六年级英语课件-Module 3 Unit 7 Helping others Period 2 沪教牛津版

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六年级英语课件-Module 3 Unit 7 Helping others Period 2 沪教牛津版

Unit 7 Helping others Period 2 neck bell Look and spell gatekeeper Quick response read Mind-map Where do they live? What do they look like? What can they do? habits bee ant Read and guess I am an insect. I am small and yellow. I fly among flowers. I have a sting on my tail. What am I? I am an insect. I am small and black. I live in a nest under the ground. Do you know me? pr ai se r ai se afr ai d r ai n r ai sin w ai st p ai nt Read aloud pr ai se e.g. People praise the bee for her hard work. Now you try My parents always praised me when I did well at school. Think and answer Why was the ant not happy? Does the bee work hard? Does the ant work hard? Because people never praise him. Yes, she does. Yes, he does. Think and answer Why do people like the bee instead of the ant? Because the bee works for flowers and people while the ant only works for himself and his queen. What do you think of the ant and the bee? Think and say hard-working smart helpful friendly … unhappy hard-working selfish … Think and say Do you have any suggestions for the ant? Don’t be selfish. Work for people and plants. Do good things for others. … Talk and share What do you learn from the story? A selfish person cannot earn people’s respect. Helping other people makes you popular. A kind heart is better than a smart mind. Watch and learn Think and say What does the ant think of the bee’s words? Continue the dialogue between the bee and the ant. You’re right. I’m too selfish. I only work for myself and my queen. I’ll try to help plants and people. I’m happy you said that. You’re hard-working. People will like you if you can also help them. How does the bee help flowers and people? Do you know? How does the bee help flowers and people? The bee pollinate s the plants. How does the bee help flowers and people? The bee gather s nectar. How does the bee help flowers and people? The bee make s honey. How does the bee help flowers and people? Honey is good for people’s health. An ant can lift more than 400 times its own weight. Do you know? The ant live s in an ant hill. Do you know? The queen ant can live for up to 15 years. Do you know? Do you know? Termites damage trees and buildings. Homework 1 read S tudent’s Book pages 44 and 45. 2 Recite the dialogue. 3 Finish Workbook pages 45. Thank You

