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只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 1 四川双流县 2017 高考英语完形填空一轮优练(二) 完形填空。阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从 36-45 各题 所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案 Each spring brings a new blossom of wildflowers in the ditches along the highway I travel daily to work. There is one _1_ blue flower that has always caught my eye. I’ve_2_ that it blooms only in the _3_ hours. The afternoon sun is too _4_ for it. Every day for approximately two weeks, I see those beautiful flowers. This spring, I _5_ a wildflower garden in our yard. I can look out of the _6_ window while doing the dishes and see the flowers. I’ve often _7_ that those lovely blue flowers from the ditch would _8_ great in that bed alongside other wildflowers. Every day I drove past the flowers _9_ , “I’ll stop on my way home and dig them.” Gee, I don’t want to get my good _10_ dirty. Whatever the reason, I _11_ stopped to dig them. My husband even gave me a folding shovel (铲子) one year to be used for that expressed _12_ . One day on my way home from work, I was _13_ to see that the highway department had mowed the ditches and the pretty blue flowers were _14_ . I thought to myself, “Way to go, you_15_ too long. You should have done it when you first saw them blooming this spring.” A week ago we were shocked and saddened to _16_ that my oldest sister-in-law has a terminal brain tumor(晚期脑肿瘤) . _17_ we haven’t been as close as we all would have liked. I couldn’t help but see the _18_ between the pretty blue flowers and the relationship between my husband’s sister and us. And yes, _19_ I see the blue flowers again, you can bet I’ll stop and _20_ them to my wildflower garden. 1.A.particular B.expensive C.previous D.colorful 2.A .imagined B.felt C.noticed D.heard 3.A.morning B.daytime C.afternoon D.night 4.A.warm B.important C.weak D.responsible 5.A.bought B.rent C.started D.managed 6.A.bedroom B.hall C.study D.kitchen 7.A.doubted B.thought C.agreed D.dreamed 8.A.smell B.look C.prove D.become 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 2 9.A.wondering B.complaining C.saying D.thinking 10.A.car B.flowers C.clothes D.hands 11.A.seldom B.sometimes C.often D.never 12.A.satisfaction B.disappointment C.purpose D.anxiety 13.A.surprised B.saddened C.encouraged D.ashamed 14.A.unhappy B.lonely C.gone D.alive 15.A.waited B.drove C.went D.stopped 16.A.realize B.learn C.observe D.decide 17.A.Surprisingly B.Generally C.Obviously D.Unfortunately 18.A.love B.difference C.secret D.connection 19.A.since B.unless C.if D.before 20.A.transport B.steal C.invite D.pull 参考答案 1--5 ACAAC 6--10 DBBDC 11--15 DCBCA 16--20 BDDCA 完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项 A、B、C 和 D 中,选出最佳答案。 I was 15 when I walked into McCarley’s Bookstore in Ashland. As I was looking at ___1___ on the shelves, the man behind the counter, ___2___, asked if I’d like ___3___. I needed to start ___4___ for college, so I said yes. I ___5___ after school and during summers for the lowest wages and the job helped pay for my freshman year of college. I would work many other jobs; I made coffee in the Students Union during college, I was a hotel maid and even made maps for the U. S. Forest Service. But selling books was one of the most ___6___. One day a woman asked me for books on cancer. She seemed fearful. I showed her almost ___7___ we had at that time ___8___ and found other books we could order. She left the store less ___9___. I’ve always remembered the ___10___ I felt in having helped her. Years later, as a ___11___ in Los Angeles, I heard about an immigrant child who was born with his fingers connected, webline. His family could not ___12___ a corrective operation, and the boy lived in ___13___, hiding his hand in his pocket. I ___14___ my boss to let me do the story. After my story was broadcast, a doctor and a nurse 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 3 called, offering to perform the ___15___ for free. I visited the boy in the recovery room soon after the operation. The first thing he did was to hold up his ___16___ hand and say, “Thank you.” I felt a sense of ___17___. In the past, while I was ___18___, I always sense I was working for the customers, not the store. Today it’s the same. NBC News pays my salary, ___19___ I feel as if I work for the ___20___, helping them make sense of the world. ( ) 1. A. maps B. titles C. articles D. reports ( ) 2. A. the reader B. the college student C. the shop owner D. the customer ( ) 3. A. a book B. a job C. some tea D. any help ( ) 4. A. planning B. saving C. preparing D. studying ( ) 5. A. read B. studied C. cooked D. worked ( ) 6. A. boring B. surprising C. satisfying D. disappointing ( ) 7. A. anything B. something C. nothing D. everythin ( ) 8. A. in need B. in all C. in order D. in store ( ) 9. A. worried B. satisfied C. excited D. puzzled ( ) 10. A. pride B. failure C. regret D. surprise ( ) 11. A. doctor B. store owner C. bookseller D. TV reporter ( ) 12. A. pay B. cost C. afford D. spend ( ) 13. A. shame B. honor C. horror D. danger ( ) 14. A. advised B. forced C. persuaded D. permitted ( ) 15. A. action B. program C. treatment D. operation ( ) 16. A. repaired B. connected C. injured D. improved ( ) 17. A. pleasure B. sadness C. interest D. disappointment ( ) 18. A. at the TV station B. in the Students Union C. at the U. S. Forest Service D. at McCarley’s Bookstore ( ) 19. A. so B. and C. but D. because ( ) 20. A. readers B. viewers C. customers D. passengers 【答案与解析】本文叙述作者读大学时在外做兼职时所经历的一些事情以及对现在工作的影响。 1. B。当你到书店的书架前,你首先看到的是书的“名称/题目”。 2. C。柜台后面一般是售货员或店老板,因为选项中没有售货员,因此答案是“店老板”。 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 4 3. B。根据下文作者的回答可知老板问作者是否想找“一份工作”。 4. B。因为上大学需要钱,所以需要“积攒,节省”。 5. D。根据上文“找工作”可得出答案。 6. C。根据下文,尤其是 I felt in having helped her 这句话可以猜出答案。 7. D。根据下文和本句中的副词 almost(我几乎把书店里所有的书都给她看了)可得出答案。 8. D。文章开头第一句就交代了“书店”,上下文都可以证实。 9. A。根据上文作者的热情服务把书店几乎所有的书都拿给她看,以及下文作者对自己工作的满意心情可 以判断,那位妇女走时是带着“不太着急的”心情离开的。 10. A。从上文的叙述和下文的 I felt in having helped her 可知作者因帮助了这样一位妇女而感到很“自 豪”。 11. D。根据下文的 NBC News 得出答案是电视台记者。 12. C。因为是移民,因此判断他家里“付不起”矫正的手术费。 13. A。因为手是残疾,再根据后面“把手藏在口袋里”判断答案为“害羞”。 14. C。根据下文“我写的故事被播出了”可知我“说服”了老板让我写这个故事。 15. D。从上文提到“矫正手术”得出答案。 16. A。从上文,手术后在医院康复期间,作者看望了那个小孩,他做的第一件事就是举起他那动手术“修 复过”的手。 17. A。看到那个小孩举起他的手,我有一种“高兴”的感觉。 18. D。从文章的第一句话可得出答案。 19. C。从句子的前后意思可知表示转折关系。 20. B。因为作者现在是一位电视工作者,所做的工作是为“看电视的观众”而做的。 2016 高考完形填空选练 完型填空。阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选 项。 About a week ago, my 4-year-old cousin and I were playing basketball at our local park. The 41 was warm, and many other children were outside 42 . As we played, I noticed a small group of boys 43 a smaller, skinner, and possibly younger boy. They were calling his names and 44 pushed him to the ground and 45 dirt in his face. When I saw that, I grabbed my 46 by the hand and walked over to the 47 . 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 5 I stepped 48 them and the younger boy, and asked them 49 what this boy had done to deserve 50 they were doing to him. They all 51 silently for a moment, and then the most amazing thing 52 : One of the boys who hadn’t said anything since I 53 stepped around me and helped the small boy off the 54 and then apologized. He offered to let him play with them, 55 the boy quietly said “thank you” and refused, then left there. As I looked around, I 56 that there were dozens of other people at the park—some of them were 57 with children of their own—but no one else had stopped to help this boy. I felt 58 that the one of the boys was brave enough to stand up against his friends to help someone 59 , but I felt sad that no one else had even taken a second 20 . I couldn’t help but think that those other parents at the park would want someone to help their child in that situation, and yet they did nothing but stand by. 41. A. climate B. atmosphere C. air D. weather 42. A. as usual B. as well C. as planned D. as yet 43. A. picking on B. leaving for C. staying in D. taking over 44. A. yet B. only C. even D. just 45. A. noticed B. kicked C. watched D. showed 46. A. cousin B. son C. daughter D. boy 47. A. class B. family C. group D. society 48. A. among B. at C. over D. between 49. A. hopefully B. finally C. politely D. possibly 50. A. who B. how C. why D. what 51. A. came B. went C. stood D. talked 52. A. failed B. refused C. agreed D. happened 53. A. jumped up B. walked over C. helped out D. put away 54. A. tree B. room C. stone D. ground 55. A. so B. but C. then D. still 56. A. expected B. imagined C. realized D. admitted 57. A. neighbors B. friends C. classmates D. parents 58. A. angry B. sorry C. sad D. happy 59. A. in turn B. in advance C. in need D. in all 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 6 60. A. knock B. shout C. noise D. glance 参考答案 41-45 DBACB 46-50 ACDCD 51-55 CDBDB 56-60 CDDCD 206高考完形填空训练题。 Did you hear the sports story that came out of Greece a few years ago? No, it wasn’t from the country that started the Olympics, 21 it has an Olympic quality. The story came out of Greece, New York, and it was about Jason McElwain, a 17-year-old autistic(自闭的) kid, and Jim Johnson, a high school basketball 22 . Jason,who didn’t speak until he was five and always 23 with learning challenges, was 24 for a basketball player, only five foot six. In fact, he never 25 the team. He was the team manager, who kept statistics and handed out water bottles. But Coach Johnson 26 Jason’s enthusiasm for the game and his unselfish dedication to the team. So he decided if the score 27 , he might let him 28 a few minutes. Word got around and a group of students came to the game with signs 29 his nickname, “J-Mac,” and cutouts of his face placed on popsicle(冰棒)sticks. When Jason was put into the game with four minutes left, they 30 wildly hoping that he might even 31 a basket. In Hollywood, he would have done just that, and his teammates would have 32 him off on their shoulders. But in the 33 world of Greece, New York, Jason took a 34 and missed by about six feet. His supporters 35 and the coach worried that he may have set this young man up for 36 . But J-Mac 37 another shot, and another, and another. 38 he took 10 shots, and scored 20 points in his four minutes of 39 . And, yes, he was carried off on the shoulders of his teammates. And it was the career high point in the life of a coach who just gave a good kid a(n) 40 . 21. A. if B. though C. since D. for 22. A. star B. game C. coach D. play 23. A. began B. went C listened D. struggled 24. A. short B. big C. good D. ready 25. A. gathered B. organized C. supported D. made 26. A. showed B. liked C. developed D. lost 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 7 27. A. decreased B. changed C. mattered D. permitted 28. A. train B. rest C. play D. direct 29. A. giving B. bearing C. calling D. keeping 30. A. blamed B. laughed C. ran D. cheered 31. A. score B. find C. fill D. hang 32. A. cut B. carried C. put D. knocked 33. A. real B. modern C. whole D. natural 34. A. shot B. seat C. look D. step 35. A. nodded B. broke C. agreed D. complained 36. A. fame B. embarrassment C. courage D. achievement 37. A. took B. heard C. got D. fired 38. A. In fact B. In turn C. However D. Meanwhile 39. A. sorrow B. joy C. glory D. guilt 40. A. lesson B. chance C. prize D. award 【语篇解读】一位教练给了一个孩子一次机会,从而创造了一个奇迹。 21. B。这个故事并非来自奥运会诞生的那个国家,虽然它具有奥林匹克的特征。这个故事来自纽约的一个小 镇———Greece。 22. C。由下文可知,本文讲述的是一个男孩和一位中学篮球教练的故事。 23. D。由上文的 autistic (自闭的)以及“他五岁才说话”的事实,我们可以推断出 Jason 学习有障碍。 struggle with 斗争,抗争,符合语境。 24. A。根据后面的 only five foot six 可知他太矮了,所以不适合打篮球。 25. D。由下文的 He was the team manager, who kept statistics and handed out water bottles 可知 Jason 实际上并没有成为真正的球员,而只是做一些计分、分发水壶之类的事情。make the team 加入团队。 26. B。虽然 Jason 并不是真正的球员,但教练很欣赏他对篮球的热情以及他对球队无私的奉献。 27. D。 28. C。教练很感动,所以他想如果赛场上比分允许的话,他会让 Jason 打一会儿球。 29. B。bear 此处的意思是“显示,带有”。signs bearing his nickname 写着他的绰号的招牌。 30. D。 31. A。比赛还有四分钟就要结束的时候,Jason 上场了。大家欢呼着,希望他能投篮成功。score 此处用作 动词,意思是“得分”。 32. B。如果是在好莱坞电影中,Jason 很有可能在最后关头投篮成功,队员们也会把他高高举过肩头。carry 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 8 sb. off on sb.’s shoulder 将某人举过肩头。 33. A。 34. A。但是,在真实的世界里,Jason 投篮未中。此处将现实与虚幻进行了对比。take a shot 投篮。 35. D。Jason 投篮未中,他的支持者开始抱怨。missed, worried 是关键信息。 36. B。Jason 投篮未中,观众开始抱怨。此时,教练开始怀疑自己的做法是否正确。他担心他把 Jason 置于 尴尬的境地。 37. A。take a shot 投篮。 38. A。Jason 一次次地投篮。事实上,他投了十次篮。in fact 用来作进一步的解释说明。 39. C。Jason 在四分钟内得 20 分。此处选 glory 突出他的成绩非凡。 40. B。本文讲的是一位教练给了一个孩子一次机会,从而创造了一个奇迹。

