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闽教版(2013)四年级下册Unit 3 School Subjects Part A ‎ Good morning all teachers and judges , my name is Allen .Thank you for all coming here . Today i am going to talk about the English textbook in the second terms of grade four ,unit 3 ,part A. The title is school subjects . Thank you for all setting aside your precious time to evaluate my trial teaching .‎ First of all ,let’s talk about teaching material 一.The Status and function of teaching material In part A , it mainly talk about school subjects . In this part ,the students will learn some basic useful expressions about school subjects. Such a topic is related to our daily life ,so students can know how to express something about school subjects after learning this part. In light of this ,it can trigger students’ interest in English and there is no doubt that it can improve students’ spoken English after leaning this part .‎ 二.Analysis of the students ‎ The students in grade four have learned English for one year,but they still lack some learning strategies and and their vocabulary is still limited . Given this point , it is very important for the teachers to help them expand their vocabulary . In the meanwhile , to make more progress,the students should study English under the guidance of teachers.what’s more , the teachers should teach them some basic useful expressions ‎ 三. Teaching aims and demands ‎ ‎1.Knowledge aims u Learn new English words :math,music,Chinese,art,worry and help u Learn new sentence pattern : What day is today? It’s... . .We have…class this morning.‎ u Learn the pronunciation of “w” ‎ ‎2.Language skill aims ‎ u Ask students to read and write English words math,music,Chinese and art correctly.‎ u Ask students to use the sentence pattern to talk about something about school curriculum ‎ ‎3.Emotional aims ‎ u Cultivate students’ awareness of time and how to arrange time in subjects ‎ u Foster students’ ability to work in a team 四. The difficult and key points of this lesson u Ask students to have a good command of the sentence pattern :What day is today? It’s... . .We have…class this morning.‎ u Ask students to read and write some new words about week and subjects such as Wednesday and math . The new words in this part are longer than that of before ,which enhances students’ difficulty in learning English.‎ 五.Teaching aids : vocabulary card ,school curriculum schedule ,the textbook that students are using,chalk and blackboard as well as radio.‎ Second , let’s talk about teaching and studying methods u Student-centering learning :many teachers often ignore students’ roles in class. As a matter of fact ,it is not right . Teachers should know more about students’ feature and then ask them to give a response in due course.‎ u Activity learning :students tend to lack interest in learning english . The best way to enhance their motive to learn is activity ,because most of students like activity .‎ u Group work : ask students to find partners to make a dialogue by using some related vocabulary and sentence patterns that they have learned in this class . They can have a better understanding of language points by doing so.‎ Third, let’s talk about teaching procedures Step 1 Warm-up Greet to students and ask students how many days a week has. Ask students to answer my question .And then teacher give the correct answer :There are seven days in a week.From Monday to Friday we learn a lot of things in the school.Look,this is our class schedule.Today is... .We have... this morning.We have... this afternoon.So today we are going to talk about school subjects.‎ Step 2 Presentation ‎ u The teacher lead students to read and learn the English words about subjects. After that ,the teacher will take out a vocabulary card that writes some words about subjects and ask students to read the subjects in English and ask them to write it down . ‎ u The teacher will lead the students to read the textbook in part A u The teacher ask students the question that what day it is today and then ask students to give a response in English . For example ,the teacher will ask what day is it today ?the students would answer :it is Tuesday /monday ..... ..... ...... .......‎ u The teacher let students listen to the material in page 16 and then ask students to imitate and follow .‎ u The teacher show students the language points . Ask students to have a good command of the two sentence pattern:What day is today? It’s... . We have…class this morning.‎ Step 3 Practice u The teacher take out school curriculum schedule and ask students to practice the two sentence pattern :What day is today? It’s... . We have…class this morning.‎ u The teacher can ask students what class we have today For example ,when the teacher write the word “English” in blackboard ,the students should answer that we have English class ‎ today .‎ u Work in group . Ask students to find a partner and then ask them to make a dialogue by using some new words and sentence pattern that we have learn in this class.‎ Step 4 Consolidation and extension u According to the school curriculum schedule ,the teacher will ask students to find partner and complete the excise in page 17.‎ u Ask students to listen to the radio material in page 17 and then ask them to imitate the pronunciation of “w”, such as window and we as well as winner .‎ u The teacher will arrange a longer dialogue for students and ask them to imitate and learn how to talk about some topics about school subjects .for example , What day is today? It’s. Monday . ............ . . We have math and English................… class this morning. I like English ,but i don’t like math . Don’t worry , i can help you .‎ Step 5 general review The teacher make a conclusion about what they have learn in this class so that students can have a better understanding of their knowledge.‎ ‎ ‎ Homework ‎ u Ask students to review and have a good command what they have ‎ learned in this class ‎ u Ask them to make a dialogue by using what they have leaned in this class u Ask them to memorize the new words and sentence pattern in this class.‎ 闽教版(2013)四年级下册 Unit 6 Weather Part A Good morning all teachers and judges ,my name is Allen .Thank you for all coming here . Today i am going to talk about the English textbook in the second terms of grade four ,unit 3 ,part A. The title is school subjects . Thank you for all setting aside your precious time to evaluate my trial teaching .‎ First of all ,let’s talk about teaching material 一.The Status and function of teaching material In part A , it mainly talk about weather . In this part ,the students will learn some basic useful expr,essions about weather. Such a topic is related to our daily life ,so students can know how to express something about weather condition after learning this part. In light of this ,it can trigger students’ interest in English and there is no doubt that it can improve students’ spoken English after leaning this part .‎ 二.Analysis of the students ‎ The students in grade four have learned English for one and a half year,but they still lack some learning strategies and and their vocabulary is still limited . Given this point , it is very important for the teachers to help them expand their vocabulary . In the meanwhile , to make more progress,the students should study English under the guidance of teachers.what’s more , the teachers should teach them some basic useful expressions ‎ 三.teaching aims and demands ‎ ‎1.Knowledge aims u Learn new words :weather,snow,cold,rain,but ,warm u Learn the sentence pattern and make a response to it .‎ ‎ 1.How is the weather in .... .it is .....‎ ‎2. What do you wear ? I wear.....‎ u Learn the pronunciation of “s”‎ ‎2.Language skill aims u Read the correct pronunciation of the english words: snow,cold,rain,warm ,and ask students to write them down.‎ u Learn the idiom : it rains cats and dogs ‎3.Emotional aims u Cultivate students’ ability to cooperate with others u Cultivate students’ awareness of wearing suitable clothes in different kinds of weather,which can enhance their ability to take care of ‎ themselves.‎ 四.The difficult and key points of this lesson use the fixed sentence pattern to express weather condition.how is the weather in ....., it is ..... What do you wear ? I wear ....‎ 五.Teaching aids : radio ,chalk ,blackboard ,vocabulary card about weather and clothes,computer .‎ Second , let’s talk about teaching and studying methods u Student-centering learning :many teachers often ignore students’ roles in class. As a matter of fact ,it is not right . Teachers should know more about students’ feature and then ask them to give a response in due course.‎ u Task learning :students tend to lack interest in learning english ,if so,they tend to can’t concentrate themselves on studying. Face with this situation , the teacher can arrange some tasks for students so that they can focus on their attention .‎ u Group work : ask students to find partners to make a dialogue by using some related vocabulary and sentence patterns that they have learned in this class . They can have a better understanding of language points by doing so.‎ Third, let’s talk about teaching procedures Step 1 Warm-up u Greet to students and let them enjoy the English song : rain,rain,go ‎ away. After that ask students what weather condition it is today ,which can arouse students’ interest in learning english .‎ u Praise a student’ clothes and ask other students what clothes they should wear in different weather condition .and teacher will say today what we are going to talk about is weather .‎ Step 2 Presentation ‎ u Turn on computer to show a short video about rainy weather condition and then ask students to learn the the new english words rainy. Similarly, some other english words about weather condition will be shown in the video and students will do similar thing as before .‎ u The teacher will lead students to read the text in part A u The teacher look outside the window and ask students how the weather is today ? The teacher will ask students to answer the question . It is sunny /rainy........‎ u Ask students to listen to the radio in page 45 and then ask them to imitate and follow .‎ u Let students listen to the radio in page 46 and teach them the correct pronunciation of “ds”‎ Step 3 Practice ‎ u Draw different weather condition in the blackboard and ask students to speak some related different weather english words .‎ u Ask students to complete the excise in page 46 . According to the picture in page 46,ask students to use the fixed sentence pattern to express weather condition . For example , how is the weather in Fuzhou ? It is rainy ...........‎ Step4 Consolidation and extension ‎ u the teacher will ask students to find a partner and use sentence pattern and material in page 46 to make a dialogue one by one .‎ u Learn the pronunciation of “s”and let students look at the different pictures in page 46 and then ask them to read the english words accordingly.‎ ‎ Step 5 General review ‎ u Review what students have learned in this class ‎ u Make a conclusion about what they have learned in this class so that they can get a deeper comprehension of english language .‎ Homework u Ask them to memorize some new english words about weather condition u Ask them to find a partner to make a dialogue by using the sentence pattern that they have learned in this class

