六年级下册英语课件-Module 2 Unit 6 PE lessons Period 3 沪教牛津版(深圳用)

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六年级下册英语课件-Module 2 Unit 6 PE lessons Period 3 沪教牛津版(深圳用)

Unit 6 PE lessons Period 3 Ask and answer >>Review For swimming lesson, what do you need ? For swimming lesson, what should you do? Ask and answer >>Review For swimming lesson, what do you need ? For swimming lesson, what should you do? We need a swimsuit, a swimming cap and a pair of swimming goggles. First, we should wash ourselves. Next, we should do warm-up exercises. … Ask and answer >>Presentation Do a survey >>Practice What is your favourite activity in PE lessons? Ask and answer the question with your classmates . What’s your favourite activity in PE lessons? I like playing football. Do a survey >>Practice There are eight students in my group. Five students like football. All the students like basketball. Two students like volleyball. All the students like swimming. Think and write >>Practice run long races, short races playing football five running short races playing volleyball One student likes running long races and play ball games Write a report about your survey. Learn the sounds >>Presentation Learn the sounds >>Presentation /j/ y es, y ou /h/ h e, h at Learn the sounds >>Presentation /w/ w e, w ind wh en, wh at Learn the sounds >>Presentation /l/ l ik e, l ate, he l p, oi l /r/ r adio , r ed hu rr y, wo rr y circle >>Practice >>Summary What’s your favourite activity in PE lessons? 1. 重点句型: 2 . 语音复习 : y/j/ h/h/ w/w/ wh/w/ l/l/ r/r/ rr/r/ Thank You

