2020人教版PEP英语六年级下册 Unit 2 Part B 第一课时 精品课件

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2020人教版PEP英语六年级下册 Unit 2 Part B 第一课时 精品课件

Unit 2 Last weekend Part B Let ' s t ry Let ' s talk 人教版(三年级起点 ) 六年级下册 Let's try 视频 Let's talk 视频 Sum-up Warm-up/Revision Presentation Test Homework ● Let's try ● Let's talk Free talk How was your weekend ? interesting , busy , happy , good , nice What did you do? Did you ...? Warm-up/Revision magazine 杂志 【短语】 weekly magazine 周刊  film magazine 电影杂志 He read a film magazine yesterday. 昨天 他 读了本电影杂志。 Presentation lot 很 ; 非常 【短语】 a lot of 许多  lots of 许多 ; 大量 He likes magazines a lot . 他非常喜欢 电影杂志。 feel 感觉 ; 认为 【短语】 feel better 感觉好点了 He doesn’t feel better now. 他感觉不舒服。 Let's try 点击“ Let's try ”,跟我一起练吧! 视 频 1 . What did John do last weekend? A. He slept. B. He read a new film magazine. 2. Are Wu Yifan and John going to meet Amy together? A . Yes, they are. B. No, they aren’t. Let’s try Listen and answer the questions Did John see a film last weekend? What did he do? Let’s talk Let's talk 点击“ Let's talk ”,跟我一起读吧! 视 频 John: Hey, Amy. Let’s go to the bookstore. I want to buy the new film magazine. Amy: Oh, I read it last weekend. John: Was it interesting? Amy: Yes, it talked about a lot of new films. What did you do last weekend? Did you see a film? John: No, I had a cold. I s tayed at home all weekend and slept. Amy: Oh, I’m sorry. I’m happy you feel better now. John: Thanks. Let’s go by bus. It’s faster than walking. Was it interesting ? 它有趣 吗 ? 【 详解 】 这是一般过去时的句子 , 用来询问某人或某物在过去是不是某种状态。 【 句型结构 】 Was/Were+ 主语 + 形容词? 重点句型 Were you busy yesterday? 你昨天忙吗? 连词成句。 1. cold, I, a, have(.) I have a cold. 2. interesting, is, was, it( ?) Was it interesting ? Test 重点词汇 magazine 杂志 read 读 have 患病 ; 得病 sleep 睡觉 feel 感觉 ; 认为 lot 很 ; 非常 Sum-up 重点句型 Was it interesting? 它有趣吗 ? 以 My weekend 为题讲述自己的 周末 活动,全班投票看谁的讲述更 有趣 ,语言更精准。 Homework Thank you!

