六年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 Who’s That Man?Period 1 陕旅版(三起)

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六年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 Who’s That Man?Period 1 陕旅版(三起)

Unit 3 Who’s That Man? 第一课时 >>Review Magic fingers a bowl of noodles a plate of beef a glass of juice a bottle of water a cup of tea a piece of bread Look and say — What would you like? — I’d/ We’d like… >>Review >>Lead-in Review What’s missing? worker farmer teacher driver doctor >>Presentation Look and choose a. b. c. d. e. f. farmer ____ teacher ____ worker ____ driver ____ doctor ____ nurse ____ f c b a d e >>Presentation Talk about the pictures above What is this man? t He is a driver . What about this woman? She is a nurse . Pair work >>Presentation Let’s learn She is a student in a primary school. She is not in a middle school. So she is a pupil , too. pupil Let’s learn >>Presentation Who’s that man? t He is Chen Long. He can act. What does he do? He is an actor . act or Chen Long is an act or. Let’s learn >>Presentation Who’s that man? t He is Yao Ming. And he is a basketball player . He can play basketball very well. b asketball player Let’s learn >>Presentation scientist Einstein is a scientist . He is a scientist . >>Practice Magic fingers scientist pupil basketball player actor >>Presentation Let’s learn singer — She is a singer . — What does she do? >>Presentation Let’s learn reporter — He is a reporter . — What does he do? >>Presentation Let’s learn police officer — He is a police officer . — What does he do? >>Practice Quick response Game >>Practice Remember: What’s this? basketball player scientist pupil ? ? ? >>Practice Remember: What’s this? reporter police officer actor ? ? ? >>Practice Remember: What’s this? reporter pupil scientist ? ? ? >>Summary pupil actor singer reporter 本课所学的表示职业类的单词有哪些? scientist police officer basketball player >>Homework 1 . 按照 正确的语音、语调朗读并表演课文对话。 2. 正确书写本课所学单词 5 遍,并让家长听写 1 遍。 3 . 预习“ Let’s talk ”。 Thank You.

