六年级英语课件-Module 3 Unit 7 Helping others Period 1 沪教牛津版

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六年级英语课件-Module 3 Unit 7 Helping others Period 1 沪教牛津版

Unit 7 Helping others Period 1 Think and discuss Did you ever help other people? Did anyone help you before? How do you feel when you help other people? Why do people help each other? People always help each other. We help our friends. We help our family. We also help strangers. Helping other people makes us feel warm and happy. Last month, I gave my seat to an old lady on a bus. She was grateful and said “Thank you.” to me. Last week, a woman showed me the way when I got lost. I passed on the goodwill. Roses given, fragrance in hand. Read and learn help the blind cross the street pick up rubbish (sweep the floor) read the newspaper to old people clean the table give seats to those in need (old people/ the disabled/pregnant women/the sick) help tourists find their way More things we can do Think and share More things we can do help classmates with their studies Think and share More things we can do visit old people in old people’s homes Think and share More things we can do be a volunteer Think and share Words of wisdom Do well and have well. There is kindness to be found everywhere. Good things come in small packages. Roses given, fragrance in hand. Think and share 1. Where are Sally and Peter? 2. Why is the boy crying? 3.What does the dog look like? They are in the park. Because he cannot find his dog. She is small and white. She has a pink bell around her neck. Read and learn bell neck Ask and answer S1: What does … look like? S2: He/ She is … He/ She has … Bunny Mrs Li Eddie Miss Fang Annie Fill in blanks 1 They _______ a movie tomorrow evening . a is going to b saw c are going to see d see 2 My mother is going to the supermarket _________ . a yesterday b two minutes ago c tomorrow 3 Look at the dark clouds in the sky. It _________. a is going to rain b rains c rained d is raining Read and choose 1 Today is Sunday. ( ) 2 The boy lost his cat. ( ) 3 The dog has a pink tie around her neck. ( ) 4 The man saw the dog half an hour ago. ( ) 5 The dog was near the gate two minutes ago. ( ) 6 Peter is going to ask the gatekeeper. ( ) T F F T Read and judge F F Today is _______. Sally and Peter are ___________. A boy is _______. Sally: Hello. What’s the matter? _________________? Boy : I can’t ____________. Peter: We can help you. _________________________? Boy : She’s ______________. She has a _________ around ________. Read and complete Sunday in the park crying Can we help you find my dog What does your dog look like small and white pink bell her neck Man : I saw her _______________. She was __________. Woman : I saw her _______________. She was ___________. Peter : Let’s _______________ then . Sally : We should also ask the ___________. Peter , you ____________.I’m going to __________________. Peter : OK! Let’s ______________________. Boy : Thank you for your help. half an hour ago near the gate two minutes ago near the lake go to the lake gatekeeper go to the lake ask the gatekeeper meet here in 15 minutes Read and correct Today is Sunday. Sally and Peter are in the park. A boy cries . Sally : Hello. What’s the matter? Can we help you? Boy : I can’t found my dog. Peter : We can help you. What is your dog look like? Boy: She was small and white. She have a pink bell around her neck. Man : I see her twenty minutes ago. She is near the gate. Woman: I see her two minutes ago. She is near the lake. Peter : Let’s go to the lake then. Sally: We should also ask the gatekeeper. Peter, you went to the lake. I’m ask the gatekeeper. Peter : OK! Let’s met here in 15 minutes. Boy : Thank you for your help. Say and act characters narrator Peter Sally boy man woman Can Sally and Peter find the dog? If not, what can they do? call the police ask others in the park to help … write a notice Think and write white a pink bell the gate the lake Write a new notice __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ My phone number is : Lost ________ Homework 1 read Student’s Book pages 42, 43 and 46. 2 Complete your notice. 3 Complete Workbook pages 38 and 40. Thank You

