六年级英语课件-Module 3 Unit 7 Helping others Period 3 沪教牛津版

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六年级英语课件-Module 3 Unit 7 Helping others Period 3 沪教牛津版

Unit 7 Helping others Period 3 Everyone wants happiness. Look and say How to get happiness? go shopping Look and learn go to an amusement park do sport regularly travel around the world have a pet eat nice food read good books share with others Some people think happiness is hard to get. I do not quite agree. Happiness is all around us. Reading a good book makes me happy. Sharing with friends makes me happy. A pleasant trip makes me happy. Being nice to other people makes me happy. Happiness does not cost a lot of money. Remember to keep smiling. A smiling face also brings happiness. Read and learn Think and write If you want happiness for an hour, ___________________________. If you want happiness for a day, ___________________________. If you want happiness for a week, ___________________________. If you want happiness for a lifetime, ____________________________. happiness helping others Think and say kid dog sad chess kitchen apple summer welcome together afternoon computer strawberry camera cat sugar wonderful moon hamburger 1 2 3 4 5 6 Say and clap Good afternoon, David! Try more Please go ahead! Try more Enjoy your swimming lessons. Try more What a wonderful world! Sally’s diary 16th May Peter and I were in the park. A boy was crying. He could not find his dog. The boy told us that the dog was small and white and had a pink bell around her neck. A man saw the dog near the gate. A woman saw her near the lake. Peter went to the lake and I asked the gatekeeper. Still, we could not find the dog. Then we wrote a notice. Finally, somebody found the dog and returned her to the boy. The boy was so happy. Peter and I were happy too. I felt great to help people! sunny Read and learn My diary _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Think and write Homework read Student’s Book pages 42 to 47. Rewrite the rhyme and chant. Complete your diary. Finish Workbook pages 42 and 43. Thank You

