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‎2010年黑龙江省大庆市中考英语试题 萨尔图、龙凤、让胡路、红岗、大同区考生在答题卡上作答。林甸、杜蒙、肇州、肇源县考生在试卷上作答。‎ 考试时间120分钟。‎ 全卷共分两部分,听力部分25分,笔试部分95分,总分120分。‎ 第一部分听力(共25分)‎ I . Listening!本题共25分,Part One每小题1分,Part Two每小题2分,Part Three每小题1分)‎ Part One Choose the right picture according to the dialogue you hear.‎ Part Two Match the best choice from A to G according to the dialogue you hear.‎ ‎1. Who is the vet(兽医)? ‎ ‎2. What is wrong with the dog? ‎ ‎3. What is the vet's advice? ‎ ‎4. How often does Ms James walk the dog?‎ ‎5. Where are they talking?‎ A. They are in a hospital for pets.‎ B. It always barks.‎ C. Nancy is.‎ D. Mr Lee is.E. Make sure he has enough food and the doghouse is comfortable.‎ F. Once a day.‎ G. She seldom walks the dog.‎ Part Three Choose the right answer according to the dialogues or passage you hear.‎ 听第1段材料,回答第1〜2题。‎ ‎1. Why does the boy come to the shop?‎ A. Because he wants to buy some pencils and notebooks.‎ B. Because he wants to buy his father a gift.‎ C. Because he wants to find a gift for his mother. ‎ ‎2. What does he buy at last?‎ A. Some paper. B. A purse. C. Some paper flowers..‎ 听第2段材料.回答第3〜5题。‎ ‎3. the telephone number you hear in the dialogue?‎ A. 76382017. B. 76312980. C. 763S7210.-‎ ‎4. Who does Miss Wilson want to call?‎ A. Alan White. B. Mr White. C. Amy White.‎ ‎5. Why can't Miss Wilson come to the office tomorrow?‎ A. Because she will leave for Tokyo this evening.‎ B. Because she is still in Tokyo now.‎ C. Because she will be back at that time. ‎ 听第3段材料、回答第6 ~10题。 ‎ ‎6. .The magician(魔术师)did the tricks . ‎ ‎-A. in a theater B. on a ship C. in a shop ‎7. The magician did the same tricks because .‎ A. he didn't have anything new to show ‎ B. he wanted to teach his parrot to play the tricks : ‎ C. he always had new audience (观众)each week ‎8. When the parrot discovered the secrets and told the audience, the magician A. killed the parrot B. asked the parrot to leave C. did nothing ‎9. , so the ship sank.‎ A. There was a hard storm B. There were too many people on the ship C. The magician made a mistake ‎10. The parrot thought that he could not see the ship because ‎ A. the magician did a new trick B. it was broken ‎ C. there was too much water 第二部分笔试(共95分)‎ 第一节选择题(共55分)‎ II . Multiple choice (本题共15分,每小题1分)‎ Choose the best answer acceding to the meaning of the sentence.‎ ‎1.I met Mr Green's son, 8 - year-old boy, on way home.‎ A. a; the B. the; the C. an; the D. an;不填 ‎( )2. — Is this your shirt?‎ 一 No, it's not . It may be .‎ A. yours; someone else B. mine; someone else's C. mine ; someone's else D. yours; someone's else ‎3. What happened to him the snowy evening ten days ago?‎ A. at B. on C. in D. of ‎4. Our teacher told us that we should try our best to do it we could during the match.‎ A. as good as B. as well as C. as nice as D. so well as ‎5. Don't let him out alone at night. He is young and will be frightened.‎ A. go B. goes C. to go D. going ‎6. ― has Mrs Brown lived in Daqing?‎ ‎―She's lived here 2008.‎ A. How soon; in B. How far; before ‎ C. How much; on D. How long; since ‎7. — How much money did you on the dictionary?‎ ‎——Seventy ― nine yuan.‎ A. pay B. spend C. cost D. take ‎8. Old men here are well in the home for the elderly and they are having a happy life.‎ A. looked after B. looked over C. looked for D. looked down ‎9. ——Look! Do you know the old man is giving a speech?‎ ‎—Yes. He is our headmaster.‎ A. whom B. whose C. who D. which ‎10. fine weather today ! go out for a walk?‎ A. What;Why not B. What;What about C. How ; Why don't we D. What a;Shall we ‎11. ——Where is our headteacher, Mr Black ?‎ ‎—He be in the office. I saw him there just one or two minutes ago.‎ A. can B. may C. might D. must ‎12. ― Wliat did the teacher say before the class was over, Julia?‎ ‎——He asked us .‎ A. if we had any more questions B. what lesson would we have next C. why would we prefer to stay inside D. whether we have handed in our papers 13. You will not catch up with your classmates you put your heart into study.‎ A. unless B. though C. if D. because ‎14. Our monitor is never late for school , ?‎ A. does he B. doesn't he C. is he D. isn't he ‎15. — Would you like to come to our costume party this weekend?‎ ‎— , but I am afraid I will not be free at that time. Have a good time.‎ A. Thank you B. I'd love to C. Not at all D. It's my pleasure III. Cloze test(本题共10分,每小题1分)‎ Choose the best answer to complete the passage.‎ Most people like to travel on land because it's always safe. 16 there are still some people who want to travel in dangerous places. One of these places is the Arctic Ocean(北冰洋).‎ Men do not 17 the Arctic: Ocean very often. It is 18 clanger. It is dark and cold there in winter... The ice is dangerous, 19 . Especially in summer the ice breaks and moves 20 .‎ In February , John William started to cross the Arctic Ocean. He went with three men and several dogs. The dogs pulled the sledge(雪橇)over the ice, and on the sledge there was food and some 21 things for them. They traveled slowly 22 months.‎ In the summer the ice broke, so they 23 stop and wait for the cold days to come. Then when the ice was hard, they started the journey again. They stayed on a big piece of ice. The ice moved in wind and took them to the 24 . During their journey, a 25 dropped some food for them. On April 6 , they reached the North Pole(北极).Then they traveled to the south. They came back and reached the land on May 29.‎ ‎16.1. So B. But C. Or D. Then ‎17. A. across B. crossing C. cross D. go through ‎18. A. full of B. fill with C. stored with D. kept by ‎19. A. either B. neither C. so D. too ‎( .)20. A. quickly B. slowly C. highly D. comfortably ‎21. A. another B. other C. others D. the other ‎ ‎22. A. to B. in C. for D. with ‎23. A. had better B. had to C. might D. could ‎24. A. east B. south C. west D. north ‎25. A. ship B. plane C. train sledge IV. Communication(本题共5分,每小题1分)‎ Choose the best answer from A to F in the box according to the sentence given, ‎ ‎26. Hello, may I speak to Mr James, please?‎ ‎27. Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the No. 133 bus slop? ‎ ‎28. Didn't you catch what I said just now?‎ ‎29. Mum, I got the first prize in this math competition ! ‎ ‎30. You look so cool in this blue and white T-shirt!‎ A. Thank you. I am. so glad to hear that !‎ B. Hold on , please. He's coming.‎ C. What a pity!‎ D. No, I didn't. It was too noisy just now. Sorry ! ‎ E. Congratulations !‎ F.Walk straight on and take the first turning on Your left,. It is just, on. your right..‎ V. Reading comprehension (本题共25分,A, B,C每小题1分,D每小题2分)‎ ‎(A)‎ Pages from a diary :‎ January 12‎ It began to snow this morning. I can't see the village below or the mountain top above. I hope we have enough food. The puppies (young dogs) ― Jigs and Reels ― are with me, and they eat more than I do.‎ January 15‎ Still snowing. The dogs have had no food to eat since yesterday morning. An hour ago they wanted to go out. They know that things aren't right here. I put them out through a window because I can't open the door. The snow is two metres deep outside.‎ January 17‎ Still snowing, and the wind is strong. Jigs and Reels have been out for about three days. What do you think they brought back? Two grey pigeons (鸦子)and three other birds! I finished my own food on the 16th--so how glad I am!‎ January 18‎ Better weather today, but the sky is still dark. Three metres of snow outside. Reels killed a hare, near the house. I watched how he did it. Then he and Jigs brought it proudly home.‎ January 19 ‎ It's very cold , but the sun is shining. The puppies have grown up in a week. They are dogs now, and they can go out for food themselves.‎ Judge the following sentences True( T) or False(F).‎ ‎31. The heavy snow lasted for six days.‎ ‎32. I sent the dogs out in order to let them find food only for me.‎ ‎33. The dogs brought back five birds when they came back on January 17.‎ ‎34. It stopped snowing and it was fine outside on January 18.‎ ‎35. The puppies have grown into dogs because they can go out and look for food themselves.‎ ‎(B)‎ Match the problems in Column I with their solutions in Column II.‎ I II ‎( )36. Sometimes I get angry easily and shout at my friends. That makes them think I'm not friendly to them.‎ ‎( )37. In my teachers' eyes, I am a good student. Both my classmates and my parents think so. No one knows what my problem is. I often feel worried about my school work.‎ ‎( )38. My parents never allow me to play computer games at all. They want me to study all day and do well in my exams. I feel unhappy.‎ ‎( )39. I want to join in some after school activities , but my parents think they are too dangerous and don't allow me to go out alone.‎ ‎( )40. My mother gets- me to take piano lessons. She makes it a rule that I must practise two hours a day. I really try my best but I just can't play well.‎ A. Let your parents know you will not be alone. Also, you can ask a teacher to talk to your parents about the after-school activities.‎ B. Don't worry, even great piano players have to practise. Hard work and a lot of practice are the only ways to become a good piano player.‎ C. When you feel angry you should stop talking and count to ten or walk away until you feel better.‎ D. Don't worry. Everybody worries about their school work, even those students like you who study well. Find a hobby or a sport to help you relax for a while.‎ E. Tell your parents that many kids play computer games and do well at school ,too. Ask them to let you play computer games for a short time on weekends.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎(C)‎ Most people agree that children should have plenty of time to play , yet what do we do about it? We refuse to pay attention to the fact, and we forget all about it, because we think play is a waste of time. We try to build a large city school with many classrooms and expensive equipment (设备)for teaching, but give only small space for children to play. They have not enough play fields for organized games, such as football or basketball. Organized games need skill , competition and team work. It is true that small children like to play games of soldier and enemy with shooting(射击).These games are very often learnt from films. But long before the film age, children played such games ― running after another in order to catch him. Stories and films will make them know some kind of play , but playing is the nature of children of all nations.‎ Summerhill is the name of a school in which play is —the—most—important thing. Some children play all clay , especially when the sun is shining. Their play is usually noisy. Choose the best answer according to the passage.‎ ‎41. Nowadays large city schools have only small apace for children to play because ‎ ‎ A. the equipment for play is too expensive : ‎ B. we don't think that child's play is important C. children like to play football .‎ D. child's game is too noisy ‎42. According to the passage, the game―running after another in order to catch him A. was learnt from films ‎ B. appeared among children before the film age C. was not welcome among children D. was learnt from their parents ‎43, The writer thinks that children of all nations have the nature of ‎ A. reading B. studying C. sleeping D. playing ‎ ‎44. Why does the writer write this article?‎ A. Because he hopes people will not buy expensive equipment.‎ B. Because he thinks it is not necessary to teach organized games in school.‎ C. Because he wants people to pay more attention to child's game.‎ D. Because he hopes children will not play any games. ‎ ‎45. Which statement is RIGHT?‎ A. Summerhill is a good school where children are free to play.‎ B. Football is not a good game for children.‎ C. Children all think play is a waste of time.‎ D. The writer thinks that games are bad for children.‎ ‎(D)‎ There was once a man who spent all his life in his glasshouse. Flower was his name, and flowers were his joy of life. He grew flowers of every colour there.‎ Mr Flower's glasshouse was close to a road , and the children walked to and from school on this road every day. Boys often wanted to throw a stone or two at his glasshouse. So Mr Flower did his best to be in or close by his glasshouse at the beginning and the end of the school.‎ However, it was not possible for him to be there all the time. Mr Flower tried in many ways to stop students from throwing stones at his glasshouse, but nothing .worked.‎ Then, just as he was giving up all hope" he had a wonderful idea. He put up a large notice made of good strong wood some meters away from the glasshouse. Everyone could see the notice clearly from the road. He wrote on the wood these words: DO NOT THROW STONES AT THIS NOTICE. After this , Mr Flower had no more trouble. The boys began to throw stones at the notice , but the glasshouse was safe. ‎ Choose the best answer according to the passage. ‎ ‎46. Mr Flower built his glasshouse to .‎ A. keep himself warm in it B. enjoy the wonderful sunshine in it C. grow different kinds of flowers in it D. keep himself away from being hit by the boys' stones ‎ ‎47. Why did the boys throw stones at Mr Flower's glasshouse?‎ A. Because they did it just for fun.‎ B. Because they hated Mr Flower very much.‎ C. Because they didn't like the flowers grown in the glasshouse. ‎ D. Because they were asked to do like this by someone. ‎ ‎48. Mr Flower had no way to stop the boys throwing at his glasshouse because -‎ A. he was too old to see who did it B. the boys ran too fast for him to catch C. it was impossible for him to be there all the time D. he was too kind to beat the boys ‎49. Mr Flower put up a large notice made of good strong wood in order to .‎ A. tell the boys not to throw stones at the notice B. tell the boys to throw stones at his glasshouse C. make the glasshouse safe D. make the boys throw stones neither at the notice nor at his glasshouse ‎ ‎50. The boys threw stones at Mr Flower s notice because .‎ A. they wanted to do what they were told not to do B. the notice was closer to the road C. they liked the notice D. the notice was in the way 第二节非选择题(共40分)‎ VI. Communication (本题共K)分,每小题2分)‎ Complete the dialogue with proper words , one word for each blank.‎ ‎(Sam is talking with Mr Johnson, the manager of the hiking club in the hiking club office.) Mr Johnson: Good morning, young man ! What can I do for you?‎ Sam: Yes, please. I want to 51 your hiking, club.‎ Mr Johnson: Good , it's a wise choice. May I 52 your name?‎ Sam: This is Sam Smith. Call me Sam.‎ Mr Johnson: 53 do you do for a living? ‎ Sam: I am a doctor.‎ Mr Johnson: Why do you want to be a member in a hiking club? ‎ Sam: Because I like hiking. I think I can keep fit and make friends here as well.‎ Mr Johnson: How can I keep in touch with you? '‎ Sam: This is my phone number: ‎2765907L And my e-mail 54 is sam9071@ hotmail.‎ com. Mr Johnson: Here is the form. Please 55 it out. Sam: Thank you.‎ ‎51. 52. 53. 54. 55. ‎ VII. Reading comprehension (本题共15分;A题每小题1分,B题每小题2分)‎ ‎(A) Complete the passage with proper forms of the words given.‎ bring; thousand; have; lie; allow Have you ever been to Jiuzhaigou in Sichuan‎ ‎Province? It ‎56 in the southwest of China. It's a country park with beautiful lakes and waterfalls. There are large areas of wild forests which provide enough food and shelter(庇护)for wildlife. The scenery there is so beautiful that 57 of tourists come to visit it every year. The visitors 58 not only happiness but also pollution to the place, which worries the local people a lot. The local government has decided to turn it into a nature reserve. Cars are not 59 to enter the protected area.‎ I have planned to ‎60 a trip there with my family this autumn if I can get a week's holiday. I'm looking forward to the trip.‎ ‎56. 57. 58. 59. 60. ‎ ‎(B) Answer the questions according to what you read.‎ It is unnecessary to bring a gift when you are invited to dinner. but if you want to do so , it should be something small and inexpensive. You might bring some sweets, some toys for the children or something from China.‎ The following are some suggestions: a paper-cut is a lovely gift; if you want to make it even fancier(更别致),you can buy an inexpensive frame (镜框)in a local five - and - ten - cent store and frame(给......加框)it. Chinese tea is a wonderful gift; it is certain that Chinese tea is welcome in the United States. Since you have chosen it and brought it with you from China, the tea seems very special. Chinese book - marks are very good ones, and if,you want to buy a set of Chinese paintings which you like, you ‎ can give one of them as a gift. Another nice thing you can do is to cook some typical(典型的)Chinese dish and bring it with you.‎ However, it is not necessary for you to bring a gift if you come to dinner with a group of people; one small token (象征性的)gift from the whole group is enough. 61 .Is it necessary to bring a gift when you are invited to dinner?‎ ‎62. How should the gift be if you want to bring it to dinner?‎ ‎63. Where can you buy an inexpensive frame?‎ ‎64. How many kinds of gifts are mentioned (提到)in the second paragraph?‎ ‎65. What gift is OK if a group of people come to dinner?‎ VIII. Writing(本题共15分,A题5分,B题10分)‎ ‎(注意:文中不能出现考生的真实姓名、校名,否则不得分)‎ ‎(A) 2009年初,甲型H1N1流感在墨西哥出现,然后很快在西方国家蔓延,现在亚洲也出现了这种病毒的感染者。专家们说,从身边的小事做起,是远离;病毒的关键。请根据以下图片及方框中的短语,为每幅图片配一句话,说明我们应该怎么做。‎ wash hands ; drink boiled water; wear masks( 口罩);keep the door and windows open; take exercise ‎66. 67. 68. 69. 70. ‎ ‎(B)假如你是三年一班的王林,你所在学校的"爱心倶乐部(Helping Hands Club)将吸收新会员,你想加入该俱乐部。请根据下面表格和图示信息,用英语写一封自荐信。 ‎ 本人特点 身体健康;学习刻苦;乐于助人;与同学相处友好 平时表现 j ‎(见图片) ‎ ‎" 加入目的 ‎……(写出两点)‎ 要求:1.表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯;‎ ‎2. 要点须包括表格和四幅图片中的提示信息,但不得使用真实姓名和校名等;‎ ‎3. 表格中"加入目的"一栏内容由考生自拟;‎ ‎'4.词数:80左右。信的开头与结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Chairman ,‎ I am a boy student from Class 1 , Grade 3. I'd like to be a member of the Helping Hands Club. _____________‎ I will be glad if I am accepted. I am waiting for your answer.‎ Yours ,‎ Wang Lin ‎2010年大庆市初中升学统一考试英语试题 听力材料 听力材料 part One Choose the right picture according to the dialogue you hear.‎ 每小题你将听到一段对话,从A、B、 C三幅图中找出与你所听内容相符的选项。每段对话读一遍。‎ ‎1. W: jimmy, you look so healthy ! Do you often take exercise? ‎ M: Yes, I often go running in the morning.‎ ‎2. W: What size arc your feet? ‎ M: They are Size 8.‎ ‎3. W: We will have a picnic this weekend. What about: the weather. do you know? ‎ M: The radio says it will be fine.‎ ‎4. M: Do you like shopping?‎ W: Yes, of course. I often do some shopping on the net ‎5. M: Man', what's wrong with yon? You look so pale!‎ W: Yes. I don't feel well today. F think I have to go to see the doctor.‎ Part Two Match the best choice from A to G according to the dialogue you hear.‎ 听下面一段对话,从A ~G七个选项中选出所给问题的正确答案。本段对话读两遍。‎ M: Welcome to Home for Pot. I'm Doctor Lee.‎ W: Good moining,Doctor Lee. I am Nancy James. I am from Bright‎ ‎Town. ‎ M: Good morning, Ms James. Can I help you?‎ W: Yes. It's about my pet dog. He doesn't look well these days. And he always barks, ‎ there anything wrong with him? ‎ M: Well , do you walk him every day? ‎ W: Yes. I take him out to the garden every afternoon. ‎ M:Do you often brush his fur and give him a bath ‎ W: Yes I do it three times a week.‎ M: Remember to give him enough food and make. the doghouse comfortable. ‎ W: I see.‎ M: Don't worry. He will be OK soon. ‎ W: Thank you . Goodbye.‎ Part Three Choose the right answer according to the dialogues or passage you hear.‎ 听下面的对话或独白,每段对活或独白后有几个小题,请根据你所听到的内容,从所给的A、 R、 C三个选项中选出一个恰当的答语。听每段对话或独白前,你都有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各个小题将给出5秒钟的作答吋间.。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第1段材料,回答第1--2题。‎ W: Good afternoon ! What can I do for you?‎ M: Yes, I am looking for a gift for my mother. Her birthday is coming. ‎ W: Look at the paper flowers. How nice ! ‎ M: En, I don't think my mother likes them. Anything else?‎ W: Yes , what about the parse? Your mum can put her coins in it. ‎ M: It looks pretty and its useful. OK, I'll take it. ‎ W: Thank you.‎ 听第2段材料,回答第3 ~5题。 ‎ M: Hello?‎ W: Is that 763S72I0?‎ M: Yes. ‎ W: May I speak to Mr "White , please?‎ M: I'm afraid he's out at the moment. Can I take a message? I am his son, Alan White. ‎ W: Yes, please. My name is Amy Wilson. Will you please tell Mr Whiter that I can't come to the office to meet him tomorrow? I have to go to Tokyo tonight. ‎ M: No problem. I'll tell him, Miss Wilson.‎ W: Thank you. I will phone him when I get back next week. If he has anything important to tell me, please send c - maik to me. He knows my e-mail ad dress . ‎ M: OK. I'll tell him what you said as soon as he comes home. ‎ W: Thank you. Goodbye. M: Bye.‎ 听第3段材料.回答第6-10题。‎ Magic is becoming more and more popular this year. Now, you will hear an interesting story about a magician and his pet parrot.‎ The magician worked on a ship. He did the. same tricks each week because he always had new, audience. He had a problem. and it was his parrot. He saw each show and could tell how the magician did his tricks. " It's in the pocket. " "It's in the hat. " He always told the audience the secret. Everyone laughed while the magician was angry. But he did no tiling because he loved his parrot very much.‎ One. day , the ship sank because of a hard storm during his show. The magician and his parron came up from the water and caught a piece of wood. They floated in the sea for days without saying a word. At last, the parrot turned to the magician. " OK. I give up, " he said, "but where did you hide the ship?"‎ ‎2010年黑龙江省大庆市中考英语试题参考答案 I . Listening (本题共25分,Part One每小题1分'Part Two每小题2分'Part Three每小题1分)‎ Part One: 1. A 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. B Part Two: 1. D 2. B 3. E 4. F 5. A Part Three: 1. C 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. B 7. C 8. C 9. A 10. A ‎ II. Multiple choice (本题共15分,每小题1分)‎ ‎1. C 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. A 6. D 7. B A 9. C 10. A 11. D 12, A ‎13. A 14. C 15. B III. Cloze test (本题共10分,每小题 1分)‎ ‎16. B 17. C IS. A 19. D 20. A 21. B 22. C 23. B 24. D 25. B IV. Conimuiiicatioii(本题共S分,每小题i分)‎ ‎26. B 27. F 28. D 29. E 30. A V. Reading comprehension (本题共25分,A, B, C每小题1分TD每小题2分)‎ ‎(A) 31. T 32. F 33. T 34. F 35. T ‎(B) 36. C 37. D 3S. E 39. A 40. B ‎(C) 41.B 42. B 43. D 44. C 45. A ‎(D) 46. C 47. A -4S- C 49. C 50. A VL Communiaition (本题共i()分,每小题2分)‎ ‎51. join 52. have/know 53. What 54. address 55. fill ‎(:53小题首字母不大写扣0. 5分)‎ VII. Reading comprehension(本题共!5分,A题每小題1分,B题每小題2分) (A〕 56. lies 57. thousands 58. bring 59. allowed 60. have (B ) 61. No ,isn't . No.‎ ‎62. Small and inexpensive/it should be small and expensive. /It should be something small and inexpensive.‎ ‎63. In a locl five ― and -ten - cent store.‎ ‎64. Five ( kinds of gifts)‎ ‎65. One small token gift ( from the whole group). (61 -65小题首字母不大写.从总分中减去0.5分)‎ VIII. Writing(本题共15分,A题5分,B题10分)‎ ‎( A ) 66. To keep healthy, we should take exercise ever day.‎ ‎67. We'd better drink boiled water when we are thirsty.‎ ‎68. We must wash hands very often, especially before meals.‎ ‎69. Wc must keep the door and windows open several times a day to let the fresh air in.‎ ‎70. We can wear masks, when we are on busy streets or crowded buses. (B)‎ Dear Chairman,‎ I am a boy student from .Class 1 , Grade 3. Yd like to.be a member of the Helping Hands Club. 1 am healthy. I work hard at my lessons. I like helping others. I.‎ get on well with my classmates and often help them with their lessons. On roy way home, I often help old people cross the street. On the bus, I always give my seat to hhose who need help. Sometimes. I pick up rubbish in the park.‎ If I join the club, I can do more for others. Besides. I will be able to make more friends.‎ I will be glad if J. am accepted. I am waiting: for your answer-Tours ,‎ Wang Lin 书面表达评分标准 A) 总分5分;每个图片说,分,说明中须包含所提示短语。要求句法结构正确,句 式不限[如It's good/necessary/_. . (for sb. ) to do; We/You/I shold. do... /had better do. . . /need to do. . . /must do. . ,/have to do...等],与图片内容相符即可得分。‎ ‎2010年黑龙江省大庆市中考数学试卷 ‎ ‎ 一、选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分.在每小题所给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的,请将正确选项的序号填涂在答题卡上.)‎ ‎1. 有理数﹣3的相反数是(  )‎ ‎ A.3 B.﹣‎3 ‎ C. D.﹣‎ ‎2.下列运算正确的是(  )‎ ‎ A.a3•a2=a5 B.a10÷a2=a‎5 ‎ C.a2+a2=‎2a4 D.(a+3)2=a2+9‎ ‎3. 一块面积为‎10m2‎的正方形草坪,其边长(  )‎ ‎ A.小于‎3m B.等于‎3m C.在‎3m与‎4m之间 D.大于‎4m ‎4.下列每一个不透明袋子中都装有若干红球和白球(除颜色外其他均相同).‎ 第一个袋子:红球1个,白球1个;‎ 第二个袋子:红球1个,白球2个;‎ 第三个袋子:红球2个,白球3个;‎ 第四个袋子:红球4个,白球10个.‎ 分别从中任意摸出一个球,摸到红球可能性最大的是(  )‎ ‎ A.第一个袋子 B.第二个袋子 C.第三个袋子 D.第四个袋子 ‎ 5.如图,将一块三角板叠放在直尺上,若∠1=20°,则∠2的度数为(  )‎ ‎ A.40° B.60° C.70° D.80°‎ ‎6.某工程队铺设一条‎480米的景观路,开工后,由于引进先进设备,工作效率比原计划提高50%,结果提前4天完成任务.若设原计划每天铺设x米,根据题意可列方程为(  )‎ ‎ A. B. C. D.‎ ‎7.在直角坐标系中,⊙P、⊙Q的位置如图所示.下列四个点中,在⊙A外部且在⊙B内部的是(  )‎ ‎ A.(1,2) B.(2,1) C.(2,﹣1) D.(3,1)‎ ‎8.如图,将一张等腰梯形纸片沿中位线剪开,直接拼成一个新的图形,这个新的图形可能为(  )‎ ‎ A.三角形 B.正方形 C.矩形 D.平行四边形 ‎9.如图,一只蚂蚁从O点出发,沿着扇形OAB的边缘匀速爬行一周,设蚂蚁的运动时间为t,蚂蚁到O点的距离为S,则S关于t的函数图象大致为(  )‎ ‎ A. B. C. D.‎ ‎10.如图,等边三角形ABC的边长为3,D、E分别是AB、AC上的点,且AD=AE=2,将△ADE沿直线DE折叠,点A的落点记为A′,则四边形ADA′E的面积S1与△ABC的面积S2之间的关系是(  )‎ ‎ A. B. C. D.‎ 二、填空题(本大题共8小题,每小题3分,共24分.不需写出解答过程,请把答案直接填写在答题卡相应位置上)‎ ‎11.不等式2x﹣3≤3的正整数解是 _________ .‎ ‎12.中央电视台组织慈善晚会,共为玉树灾区募捐善款人民币约2 175 000 000元,把这个数用科学记数法表示为 _________ .‎ ‎13.如图(1),用八个同样大小的小立方体搭成一个大立方体,小明从上面的四个小立方体中取走了两个后,得到的新几何体的三视图如图(2)所示,则他拿走的两个小立方体的序号是 _________ (只填写满足条件的一种情况即可,答案格式如:“‎12”‎).‎ ‎14.如图,已知点P(1,2)在反比例函数的图象上,观察图象可知,当x>1时,y的取值范围是 _________ .‎ ‎15.如图,已知∠AOB=30°,M为OB边上一点,以M为圆心、‎2cm为半径作M.若点⊙M在OB边上运动,则当OM= _________ cm时,⊙M与OA相切.‎ ‎16.某中学推荐了甲、乙两班各50名同学参加上海世博会体操表演,经测量并计算得甲、乙两班同学身高的平均数和方差的结果为:=165(cm),=165(cm),S甲2=75,S乙2‎ ‎=21.6,世博会组委会从身高整齐美观效果来看,应选 _________ 班参加比赛.(填“甲”或“乙”).‎ ‎17.如图,网格的小正方形的边长均为1,小正方形的顶点叫做格点.△ABC的三个顶点都在格点上,那么△ABC的外接圆半径是 _________ .‎ ‎18.小颖同学想用“描点法”画二次函数y=ax2+bx+c(a≠0)的图象,取自变量x的5个值,分别计算出对应的y值,如下表:‎ x ‎…‎ ‎﹣2‎ ‎﹣1‎ ‎0‎ ‎1‎ ‎2‎ ‎…‎ y ‎…‎ ‎11‎ ‎2‎ ‎﹣1‎ ‎2‎ ‎5‎ ‎…‎ 由于粗心,小颖算错了其中的一个y值,请你指出这个算错的y值所对应的x= _________ .‎ 三、解答题(本大题共10小题,共66分.请在答题卡指定区域内作答,解答时应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.)‎ ‎19.计算:.‎ ‎20.先化简,再求值:,其中a=3.‎ ‎21.光明中学八年级(1)、(2)班学生参加社会实践活动,图①是(1)班社会实践活动成绩的条形统计图,图②是(2)班社会实践活动成绩的扇形统计图.请你结合图①和图②中所给信息解答下列问题:‎ ‎(1)填写下表:‎ 平均数 中位数 众 数 八年级(1)班的社会实践活动成绩 ‎3.5‎ ‎(2)计算八年级(2)班社会实践活动成绩的平均数;‎ ‎(3)老师认为八年级(1)班的社会实践活动成绩较好,他的理由是什么?(写出两条即可)‎ ‎22. 2006年夏秋,我国西部重庆等地连日无雨,水库的蓄水量也随着时间的增加而减少,如图是某水库的蓄水量y(万米3)与干旱持续时间x(天)之间的函数图象,‎ ‎(1)求y与x之间的函数关系式;‎ ‎(2)按照这个规律,预计持续干旱多少天水库将干涸?‎ ‎23.在电视台举办的“超级女生”比赛中,甲、乙、丙三位评委对选手的综合表现,分别给出“淘汰”或“通过”的结论.‎ ‎(1)请用树状图表示出三位评委给出A选手的所有可能的结论;‎ ‎(2)比赛规则设定:三位评委中至少有两位评委给出“通过”的结论,那么这位选手才能进入下一轮比赛.试问对于选手A,进入下一轮比赛的概率是多少?‎ ‎24.如图,点P是正方形ABCD的对角线BD上一点,连接PA、PC.‎ ‎(1)证明:∠PAB=∠PCB;‎ ‎(2)在BC上取一点E,连接PE,使得PE=PC,连接AE,判断△PAE的形状,并说明理由.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎25.小鹏学完解直角三角形知识后,给同桌小艳出了一道题:“如图所示,把一张长方形卡片ABCD放在每格宽度为‎12mm 的横格纸中,恰好四个顶点都在横格线上,已知α=36°,求长方形卡片的周长.”请你帮小艳解答这道题.(精确到‎1mm)(参考数据:sin36°≈0.60,cos36°≈0.80,tan36°≈0.75)‎ ‎26.如图,在平面直角坐标系中,以点C(1,1)为圆心,2为半径作圆,交x轴于A,B两点.‎ ‎(1)求出A,B两点的坐标;‎ ‎(2)有一开口向下的抛物线y=a(x﹣h)2+k经过点A,B,且其顶点在⊙C上.试确定此抛物线的表达式.‎ ‎27.在平面内,旋转变换是指某一图形绕一个定点按顺时针或逆时针旋转一定的角度而得到新位置图形的一种变换.‎ 活动一:如图1,在Rt△ABC中,D为斜边AB上的一点,AD=2,BD=1,且四边形DECF是正方形,求阴影部分的面积.‎ 小明运用图形旋转的方法,将△DBF绕点D逆时针旋转90°,得到△DGE(如图2所示),一眼就看出这题的答案,请你写出阴影部分的面积: _________ .‎ 活动二:如图3,在四边形ABCD中,AB=AD,∠BAD=∠C=90°,BC=5,CD=3,过点A作AE⊥BC,垂足为点E,求AE的长.‎ 小明仍运用图形旋转的方法,将△ABE绕点A逆时针旋转90°,得到△ADG(如图4所示),则①四边形AECG是怎样的特殊四边形?答: _________ .AE的长是 _________ .‎ 活动三:如图5,在四边形ABCD中,AB⊥AD,CD⊥AD,将BC按逆时针方向绕点B旋转90°得到线段BE,连接AE.若AB=2,DC=4,求△ABE的面积.‎ ‎28.已知:如图①,正方形ABCD与矩形DEFG的边AD、DE在同一直线l上,点G在CD上.正方形ABCD的边长为a,矩形DEFG的长DE为b,宽DG为3(其中a>b>3).若矩形DEFG沿直线l向左以每秒1个单位的长度的速度运动(点D、E始终在直线l上).若矩形DEFG在运动过程中与正方形ABCD的重叠部分的面积记作S,运动时间记为t秒(0≤t≤m),其中S与t的函数图象如图②所示.矩形DEFG的顶点经运动后的对应点分别记作D′、E′、F′、G′.‎ ‎(1)根据题目所提供的信息,可求得b= _________ ,a= _________ ,m= _________ ;‎ ‎(2)连接AG′、CF′,设以AG′和CF′为边的两个正方形的面积之和为y,求当0≤t≤5时,y与时间t之间的函数关系式,并求出y的最小值以及y取最小值时t的值;‎ ‎(3)如图③,这是在矩形DEFG运动过程中,直线AG′第一次与直线CF′垂直的情形,求此时t的值.并探究:在矩形DEFG继续运动的过程中,直线AG′与直线CF′是否存在平行或再次垂直的情形?如果存在,请画出图形,并求出t的值;否则,请说明理由.‎ ‎2010年黑龙江省大庆市中考数学试卷参考答案 ‎ 一、选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分.在每小题所给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的,请将正确选项的序号填涂在答题卡上.) ‎ ‎1.A.2.A.3.C.4. A.5. C.6. C.7. C.8. D.9. C.10. D.‎ 二、填空题(本大题共8小题,每小题3分,共24分.不需写出解答过程,请把答案直接填写在答题卡相应位置上)‎ ‎11. 1、2、3 .12. 2.175×109 .13. 13或24 14. 0<y<2. ‎ ‎ 15. 4  16. 乙  17. . 18. 2 .‎ 三、解答题(本大题共10小题,共66分.请在答题卡指定区域内作答,解答时应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.)‎ ‎19.计算:.‎ 解:原式=1+3﹣=4﹣.‎ ‎20.先化简,再求值:,其中a=3.‎ 解:=(2分)‎ ‎=(3分) ‎ ‎=(4分)‎ 当a=3时,‎ 原式=.(6分)‎ ‎21.解:(1)填写下表:‎ 平均数 中位数 众数 ‎(1)班的社会实践活动成绩 ‎3.5‎ ‎4‎ ‎4‎ ‎(2)八年级(2)班社会实践活动成绩的平均数;(分)‎ ‎(3)理由是:两个班的社会实践活动成绩的平均数相同,八年级(1)班社会实践活动成绩的中位数和众数大于八年级(2)班社会实践活动成绩的中位数和众数,所以八年级(1)班的社会实践活动成绩好.(对于合理的解释都给分)‎ ‎22.解:(1)设y=kx+b,‎ 根据题意,可得,‎ 解可得,k=﹣20,‎ 又有b=1200,‎ 则y=﹣20x+1200;‎ ‎(2)当y=0时,‎ 即﹣20x+1200=0,‎ 解可得x=60,‎ 因此,持续干旱60天水库将干涸.‎ ‎23.解:(1)画出树状图来说明评委给出A选手的所有可能结果:‎ ‎(4分)‎ ‎(2)由上可知评委给出A选手所有可能的结果有8种.并且它们是等可能的,(5分)‎ ‎∴对于A选手,进入下一轮比赛的概率是.(7分)‎ ‎24.‎ ‎ ‎ 解答:(1)证明:∵在正方形ABCD中,BD是对角线,‎ ‎∴AB=CB,∠ABD=∠CBD.‎ 又∵BP=BP,‎ ‎∴△ABP≌△CBP.‎ ‎∴PA=PC,∠PAB=∠PCB.‎ ‎(2)解:如图,△PAE是等腰直角三角形,理由如下:‎ ‎∵PE=PC,‎ ‎∴∠PEC=∠PCB.‎ 又∵∠PAB=∠PCB,‎ ‎∴∠PAB=∠PEC.‎ ‎∵E是BC上一点,∠PEB+∠PEC=180°,‎ ‎∴∠PAB+∠PEB=180°.‎ ‎∵在四边形ABEP中,∠PAB+∠ABC+∠PEB+∠APE=360°,∠ABC=90°,‎ ‎∴∠APE=90°.‎ ‎∵PA=PC,PE=PC,‎ ‎∴PA=PE.‎ ‎∴△PAE是等腰直角三角形. (其他方法酌情给分)‎ ‎25.解:作BE⊥l于点E,DF⊥l于点F.‎ ‎∵α+∠DAF=180°﹣∠BAD=180°﹣90°=90°,‎ ‎∠ADF+∠DAF=90°,‎ ‎∴∠ADF=α=36°.‎ 根据题意,得BE=‎24mm,DF=‎48mm.‎ 在Rt△ABE中,sin,‎ ‎∴AB==40(mm).‎ 在Rt△ADF中,cos∠ADF=,‎ ‎∴AD==60(mm).‎ ‎∴矩形ABCD的周长=2(40+60)=200(mm).‎ ‎ ‎ ‎26.解:(1)过点C作CD⊥AB,垂足为D,‎ 则CD=1,CA=CB=2,‎ ‎∴DB=DA=.‎ 点A(1﹣,0),点B(+1,0);‎ ‎(2)延长DC,交⊙C于点P.‎ 由题意可知,P为抛物线的顶点,并可求得点P(1,3),‎ ‎∴h=1,k=3,‎ 设此抛物线的表达式为y=a(x﹣1)2+3,‎ 又∵抛物线过点B(+1,0),则0=,‎ 得a=﹣1,‎ 所以此抛物线的解析式为y=﹣(x﹣1)2+3=﹣x2+2x+2.‎ ‎27.‎ 小明运用图形旋转的方法,将△DBF绕点D逆时针旋转90°,得到△DGE(如图2所示),一眼就看出这题的答案,请你写出阴影部分的面积: 1 .‎ 活动二:如图3,在四边形ABCD中,AB=AD,∠BAD=∠C=90°,BC=5,CD=3,过点A作AE⊥BC,垂足为点E,求AE的长.‎ 小明仍运用图形旋转的方法,将△ABE绕点A逆时针旋转90°,得到△ADG(如图4所示),则①四边形AECG是怎样的特殊四边形?答: 正方形 .AE的长是 4 .‎ 活动三:如图5,在四边形ABCD中,AB⊥AD,CD⊥AD,将BC按逆时针方向绕点B旋转90°得到线段BE,连接AE.若AB=2,DC=4,求△ABE的面积.‎ 解:活动一:‎ ‎∵四边形DECF是正方形,‎ ‎∴DE=DF=x,DE∥BC,DF∥AC,‎ ‎∴,,‎ ‎∵AD=2,BD=1,‎ ‎∴AC=3x,BC=x,‎ ‎∵AC2+BC2=AB2,‎ ‎∴9x2+(x)2=9,‎ 解得:x=,‎ ‎∴DE=DF=,AE=,BF=,‎ ‎∴S△ADE+S△BDF=1,‎ ‎∴S阴影=1;‎ 故答案为:1;‎ 活动二:根据题意得:∠EAG=90°,‎ ‎∵AE⊥BC,‎ ‎∴∠AEB=∠AEC=∠G=90°,‎ ‎∴四边形AECG是矩形,‎ ‎∵AE=AG,‎ ‎∴四边形AECG是正方形,‎ ‎∵BC=5,CD=3,‎ ‎∴设AE=x,则BE=GD=CG﹣CD=x﹣3,‎ BE=BC﹣EC=5﹣x,‎ ‎∴x﹣3=5﹣x,‎ 解得:x=4,‎ ‎∴AE=4.‎ 故答案为:正方形,4;‎ 活动三:过点B作BG⊥DC于点G,过点E作EF⊥AB与AB的延长线交于点F.‎ ‎∵∠BAD=∠D=∠DGB=90°,‎ ‎∴四边形ABGD是矩形,‎ ‎∴DG=AB=2,‎ ‎∴CG=DC﹣DG=4﹣2=2.‎ ‎∵∠CBG+∠CBF=90°,∠EBF+∠CBF=90°,‎ ‎∴∠CBG=∠EBF.‎ 在△BCG与△BEF中,∠CBG=∠EBF,∠CGB=∠EFB=90°,BC=BE,‎ ‎∴△BCG≌△BEF,‎ ‎∴CG=EF=2.‎ ‎∴S△ABE=AB•EF=2.(10分)‎ ‎28.(1)根据题目所提供的信息,可求得b= 4 ,a= 5 ,m= 9 ;‎ ‎(2)连接AG′、CF′,设以AG′和CF′为边的两个正方形的面积之和为y,求当0≤t≤5时,y与时间t之间的函数关系式,并求出y的最小值以及y取最小值时t的值;‎ ‎(3)如图③,这是在矩形DEFG运动过程中,直线AG′第一次与直线CF′垂直的情形,求此时t的值.并探究:在矩形DEFG继续运动的过程中,直线AG′与直线CF′是否存在平行或再次垂直的情形?如果存在,请画出图形,并求出t的值;否则,请说明理由.‎ 解:(1)由图②知:从第4到第5秒时,S的值恒为12,此时矩形全部落在正方形的内部,‎ 那么矩形的面积为12,即可求得DE=4;‎ 这个过程持续了1秒,说明正方形的边长为:DE+1=5;‎ 由于矩形的速度恒定,所以5~m也应该用4秒的时间,故m=5+4=9;‎ 即:b=4,a=5,m=9.‎ ‎(2)如图,当0≤t≤5时,‎ ‎∵AD′=5﹣t,D′G=3,PF′=4﹣t,CP=2,‎ ‎∴y=9+(5﹣t)2+4+(4﹣t)2,‎ ‎∴y=2(t﹣)2+,‎ ‎∴当t=时,y有最小值,y最小值=.‎ ‎(3)①当0≤t<4时,分别延长AG′和F′C;‎ 如图,由于∠1和∠2都是锐角,所以∠1+∠2<180°,‎ 所以AG′与CF′不可能平行.‎ 设AG′与F′C的延长线交于点H,‎ 当∠G′AD′=∠PCF′时,直线AG′⊥CF′;‎ ‎∴△AD′G′∽△CPF′,‎ ‎∴,‎ ‎∴=,‎ 解得t1=2,t2=7(不合题意,舍去).‎ ‎②当t=4时,由于点F′在CD上,而点G′不在直线AD上,‎ 因为AD⊥CD,所以AG′不可能也垂直于CD ‎(因为过直线外一点有且只有一条直线与已知直线垂直).‎ 同样,由于AB∥CD,而点G′不在直线AB上,‎ 所以t=4时,AG′也不可能平行于CD(CF′)‎ ‎(因为过直线外一点,有且只有一条直线与已知直线平行).‎ ‎③4<t<5时,延长G′F′交BC于P,延长AG′交CD于Q,‎ 由于∠CF′P是锐角,所以∠CF′G是钝角,‎ 所以∠CF′G+∠QGF′≠90°,所以AG′与CF′不可能垂直;‎ 当∠G′AD′=∠CF′P时,AG′∥CF′,‎ 易得△AD′G′∽△F′PC,‎ ‎∴,‎ ‎∴,‎ 解得t=4.4.‎ ‎④当t=5时,AG′与CF′既不可能垂直也不可能平行,理由同②.‎ ‎⑤当5<t<9时,因为∠QG′F′与∠CF′G′都是钝角,‎ 所以∠QG′F′+∠CF′G′>180°,‎ 所以AG′与CF′不可能平行.‎ 延长CF′与AG′相交于点M,延长G′F′与CD相交于点P;‎ 当∠MG′F′+∠MF′G′=90°时,AG′⊥CF′;‎ 又∵∠AG′D′+∠AG′F′=90°,∠MF′G′=∠CF′P,‎ ‎∴∠AG′D′=∠CF′P,又∠AD′G′=∠F′PC,‎ ‎∴△AD′G′∽△CPF′,‎ ‎∴,即;‎ 解得:t1=2(不合题意,舍去),t2=7;‎ 所以,综上所述,当t=2或t=7时,直线AG′与直线CF′垂直,当t=4.4时,直线AG′与直线CF′平行.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎2010年黑龙江省大庆市中考语文试卷 一、基础知识积累及运用(27分) ‎ ‎1.古诗文默写。(10分)‎ ‎ (1)窈窕淑女, 。(诗经《关雎》)‎ ‎ (2)沉舟侧畔千帆过, 。(刘禹锡《酬乐天扬州初逢席上见赠》)‎ ‎ (3)受任于败军之际, ,尔来二十有一年矣。(诸葛亮《出师表》)‎ ‎ (4)稻花香里说丰年, 。(辛弃疾《西江月》)‎ ‎ (5)古人常以诗言志。曹操《龟虽寿》中的“烈士暮年,壮心不已”表达了建功立业的雄心壮志;李白《行路难(其一)》中的“ , ”表达了执著追求理想的坚定信念;龚自珍《己亥杂诗》中的“ , ”表现了崇高的献身精神。‎ ‎ (6)在默写古诗词名句时,有的同学不能正确区别“雁”与“燕”而出现误写。其实,这两种形象在古诗词中表达的情感是不同的。“雁”一般与思乡有关,如 ,而“燕”一般则与报春有关,如 。‎ ‎ 2.阅读下面语段,完成后面的题目。(5分)‎ ‎ 一场地震,hàn 动了大半个中国。比较汶川大地震与改革开放前的几次天灾,jié 然不同的是信息发布时效与发布方式。面对这场灾难,我们有欣慰,亦有伤恸。我们伤恸,因为我们失去了众多亲爱的同胞;但在苦涩中我们也感受到一丝欣慰:在大灾大难面前实现的信息及时公开透明,让我们在战胜灾难时更加自信,更加百折不挠。‎ ‎ (1)给上面文段中的加点字注音,根据拼音写汉字。(4分)‎ ‎ hàn动 jié然不同 苦涩 百折不挠 ‎ ‎ (2)修改语段中画线句,让语段更通顺。(1分)‎ ‎ 答: ‎ ‎3.汶川大地震发生后,某中学开展了“向灾区孩子送关怀”的捐赠活动。捐赠物品中有一些课外书籍。下面一段话就出自其中一本名著:‎ ‎ 他把手枪放到膝上,狠狠地骂了起来:“老弟,这是冒牌的英雄主义!干掉自己,任何一个笨蛋,任何时候都可以做到。这是摆脱困境的最懦弱最容易的一种办法……把枪藏起来吧,这件事永远也不要告诉任何人。即使生活到了难以忍受的地步,也要善于生活,并使生活有益而充实。”‎ 选文出自名著《 》,文中的“他”指的是 (人名),请结合这个人物的主要精神品质,随书附上你对灾区同学的赠言。(不得摘抄材料中的句子,不超过30字)(4分)‎ ‎4.奥运盛会将于‎2008年8月8日在北京召开,五洲健儿将展风采。目前,奥运火炬正在全国各地传递。右图是北京2008年奥运会火炬接力标志(最上端图案为红色,中间为黑色,红色“Torch Relay”意为“火炬接力”,下面分别是“Beijing ‎2008”‎与奥运五环)。‎ ‎ 请仔细观察右图.说说图案的主要内容及其寓意。(4分)‎ ‎5.阅读《春望》,按要求回答问题。(4分)‎ 春望 杜甫 ‎ 国破山河在,城春草木深。感时花溅泪,恨别鸟惊心。烽火连三月.家书抵万金.白头搔更短,浑欲不胜簪。‎ ‎ (1)这首诗抒发了诗人 的思想感情。(1分)‎ ‎ (2)“感时花溅泪,恨别鸟惊心”历来为人们所称道,请你说说好在哪里。(3分)‎ 二、阅读理解及分析(33分)‎ ‎(一)阅读下列文言文,完成6—9题。(14分)‎ ‎ 【甲】曹刿论战 ‎ 十年春,齐师伐我。公将战,曹刿请见。其乡人曰:“肉食者谋之,又何间焉?”刿曰:“肉食者鄙,未能远谋。”乃入见。问:“何以战?”公曰:“衣食所安,弗敢专也,必以分人。”对曰:“小惠未徧,民弗从也。”公曰:“牺牲玉帛,弗敢加也,必以信。”对曰:“小信未孚,神弗福也。”公曰:“小大之狱,虽不能察,必以情。”对曰:“忠之属也。可以一战。战则请从。”‎ 公与之乘,战于长勺。公将鼓之。刿曰:“未可。”齐人三鼓。刿曰:“可矣。”齐师败绩。公将驰之。刿曰:“未可。”下视其辙,登轼而望之,曰:“可矣。”遂逐齐师。‎ 既克,公问其故。对曰:“夫战,勇气也。一鼓作气,再而衰,三而竭。彼竭我盈,故克之。夫大国,难测也,惧有伏焉。吾视其辙乱,望其旗靡,故逐之。”‎ ‎ (选自《左传》)‎ ‎ 【乙】宗泽传(节选)‎ ‎ 宗泽字汝霖,婺州义乌人。泽自幼豪爽有大志,登元韦占六年进士第。廷对极陈时弊,考官恶其直,置末甲。‎ ‎ 调大名馆陶尉。吕惠卿帅廊延,檄泽与邑令视河埽,檄至,泽适丧长子,奉檄遽行。惠卿闻之,曰:“可谓国尔忘家者。”适朝廷大开御河.时方隆冬,役夫僵仆于道,中使督之急。泽日浚河细事,乃上书其帅曰:“时方凝寒,徒苦民而功未易集。少需之,至初春,可不扰而办。”卒用其言上闻,从之。‎ ‎ 靖康元年,中丞陈过庭等列荐,充和议使,泽曰:“是行不生还矣。”或问之。泽曰:“赦能悔过退师固善,否则安能屈节北庭以辱君命乎?”议者谓泽刚方不屈,恐害和议,上不遣,命知磁州。‎ ‎ 泽兵进至卫南,度将孤兵寡,不深入不能成功。先驱云前有敌营,泽挥众直前与战,败之。转战而东,敌益生兵至。王孝忠战死,前后皆敌垒。泽下令曰:“今日进退等死,不可不从死中求生。”士卒知必死,无不一当百,斩首数千级。金人大败,退却数十余里。泽计敌众十余倍于我,今一战而出其不意,势必复来。使悉其铁骑夜袭吾军,则危矣。乃暮徙其军。金入夜至,得空营,大惊,自是惮泽,不敢复出兵。‎ ‎ (选自《宋史》)‎ ‎6.解释下列句子中加点的词语。(3分)‎ ‎ (1)肉食者谋之,又何间焉 间: ‎ ‎ (2)何以战 以: ‎ ‎ (3)今日进退等死 等: ‎ ‎7.翻译文中画横线语句。(4分)‎ ‎ (1)一鼓作气,再而衰,三而竭。‎ ‎ 译文: ‎ ‎ (2)敌能悔过退师固善,否则安能屈节北庭以辱君命乎?‎ ‎ 译文: ‎ ‎8.下列语句中表现曹刿指挥谋略的有( ),表现宗泽热爱国家的有( )。 (只填序号)(4分)‎ ‎ ①公将战,曹刿请见 ②齐人三鼓。刿日:“可矣。”‎ ‎ ③下视其辙,登轼而望之 ④泽适丧长子,奉檄遽行 ‎ ⑤议者谓泽刚方不屈,恐害和议 ⑥是行不生还矣 ‎9.曹刿和宗泽亲临指挥,各自取得了战役的胜利。请分析这两次战役取得胜利的原因有何异同。(3分)‎ ‎(二)阅读《欧美更新城市绿化观》。完成l0~13题。(8分)‎ ‎ ①绿色城市到底是什么样子?答案不是拥有多大面积的草皮,而是保留了多少乡土植物。几年前,一位美国朋友对我说,虽然她居住的城市位于沙漠中,但与北京相比,那里才是绿色城市。因为在那座城市,到处都生长着当地的沙漠植物,景致独特并与自然十分和谐。她讲这话时,北京正在大面积铺设进口草皮。这位美国朋友摇头说:“这样下去,北京会交得比沙漠城市还要缺水。”‎ ‎②我们那么不惜代价地去大量铺设洋草皮,是因为我们希望能拥有与欧美相比的绿色城市。遗憾的是,我们获取的信息完全错了。正因为人工草坪耗水太大,十几年来,欧美国家纷纷告别人工草坪,让自然回归城市。这样不仅 ,也 ‎ ‎ 。‎ ‎ ③住在高楼里的人没有建花园的条件,但拥有自己的小花园却是许多人向往的。德国的城市管理者顺应了这一需求,将社区周边以及城市边缘地带的各种荒地划成了花园区,供市民租来建设家庭小花园。荒地分成多个方块,由木栅栏隔开,每块地租给一个家庭。荒地的年租金在几百到上千马克不等。这些荒地被市民建成家庭小花园,成为一座座美妙的园林,也成为德国城市生态景观的组成部分。‎ ‎ ④这些小花园不仅为市民提供了业余劳动、休闲和教育孩子的去处,也开辟了园林产品市场。最大的好处是大大减少了政府绿化的投资。市民们在自己的小花园中都设置了雨水收集缸和堆肥箱,既能减少水资源消耗,还能使花园的土质得到改善,对城市环境的改善起到了很好的作用。‎ ‎ ⑤在英国,城市绿化的方案是在社区建乡土植物生态园。这种生态园与一般的社区花园有很大不同。生态园中的植被是模拟自然栽种的,各种乡土的乔木、灌木、草茂盛地长在一起。每个物种都有分布和习性说明牌。园中有多处供休息的木墩,还有让孩子们玩耍的小沙坑。生态园对社区居民最重要的功能是提供知识培训。一些英国大学生乐意定期到这样的乡土植物生态园来做志愿服务。于是一块平常的城市绿化区被最大程度地发挥出了多方面的生态价值和教育功能。‎ ‎ ⑥在加拿大,我们看到的是让野草回归城市。‎ ‎ ⑦人们在问:“我们给人工草坪浇水、除草、撒肥、修剪、再浇水、再除草、再撒肥、再修剪,最终得到的是什么呢?”所有的辛苦换来的只是片片单一、短矮、充满农药、缺乏美感的方块草地。在那片绿色下面是被化肥、杀虫剂和除草剂污染的土地。对这种不健康的绿化方式,植物园艺学家提议:让各种各样的野草来取代人工草坪。‎ ‎ ⑧这一新理念迅速在加拿大传开。实践后人们发现,这种顺应自然的绿化方法不仅能使自家门前在一两年内就长出生机勃勃的乡土花草,也能大大减少绿地对水的需求,减少人工养护,不必使用农药,而且由于色彩丰富而对鸟类和昆虫很有吸引力。现在,加拿大一些新建的居民区就保留了原有的野草地,产生出了人与自然共存的舒适美景,也减少了建造人工绿地的费用。‎ ‎ (引自《中国青年报》)‎ ‎10.阅读全文,为“绿色城市”下个定义。(2分)‎ ‎11.下列做法中不符合新的城市绿化观的一项是( )。(2分)‎ ‎ A.德国的城市管理者将社区周边以及城市边缘地带的各种荒地租给市民建 ‎ 成家庭小花园。‎ ‎ B.英国在社区模拟自然建乡土植物生态园。‎ ‎ C.北京大面积铺设进口草皮,从而拥有与欧美相媲美的绿色城市。‎ ‎ D.加拿大让各种各样的野草来取代人工草坪。‎ ‎12.联系上下文,将第②段画线处补充完整。(2分)‎ ‎ 这样不仅 ,也 。‎ ‎13.阅读文章与链接材料,说说你能为节约能源做哪些有益的事情。(2分)‎ ‎ 【链接材料】‎ ‎ ①石油引发了战争,石油造成了环境污染,越来越多的国际争端因石油而起。尽管如此,各国的石油使用量还是节节攀升,石油的价格也一路猛涨。‎ ‎ ②最近,瑞典官方高调宣布,瑞典将在15年内完全结束对石油等化石燃料的依赖,全面使用可再生能源。‎ ‎ ③瑞典不但发展可再生能源,而且大力提倡节约能源,并制定了相关的法规。‎ ‎(三)阅读《怎样纪念屈原》.完成14~17题。(11分)‎ ‎ ①汉魏时代,知道屈原是诗人的人不多,但每人都知道屈原是一个在政治上不能见容于楚国的忠直之臣,他的所以为诗人,只是在无可奈何中“援天引圣,以自证明”而已。所以提起屈原,“莫不慕其清高,嘉其文采”。清高第一,文采第二。晋宋而后,直至明清,屈原虽然始终是一个未曾过时褪色的大文豪,而且知道屈原的人也格外多了,但他的《离骚》却成为风流才子的下酒物。“嘉其文采”也已经走进了邪路, “慕其清高”者也就渺然了。现在呢,印刷既方便,宣传又热烈,知道屈原的人可谓已经遍地皆是。“屈原是我们的大诗人,等于人家的但丁、莎士比亚、歌德。”人人会这样说。不错,人家有什么,我们也有什么,于是屈原在二十世纪也还是一个挺时髦的人物,他是被用来作为替中国争取文化上的国际地位的帮闲诗人了。‎ ‎ ②我怀疑屈原是否愿意与但丁、莎士比亚和歌德共受膜拜。屈原从来没有自居于一个诗人,也没有写万行长诗的想法,也从来没有像杜甫那样地悲呼“文章憎命达”。他是因为命蹇才写文章的,并不是写文章以求命达的。屈原一生,始终在希望自己国家政治修明,至少要能与暴秦抗衡,不受侵略。纵然自己不能执政当权,一展其抱负,也希望在位者能砥砺奋发,不贪污,不腐化。然而他终于失望了。失望之后,才写文章。这些文章是他的“苦果”;不是他的“武器”。所以这些文章当然也不会发生积极的作用。于是他只好自杀。‎ ‎ ③把屈原的诗人身份提高,无形中就是把他的忠臣身份淹没了。大家闹嚷嚷地纪念屈原,很可能把他变做头戴桂冠的楚国朝廷里的弄臣,屈原之灵有知,也该后悔当初干脆不必写下那些抒哀的辞赋了。一个积极地与黑暗政治环境斗争的文人,当他知道终于不能获得胜利的时候,这悲哀是何等深沉,何等可怜。一人之得失成败,所关系者小;一个国家一个民族之从此被决定了覆亡的命运,这可不是小事。屈原之自杀,不是为了他个人之失败,而是为了他不忍看见楚国之日趋于覆亡之途。有心人在这样的场合,当然非自杀不可。但是中国文人,‎ 自古以来能了解此意义者,似乎很少。儒家虽然有杀身成仁,舍生取义的积极态度,但孔子也还说过一句“道不行,乘桴浮于海”。如果孔子而为屈原,我想也许还不至自杀,而宁愿遁迹海外的。司马迁对于屈原的了解,又更远。他说:“以彼其材游诸侯,何国不容,而原自令若是。”啊呀,这样说来,屈原之自杀,竟是傻透了,在楚国做不到官,难道不能到齐秦三晋去钻营吗?中国士大夫的见解和抱负,从汉以来就这样只关心着自己一身之得失,则虽为名臣廉吏,亦尚且不足以接武前修。屈原的悲哀,到底有几人能了解呢?‎ ‎ ④但愿我们真能了解屈原,真在衷心地纪念屈原。愈把屈原标榜作我们的民族诗人就是愈侮辱了屈原。只管纪念死了已久的屈原而不去援手一个快要自杀的屈原,就是丝毫没有纪念屈原。屈原早已死了,楚国也早已亡了。历史上的陈迹是无法翻案的。每一个时代的人都纪念死去的屈原,而同时又都嫉妒他同时代的屈原,这史实也重复地显现到如今,我们有什么理由可以自解呢?‎ ‎ (选自施蛰存著《待旦录》,l947年版)‎ ‎14.阅读全文,说说作者认为应该怎样纪念屈原。(2分)‎ ‎15.解释第②段画线句“这些文章是他的‘苦果’;不是他的‘武器’” 中“苦果”、“武器”在文章中的含义。(2分)‎ ‎ 答:(1)“苦果”: ‎ ‎ (2)“武器”: ‎ ‎16.下列对文章内容理解正确的一项是( )。(3分)‎ ‎ A.作者反对把屈原与但丁、莎士比亚和歌德相提并论,并非否认屈原作品的艺术成就,作者不反对纪念屈原,只是反对今人纪念屈原的方式。‎ ‎ B.作者认为不要过于把屈原的诗人身份提高,因为他并不是写文章以求命达的,是命蹇才写文章的。‎ ‎ C.作者列举孔子、司马迁的观点意在证明屈原自杀其实是一种傻透了、只关心着自己一身之得失的行为。‎ ‎ D.从汉魏到明清,屈原一直以一个政治上的忠直之臣、未曾褪色的大文豪形象出现在人们的眼前;从古至今,“慕其清高,嘉其文采”者甚众。‎ ‎17.如果说屈原面对命运是选择死亡,那么司马迁就是选择生存。你对他们的不同做法有何评价?请说说你的观点。(4分)‎ 三、作文(共60分)‎ ‎18.请以“谢谢你教会了我”为题,完成一篇作文。‎ ‎ 要求:(1)文体不限,诗歌除外。(2)表达真情实感,不得套写、抄袭。(3)文中不得出现真实的地名、人名。(4)不少于600字。‎ ‎2008年黑龙江省大庆市中考语文答案 ‎1.(1)君子好逑 (2)病树前头万木春 (3)奉命于危难之间 (4)听取蛙声一片 (5)长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海 落红不是无情物,化作春泥更护花 (6)示例一:归雁洛阳边;示例二:衡阳雁去无留意 示例一:谁家新燕啄春泥;示例二:燕子来时新社 ‎2.(1)撼 截sè náo (2)面对这场灾难,我们有伤恸,亦有欣慰。‎ ‎3.《钢铁是怎样炼成的》 保尔 示例:病痛炼就保尔钢铁意志,灾难也会成就我们光辉 ‎ 人生。(意近即可)‎ ‎4.内容:主体是两个共擎奥运圣火奔跑的形象。寓意:凤凰是中国古代传说中的鸟中之王,是吉祥、永生的代表,高贵美好的象征。以风凰的形象作为火炬接力的标志,象征通过火炬接力把北京奥运会吉祥美好的祝福传遍全中国,带给全世界。(意近即可)‎ ‎5.(1)忧国思家。(必须答全“忧国”“思家”) (2)示例一:诗人触景生情,原本能愉悦心情的花鸟,但因感时恨别,诗人见了反而落泪惊心,更烘托了自己“感时”,“恨别”之悲。‎ 示例二:诗人移情于景,以花鸟拟人,感时伤别,花也溅泪,鸟也惊心,其实是诗人自己内心感情的写照,形象动人。(如从修辞、用词等角度,只要言之成理即可)‎ ‎6.(1)间:参与;(2)以:凭借;(3)等:同样。‎ ‎7.(1)第一次击鼓能振作士兵的士气,第二次击鼓士兵的士气就消退了,第三次击鼓兵的士气就衰竭了。(2)敌人能醒悟而退兵当然好,不这样的话怎么能屈服于金人而辱君王的使命呢?‎ ‎8.②③ ④⑥‎ ‎9.相同点:指挥得当,以勇气获胜。不同点:曹刿抓住了有利的反击时机和追击时机;宗泽知己知彼,置之死地而后生。‎ ‎10.尽可能多地保留城市中的乡土植物,景物自然和谐独特的城市。‎ ‎11.C ‎12.示例:这样不仅降低了绿化城市的成本,也给城市带来生机盎然的特色植被景观。‎ ‎13.只要写出生活中具体的有益做法即可,不少于两种。示例:增加房屋的保暖性能,少用空调;提倡骑自行车或以步代车。‎ ‎14.不把屈原仅仅当做一个诗人而是忠臣去纪念;不让现在的屈原再死亡。‎ ‎15.苦果:指屈原政治失望后写下的抒哀的辞赋。(命蹇后写的文章)‎ ‎ 武器:用来实现政治理想的文章。(意对即可)‎ ‎16.A ‎17.赞成任何一人都可以,赞成两个人的做法也可以,关键看理由阐述是否充分。‎ ‎ 示例:屈原是积极地与黑暗政治环境斗争后,当他知道终于不能获得胜利的时候,以死践行自己的政治理想。司马迁是忍辱负重地活着,以完成《史记》,实现自己的抱负和使命,他们都是彪炳千秋的人物。(意思对即可)‎ ‎18.略

