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面材料,在空白处填人1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ With a population of 602,000, Luxembourg is one of the richest smallest___41___(country) in Europe -- yet it suffers from major traffic jams.‎ - 25 -‎ Taking up 2,586 square kilometers, Luxembourg is roughly the size of Rhode Island. From the capital of Luxembourg City, Belgium, France and Germany can all____42____(reach) by car in half an hour.‎ Luxembourg is a very____43____(attract) place for jobs,___44___its “booming economy” and high concentration of jobs have led to congestion(拥塞)issues. In 2016, Luxembourg had 662 cars per 1,000 people, and____45____(drive) is a “primary means of transportation” for commuters. That year, drivers in Luxembourg City___46___(spend) an average of 33 hours in traffic. It fared ___47___(bad) than European cities Copenhagen and Helsinki, which have comparable population sizes to all of Luxembourg -- yet it only took drivers in both an average of 24 hours in traffic.‎ But that could be about to change.___48___country at this very moment is in really good shape, thus the government wants the people to benefit___49___the good economy. As of March 1, 2020 all public transport-trains, trams and buses-in the country is free,_____50_____(make) it the first free public transport country in the world. The government hopes the move will alleviate heavy congestion and bring environmental benefits.‎ ‎【答案】41. countries ‎ ‎42. be reached ‎ ‎43. attractive ‎ ‎44. but 45. driving ‎ ‎46. spent 47. worse ‎ ‎48. The 49. from ‎ ‎50. making ‎【解析】‎ ‎【分析】‎ 本文是一篇说明文。卢森堡面临严重的交通堵塞,从2020年3月1日起,卢森堡所有公共交通——火车、电车和公共汽车——会免费运营。政府希望此举能缓解严重的交通拥堵,并有益于环保。‎ ‎【41题详解】‎ 考查名词复数。句意:卢森堡有60.2万人口,是欧洲最富有最小的国家之一。此处为one - 25 -‎ ‎ of+名词复数结构,意为:……之一。故填countries。‎ ‎【42题详解】‎ 考查被动语态。句意:卢森堡的首都卢森堡市距离比利时、法国和德国车程都在半小时内。卢森堡市应该是被抵达,因此应用被动语态,且空前有情态动词can,所以用be reached。故填be reached。‎ ‎【43题详解】‎ 考查形容词。句意:卢森堡是一个非常有吸引力的就业目的地,但它“蓬勃发展的经济”和就业的高度集中导致了交通拥堵问题。分析句子可知此处为形容词作定语,修饰place,attractive“吸引人的”。故填attractive。‎ ‎【44题详解】‎ 考查连词。句意:卢森堡是一个非常有吸引力的就业目的地,但是它“蓬勃发展的经济”和就业的高度集中导致了交通拥堵问题。结合句意可知此处应为转折,故填but。‎ ‎【45题详解】‎ 考查动名词。句意:2016年,卢森堡每1000人拥有662辆汽车,开车是通勤者的“主要交通方式”。根据句子结构可知此处为动名词做主语。故填driving。‎ ‎【46题详解】‎ 考查一般过去时。句意:当年,卢森堡市的司机平均在交通堵塞中花费33个小时。根据句中的时间状语That year可知此处应用一般过去时,故填spent。‎ ‎【47题详解】‎ 考查副词比较级。句意:它的拥堵情况比哥本哈根和赫尔辛基等欧洲城市更糟。根据句中的than可知此处应用比较级,bad的比较级为worse,故填worse。‎ ‎【48题详解】‎ 考查定冠词。句意:这个国家目前经济运行良好,因此,政府希望人民从中受益。此处应该是特指卢森堡这个国家,故填The。‎ ‎【49题详解】‎ 考查介词。句意:这个国家目前经济运行良好,因此,政府希望人民从中受益。根据句意可知此处为固定短语:benefit from从……中受益,故填from。‎ ‎【50题详解】‎ - 25 -‎ 考查现在分词作状语。句意:在2020年3月1日所有公共交通——火车、电车和公共汽车都免费,使其成为世界上第一个公共交通都免费的国家。分析句子结构可知此处为结果状语,火车、电车和公共汽车都免费与其产生的结果“成为世界上第一个公共交通都免费的国家”是顺其自然的结果,故填making。‎ ‎【点睛】语法填空题的考查形式为:在一篇200词左右的语篇中留出10处空白,这十处空白分为两种:有提示词和不给提示词。有提示词的要求考生根据上下文填写所提供单词的正确形式,所填写词语通常不会多于3个单词。不给提示词主要填写介词、连词、冠词和代词。具体考查形式有以下几种:‎ 一、给出动词的基本形态:①词性、词形转化(转为名词、形容词);②填写谓语动词(此时要考虑动词的时态和语态,可能需要填写两个或三个词);③填写非谓语动词;如第10题,句意:在2020年3月1日所有公共交通——火车、电车和公共汽车都免费,使其成为世界上第一个公共交通都免费的国家。分析句子结构可知此处为结果状语,火车、电车和公共汽车都免费与其产生的结 果“成为世界上第一个公共交通都免费的国家”是顺其自然的结果,故填making。‎ 二、考查词性转换,①词性、词形转化,转化为副词;②考查比较级、最高级或是填写反义词(前缀);如第7题,句意:它的拥堵情况比哥本哈根和赫尔辛基等欧洲城市更糟。根据句中的than可知此处应用比较级,bad的比较级为worse,故填worse。‎ 三、不给提示词主要填写介词、连词、冠词和代词。如第8题,句意:这个国家目前经济运行良好,因此,政府希望人民从中受益。此处应该是特指卢森堡这个国家,故填The。‎ 第四部分写作 (共两节满分35 分)‎ 第一节短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)‎ ‎51.假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号( ˄) ,并在其下面写出该加的词。‎ 删除:把多余的词用斜线( )划掉。‎ 修改:在错的词下划一-横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ 注意:‎ ‎1.每处错误及其修改均仅限-词;‎ ‎2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ I am always told to working hard to have a good life in the future. Therefore ,I do my best to play basketball or study. I want to be basketball player when I grow - 25 -‎ ‎ up. To realize my dream, I practice with playing basketball regular , aiming to make my best shots. Although I'm interesting in watching TV , we manage to finish my homework first. I try my best in all the tests , especially in the math test because I found math more difficult than any other subjects. Anyway I will spare no effort and never give in on my study. I believe if I am sure 10 succeed.‎ ‎【答案】‎ ‎【解析】‎ ‎【分析】‎ 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者为了成功所付出的努力。‎ ‎【详解】第一处:考查不定式。be told to do sth. 被告知做某事,此处不定式to do作宾语,故将working改为work。‎ 第二处:考查连词。句意:因此,我竭尽全力地打球和学习。play basketball和study之间是并列关系,故将or改为and。‎ 第三处:考查冠词。basketball player为单数可数名词,且basketball为辅音因素开头的词,故填a。‎ 第四处:考查固定搭配。practice doing sth. 练习做某事,固定搭配,故将with去掉。‎ 第五处:考查副词。regular此处作副词修饰play basketball,故将regular改为regularly。‎ 第六处:考查固定搭配。be interested in…对……感兴趣,故将interesting改为interested。‎ 第七处:考查代词。句意:虽然我很喜欢看电视,我首先设法完成作业。主语是我,故将we改为I。‎ 第八处:考查时态。全文的时态为一般现在时,故将此句中的found改为find。‎ - 25 -‎ 第九处:考查名词。句意:因为我发现数学比任何一门学科都难。比较级+than any other+可数名词单数,故将subjects改为subject。‎ 第十处:考查宾语从句。句意:我相信我一定能成功。宾语从句的连接词没有意义,不缺成分,故将if改为that。‎ 第二节书面表达 ‎52.假设你是李华,你的意大利笔友Nicola 了解到中国的新冠肺炎疫情防控已经取得了积极的成效,于是特地给你发来了一封电子邮件。他在邮件中对目前意大利的新冠肺炎疫情形势表达了担忧,并向你征求防止病毒感染的建议。请你就此给他回一封邮件,内容包括:‎ ‎1.表达关切,并强调加强疫情防控的重要性;‎ ‎2.介绍防止病毒感染的具体举措;‎ ‎3.表达祝愿。‎ 注意:1.词数100左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计人总词数;‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ 参考词汇:novel coronavirus 新型冠状病毒;C0VID- 19 2019新冠肺炎;epidemic prevention and control 疫情防控 Dear Nicola,‎ How's everything going? I'm sorry to hear that the novel coronavirus is hitting Italy.‎ ‎______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ Best wishes !‎ Li Hua ‎【答案】Dear Nicola,‎ How’s everything going? I’m sorry to hear that the novel coronavirus is hitting Italy. It is a horrible virus that has caused many deaths, so you must take it seriously. But please don’t be panic, if you do as the follows, you can protect - 25 -‎ ‎ yourself from the infection of the virus and protect your family and other people around as well.‎ Firstly, never go to the crowded places, but stay indoors as much as possible. When you go out, you must wear a surgical mask. Secondly, wash your hands often and correctly with soap and running water for at least 15 seconds before eating, using the toilet or returning home from the outside, and keep the shared places always having fresh air. Last but not least, exercise regularly while staying at home, for exercise helps you strengthen your immune system and stay away from any infection.‎ I do hope these suggestions can be helpful for you, and I believe with the efforts of the whole Italian people, you’re sure to win the battle of epidemic prevention and control.‎ Best wishes!‎ Li Hua ‎【解析】‎ ‎【分析】‎ 本篇书面表达属于建议信。要求考生给意大利笔友回一封信,表达担忧以及防止病毒感染的建议。‎ ‎【详解】第一步:审题 体裁:应用文 时态:根据提示,时态应为一般现在时。‎ 结构:三段式 ‎ 首段:表达对意大利疫情的关心;‎ ‎ 中间段:如何防控疫情的具体建议;‎ ‎ 尾段:表达真切的祝愿。‎ 第二步:列提纲 (重点词组)‎ the novel coronavirus; protect yourself from the infection; go to the crowded places; wear a surgical mask; strengthen your immune system ; stay away from any infection; epidemic prevention and control 第三步:连句成篇(衔接词)‎ ‎1.表文章结构顺序:First of all, Firstly/First, Secondly/Second… And then,‎ - 25 -‎ ‎ Finally, In the end, At last ‎2.表并列补充关系:What is more, Besides, Moreover, Furthermore, In addition As well as, not only…but (also), including,‎ ‎3.表转折对比关系:However, On the contrary, but, Although+clause(从句), In spite of+n/doing,On the one hand…,On the other hand… Some…,while others…,as for, so…that… ‎ ‎4.表因果关系:Because, As, So, Thus, Therefore, As a result ‎ 连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰,‎ 第四步:润色修改 ‎【点睛】范文内容完整,要点全面,语言规范,语篇连贯,结构清晰。中间段列举建议时,使用链接词Firstly, Secondly, Last but not least, 使文章思路清晰、层次分明。此外,作者在范文中使用了较多了一些固定词组,如as much as possible ; stay away from ;with the efforts of等。全文中没有中国式英语的句式,显示了很高的驾驭英语的能力。‎ ‎ ‎ - 25 -‎ - 25 -‎

