辽宁省大连市2019届高三下学期第一次双基测试 英语试题(扫描版)

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辽宁省大连市2019届高三下学期第一次双基测试 英语试题(扫描版)

·1· ·2· ·3· ·4· ·5· ·6· ·7· ·8· ·9· ·10· 2019 年大连市高三双基考试参考答案及评分标准 英 语 听力(1.5×20=30) 1-5 BBAAC 6-10 ABCCC 11-15 ABBCC 16-20 CACBA 阅读理解(2×20=40) 21-25 BCDCB 26-30 ADBCA 31-35 CDADC 36-40 DEGAB 完形填空(1.5×20=30) 41-45 ABDAD 46-50 CDCBA 51-55 ACDBA 56-60 DBCCB 语法填空(1.5×10=15) 61. longest 62. to have 63. operator 64. which 65. of 66. a 67. advanced 68. Actually 69. has been considered 70. as 短文改错(1×10=10) While it comes to how to meet a challenge, I think of my experience in learning maths. When When I was in junior middle school, I had great difficulties in learning maths. To change a situation, I made great difficulty the efforts. Firstly, I bought some reference books and got prepared before class, make it easy for me to understand that making what the teacher would teach. Secondly, I listened attentive in class and took notes carefully, which helped my accumulate attentively me basic knowledge. Thirdly, I did my homework on time and turn to my teacher for help when I had problems. Finally turned I caught∧ with others. up Nothing is impossible for a willing heart. Faced with challenges, I respond positively and overcome with them. 书面表达(25 分) 依据高考作文评分标准。 Dear John, How are you doing? Knowing that you are always enthusiastic about volunteering, I am writing to sincerely invite you to join me in helping the children with their English in our community this weekend. The lesson is scheduled at Room 102 on Saturday morning, from 8:00 to 11:00 in our community’s office building. I suggest we teach them some frequently used words and expressions. Besides, how about introducing some English festivals and customs to let them know more about English culture and arouse their interest in learning English? Your presence will surely motivate the children to have a passion for English. I would appreciate it if you could accept my invitation. Looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua 听力录音稿 第一部分 听力(共两节,共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) 听力原文: Text 1 M: Good morning. I’m here for an interview. Can you tell me where the manager office is? W: The manager’s office is down the passage, to the left. M: Thank you. Text 2 M: Every boy and every girl is going to climb the mountain tomorrow. Can I go with them, Mom? W: I’m afraid not. Wait till you have finished reading the book, dear. Text 3 M: Was John sorry for what he’d done? W: Not really. He never thought it was he who had broken the coffee cup, though it was true. Text 4 W: Can I help you? Are you looking for anything in particular to read? M: No, thank you. I’m just looking. Text 5 M: Will you be able to finish the report today? W: I hope so. But you have to promise that your computer will not break down again. Text 6 M: The summer vacation is just around the corner. When does it begin, Ms. Lee? W: It starts on 15th. What are you going to do during this vacation? M: I’m going to London for a week. What are you planning, Michelle? W: I have to look after the house. My parents are planning to visit Europe. M: That’s too bad. Most importantly, we should be careful about our health. Text 7 M: Hi. Sandra. W: Hi. M: Are you working on something? W: Yeah. I’m preparing a presentation for my history class. M: What’s it about? W: It’s about the different people that “discovered” America. M: I thought Christopher Columbus discovered America. W: Well, not… M: In 1492. Columbus sailed the ocean blue. W: Yeah, well, he did. But it turns out that Columbus wasn’t the first person to get to the New World at all M: Was he the first European? W: No. M: Who? Text 8 W: Simon, you look worried. What’s wrong with you? M: I’m all right. But it’s my son. Roger. W: What has happened to him? Can I do something for you? M: Well, I’m going to New York in three days. And my wife is in London, and she will not return until the end of this month. W: Oh, I see. You want someone to take care of Roger, don’t you? M: Yes. But it’s hard work. He is too naughty. W: Please don’ worry. I’ll look after him during your stay in New York. M: I’ll be away for nearly a week. I think there will be too much trouble for you. W: It doesn’t matter. You see, I was a teacher before I retired. I like children very much M: Thank you very much. Text 9 M: Helen, will you be free next weekend? W: Next weekend I will be busy. Jane is going to do some holiday shopping and she wants me to come with her, but the week after next is good for me. M: Okay, I am free both weekends. I fancy going hiking in the mountains. What do you think? W: I haven’t been to the mountains for almost two years so it will be nice to go there again. M: Good. I have some friends we could stay with overnight. W: I see you have things well organized, John. I will put myself in your hands. M: Do you think Jane would like to come as well? W: I’m not sure. I can ask. M: You see, Susan is thinking of coming, so it would be nice to have Jane as well. W: Is Susan the new girlfriend you told me about? M: That’s right. W: No problem. I will try to convince Jane to come with us. Text 10 M: Dear Miss Brown, boys and girls, Today we gather here to have a send-off meeting. Our English teacher Miss Brown is going to return to her own country tomorrow. On behalf of all my schoolmates here I express our hearty thanks to her. In the past two years Miss Brown has taught us spoken English. We enjoyed her lessons very much because her method of teaching was quite different from other teachers. The lessons she gave us were both lively and interesting. Everyone knows that she was kind and patient, but she was somewhat strict with us at times. With her help, we have made rapid progress in English. All of us did well in the English examination. Now she is going to leave our school. We thank her very much for her wonderful work and hope that she will be able to be back again. We wish her a pleasant journey. Thank you.

