四年级下英语 Unit 4 Drawing in the park课件

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四年级下英语 Unit 4 Drawing in the park课件

Unit 4 Drawing in the park 译林小学英语四年级下册 Story time These are some pens. Let’s go. I can play basketball. Can you jump? This is a banana. tree Well done. sure Is this a clock? A game"Jump Jump" Rules(规则): When you see a word or a sentence, please read it loudly. 请同学们 大声地读出 图中闪过的单词或句子 。 When you see , please stand up and say “Jump Jump ” 但当你遇见僵尸的时候,请快速地站起来一边做动作一边说“ Jump Jump ” ! Do you like watching TV? Brain storming I can …. sing dance play basketball jump run play football swim play table tennis draw draw a picture 画一幅画 draw some picture s 画一些画 p ar k Learn the new words a ri ver a b oa t a fl ow er a tr ee a h i ll What can you see? I can see…. Let’s circle. What do they draw in the park? 观看,圈出他们在公园里所画的事物。 √ √ √ Read and judge Can Tim draw all of them very well? Tips :自读课文并在小组讨论,将 Tim 能画得好的东西标上星,画得不好的东西标上三角。 ea sy di ffi cult 容易的 困难的 反义词 Let’s learn. For us: Whatever it is difficult,we should have a try . 无论多难,我们都应该试一试。 Listen and repeat 好主意! Learning tip: Good idea. 意思是好主意。当你同意别人的观点或赞成对方所提的建议时,可以说 Good idea. 还可以说: A good idea. That’s a good idea. Listen and repeat What can you see over there? I can see a tree and some flowers. Can you draw them ? 学习小贴士: them (他们)人称的宾格,主格是 they. 例如:我们学习过的 I 的宾格是 me. Can you draw them? draw 后加宾格形式 Listen and repeat This is the tree and these are the flowers. Well done. This/That is …. (后加名词单数) 这个 / 那个是 …… These/Those are …. (后加名词复数) 这些 / 那些是 …… Listen and repeat Can you see the boat on the river? Yes. Can you draw it? It’s difficult , but I can try. Listen and repeat Try to act Read fluently 流利的朗读 Read fluently and beautifully 流利、优美的朗读 Act it out emotionally 有感情地表演 Tips :同桌表演,注意要求哦。 Let’s talk about these pictures . These sentences will help you: Look at this picture.I’m in the classroom. What can you see? I can see…. Can you see…? Can you draw itthem? Oh,it’s easy. I’ll show you. It’s difficult,but I can try. 可选择一个你所喜欢的场景并把他们画下来! There are a lot of parks in Xuzhou . Free talk Unit 4 Drawing in the park 2021/2/15 29 1.  能听懂、会说、会读单词: draw, picture, park, flower, boat, river, easy, difficult.   2.  能听懂、会读、会说日常交际用语: Good idea ! Sure, it's easy. It’s difficult, but I can try.  3.  能初步用以下句型  What can you see? I can see … 来对看到的事物进行交流;初步用句型 Can you …?  询问交流会做的事。   教学目标 park theatre amusement park zoo 2021/2/15 31 park 公园 2021/2/15 32 What can you see in the park ? tree 树木 2021/2/15 flower 花 2021/2/15 34 boat 船 2021/2/15 35 river 河;江 2021/2/15 36 In the park, I can see.  See some trees, over there.  In the park, I can see.  See some flowers, under the tree.  c h a n t 2021/2/15 37 Story time 迈克和蒂姆去公园。他们想在哪里画一些画。蒂姆看到一棵树和一些花。蒂姆能画他们。很容易(画)他把它们画的很好。蒂姆在河上看到一只小船。它很难(画),但是蒂姆想试一试。最后他不能把小船画得很好。 38 They’re drawing pictures in the park. 画画 2021/2/15 39 What do they draw? a tree a flower a boat a river 2021/2/15 40 Tim can draw a tree, some flowers and a boat. Can Tim draw all of them very well? Tim can draw the tree and flowers very well, so they’re  easy  for Tim.  easy : 容易的,简单的 2021/2/15 41 But he can’t draw the boat, so it’s not easy, it’s  difficult  for him.   difficult : 难的,困难的 例句: It’s not difficult for him to sing. 唱歌对他来说并不难。 2021/2/15 42 ead et’s 第一遍 : 跟读故事,注意模仿语音语调。 第二遍 : 同桌互读故事,圈出不会读的单词或句子,注意互相帮助,实在不会举手问老师。 第三遍 : 齐读,注意语音语调。 2021/2/15 43 ★ Read fluently  流利的朗读  ★★ Read fluently and beautifully  流利、有感情地朗读  ★★★ Act it out emotionally  有感情地表演 Let’s act 2021/2/15 44 Consolidation  2021/2/15 45 Make a new dialogue 你和朋友也来到了一个美丽的公园。你们看到些什么?试着模仿今天学的故事,编一段对话吧。   46 2021/2/15 47 Homework: 1.  听录音,有感情地模仿熟读课文并尝试背诵。  2.  试着将课文复述并写下来。  3.  和同桌编一段在公园里的对话。 Unit 4 Draw ing in the p ar k a tr ee a b oa t c oa t a river on the river a fl ow er some flower s h ow n ow a h i ll What can you see? I can see … Draw, draw, I can draw. I can draw … I can draw and say. 同桌互相讨论黑板上的画。 What can you see? I can see … Guess : What can they draw ? They can draw … , I think. √ √ √ a river a boat some flowers What can they draw? √ Read and answer. Tips: 自读课文, 将 Tim 能画得好的东西在图上标上 , 画得不好的东西标上三角 ,并划出相关句子。 Tim can draw _______well. Tim can’t draw ______well. Well done. Can you draw them ? Sure.It’s easy . 容易的 I can see a tree and some flowers. What can you see over there? them 它们 easy Read and answer. Tips: 自读课文,将 Tim 能画得好的东西在图上标上 , 画得不好的东西标上三角 , 并划出相关句子。 Tim can draw _______well. Tim can’t draw ______well. Can you see the boat on the river? Yes. It’s difficult, but I can try. Can you draw it? Is this a boat? difficuit, not easy 难的 I can talk. Useful sentences: A: What can you see …? B: I can see … A: Can you draw it /them? B:Sure, it’s easy. / It’s difficult, but I can try. … 任选一个场景,运用所学的语言和同桌编一段对话。 in the park … in the classroom Thank you Unit 4 Drawing in the park Sing a song Learn the new words a ri ver a b oa t a fl ow er a tr ee c oa t o ver p ar k In the park, I can see. See some trees, over there. In the park, I can see. See some flowers, under the tree. Chant Make a new chant Look and guess dr aw p i c ture s What do they want to do? Read and judge Can Tim draw all of them very well? Tips :自读课文,在书上,将 Tim 能画得好的东西标上星,画得不好的东西标上三角。 ea sy di ffi cult 容易的 困难的 反义词 Sure. It’s easy. It’s difficult, but I can try. Listen and repeat 好主意! What can you see over there? I can see a tree and some flowers. Can you draw them? This is the tree and those are the flowers. Well done. Can you see the boat on the river? Yes. Can you draw it? It’s difficult, but I can try. Try to act 同桌表演 Try to talk 想象一下,如果你来到公园,能看到些什么? 试着用我们所学的句子来谈谈吧。 Useful sentences: What can you see? I can see … Can you draw / ride/ play/ fly a …? Yes, it’s easy./ It’s difficult, but I can try. Summary What can you do now? 回忆一下,通过今天的课,你学会了做哪些事儿?相互说说自己的收获! I can sing read chant talk about say … … Thank you peep show ( 西洋镜 ) :一种游戏器具,匣子里面装着画片儿,匣子上放有放大镜,可以看放大的画面。 What’s the matter with Bobby? (Bobby 怎么了 ) A. happy( 高兴 ) B. scared( 害怕 ) √ 1.What can Bobby see at first( 首先 )? He can see a boat on the lake. 2. What can Bobby see then( 然后 ) ? He can see a tiger. 再试一次 Watch and answer: Let's read 两人一组阅读,可选择以下方式: 1 、两人齐读 2 、两人分角色朗读 3 、两人分角色表演 Let's read { A: What can you do? B: I can… Do a survey: 四人一小组,调查你的组员们会干什么,调查完后,每个小组派一名汇报员,汇报小组的其他成员。 …can… Hello, I’m … I like… I can … and I can… too. I usually… Show time Read cartoon time three times. Copy the new words. Introduce yourself to your parents. Homework Thank you T hank you!

