上海市静安区2021届高三一模英语试题 Word版含答案

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上海市静安区2021届高三一模英语试题 Word版含答案

2021 届上海市静安区高三英语一模试卷 (完卷时间:120 分钟 满分:140 分) I. Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1.A. 15 dollars. B. 20 dollars. C. 25 dollars. D. 45 dollars. 2.A. To the gallery. B. To the dentist’s. C. To her flat. D. To the garage. 3.A.She was fired by the company. B.She broke the law. C. She is on leave right now. D. She is replacing the company’s website. 4.A. Patient and doctor. B. Resident and government official. C. Customer and insurance agent. D. Boss and secretary. 5.A. He was sitting opposite Mr. Johnson. B.He is planning a farewell party for Mr. Johnson. C.All the tasks that Mr. Johnson did failed. D.He is glad Mr. Johnson left the company. 6.A. She prefers dogs to cats. B.She had a close relationship with the man’s daughter. C.She used to sorrow over her dog’s death. D.She is always in low spirits. 7.A. The woman should get the chips herself. B.The woman shouldn’t eat chips. C.The woman used to have several heart attacks. D.The woman warned the man against heart attacks. 8.A. They plan to have the meeting in another place. B.The availability of the meeting room will be discussed. C.They have already had the meeting. D.They will have the meeting sometime later. 9.A. The car’s demand greatly exceeds supply. B. The woman has listed the car’s advantages. C. The woman received a car a month ago. D. The woman didn’t like the car. 10.A. She won’t do the presentation. B.She needs to collect a lot of data for the presentation. C.She is still at an early stage of preparation for the presentation. D.The topic is most important for the presentation. Section B Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passage and one longer conversation. After each passage or conversation, you will be asked several questions. The passage and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage. 11.A. The type of food you freeze. B.The way you warm up the frozen food. C.Whether the freezer bags are sealed. D.What temperature you set your freezer to. 12.A. Because they can be easily stocked. B.Because they fit well in the fridge. C.Because they come in different sizes and shapes. D.Because they help to keep the dry food dry. 13.A. Prevent people from eating too much food. B.Stop people from removing food that hasn’t gone bad. C.Make people become cautious about eating unhealthy food. D.Make people become ambitious in making use of leftover food. Questions 14 through 17 are based on the following passage. 14.A. Postpone retirement age. B.Involve more women in work. C.Hire more foreign workers. D.Attract workers with high salaries. 15.A. Relieve pressure on human nursing care. B. Take care of children and the elderly. C.Finally replace humans in workforce. D. Give humans more time for creative work. 16.A. Robots can’t do certain work. B.Some people don’t accept robots. C.The expenses for robots are still high. D.The functions of robots need improving. 17.A. Japan struggles to fight workforce shortage. B.Japanese attitudes towards robots change a lot. C.Robots have played a major role in Japan’s industry. D.Robots can help in Japanese workforce shortage. Questions 18 through 20 are based on the following conversation 18. A. The cruise liner will provide all sorts of food and entertainment. B. Only half of the cabins will be filled up. C. The prices of unsold tickets will be reduced. D. Everyone will be able to afford the ticket. 19. A. Book tickets as soon as they are available. B. Closely watch the changes of ticket prices. C. Compare deals from different sources. D. Keep in contact with a travel agent you can trust. 20. A. Because cruise tours are only suitable for people who have much free time. B. Because he can work part-time to earn money to pay for the tour. C. Because doing price research and comparing takes time. D. Because he can sail shortly after buying the cheap ticket. II. Grammar and Vocabulary Section A Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank. UK-based supermarket Waitrose has been accused by social media users for selling tree leaves at 6 pounds. Photos of various tree leaves packaged in plastic bags and arranged as flower bouquets(花束) went hot on social media lately, (21)________ (cause) complaints because of the product's price, six British pounds. Considering tree leaves can literally be picked up from the street this time of year,it's understandable that some people went after Waitrose, accusing the supermarket of trying to make money by selling (22)________ that is actually free. "A bag of actual leaves? I'll sell you a bin bag of leaves for 10p," one customer wrote. "This has got to be from the drunk Monday morning meeting category of ideas," someone else commented. Apparently, the bizarre bouquets appeared on Waitrose supermarket shelves as a way to welcome autumn, and (23)________ (feature) a sticker urging customers to "bring the outdoors inside". "Brighten up your home with freshly picked flowers (24)________ pleasant scents(香味) refresh the season," the official product description read. "We source the best blooms from expert growers, and handle them gently (25)________ they can look beautiful for longer." (26)________ the generally negative feedback on its autumn-themed product, the British supermarket proudly announced that the idea (27)________ (inspire) at the beginning of autumn by a demand from shoppers. "(28)________ we intend to offer, we base our decision on the demands from customers. Our customers love using these leaves to mix in with their seasonal flowers to brighten their homes," a Waitrose spokesperson told The Sun. Interestingly, there were those who seemed to somewhat justify the price tag of this bag of leaves. They said that those were obviously "high quality leaves". Their claim (29)________ be true. But even a bottle of wine can be bought at the same price or less. It seems crazy to charge 6 pounds for a bag of leaves. This isn't the first time that English shops and supermarkets (30)________ (make) news headlines for selling free things at high prices. There used to be a shop in London, which sold painted logs for $14 apiece. Section B Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need. A. initiated B. display C. advocate D. extended E. annoying F .squeezing G. exposure H. specifically I. relieved J. staged K. contemporary As glass towers continue to push their way into city skylines like sunflowers ____31____ up through walled gardens, some homeowners and developers have come to a realization. Floor-to- ceiling glass may provide breathtaking views, but it cuts down on opportunities for art ____32____. To solve the problem, a number of developers are thinking of designing apartment towers ____33____ with art exhibiting in mind. The development company RFR, for example, has ____34____ the idea of designing loft( 顶 楼 ) units in the style of a downtown gallery. “I would love to be recognized as a developer who creates spaces that are really planned for an art collector,” said Aby Rosen, a co-founder of RFR and an art collector himself. “I’m a big ____ 35____ of art which connects you with history and the desire for culture.” On a recent tour of the loft units at 100 East 53rd Street in Midtown Manhattan, Mr. Rosen pointed to the uninterrupted concrete walls and floors. “It’s the kind that you may see when you go to a Gagosian Gallery or Paul Kasmin Gallery,” he said. The ceilings are embedded(镶嵌) with slots(槽) that allow soft lighting to be installed for particular works. And to protect precious pieces, the exterior glass is specially treated to prevent the ____36____ to sunlight. “These spaces enjoy many ____37____ high-rise benefits, while at the same time avoid ____38____ side effects of a downtown loft—the creaking floors and traffic noise,” Mr. Rosen said. To hammer the point, one of the model units was ____39____ as a gallery rather than a home, with works from various collections. Mr. Rosen said that the units’ focus on art, without exception, ____40____ to the lobby, too, where residents could be greeted by a site-specific work designed solely for the building by Rachel Feinstein, who depicted New York City icons, including the Empire State Building and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. III. Reading Comprehension Section A Directions:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context. The universe cannot be read until we have learnt the language and become familiar with the ____41____ in which it is written. According to many, it is written in mathematical language, and the letters are triangles, circles and other geometrical figures. In human history, there are ____42____ definitions of "language." Whichever definition is used, a language contains the same components. There must be a vocabulary of words or symbols. Meanings must be ____43____ the words or symbols. A language employs grammar, which is a set of rules that 44 how words are organized. Mathematics meets all the standards. The vocabulary of math draws from many different alphabets and includes symbols ____45____ to math. A mathematical equation(等式) may be stated in words to form a sentence that has a noun and a verb, just like a sentence in a spoken language. Mathematics grammar and syntax(句 法), like vocabulary, are ____46____. No matter what country you're from or what language you speak, the structure of the mathematical language is the same. Formulas(公式) are always read from left to right. Understanding how mathematical sentences work is ____47____ when you learn math. Students often find numbers and symbols frightening, so putting an equation into a familiar language makes the subject ____48____. Basically, it's like translating a foreign language into a known one. A formula has the same meaning, regardless of any different language that ____49____ it. In this way, math helps people learn and communicate, even if other communication obstacles exist. Of course, not everyone agrees that mathematics is a language. Some definitions describe "language" as a spoken form of communication. Therefore, some people ____50____ mathematics as it is definitely a written form of expression. Sign language, ____51____, would be invalid based on this standard. In fact most linguists accept sign language as a true language. Also, there are a handful of dead languages that no one alive knows how to even ____52____ anymore. A strong ____53____ for mathematics as a language is that modern elementary-high school curricula use ____54____ from language education for teaching mathematics. Educational psychologist Paul Riccomini wrote that students learning mathematics required a robust vocabulary knowledge base; fluency and proficiency with numbers, symbols, words, and diagrams; and comprehension skills, which in a way proves the real ____55____ of the subject as a special language after all. 41. A. characters B. signals C. items D. portions 42. A. formal B. historical C. multiple D. civilian 43. A. invisible to B. switched to C. attached to D. divided into 44. A. imitate B. outline C. enclose D. diagnose 45. A. foreign B. inferior C. unique D. temporary 46. A. competitive B. international C. sufficient D. fluent 47. A. additional B. traditional C. subjective D. necessary 48. A. approachable B. functional C. fundamental D. influential 49. A. accompanies B. subscribes C. tracks D. arouses 50. A. disqualify B. evaluate C. reform D. erase 51. A. in short B. more specifically C. in particular D. however 52. A. rescue B. pronounce C. substitute D. explore 53. A. evolution B. case C. preview D. crisis 54. A. staff B. techniques C. statistics D. inventions 55. A. origin B. nature C. resolution D. reminder Section B Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read. (A) The seven teenagers hurried towards the airport gate. Italy’s national under-16 swimming championship was taking place in Genoa and the boys were going to compete there. 14-year-old Marco Sulis looked around for his teammates. Their coach sat near them. While preparing for take-off, the flight attendant began her routine safety briefing. Most of the passengers idled away the time engaging in chatting and eating. Although air crashes are alien to Marco, he, who perceived how vital the process was, would later remember all her words. During the flight, as earlier instructed, he located the nearest emergency exit and made a mental note of the red handle behind a protective plastic shield. To open the door, one had to remove the plastic and pull the handle. Flanked by mountains to the north, the airport is often battered by strong winds. Flight 1553 was a short one. The sky that day was crystalline blue and visibility was perfect. At two minutes to touchdown, the plane rocked , which was later found to be out of mechanical faults. Soon, it touched down precariously on two wheels. The captain attempted to reduce the airplane’s speed by braking hard but it was no use. Slipping sideways, the plane rushed out into the sea at high speed. Tons of water poured into the cabin. Passengers were shouting and rushing towards the emergency exit door. Marco watched people struggle with the door fruitlessly. “Let me do it!” Marco yelled, leaping out of his seat. Marco smashed the clear plastic with the palm of his hand. He grabbed the handle and pulled, using all the strength in his body. The emergency exit door finally swung open. However, the emergency door pinned Marco’s leg down. Passengers passed Marco as they rushed out of the plane. Already soaking in water, Marco knew there was no time to waste. He pushed against the door as hard as he could and managed to free his leg. Marco exited from the plane finally and saw his coach and teammates bobbing in the waves. He began swimming towards the concrete pier(码头). The others followed. When they reached the pier, they were safe at last. Even though four people were killed in the accident, many more survived because of Marco. Marco just simply said, “All I did was to watch safety briefing.” 56.Why did Marco remember the safety briefing? A.Because he used to meet with an air accident. B.Because he is excellent at remembering things. C.Because he was not used to eating and chatting on board. D. Because he realized the importance of flight safety measures. 57. Which of the following statements is TRUE? A. Marco was the passenger sitting nearest to the emergency exit. B. The weather condition was good for flying on the day of the accident. C.The plane went wrong above in sky because of the battering of wind. D. The pilot braked and finally managed to slow down the plane. 58. Why didn’t Marco leave the plane as soon as the exit door was opened? A. Because he was trying to keep the exit door open for other passengers. B. Because he was looking for the coach and teammates in the plane. C. Because one part of his body was stuck tight. D. Because he was afraid of the sea water outside the plane. 59. Many people were finally saved mainly because ______. A. the crash on the runway was not serious B. Marco managed to open the exit door C. they knew how to swim in the sea water D. they received help from staff at concrete pier (B) Nicaragua is a land of opportunity for travelers. There are vast and varied activities one can have in this country. Hike Up the Mombacho Volcano This two-hour hike isn’t going to be an easy one, but it is a rewarding experience and will get your heart racing. You can look forward to beautiful views of several of the four craters, spotting wildlife, and enjoying the cooler temperature. In case of any encounter with some fierce creatures, it is recommended that you hire a tour guide at the welcome center who knows how to react at an emergency. Horseback Riding in the Cloud Forests Horseback riding in the lush Nicaraguan countryside isn’t something to miss. To prevent any danger a suspicious horse might bring, you have to book a packaged tour through a legal agency and then accompanied by a groom, you can enjoy a morning or afternoon exploring the backroads right outside the city of Granada. The best part of this experience is a visit to the Apoyo Lagoon, a nature reserve that originated about 23,000 years ago. With a beautiful lake, it is a welcomed respite after riding in the hot sun for hours. Be sure to pack a bathing suit. Sunbathe in the Corn Islands Not all activities have to be adrenaline-inducing. Take a break and enjoy the sunshine on the Corn Islands. The islands are about 43 miles off the coast of Nicaragua and consist of Big Corn Island and Little Corn Island. Sunny, with warm weather year round, these islands make for the perfect vacation. Visitors can enjoy lazy beach days by the crystal blue waters of the Caribbean Sea. Volcano Board at Cerro Negro For those who dare to try Volcano boarding there’s no better place than Cerro Negro. Cerro Negro is still an active volcano that last erupted in 1999 and is monitored closely by the Nicaraguan Seismic Network to prepare for the immediate evacuation in case of eruptions. When the volcano is behaving itself, it is the perfect playground for adventurers. Whichever tour company you book, you will need to be prepared to carry your board. The summit, from which you will board down, is about 2,388 feet, a height ideal for the activity. After a quick compulsory tutorial of what to do, you will put on your “flight suit”, gird your loins, and descend down the volcano. The entire experience is about three to five minutes, depending on whether you stop or roll off your board. 60. The underlined word evacuation is closest in meaning to ______, A. demonstration B. withdrawal C. punishment D. entertainment 61. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage? A. A tour guide is suggested for Mombacho hiking to strengthen wildness experience. B. The experience at the Apoyo Lagoon reserve is as tiring as the horseback riding. C. Cerro Negro is perfect for volcano board because it is still active. D. Visitors must receive training before actually boarding from Cerro Negro peak. 62. A person who likes taking charge of everything on his own in travel will most likely go to ______. A. the Mombacho Volcano B. the Cloud Forests C. the Corn Islands D. Cerro Negro (C) If you’ve ever taken a class in drawing, painting or pottery and in spite of your best effort, couldn’t make the final result look anything like the model shown, you may have thought, “I don’t have a creative bone in my body.” According to some scientists, who for the past 20 years have put the elusive subject of creativity through the rigors of research, you are underrating yourself. Da Vinci you may never be, but when it comes to creativity, we are all somewhat blessed. It’s learning to foster this unique tool of extraordinary productivity, and then applying it in everything you do, that counts to tell you from figures like Da Vinci. “Even if we don’t have the good fortune to discover a new chemical element or write a great story, the love of the creative process for its own sake is available to all,” says Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi in Creativity: Flow and Psychology of Discovery and Invention. Most people believe the realm of creativity has been awarded to those perceived to have special talent. We look upon these “creative geniuses,” as we often call them, with awe and a bit of envy. Their abilities, most people assume, are bestowed by good genes, or, as if in Greek mythology, from some kind of divine inspiration. There is no argument that the world is never short of highly talented and creative people. They are masters of their trades and stand heads-and-shoulders above commoners, making new pathways for others to follow, and providing greater context and understanding of our world. It could be said that without creativity humanity would not evolve so rapidly. But like a publicly recognized creative baseball player who hones his skill through years of continuous training, foregoing other pursuits for the sole passion, people who show the slightest reluctance for arduous labor are bound to witness their boasted ability disappear. After closely studying 91 creative and influential people, including novelists, playwrights, composers, musicians and scientists, Csikszentmihalyi concludes that no one would ignore the sweat they shed and their almost insane willingness to follow their creative endeavor to the very end, wherever that may be. These are the very things we all can master, so long as we’d like to. 63. It’s widely believed that creativity comes from ______. A. good training people receive from artistic classes B. the tool we learn from masters like Da Vinci C. the inborn genes or relevant gifts. D. certain Greek historical textbooks 64. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage? A. Common people rather than creative ones lead in various professions. B. People’s admiration of geniuses makes humanity develop quickly. C. The field of baseball requires more gifts than hard work. D. The essence of creativity lies in devotion and effort 65. The underlined word foregoing is closest in meaning to ______. A. giving up B. combining C. referring to D. extending 66. What is the passage mainly about? A. How ordinary people and scientists view things differently. B. People’s misunderstanding of creativity and its true nature. C. The reasons for the development of various trades and humanity. D. Ordinary people’s unwillingness to follow the examples of creative ones. Section C Directions: Read the following passages. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need. A. It is widely recognized that the dog has a complex structure of brain, similar, in a way, to that of human’s. B. But they respond correctly to our words. C. Animals are found to have adopted various mechanisms to defend against enemies. D. They are capable of obtaining mood implications even though they can’t talk. E. It has been discovered that dogs’ brains, like those of humans, compute the intonation and meaning separately. F. Domesticated animals have evolved alongside humans for the past thousands of years. Every dog owner knows that saying Good dog! in a happy, high-pitched voice will bring about a flurry of joyful tail wagging in their pet. That makesscientists curious. What exactly happens in your dog's brain when it hears praise? And is it similar to the way our own brain processes such acoustic information? When a person gets a compliment, the more primitive subcortical( 皮 下 的 ) auditory regions first react to the intonation(声调), the emotional force of spoken words. Next, the brain taps the more recently evolved auditory cortex(皮质) to figure out the meaning of the words, which is learned. _________67_________ Of course, dogs use their right brain hemisphere to do so, whereas we use our left hemisphere. Still, a mystery remains. Do their brains go through the same steps to process approval? It’s an important question. Dogs are speechless species. _________68_________ For instance, some dogs are able to recognize thousands of names of individual objects. They can even link each name to a specific object. When the scientists studied scans of the brains of pet dogs, they found that theirs, like ours, processed the sounds of spoken words in a multi-step manner. They analyze first the emotional component with the older region of the brain, the subcortical regions. Subsequently, they deal with the words’ meaning with the newer part, the cortex. Previous studies have shown that many animals, from songbirds to dolphins, use the subcortex to process emotional hints. _________69_________ Zebras, for instance, can eavesdrop on the emotion, or fright to be precise, in other herbivore(食草动物) animals’ calls. In this way they learn if predators are nearby. It’s likely that human language evolved from such hints, We employ the same neurological systems to develop speech. _________70_________ Dogs have the very likeliness to make special use of the ancient connection to process human emotions. It helps explain why dogs are so successful at partnering with us and at times manipulating us with those soulful eyes. IV. Summary Writing Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible. Surveys indicate that a third of Britons regularly eat on their own. OpenTable, an online restaurant booking app, found that solo dining in New York increased by 80% during the past 5 years. And in Japan, the world capital of solo dining, a trend for "low interaction dining" has taken off. Restaurants are opening which facilitate the ultimate solo dining experience: passing bowls of noodles through black curtains into individual booths. Is this a worrying trend? We think so. Research is revealing the negative impacts of eating alone, which has been found to be linked to a variety of mental and physical health conditions, from depression and diabetes to high blood pressure. So it's cheering that hundreds of food sharing initiatives have sprung up around the world. There's London's Casserole Club, for example, whose volunteers share portions of home-cooked food with people in their area who aren't always able to cook for themselves, in which case they put an end to food waste. Or there is South Africa's Food Jams, social gatherings in which participants are paired up, preferably with strangers, and given a portion of the meal to prepare. Many participantsinterviewed mentioned that their loneliness was greatly relieved. Such initiatives offer lessons of all kinds to those thinking about how our food systems need to change. They also somewhat compensate for the undesirable outcomes sole eating brings. So why do people stop eating together? There are a variety of reasons. Authors such as Michael Pollan argue that it is due to the fact that people attach less value to home-based labor, including cooking. The widening of the workforce, which brought many women out of the kitchen and into the workplace during the 20th century, also contributed. Meanwhile, the growth in insecure and inconsistent working patterns among a growing proportion of the population also discourages meals eaten communally. V. Translation Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 72. 这类复杂的问题不是一朝一夕就能解决的。(It) 73. 这家图书馆里,所有上个世纪手工绘制的漫画书都不外借。(available) 74. 该款电动车提供终生免费保养,这吸引了顾客的眼球,大大促进了销量。(which) 75. 短视频服务不仅仅满足了人们的娱乐需求,而且拓宽了学习渠道,给教育领域带来 了意想不到的变化。(Not only ) VI. Guided Writing Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese. 你是高三学生刘晓,你所在的社区正在考虑为区域内的高龄老人引进一项便民服务。目 前有三个备选方 案: ①一键 急救呼叫 (one-button first-aid call);②社区 老年 食堂 (neighbourhood canteen for seniors) ; ③ 老 年 娱 乐 中 心 。 请 给 居 委 会 (neighbourhood committee)写一封信,谈谈你的看法。信中必须包括: 1. 你同意的方案; 2. 你同意的理由; 3. 你对于提高此项服务质量的建议。 (信中不得出现考生姓名,学校等真实信息) 答案 Listening 1-5 ADCCD 6-10 CBDAC 11-13 CDB 14-17 CDBD 18-20 CCD Grammar 21 causing 22 something 23 featured 24 whose 25 so that 26 Despite 27 was inspired/had been inspired 28 Whatever 29 may/can//could/might 30 have made Vocabulary 31-35 FBHAC 36-40 GKEJD Cloze 41-45 ACCBC 46-50 BDAAA 51-55 DBBBB Reading 56-59 DBCB 60-62 BDC 63-66 CDAB 67-70 EBDF Summary The trend of sole dining is catching on in major countries. However, it does harm physically and mentally. Fortunately food-sharing programs make up for its bad effects by avoiding food waste and combating loneliness. Eating together has declined because of people’s undervaluing of cooking at home, more women’s entry into the workforce and weakening work relationships.(60 words) Translation 72. It is not possible to solve complicated problems of this kind in a day. 73. In the library, none of the hand-painted comic books of the last century is available for lending. 74. The type of electric car offers lifetime free maintenance, which has caught customers’ eye and greatly promoted sales. 75. Not only has the short-video service met people’s entertainment needs, but it has also broadened the channels for learning and brought unexpected changes to the field of education. 听力原文 I. Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1.M: I’ve received this month’s gas bill of 20 dollars and electricity bill of 25 dollars. W: The three of us share the apartment and we will share the total cost equally. Q: How much is the woman’s share of the bills? 2.M: There is an oil painting exhibition at the national gallery.And John will go there with me this afternoon after he has his teeth examined.You care to join us? W: I’d love to.But I had a flat tyre just now.I’m afraid I have to have it checked. Q: Where will the woman probably go this afternoon? 3.W: Miss James just gave birth to a baby and according to the law, she won’t be back in the office in the next three months.We have to find a replacement. M: Sure.We’ve already added a job opening on our company’s website. Q: What is true about Miss James? 4.W: Mr. Robinson.The life policy you are going to sign with us will guarantee that you won’t be worried about the heavy fees to treat certain serious diseases like cancer. M: That’s good. Q; What is the possible relationship between the two speakers? 5.W: You must be very sad as Mr. Johnson has left your company? M: Quite the opposite.Finally I don’t have to take over the tasks he has messed up. Q: What does the man mean? 6.M: My daughter has been in low spirits lately as her pet cat died. W: I felt the same three years ago when I lost my pet dog forever. Q: What does the woman mean? 7.W: Honey, would you please pass on that box of chips to me? M: Chips?Have you forgotten what the doctor warned you of when you had the heart attack? Q: What does the man mean? 8.W: Aren’t we supposed to have a meeting this afternoon? M: It was the plan but then it turned out that the meeting room was occupied and we had to postpone it. Q: What does the man mean? 9.M: Does the newly-released sports car sell well? W: Actually, the car is so popular that I am still on the waiting list after a month. Q: What does the woman mean? 10.M: Are you ready for your presentation at the workshop? W: I’m still chewing on the topic, let alone outlining the presentation and collecting data. Q: What does the woman mean? Section B Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passage and one longer conversation. After each passage or conversation, you will be asked several questions. The passage and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage. Do you know that an average American wastes more than 200 pounds of food a year? Besides human factors, sometimes food just goes bad too soon. Fortunately, there is something you can do to make your food last longer. First, is there food in your refrigerator that is on the edge of rotting? You can always freeze it. You can do this with everything from fruit to cakes you made the other night. Most things freeze well, and can be later warmed up so you can enjoy them even weeks down the road. But to guarantee the quality of the frozen food, you must make sure your freezer bags are tightly sealed. And remember to stock up on glass containers to store your dry goods! This will keep them safe from dampness as being wet is the main reason for dry food to go bad. Dry goods include everything from pasta and cereal to nuts and rice. You can use glass containers in any shape or size. Just keep them dry. Finally, while it might be a little ambitious to label or date everything in your refrigerator, you can start with recent leftovers or items that go bad quickly, like milk or bread. Labeling items can help you keep track of when you made or opened them. People sometimes throw things out because they’re not sure if they have gone bad, and they’d rather be safe than sorry. Their caution, on the other hand, might cause food waste. And food labeling perfectly solves the problem, making it clear what should be thrown away and what shouldn’t. ( Now listen again.) Questions 11. According to the passage, what would affect the quality of the frozen food? 12. Why are glass containers suggested by the speaker? 13. In what way does food labeling help people? Questions 14 through 17 are based on the following passage. Robots could fill 3.5 million jobs in Japan by 2025, helping to relieve worker shortages as the country's population shrinks. Japan faces a 16 percent fall in the size of its workforce by 2030, which raises worries about who will do the work when the country is still not ready to accept more foreign workers. Some measures have already been taken to deal with the problem. Seniors are pushing back their retirement until they are 65 years old. Day care centres are being built so that more women can work during the day, and some companies are increasing salaries to make the jobs more appealing. But none of these can beat the shrinking workforce. Fortunately, the Machine Industry Memorial Foundation says robots could help fill the gaps, doing jobs ranging from room cleaning to complicated cooking. Robots could monitor the health of older people, so they don't have to rely on human nursing care. They can also help to look after children and bathe the elderly. Besides, rather than each robot replacing one person, the foundation says in a report that the real meaning of robots is that by doing ordinary work, they save time for people so that people can focus on more important and creative things. Of course, changes are still needed for robots to make a big impact on the workforce. There's the expensive price tag. The functions of the robots still need to be improved, and what’s most important, some people are still resistant to the idea of robots. After all, people should be willing to use the robots or the robots will become totally useless. ( Now listen again.) Questions 14. Which measure is the nation still unwilling to take to fight workforce shortage? 15. What is the true value of robots? 16. What is the biggest difficulty robots meet with? 17. What is the passage mainly about? Questions 18 through 20 are based on the following conversation. M: Hey, Jenny. You look fantastic. Anything exciting? W: I am just back from my cruise tour in southern Europe. M: Wow, a cruise tour. Is touring on such passenger ships like staying in a small floating city on the sea which provides all sorts of diets and entertainment? W: Don’t forget when it arrives at a port, you can have a shore excursion as well. M: How amazing! But I’ve heard that costs for such cruise tours are especially high. W: That’s a common misunderstanding. Everyone can have a pleasant cruise tour on a limited budget like me. M: Really? How? W: You know, the cost of running a large ship is very high. Cruise liners actually don’t start making real money until they are close to 100% filled up. As the sailing date approaches, a ship will begin to cut prices - even up to 50% off - in order to fill the ship up. You can just be patient and wait until then to book. M: Excellent. W: But these deals don’t last long and you should know when they are available. M: But how? W: You could work with a travel agent you trust. And keep watching ticket prices so that you can know when the prices begin to fall. And it’s essential to keep comparing prices from different dealers or companies. This will make sure that you can have the best deal. M: That’s effective W: Also, because you don’t know in advance which ships will be vacant or booked solid, you will often need to keep your schedule flexible. Make sure you are ready to set off at short notice. Therefore, when the best deal comes out, you can immediately catch it. M: For sure. It may take some effort. But a wonderful and cheap cruise tour deserves some effort. W: My thoughts exactly. ( Now listen again.) Questions 18. What will happen when the sailing date is close? 19. What is most important for the man in order to get the cheapest ticket? 20. Why should the man have a flexible schedule?

