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第十二讲 八年级(下) Units 7—8‎ Ⅰ.单项选择 ‎( C )1.—How much do you know about Taiwan,Li Fen?‎ ‎—Taiwan and the mainland have a lot in common.And they all________to China.‎ A.support  B.explain  C.belong ‎( A )2.What a pity!Ann won't go out to have a picnic with us because of her________.‎ A.illness B.kindness C.manner ‎( C )3.Jeremy Lin is now one of________basketball players in NBA.‎ A.popular B.more popular C.the most popular ‎( A )4.(2016株洲中考模拟)There are many different kinds of moon cakes which________fruit ones,coffee ones and icecream ones.‎ A.include B.cover C.involve ‎( A )5.(2016岳阳中考模拟)Of the two coats,I'd like to choose the________one to save money for a book.‎ A.cheaper B.cheapest C.more expensive ‎( C )6.(2016张家界中考模拟)—Look,somebody________the blackboard.‎ ‎—Well,it was not me.I didn't do it.‎ A.is cleaning B.was cleaning C.has cleaned ‎( B )7.(2017原创预测)When the first coffee seed was brought in,coffee was________into England from the continent(大陆).‎ A.shown B.introduced C.provided ‎( A )8.—Can I borrow your book Little Women?‎ ‎—I________the book yet,but I'll lend you to read it first.‎ A.haven't read  B.don't read C.won't read ‎( C )9.________,Tim!The movie will be on in ten minutes.‎ A.Look up B.Give up C.Hurry up ‎( B )10.There are________people shopping in the new supermarket,because it is on sale.‎ A.four hundred of B.hundreds of C.hundred of Ⅱ.完形填空 Are we humans alone in space?Scientists have been working on this question for a long time.And recently,new__1__offer more hope that some form of life was on Mars in the past and perhaps is still there__2__.‎ According to a new report in the book Science,the Mars Explorer Curiosity has found more methane(甲烷)in Mars'__3__.It might suggest the possibility of life.‎ During the last 20 months,Curiosity has found methane many times,and four of them were tested at a level 10 times__4__than usual.“It's a great increase.”said Christopher Webster,the lead scientist.‎ This new finding has made a big change.In September 2013,Curiosity found almost__5__sign of methane on Mars.Just weeks later,however,Curiosity__6__the gas.‎ If there's methane in Mars'air,where is it coming from?Scientists aren't sure.Methane is also found in Earth's air and comes from animal and plant life,as well as from the environment__7__.‎ ‎“There are many__8__sources(来源),such as actions between water and rock.”guessed Sushil,a scientist of the Curiosity team.‎ Also,for the first time,Curiosity found some other organisms(有机物) in the rocks on Mars.Organisms are thought to be the necessary things to form life.Scientists aren't sure where these organisms come from.They could have formed on Mars__9__landed on Mars by meteorites.‎ For the next three years,Curiosity will__10__looking for more organisms in rocks and exploring Mars.There is still a long way to go!‎ ‎( A )1.A.discoveries B.inventions C.books ‎( B )2.A.in time B.at present C.at once ‎( C )3.A.earth B.sky C.air ‎( C )4.A.high B.highest C.higher ‎( B )5.A.all B.no C.every ‎( A )6.A.picked up B.put up C.gave up ‎( C )7.A.himself B.themselves C.itself ‎( A )8.A.possible B.necessary C.certain ‎( C )9.A.and B.but C.or ‎( C )10.A.stop B.practice C.keep Ⅲ.(2016张家界中考)阅读技能 Peng Liyuan,First Lady of China,made a speech in English at the United Nations on September 26.She talked about education and shared her Chinese dream with the world.‎ Peng began her speech with a story of her father.Her father grew up in a small village in China.In those days,not many villagers could read,so her father opened a night school to teach them.With his help,many people learned to write their names and read newspapers for the first time.And many women were able to teach their children how to read.Peng's father's love for education influenced her deeply.She was lucky enough to have a good education.Later,she followed her father's footsteps and became a professor of music.‎ Education is important,but still,some children in China can't go to school.Peng hopes that all children can have a good education,and that is her Chinese dream.‎ ‎1.In what language did Peng Liyuan give her speech at the United Nations?‎ ‎__In__English/English.__‎ ‎2.What's Peng Liyuan's speech about?‎ ‎__About__education/Education.__‎ ‎3.Did Peng begin her speech with a story of her father?‎ ‎__Yes,she__did.__‎ ‎4.Where did Peng's father grow up?‎ ‎__In__a__small__village.__‎ ‎5.What's Peng Liyuan's Chinese dream?‎ ‎__Peng__hopes__that__all__children__can__have__a__good__education.__‎ Ⅳ.(2016青海中考改编)综合填空 It is said that a cat has nine lives.But in a small town in England,there is a cat called Kitty,she almost used up all her 1.__lives__(life) when she survived(幸存) eight days on a long trip.‎ One day,while her owner Cindy was 2.__packing__(pack) up a box of DVDs to be delivered(投递) to her brother Jim,the cat secretly jumped into the box and fell 3.__asleep__(sleep).Then,she was sent to a place over 400 kilometers away without food and water,the cat was extremely dehydrated(脱水的) when Jim received the box eight days later.Jim took 4.__her__(she) to the hospital at once.And fortunately,the hospital said Kitty will be completely well.After 5.__learning__(learn) this,Cindy was extremely happy.“It is amazing!”she said.‎ Ⅴ.(2016邵阳中考模拟)英汉互译 The world is full of secrets.1.They__are__so__interesting__that__thousands__of__people__are__busy__studying__them.All around us are animals and plants.The facts about how they live and grow are interesting.‎ ‎2.Do__you__know__one__of__the__greatest__presidents__of__the__USA__spent__hours__studying__birds__every__day?A businessman became so interested in insects(昆虫) that he began to collect them.3.现在他有超过一千种不同类型的昆虫。‎ Then,come with me.I will help you find some of the nature's secrets.Let us go quietly through the fields.4.Here__we__shall__find__how__a__hare(野兔)__tells__others__where__the__danger__is.We shall follow a mother bear and her young babies as they try to look for food for their long winter sleep.We shall watch bees dancing in the air to tell the other bees where they can find food.5.我将会向你展示许多其他有趣的事情。But please remember to use your eyes and ears carefully when you go out of the doors.‎ ‎1.__它们是如此有趣以至于成千上万的人都忙于研究它们。__‎ ‎2.__你知道一位美国最伟大的总统每天花费几小时研究鸟类吗?__‎ ‎3.__He__now__has__over/more__than__one__thousand__different__kinds__of__insects.__‎ ‎4.__在这里,我们将会发现野兔怎样告诉其他兔子危险在哪里。__‎ ‎5.__I'll__show__you__many__other__interesting__things.__‎ Ⅵ.书面表达 上周某班同学就“音乐美术是否应该纳入中考”展开了相关讨论,同学们各抒己见。假如你是该班同学,请你根据下表的提示内容,结合你自己对此事的看法,用英语给校报写一篇短文。‎ 赞成 ‎1.重视艺术学习,……‎ ‎2.促使技能提高,……‎ 反对 ‎1.考试科目过多,……‎ ‎2.投入精力更大,……‎ 你的观点 ‎……‎ 注意:‎ ‎1.所写短文必须包括表中的提示内容,并做适当发挥;‎ ‎2.文中不得出现你的真实姓名和学校名称;‎ ‎3.表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯,书写规范;‎ ‎4.词数不少于90,短文的开头已为你写好,不计入总词数。‎ Last week,we held a discussion about whether Music and Art should enter the Entrance Examination for the High School.Students have different opinions.‎ Some__students__agree__on__it.They__think__they__should__pay__more__attention__to__learning__Music__and__Art,which__can__help__improve__their__skills.‎ Other__students__hold__the__opposite__opinion.They__think__they__have__too__many__subjects__which__need__to__be__examined.If__Music__and__Art__enter__the__Entrance__Examination__for__the__High__School,they__will__have__to__spend__more__time__studying__them,which__makes__them__busier.‎ I__think__it__is__necessary__to__learn__Music__and__Art,because__they__can__develop__our__hobbies__and__it__is__a__way__to__relax__ourselves.‎ ‎ ‎

