六年级下册英语课件:Unit 1 How tall are you?C人教PEP版

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六年级下册英语课件:Unit 1 How tall are you?C人教PEP版

A goalkeeper! Let's chant Taller, taller, I am taller. Thinner,thinner, I am thinner. Older,older, I am older. Heavier,heavier, I am heavier. Stronger,stronger, I am stronger. 守门员 • bee housekeeper keeperbee Mr Giraffe Mr Zebra Mr Deer Mr Dog They need a new goalkeeper. I'd like to have a try.Me too. I can't wait. 1、What can you see? 2、What's happening? 3、What are they talking about? Group work very very good 几乎 Let's think 1、Do they need a tall goalkeeper? 2、What kind of goalkeeper do they want? 3、Who is the goalkeeper? Mr Hippo Act the story If you choose one or two parts to act,you can get 2 goals. If you act the whole(全部的) story out ,you can get 3 goals. If you add(增加) some other sentences and act them out,you can get 5 goals. Act the story Summary Homework a.Tell the story to your friends. b.Continue writing the story. (Next day,they are going to have a football match......)

