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Unit 1 Did you come back yesterday? Module 1 Welcome back to school Lead in London Eye London Eye 伦敦眼,又称为千禧之轮,是世界上首座、也曾经是世界最大的观景摩天轮。它竖立于伦敦泰晤士河南畔的兰贝斯区,面向坐拥国会大楼与大本钟的西敏市。伦敦眼的摩天轮有60个封闭座舱,每舱可容纳20人。游客在“伦敦眼”中半个小时就可到达城市中心上空俯瞰城内的壮丽景色,还有伦敦55处著名景观的解说,在旋转到相应角度时播放。 New words met those ice cream us wait ( meet 的过去式)碰上,遇见 那些 冰激凌 (宾格)我们 等待,等候 New words above ground finish hurry dropped 在 …… 上方,在 …… 之上 地面 吃完,喝完,用尽 赶紧,匆忙【 hurry up 】 ( drop 的过去式)使掉落 Listen and chant. Lingling went to London Town. She met John, a little boy. They visited the London Eye, and saw the city from above the ground. Lingling went to London Town. She met John, a little boy. They visited the London Eye, and saw the city from above the ground. 玲玲去了伦敦城。 她遇见了约翰,一个小男孩。 他们参观了伦敦眼, 并且在地面上方鸟瞰了整座城市。 the London Eye 伦敦眼 met 遇见 above 上方 ground 地面 在 Listen, read and act out. Lingling is in London with Sam and Amy. Amy: Hello, John . How are you? John: I'm fine, thank you. You're back from China! Amy: Yes, we're home. John: Did you come back yesterday? How are you? I'm fine, thank you. 这两句是常用的问候问答语 Did you come back yesterday? Amy: No, we came back last Sunday. This is our Chinese friend, Lingling. John: Hello, Lingling. Lingling: Hi, John. Do you live in London too? John: Yes, I live near Amy and Sam. we came back last Sunday. came back 回来 came 是 come 的过去式 Lingling: Amy, look at those ice creams! Let's buy some. John: This is your ice cream, Lingling. Lingling: Thank you! those (那些) ice creams (冰激凌) let's 是 let us 的缩写 Sam: We're going home now, John. Come with us. Amy: There's our bus! Finish you ice cream, Lingling. Lingling: Wait for me! John: Hurry up, Lingling. Run! Lingling: Oh, no! I dropped my ice cream! John: Oh, no! My new shoes! us (宾格)我们 吃完,喝完,用尽 等待,等候 赶紧,赶快 dropped ( drop )的过去式 (无意中)使掉落 Grammar Lingling is in London with Sam and Amy. with 是英语中常用的介词,它有很多意思。 ( 1 ) 表示“和 …… 在一起;和;同”。 eg :I went swimming with my father. ( 2 ) 表示“带着;具有”。 eg: She is a girl with golden hair. ( 3 ) 表示方式、手段或工具,意为“以;用”。 eg: She wrote the letter with a pen. Did you come back yesterday? 这句是一个含有实义动词的一般过去时的一般疑问句,其中 did 是助动词 do 的过去式。 含有实义动词的一般过去时的一般疑问句的句型结构为: Did +主语+动词(短语)+其他? 肯定回答为: Yes, 主语 +did. ; 否定回答为: No, 主语 +didn't. 。 eg:—Did you visit the Great Wall last year? —Yes,we did./No,we didn't. No,we came back last Sunday. 这句为一般过去时态,其中 last 为 过去时态 的时间标志,意为“上一个的;最近的,刚刚过去的”, last 常与表示过去时间的词连用,构成表示过去的时间词。 eg: last week 上周 , last month 上个月 , last year 去年等。 常见的表示过去的时间词语还有以下这些: the day before yesterday 前天 ago …… 以前 just now 刚刚 a few days ago 前几天 at the age of 在 …… 岁时 at that time 当时,那时 Let's buy some. 这句是由 let 引导的祈使句,其句型结构为: Let's+ 动词原形+其他.。意为“我们一起 …… 吧。” 区别 let's 与 let me ( 1 ) let's=let us ,表示“让我们 …… ”,用于提议大家一起做某事。 ( 2 ) let me 表示“让我 …… ”,用于主动提出请求自己要做某事。 eg:Let's go to school! 我们一起去上学吧! eg:Let me help you! 让我来帮助你吧! We're going home now, John. 这句是一个现在进行时的句子。在英语中, 我们常用句型“ be going to+ 动词原形”表示将来,通常表示近期、眼下就要发生的或打算、计划的事情。 eg: Are they going to play football tomorrow? 他们打算明天去踢足球吗? John: Did you come back yesterday? Amy: No, we came back last Sunday. Lingling: Oh no! I dropped my ice cream! Listen and say. Did you walk to school yesterday? No, I came to school by bus. Did you have rice yesterday? No, I had noodles yesterday. Practise. Grammar No,I came to school by bus . by bus 乘坐公共汽车 “ by+ 表示交通工具的名词”泛指“乘/坐某种交通工具”,注意名词前无任何修饰语,且只能用单数。 eg: He came by train, but his sister came by bus. 他坐火车来的,但他妹妹是坐汽车来的。 Play roles 同学间互相用英文问答 “ 你昨天是否去做了 某事 ”, 复习掌握句型 “Did you ... yesterday?” eg: Did you go to school by bike yesterday? Yes, I did./No, I walked to school yesterday. Did you have noodles yesterday? Yes, I did./No, I had rice and beef yesterday. Exercise How When Do Hurry 一、选词填空。 1._______ you live in this city? 2._______ up, Lingling. Run! 3._______ did you come here? 4.—_______ are you? —I'm fine, thank you. When Do Hurry How 二、连词成句。 1.back Sam when come did (?) _____________________________________ 2.our friend is this Chinese Lingling (.) _____________________________________ 3.you in live do Shanghai (?) _________________________________ When did Sam come back? This is our Chinese friend Lingling. Do you live in Shanghai? Unit 2 We bought ice creams. Review Did you come back yesterday? Yes, I did. What about you? We came back last Sunday. Lead in ice cream Do you like ice cream? Have you ever write a letter or postcard to your friends? New words send email ran love 发送,寄 电子邮件 ( run 的过去式) 爱你的 Look, listen and say. What are they talking about? Did Lingling phone you? No, she didn't. Did she send you an email? No, she didn't. send 发送,邮寄 email 电子邮件 Here's a postcard from Lingling. It's for you. postcard 明信片 for sb. 给某人的 Listen and read. Dear Daming, Yesterday I went to the park with Sam and Amy. We met John in the park. He's Sam and Amy's friend. We bought ice creams. Then we went home by bus. I ran to the bus. And I dropped my ice cream on John's new shoes! I was very sorry. Love, Lingling Dear Daming, Yesterday I went to the park with Sam and Amy. We met John in the park. He's Sam and Amy's friend. We bought ice creams. Then we went home by bus. I ran to the bus. And I dropped my ice cream on John's new shoes! I was very sorry. Love, Lingling ran ( run 的过去式 ) 跑 dropped ( drop 的过去式 ) 掉落 Love 爱你的 注意书信的格式 Now answer the questions. Did Lingling go to the park yesterday? Did she meet John? Did they buy ice creams? Yes, she did. Yes, she did. Yes, they did. Did they go home by bike? Did Lingling walk to the bus? Did Lingling drop her ice cream? No, they didn't. They went home by bus. No, she didn't. She ran to the bus. Yes, she did. She dropped her ice cream on John's new shoes. Grammar I ran to the bus . 我朝公交车跑去。 动词过去式的变化规则 这句是一般过去时,其中 ran 是 run 的过去式。 ( 1 )规则变化。 eg: work—worked play—played want—wanted ask—asked ①一般情况下,动词词尾加 - ed。 eg: study—studied try—tried carry—carried ③ 以“辅音字母+y”结尾的动词,把y改成i,再加- ed。 ④ 末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节动词,双写词尾辅音字母,再加- ed。 eg: stop——stopped ② 以不发音的-e结尾的动词,在词尾直接加- d。 eg: live—lived move—moved taste—tasted ( 2 )不规则变化。 eg: d o —d id go—went m ee t—m e t s i t—s a t t ake —t ook eat—ate fl y —fl ew r u n—r a n s ee —s aw sa y —sa id ma k e—ma d e f i nd—f ou nd st an d—st oo d c o me—c a me s i ng—s a ng dr i nk—dr a nk g i ve—g a ve sw i m—sw a m wr i te—wr o te r i de—r o de dr i ve—dr o ve dr a w—dr e w gr o w—gr e w kn o w—kn e w s ell —s old b uy —b ought th ink —th ought ca tch —ca ught t each —t aught c an —c ould let—let put—put read—read Listen and repeat. 字母(组合) e,ea、i、e 和 a 在单词中的发音 Listen and say. Then sing. THE LONDON EYE The London Eye goes round and round, round and round,round and round. The London Eye goes round and round, high up in the sky. The people on the Eye say, “Look at that!Look at that!Look at that!” The people on the Eye say“Look at that!” high up in the sky. (高高耸立) Yesterday Xiaohai bought an ice cream and I watched TV. Yesterday I bought an ice cream. Follow and say. Yesterday Xiaohai bought an ice cream,Lulu watched TV and I... Yesterday Amy went to the park and I wrote an email. Yesterday I went to the park. Play with your partners. Yesterday Amy went to the park, Lingling wrote an email and I played games. ... We went to Shanghai last Friday. We came back last Sunday. Did you go there by train? Look and say. Did you go to the Huangpu River? No, we went there by plane. Yes, we did. Now talk about a trip in class. I went to ... Did you go there by ...? Did you go to the ...? Did you eat...? Yes, I did. No, I didn't. I went there... Exercise 一、写出下列动词的一般过去式。 1.do—__________ 2.go—__________ 3.come—__________ 4.drop—__________ 5.run—__________ 6.meet—__________ 7.buy—__________ 8.am—___________ came did went dropped ran met bought was 二、选词填空。 with in at for from in 1.Do you live _______ Beijing? 2.Yesterday I went to the park _______ Amy. 3.Wait _______ me. 4.Lingling and Daming are back _______ China. 5.Look _______ those ice creams! Let's buy some. with for from at

