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Recycle 1 PEP人教版五年级英语上册优质课件 第一课时 第二课时 使用说明:点击对应课时,就会跳转到相应章 节内容,方便使用。 Recycle 1 人教PEP版英语五年级上册 第一课时 Sing a song: Who’s your teacher? 点击画面 播放视频 Warm up funny strict old kind young tall short thin strong —Who’s your Chinese teacher? —What’s she/he like? —Is she/he strict? Ask and answer Lead in Chen Jie is visiting Willow Primary School in the UK. David is a student in the school. Look at the pictures. Talk about the teachers with your partner. Presentation 1. Who’s David’s Chinese teacher? 2. What’s she like? Listen and think. Ms Zhang. She’s very kind, but she’s strict sometimes. David: These are my teachers. Chen Jie: Who’s your Chinese teacher? David: Look at that picture. That’s Ms Zhang, our Chinese teacher. Chen Jie: What’s she like? Is she kind? David: Yes. She’s very kind, but she’s strict sometimes. Listen and read after it. Chen Jie is visiting Willow Primary School in the UK. David is a student in the school. Look at the pictures. Talk about the teachers with your partner. Chen Jie at Willow Primary School David: These are my teachers. Chen Jie: Who’s your Chinese teacher? David: Look at that picture. That’s Ms Zhang, our Chinese teacher. Chen Jie: What’s she like? Is she kind? David: Yes. She’s very kind, but she’s strict sometimes. We should love our teachers. 2. Act it out and find the best group. 1. Read it freely. Time Days of the week Morning Afternoon Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday English science reading maths English science computer class music science maths English science English computer class music maths science Chinese reading maths music reading English computer class maths PE art PE art 1. What is David’s favourite class? A. English. B. Chinese. 2. What is Jean’s favourite class? A. Music. B. Art. 3. What is Dean’s favourite class? A. Computer class. B. PE. Listen to the dialogues again. Circle the right answers. 2. David: Hi, Jean. This is my new friend, Chen Jie. Jean: Hi, Chen Jie. Nice to meet you! Chen Jie: Nice to meet you too, Jean! David: Jean is hard-working and clever. Her favourite class is art. Chen Jie: I love art, too. Jean: You’re welcome to come to our class. We have art on Tuesday and Friday afternoons. 听力原文: 1.Chen Jie: David, what do you have on Mondays? David: I have English, science, computer class and maths in the morning. In the afternoon, I have PE and reading class. Chen Jie: What’s your favourite class? David: I like English very much. 3.Chen Jie: Hi, Dean. What’s your favourite class? Dean: PE class. I love sports. Chen Jie: How many PE classes do you have in a week? Dean: Let me see. Two. We have PE on Monday afternoons and Wednesday mornings. ( )1. Students have science, maths and art on Wednesdays. ( )2. David and Jean have two reading classes on Fridays. ( )3. They don’t have maths on Mondays. ( )4. Jean and Dean have music classes on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. × √ × √ Look at the schedule above.Tick or cross. Who’s your … teacher? What’s he/she like? Mr Li Maths teacher strict Miss Green science teacher funnyMiss White English teacher kind Mr Young music teacher old Mr Jones art teacher young Ask and answerPractice What do you have on …? What classes do you like? Look and say What day is today? What do you have today? 一、根据问句选择正确的答语。 ( ) 1. Is he funny? ( ) 2. Who’s your Chinese teacher? ( ) 3. Is she tall? ( ) 4. Do you have a new teacher? ( ) 5. What’s he like? A. No, she isn’t. B. Yes, he is. C. He’s very kind. D. Mr Jiang. E. Yes. We have a new  art teacher. Exercises B D A E C 1. Miss White is _______ art teacher. She is _____ kind. A. a; a B. an; / C. an; the 2.— What is Mr Wang like? — ____________ A. He likes walking. B. He is my math teacher. C. He is very tall and strong. 二、单项选择。 B C Amy: Hi, John. Do you have a new teacher? John: Yes. I have a new art teacher. Amy: Who’s your art teacher? John: Miss Black. She’s very young. Amy: Is she kind? John: Yes, she is. And she is very funny. Amy: It’s Monday today. Do you have art? John: No. I have science, maths and art. What about you? Amy: I have Chinese, music and PE on Mondays. 三、阅读对话,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。 ( ) 1. Amy has a new art teacher. ( ) 2. Miss Black is an English teacher. ( ) 3. Miss Black is young and funny. ( ) 4. John has music and art on Mondays. ( ) 5. John and Amy have Chinese on Mondays. ( ) 6. Amy has PE on Mondays. F F F F T T Summary 1. 复习了描述人物年龄和性格特征的形容词和表示星期几 的单词。 2. 复习了下列句型: —What’s … like? —… is … —What do you have on … —I have … —Do you often … —Yes, I do./No, I don’t. 七彩课堂 伴你成长 复习Unit 1和Unit 2的单词和句型。 one two Homework 用所学英语写一写 自己喜欢的老师。 Recycle 1 人教PEP版英语五年级上册 第二课时 Warm up Sing a song: What do you have for lunch? 点击画面 播放视频 —What would you like to eat? —What would you like to drink? —What’s your favourite food? ice cream hamburger salad sandwich beef tea milk apple juice water fresh healthy delicioushot sweet Ask and answerLead in My favourite _____ is ________. It’s _____./They’re _____. Ask and answer food drink vegetables food sweet ice cream Presentation Today is Monday. It is time for lunch. Chen Jie is in the lunch room. Look at the menu. Then read the dialogue and fill in the blanks. Cook: Hi. Welcome! What would you like to eat? Chen Jie: A sandwich, please. It’s my food. Thanks. Cook: What would you like to _______? Chen Jie: Tea, please. Cook: Oh, we don’t have tea today. We have tea on and we have today. Chen Jie: That’s fine. I’ll have milk. favourite drink Wednesday milk 小提示:做对话填空题时,一定要根据上下文作答,还要学会充 分利用题目中所给的提示。 Read Chen Jie’s diary. Write the letters in the boxes. 日记 B D C A. School B. Class C. Food D. Friends and teachers It is sunny today. I am at Willow Primary School. It is so pretty. There are many yellow flowers. David is my new friend. He is clever and hard-working. He is funny, too. His favourite class is English. The teacher, Ms Brown, is very helpful. Teachers and students often eat lunch at school. Some of them have beef and drink tea. Some love green beans and ice cream. The food is delicious! After lunch, we have a reading class with Mr Reed. What a friendly school! A Find “friends” for the words in the diary. sunny yellow beef eat flower y /ɪ/ ee /i:/ ow /əʊ/ ea /i:/ ow /aʊ/ many funny very friendly green leef window teacher tea cream cow /ɪ/ baby happy windy sunny sorry /i:/ feet beef meet tea read eat /aʊ/ cow flower wow down Read the words /əʊ/ slow snow yellow window Rearrange the words. Write down the sentences. you watch TV often on the weekend often on Saturdays do homework you often watch TV on the weekend?Do ___________________________________ They __________________________________often do homework on Saturdays. We ___________________________________often read books on Sundays. read books often on Sundays 1. 2. 3. Role-play with your partner. Draw your food on the plate. Role-play and draw A hamburger, please.What would you like to eat? Practice Interview your friends and fill in blanks. Name: ________________________ Subject: _______________________ Favourite food: ________________________ Activities on Saturdays and Sundays: _____________________________________ 一、根据单词划线部分的读音,将下列单词归类。 A. Sunny B. feet C. wow D. read E. baby F. how G. funny H. now I. beef windy: meet: down: A E G B D A C HF Exercises 二、用a, an, some 填空。 _____ hot dog _____ potato ______ ice cream _____ apple ______ water ______ hot dog ______ hamburger _______tea _______ milk _____ sandwich ______ bread ______ egg ______ pear juice _____ banana ______ orange a a a a a an an an some some some some some some a 三、按要求改写句子。 1. My art teacher is tall and thin. (对画线部分提问)  2. We have a cooking class at Mondays.(改错) 3. I’d like some rice and tomatoes.(对画线部分提问)  4. Do you often listen to music on the weekend? (做否定回答) ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ What’s your art teacher like? We have a cooking class on Mondays. What would you like? No, I don’t. Summary 七彩课堂 伴你成长 1. 复习了食物和饮料单词。 2. 复习了询问和回答他人饮食需求的句型: —What would you like? —I’d like ... —What’s your favourite food? 3. 复习了字母y及字母组合ow, ee, ea在单词里的发音。 七彩课堂 伴你成长 复习Unit 3的单词 和句型。 one two Homework 完成同步练习。

