2020人教版PEP英语六年级下册 Unit3 Part A 第一课时 精品课件

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2020人教版PEP英语六年级下册 Unit3 Part A 第一课时 精品课件

Unit 3 Where did you go ? Part A Let ' s t ry Let ' s talk 人教版(三年级起点 ) 六年级下册 Let's try 视频 Let's talk 视频 Sum-up Warm-up/Revision Presentation Test Homework ● Let's try ● Let's talk Review Warm-up/Revision Labour Day 劳动节 【注意】 表示节日的专有名词首字母要大写。 The Labour Day is on May 1 st . 劳动节在五月一日。 Presentation Turpan 吐鲁番 【 注意 】 表示地名的专有名词的第一个字母要大写。 She comes from Turpan . 她 来自吐鲁番。 mule 骡子 ( 也可指脾气倔强的人 ) 【复数 】 mules Mules look like horses . 骡子和马很像。 look like 看起来像 …… 【 同义词 】 be like What‘s she like?=What does she look like? 她长什么样 ? could ( 情态动词 ) 能 ; 可以 She could speak English when she was four . 她四岁会说英语。 till ( 连词 ) 直到 He did his homework till 10.00 . 他做作业 一直持续到 十 点。 【同义词】 until 到 …… 为止 , 常与 not 连用。 mule… 驴 …… 小小翻译家 Who is phoning? John had a phone call with Amy. Where is John? Where is Amy? Let's try 点击“ Let's try ”,跟我一起练吧! 视 频 Listen and tick or cross . x x √ John went on a trip on Labour Day holiday . 五一 Where did he go? Listen and answer the questions What happened to John? What did they talk about later? Let's talk 点击“ Let's talk ”,跟我一起读吧! 视 频 课文原文 Amy: What happened? J ohn : I fell off my bike last Saturday and hurt my foot. Amy: That’s too bad! Are you all right? John: I’m OK now. Come and look at my photos from the Labour Day holiday. 课文原文 Amy: Where did you go? John: Mt. Tianshan, Xinjiang. I rode a horse. Look, it’s very small! Amy: Oh, yes. It looks like a mule! Did you go to Turpan? John : Yes, we did. We saw lots of grapes there, but we couldn’t eat them. They won’t be ready till August. Answer the questions What happened to John? What did they talk about later? He fell off his bike and hurt his foot. They talked about John’s Labour Day holiday . Labour Day What did John do in Xinjiang? What happened to John? 重点句型一 What happened? 怎么了 ? 【 详解 】 What happened ? 怎么了 ? 当带上询问的对象“ …… 怎么了 ? ” , 就要用介词“ to ” (to 后如果跟代词要用宾格 ) 。 重点句型二 Are you all right? 你还好吧 ? 【 详解 】 这也是一个口语中常见的句式 , 用来询问别人还好吧。 【拓展】 另外 , 值得注意的是“ That’s all right. ” 与“ That’s right . ” 的区别 : “ That’s all right . ” 常用来回答“谢谢 ; 对不起”表示“不客气 ; 没关系” ; 而“ That’s right. ” 是同意对方的观点或看法时的常用语 , 意思是“对 ; 正确”。 Role play 情景选择。 1. 当你想问你的同学过去发生什么事情了,你可以这样问: ( ) A. What happened? B. What did you do? 2 . 当你想问你生病的爸爸现在还好吗,你可以这样问: ( ) A. Are you ill, dad? B. Are you OK, dad? 3 . 当你想用英语表达“我现在没事了。”你可以这样说: ( ) A. I am OK now. B. I am bad now. 4. 当你想问你的同学上周去北京了吗,你可以这样问 :( ) A. Did you go to Beijing last weekend? B. Do you go to Beijing? A B A A Test 重点词汇 Labour Day 劳动节 look like 看起来像 Turpan 吐鲁番 could 能;可以 till 直到 mule 骡子 Sum-up Are you all right? 你还好吧 ? 2 重点句型 1 What happened? 怎么了 ? 1. 熟读 Let’s talk 。 2. 背会并书写教学目标中的句子。 Homework Thank you!

