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只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 1 Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors Ⅰ.阅读理解 (2017·东北三省四市教研联合体模拟)The following simple exercise routine works as well as prescription medication (处方药) without side effects. A jog a day could keep your headaches at bay:regular cardio workouts (有氧 锻炼) may prevent migraines (偏头痛),a growing body of research suggests. Migraine patients had fewer headaches after doing 40minute cycling workouts three times a week for three months,according to a Swedish study. The exercise routine worked just as well as one of the top migraine preventing drugstopamirate—but without side effects of depression and tremors (颤抖). “Cardio workouts can help with regular headaches,too,”says Alexander Mauskop, M.D.,director of the New York Headache Center in Manhattan. There are a couple of theories on how it works. “Breaking a sweat may relieve stress,”says Dr.Mauskop.Headaches are often triggered by stress,and if you remove the trigger,you release the pain. The feelgood chemicals produced when you exercise actually block your pain sensors,acting as a natural painkiller. Since headaches can be caused by many different factors like genetics (遗传), lack of sleep,or certain foods,the cardio workout won't be the solution for everyone, Dr.Mauskop says.But one German study found that it helped 65 percent of patients, which makes it as effective as the best medicines on the market. Dr.Mauskop recommends his patients do a halfhour reasonable intensity (强度) cardio workout,like jogging,biking,or swimming three times a week.These workouts are meant to be slow and steady,as opposed to highintensity intervals that alternate between allout runs and rest. Pushing yourself too much or increasing the intensity too quickly can trigger headaches in some people,so make sure your heart rate doesn't jump above 150 BPM .If you don't have a heart rate monitor,then breathe only through your nose.You'll know you're going too hard if you can't keep up that breathing pattern. Your migraines could start disappearing in a couple of weeks,Dr.Mauskop says. 【语篇解读】 本文是一篇研究报告。研究人员发现,有氧锻炼也许能治疗偏头痛。 1.According to the passage,the author may agree that . A.jogging,swimming and fishing are cardio workouts B.neither cardio workouts nor topamirate has side effects 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 2 C.migraine patients may be cured by regular cardio workouts D.cardio workouts will be the solution for everyone with migraines C [细节理解题。根据倒数第三段中的“Dr.Mauskop recommends his patients do a halfhour reasonable intensity (强度) cardio workout,like jogging,biking,or swimming three times a week.”可知,A 项错误;根据第四段的内容可知,B 项错误,C 项正确;根据倒数第四段中的“the cardio workout won't be the solution for everyone” 可知,D 项错误。] 2 . The underlined word “triggered” in Paragraph 7 can be replaced by “ ”. A.cured B.released C.caused D.monitored C [词义猜测题。根据上文的“Breaking a sweat may relieve stress”和画线词后 的“by stress”可知,头疼往往是由压力引起的。由此可知画线词意为“引起”。故选 C。] 3.The feelgood chemicals produced can help regular headaches because . A.they ease stress B.they help break a sweat C.they prevent migraines D.they block your pain sensors D [细节理解题。根据第八段中的“The feelgood chemicals produced when you exercise actually block your pain sensors”可知,选 D。] 4.What would be the best title? A.A cure for migraines B.Side effects of migraines C.The causes of headaches D.Advantages of cardio workouts A [标题判断题。本文讲述了治疗偏头痛的好办法——进行有氧运动。故选 A。] Ⅱ.阅读填句 (2017·武汉高三调研) How to Pick a Great Book to Read The world is full of great books,just waiting to be read.How can you pick one you'll really like?Here are some tips: ●What makes you happy? 1. Are you really into dinosaurs or dogs or a specific person?Are there a few careers you're interested in?You can find books about almost anything you 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 3 like,and you're more likely to enjoy reading a book if you're already interested in its subject. ●Fact or fiction? Some books are entirely made up and imagined.Those are called fiction books.Novels,short stories are all examples of fiction.These books can transport you to another world or help you imagine something beyond your own experience. Nonfiction books give you the who,what,when and why.2. Non fiction books can bring everything to life from the first trip to the moon to what it's like to explore the deepest oceans.Try both fiction and nonfiction books to see which you like better. ●Find a family favorite. What was your mother's favorite book when she was your age?Or your dad's?3. Then you can talk about what they liked about it and share your thoughts.It's a fun way to get to know your family a little better,and to find a book you'll enjoy! ●Ask an expert. 4. Tell a librarian about your interests—rock stars,sports teams, historical events,whatever you're into—and the names of some books you already like.Your librarian can help you find other books that you're sure to love. ●Launch a book swap. 5. It's always fun to see what your friends are reading.Even if they're not exactly bookworms,you can all encourage each other to read and share books and authors you like.You also can look for book swaps in your area.It's a great way to build your personal library for free! A.Ask them and give it a read. B.Many of them read novels from start to finish. C.Why not get some friends together and trade favorite books? D.If you have a favorite hobby,look for books about that activity. E.They tell stories using facts—but that doesn't mean they're boring. F.Read the passage and decide for yourself whether it seems knowledgeable. G.Your local library is a great place to find books that you'll love,and you don't have to search all by yourself. 【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了选择课外书的方法,如根据兴趣爱好选 择、找到家庭成员的共同爱好等。 1.D [根据本段最后一句和标题“What makes you happy?”可知,本段主要介绍要 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 4 根据自己的兴趣爱好选择喜欢的书;空处为该段总起句,反映该段主题,故 D 项符合文意。] 2.E [根据该部分标题“Fact or fiction?”可知,该部分主要介绍纪实类书籍和 虚构类书籍;该部分第一段介绍了虚构类书籍;据此可以判断,第二段将介绍纪实类书籍, 故 E 项符合文意。] 3.A [根据空处前两句可知,当你的父母在你的年纪时,他们喜欢哪些书?据此可以 判断,空处建议向父母询问并阅读父母喜欢的书,故 A 项正确。] 4.G [根据空处后的“Tell a librarian about your interests”可知,作者建议你 告诉图书馆管理员你的兴趣;据此可以判断,空处与图书馆相关,故 G 项正确。G 项的“you don't have to search all by yourself”与本段的“Your librarian can help you find” 相呼应。] 5.C [根据空后的“It's always fun to see what your friends are reading” “encourage each other to read and share books and authors you like”可知,看朋 友正在阅读的书是很有趣的事情,要互相鼓励去阅读和分享书;据此可以判断,C 项正确。] Ⅲ.语法填空 (2017· 南 昌 十 校 高 三 模 拟 )Hospitals haven't always been clean and quiet places.Long ago they were dirty and crowded.Nurses were never taught 1. to look after their patients and many people died.It was Florence Nightingale who changed all this. Florence was born in 1820.As a child,she often went with her mother 2. (visit) the poor people.They took food and medicine to the sick.It was these visits that first gave her the idea of becoming 3. nurse. Her chance came in 1854 when Britain went to war with Russia.Florence 4. (ask) by the government to take a group of nurses to look after the sick and the 5. (wound).The hospitals were dirty,and there wasn't enough medicine.Florence and her team worked very hard,6. (clean) the hospital rooms and made the bed every day.At night,she would go from room to room,7. (check) on the patients.She often stayed to talk to the patients and provided comfort 8. __ them. After the war,Florence opened a school to teach nurses to look after their patients 9. (proper).However,she never really made a full 10. (recover) from the illness that she had in the war,and she died in 1910. 【语篇解读】 本文是对护理事业的创始人、现代护理教育的奠基人弗洛伦斯·南丁格 尔的介绍。 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 5 1.how [考查疑问词。根据语境,此处指以前的护士从未被教过要如何照顾病人,故 用 how。] 2.to visit [考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,此处为不定式短语在句中作目的 状语。] 3.a [考查冠词。根据语境可知,此处表泛指,指“成为一名护士”,故应用不定冠 词 a。] 4.was asked [考查时态和语态。此处说的是发生在过去的事情,应用一般过去时; 又根据空后的“by the government”可知,Florence 与 ask 之间是被动关系,应用被动语 态。] 5.wounded [考查词性转换。“the+adj.”是固定用法,表示一类人,故填 wounded。] 6.cleaned [考查时态。分析句子结构可知,此处与 worked 和 made 并列作句子的谓 语,故也应用一般过去时。] 7.checking [考查非谓语动词。check 与其逻辑主语 she 之间是主动关系,故应用现 在分词短语作伴随状语。] 8.for [考查介词。根据语境可知,此处指的应是“她给他们提供慰藉”,provide sth.for sb.=provide sb.with sth.。] 9.properly [考查词性转换。空处修饰 look after,应用副词形式。] 10.recovery [考查词性转换。根据语境及空前的“a full”可知此处应用名词形式。] 【导学号:30892237】 Ⅳ.短文改错 (2017·济南高三模拟) Dear Steven, I'm glad that you are coming to Beijing this summer vacation.You asked many question in your letter,and now let me answer them. To start with,Beijing,the capital of China,is very attractive city with a long history.You can found all kinds of delicious food in Beijing,of that the most famous is the Beijing roast duck.I hope we will enjoy it.Besides,there is a great number of tourist attractions worth visiting,such as the Great Wall,the Summer Palace or the Forbidden City.These scenic spots have attracted millions of tourists in this year.I promise you will have a wonderfully time in Beijing. I'm looking forward to hear from you as soon as possible. Yours, Lin Chao 【答案】 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 6 Dear Steven, I'm glad that you are coming to Beijing this summer vacation.You asked many question questions in your letter,and now let me answer them. To start with,Beijing,the capital of China,is ∧a very attractive city with a long history.You can found find all kinds of delicious food in Beijing,of that which the most famous is the Beijing roast duck.I hope we you will enjoy it.Besides,there is are a great number of tourist attractions worth visiting,such as the Great Wall,the Summer Palace or and the Forbidden City.These scenic spots have attracted millions of tourists ﹨in this year.I promise you will have a wonderfully wonderful time in Beijing. I'm looking forward to hear hearing from you as soon as possible. Yours, Lin Chao

