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专题三 考点通关 第1讲 谓语动词(时态、语态和主谓一致)‎ 无论在语法填空还是短文改错中,动词的考查都是高考的必考点和重难点,在解答有关动词类的试题时,考生必须要分清是谓语动词还是非谓语动词,一个句子无论主句还是从句,必须要有谓语,对于语法填空来说,如果句中没有别的谓语动词,或者虽已有谓语动词,但需填的动词与之是并列关系时,所给动词就是谓语动词,对于短文改错来说,则主要是时态、语态的错用或主谓不一致。无论是语法填空还是短文改错,一旦我们判定为谓语动词时,都要综合考虑时态、语态和主谓一致的情况,因为这些都是紧密联系在一起进行考查的,都是高考的设题点。‎ 考点感悟 语法填空 短文改错 语法填空对谓语动词的考查主要涉及动词的时态、语态和主谓一致三方面。‎ 感1.(2019·江苏高考)A few months after he had arrived in China, Mr Smith ________ (fall) in love with the people and culture there.‎ 答案:fell 句意:史密斯先生抵达中国几个月后,爱上了那里的人和文化。arrive用了过去完成时,表示“过去的过去”,所以此处用一般过去时。‎ ‎2.(2019·浙江高考)When every pupil in the school wears the uniform, nobody ________ (have) to worry about fashion (时尚).‎ 答案:has/will have 空格前面的从句为一般现在时,主句谓语动词应该用一般现在时或者一般将来时。而句子主语nobody是第三人称单数,所以当句子为一般现在时,谓语动词用第三人称单数。‎ 短文改错对谓语动词的考查重点是并列谓语动词形式不一致、主谓不一致、上下文时态不一致、主动语态和被动语态误用、过去式与过去分词形式不正确这几个方面。‎ 感1.(2019·四川成都高三第三次诊断)I listed all of my achievements and the voluntary work I have done. ‎ ‎_________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:have→had 这里含有一个定语从句,先行词是the voluntary work,表示发生在“过去的过去”,用过去完成时,所以have改为had。‎ ‎2.(2019·江西横峰中学五校竞赛)All the international students was quite interested in my introduction.‎ ‎__________________________________________________________________‎ ‎3.(2019·天津高考)Amy, as well as her brothers, ________ (give) a warm welcome when returning to the village last week.‎ 答案:was given A as well as B作主语时,谓语动词的单复数由A,也就是本题中的Amy决定;由last week可知give表示的动作发生在过去,且Amy与give之间是被动关系,故用一般过去时的被动语态。‎ ‎4.(2018·浙江高考)While regularly eating out seems to ________ (become) common for many young people in recent years, it's not without a cost.‎ 答案:have become 根据时间状语in recent years可知,此处应用现在完成时。 seem to have done “似乎已经做过”。‎ ‎5.(2017·天津高考)I ________ (drive) down to London when I suddenly found that I was on the wrong road.‎ 答案:was driving 此处为be doing ... when ... 结构,根据从句中的found可知,主句应用过去进行时。‎ 答案:was→were All the international students作主语,谓语应该使用复数形式,故将was改为were。‎ ‎3.(2019·长春质检)You are the most considerate person who know exactly what I need in our class.‎ ‎__________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:know→knows 定语从句中的谓语动词的单复数应和先行词保持一致。‎ ‎4.(2016·全国卷Ⅱ)A woman saw him crying and telling him to wait outside the shop.‎ ‎__________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:telling→told and后的动词和saw是并列关系,故形式应和saw一致。‎ ‎5.(2016·全国卷Ⅰ)Lots of studies have been shown that global warming has already become a very serious problem.‎ ‎___________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:去掉been studies和show之间为主动关系。‎ ‎6.(2018·全国卷Ⅲ)It was Monday morning, and the writing class had just begin.‎ ‎____________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:begin→begun 根据语意语境可知,and并列句应用过去完成时,即had done的形式,begin的过去分词应为begun。‎ ‎续表 语法填空 短文改错 悟1.时态 对于时态问题我们可通过①时态定义,即各时态的基本用法;②标志性状语;③主从句时态的呼应;④固定句式结构;⑤语境暗示,这五个方面来解决。(参“考点素能一”)‎ ‎2.语态 对于语态问题我们主要是根据与主语的逻辑关系来解决,语态考查是包含在时态之中的,不可分割。‎ ‎3.主谓一致 对于主谓一致的问题,要根据主谓一致的三原则来解决。‎ 悟1.时态 短文改错中一定要注意:上下文时态、并列连词所连接的时态及并列句中的谓语动词的时态,都应保持一致。此外,还要注意过去式与过去分词的形式是否正确。‎ ‎2.语态 判断主被动语态的关键在于判断主语与谓语动词的关系为主动还是被动关系。‎ ‎3.主谓一致 熟悉主谓一致的语法知识为解题关键,平时一定要注意总结记忆。‎ 考点素能 一 动词的时态和语态 解答谓语动词的时态和语态的问题时,可通过以下几种途径来解决:‎ ‎1.通过“时态定义”解决时态:虽然新课标或考纲中列出了10种时态,但近三年全国卷主要考查一般现在时和一般过去时两种时态。尽管如此,以下8种时态的基本用法和构成还应掌握。准确理解常考时态的定义是做题的根本。‎ 一般将来时 will do 过去将来时 would do 一般现在时 do/does 一般过去时 did 现在进行时 am/is/are doing 过去进行时 was/were doing 现在完成时 have/has done 过去完成时 had done ‎2.通过“标志性状语”解决时态:高考中,很多题目本身就带有明确的用某种时态的时间状语,要学会利用这些状语来解决时态问题。‎ ‎(1)看到always, every time, now and then, often, seldom, sometimes,‎ ‎ usually等表示频率的时间状语,要想到用一般现在时。‎ ‎(2)看到yesterday, last week, two days ago, the other day, in 1998, just now, once upon a time等时间状语,要想到用一般过去时。‎ ‎(3)看到tomorrow, next year, in a week等时间状语,要想到用一般将来时。‎ ‎(4)看到the next day/morning, the next/following week/month/year等时间状语,要想到用过去将来时。‎ ‎(5)看到all the time, now, at 4 o'clock, at this moment, at present等时间状语,要想到用现在进行时。‎ ‎(6)看到at that time, at this time yesterday, at five yesterday, the whole morning等时间状语,要想到用过去进行时。‎ ‎(7)看到at this time tomorrow, from 1:30 to 4:30 tomorrow等时间状语,要想到用将来进行时。‎ ‎(8)看到since, recently, lately, already, in/for/during the last/past few years, so far, up to now, during the past/last+时间段等时间状语,要想到用现在完成时。‎ ‎(9)看到by that time, by the end of+过去时间,before 2000, by the time+一般过去时的从句,要想到用过去完成时。‎ ‎(10)看到by the time+一般现在时的从句,by the end of+将来时间的名词,by+将来时间名词等时间状语,要想到用将来完成时。‎ ‎3.通过“动作先后”解决时态:此种方法主要用来解决两种类型的试题:①并列连词and, but, as well as, or, or else, both ... and ..., neither ... nor ..., either ... or ..., not only ... but also ..., rather than等及从属连词than可连接两个平行的结构。平行的另外一个结构与所选谓语动词的先后关系,决定着所选动词的时态;②涉及主从句时态的题目,我们可通过考虑主句和从句的关系和动作发生的时间先后来确定时态。 例如:‎ One day, when I was drawing diagrams on the balcony and he ________ (bathe) inside, the volcano erupted unexpectedly.‎ 本句为and连接的并列结构,根据前面的was drawing便可得知此处应填 was bathing。‎ Mr White ________ (teach) in our school for nearly forty years before he retired last month.‎ 根据for nearly forty years可知应用完成时,再根据before从句中的retired可知,从句中用的为过去时,主句动作发生在其前,故应用过去完成时,即had taught。‎ ‎4.通过“语境暗示”解决时态:实际上,高考对时态的考查更注重“情境立意”‎ ‎,即考生在具体的语境下运用各种时态的能力。正因为如此,有些试题的时间状语和其他参照物都不明显,此时考生要树立全局观念,根据提供的语境,挖掘隐含信息,从而找到解题的突破口。 例如:‎ While online shopping ________ (change) our life, not all of its effects have been positive.‎ 根据语境结合后面的have been可知此处应用现在完成时,强调对现在造成的结果或影响,又主语为online shopping,故应填has changed。‎ ‎5.通过“固定句式”解决时态:所谓固定就是需要考生记住,因此考生必须要熟记一些常见的固定句式结构。‎ ‎(1)看到no sooner ... than ...或hardly ... when ...,要想到主句用过去完成时,从句用一般过去时。‎ ‎(2)看到并列连词when,要想到was/were doing sth. when ...;be about to do sth. when ...等句式。‎ ‎(3)看到It/This/That is+the+序数词+time+that从句,要想到从句用现在完成时。‎ ‎(4)看到It/This/That was+the+序数词+time+that从句,要想到从句用过去完成时。‎ ‎(5)在时间状语从句或条件状语从句中,如果主句是一般将来时,从句则用一般现在时表示将来。‎ ‎(6)在由since引导的时间状语从句中,如果主句是现在完成时,从句则用一般过去时。‎ ‎(7)看到“祈使句+and/or+陈述句”,要想到陈述句用一般将来时。‎ ‎6.通过“逻辑关系”解决语态:对于语态问题的解题关键就在于理清主语与谓语的关系,如果为主动关系,则用主动语态,如果为被动关系,则用被动语态。需要注意的是,考生在做题时往往对时态问题比较关注,但却容易忽略语态问题,因此我们可采用“先语态,后时态”的做题方式来避免此类问题的发生。被动语态在各种时态中的构成形式如下所示:‎ ‎7.注意“特殊动词”:有些动词(短语)的用法比较特殊,要格外注意。如belong to(属于)不用进行时和被动语态;date from或date back to(追溯到)常用一般现在时;系动词如look, seem, feel, taste, sound, smell, prove, appear等不能用被动语态。对于这些特殊的词汇,考生务必要记牢。‎ 二 主谓一致 所谓主谓一致,就是说在英语中,句子的谓语动词的形式应与句子的主语在人称和数上保持一致。主谓一致主要分为语法一致、意义一致及就近或就远一致,共三种。近几年来高考中对它的考查主要集中于语法一致和意义一致,并且常将主谓一致与动词的时态和语态结合起来进行考查。‎ ‎1.语法一致 ‎(1)可数名词单数或不可数名词作主语时谓语动词用单数;可数名词复数作主语时谓语动词用复数。‎ ‎(2)在定语从句中,关系代词that, who, which等作主语时,其谓语动词的数应与句中的先行词的数一致。‎ ‎(3)单个动名词、不定式、名词性从句作主语时,谓语动词一般用单数。但what引导的主语从句表示复数概念时,谓语动词用复数。‎ ‎2.意义一致 ‎(1)集体名词作主语时,若强调整体,则谓语动词用单数;若强调个体,则谓语动词用复数。‎ 常见的集体名词有:family, class, team, group, public, committee, government, audience等。‎ ‎(2)“分数/百分数/the majority +of +名词”作主语时,谓语动词的单复数取决于of后名词的数及其表示的意义;all, some, half, most, the rest等作主语时,谓语动词的单复数取决于主语实际表达的意义。‎ ‎3.就近/就远原则 ‎(1)就近原则:由either ... or ..., neither ... nor ..., not ... but ..., not only ... but also ... 等连接的并列主语或者在there be句型中,谓语动词常与最近的主语在人称和数上保持一致。‎ ‎(2)就远原则:主语后跟有with, together with, along with, as well as, but, except, rather than, including等引起的短语时,谓语动词的数要与前面的主语保持一致。‎ 过关检测(限时:30分钟)‎ Ⅰ.单句语法填空 ‎1.—Excuse me, which movie are you waiting for?‎ ‎—The new Star Wars. We ________ (wait) here for more than two hours.‎ 答案:have been waiting ‎2.Just as I got to the school gate, I realized I ________ (leave) my book in the café.‎ 答案:had left ‎3.Festivals and celebrations of all kinds ________ (hold) everywhere since ancient times.‎ 答案:have been held ‎4.Long ago Hongbao ________ (see) as a means of protecting children from evil spirits.‎ 答案:was seen ‎5.—You look so tired and pale. Anything wrong?‎ ‎—I hate to complain, but a new road ________ (build) throughout the night.‎ 答案:was being built ‎6.It is reported that his new book ________ (publish) by that company next year.‎ 答案:will be published ‎7.How close parents are to their children ________ (have) a strong influence on the development of the children's characters.‎ 答案:has ‎8.It took a long time but eventually the dog ________ (stop) barking and the man was able to touch it.‎ 答案:stopped ‎9.The famous musician, as well as his students, ________ (invite) to perform at the opening ceremony of the 2012 Taipei Flower Expo.‎ 答案:was invited ‎10.You rather than I ________ (be) going to go camping tomorrow.‎ 答案:are Ⅱ.单句改错 ‎1.I wept and said I do want to do my best but I just couldn't concentrate.‎ ‎________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:第一个do→did ‎2.More efforts, as reported, will make in the years ahead to accelerate the supply-side structural reform.‎ ‎________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:make→be made ‎3.Despite the previous rounds of talks, no agreement has reached so far by the two sides.‎ ‎________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:has后加been ‎4.—What time is it?‎ ‎—I have no idea. But just a minute, I check it for you.‎ ‎________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:check前加will ‎5.The fact that so many people still smoke in public places suggest that we may need a nationwide campaign to raise awareness of the risks of smoking.‎ ‎________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:suggest→suggests ‎6.They felt that the British economy was been held back by excessive government controls.‎ ‎________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:been→being ‎7.One-third of the country is covered with trees and the majority of the citizens is black people.‎ ‎________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:第二个is→are ‎8.Our school along with many other brother middle schools are to take another joint test next month.‎ ‎________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:are→is ‎9.The man returned the handbag after he made sure it was belonged to her.‎ ‎_________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:去掉was ‎10.A recent survey shows that the number of children who come from the countryside with their parents are nearly 320,000 in Beijing.‎ ‎_________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:are→is Ⅲ.语法填空 To be a charming (有魅力的) leader, it helps to have speaking skills that convey strength and experience. Contrary __1__ popular belief, a speaker's message may not matter as much as the style in which the speech __2__ (deliver). A new study finds it's a leader's tone of voice __3__ is actually important.‎ Researchers from the University of California analyzed the vocal styles of four US politicians. They found that while all of them presented __4__ (complete) different messages, they __5__ (change) their voices in similar ways, depending on the audience.‎ ‎“Politicians use voice as a strong tool __6__ (convey) their charm,” Rosario Signorello, one of the researchers behind the work, said at a recent conference.‎ When it comes to politics, it's not only about __7__ you say but how you say it. There's a good reason why some of the most successful politicians, for better or worse, are also known as outstanding __8__ (speak), able to persuade large and diverse crowds with __9__ (attraction) speeches. But it's not just about the words they choose; the same paragraph might sound boring in a flat speaker's voice but beautiful when __10__ (recite) by a Shakespearean actor.‎ ‎1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________‎ ‎5.________ 6.________ 7.________ 8.________‎ ‎9.________ 10.________‎ 篇章导读:本文是一篇说明文。文章主要讲述的是领导者的演说魅力的来源。‎ ‎1.to 考查介词。(be) contrary to “与……相反”,为固定搭配。‎ ‎2.is delivered 考查动词的时态和语态。本文阐述一种研究成果,且全文用一般现在时作为基本时态,因此此处应用一般现在时;又因speech和deliver “发表”之间是被动关系,所以要用被动语态。‎ ‎3.that 考查强调句式。一项新的研究表明,一个领导者的语调才是真正重要的东西。本句为强调句的基本句型:It's+被强调部分+that+其他部分,句中被强调的部分a leader's tone of voice为主语。‎ ‎4.completely 考查词性转换。修饰形容词应用副词completely。‎ ‎5.changed 考查动词的时态。根据上文的 “analyzed”“found”可知,此处表示发生在过去的事情,故应用一般过去时。‎ ‎6.to convey 考查非谓语动词。政治家们把声音作为一种有力的工具来表现他们的魅力。use sth. to do sth. “用某物做某事”为固定用法,故空处填to convey。‎ ‎7.what 考查宾语从句的连接词。当谈及政治的时候,它不仅关乎所说的内容,也关乎你表达它的方式。设空处在句中引导从句作about的宾语,且在从句中作say的宾语,故用what,意为“……的事物、东西”。‎ ‎8.speakers 考查词性转换。根据语境可知,此处表示一些最成功的政治家也被称为杰出的演讲者。空格前有形容词outstanding作定语,故空格处应填名词,且speaker “演讲者”是可数名词,其前无限定词,故应用其复数形式speakers。‎ ‎9.attractive 考查词性转换。空格处在句中作定语修饰名词speeches,故应用形容词attractive “有吸引力的”。‎ ‎10.recited 考查非谓语动词。句子主语the same paragraph与recite之间是被动关系,应用其过去分词形式,构成状语从句的省略形式。‎ Ⅳ.短文改错 ‎(2019·合肥一中高三月考)In couple of weeks, we'll say goodbye to our school. Now this is really hard to put my feelings into words. The past three years has general been a wonderful journey with you guys. To make the journey good and safer, our teachers had contributed their time and energy. We are grateful to what you, dear teachers, have done for us. No matter whether unwilling we are, we will depart soon. And it is not the end. It just means it's time to begin a new journey. Finally, on behalf of all the graduate here, let me to extend our sincere wishes to our school and to our teachers. Thank you!‎ 答案:‎ In couple of weeks, we'll say goodbye to our school. Now is really hard to put my feelings into words. The past three years has been a wonderful journey with you guys. To make the journey and safer, our teachers contributed their time and energy. We are grateful what you, dear teachers, have done for us. No matter unwilling we are, we will depart soon. it is not the end. It just means it's time to begin a new journey. Finally, on behalf of all the here, let me extend our sincere wishes to our school and to our teachers. Thank you!‎

