沪教牛津版五年级上英语Unit 2 Going to school课件

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沪教牛津版五年级上英语Unit 2 Going to school课件

Unit 2 Going to school 沪教牛津 · 五年级上册 New words by ( 表示方式 ) ;靠近 walk 走;步行 Ms 女士 underground 地铁 take 乘坐 ( 交通工具 ) ;带领 after 在 …… 后 hour 小时 Listen and say Jill: How do you come to school, Joe? Joe: I come to school by bus. I live far from our school. Jill: How do you come to school, Alice? Alice: I come to school on foot. I live near school. Jill: How do you come to school, Kitty? Kitty: I come to school on foot too. Alice and I walk to school together. Jill: What about you, Peter? How do you come to school? Peter: I come to school by bus. Complete Jill’s notes. Joe comes to school _________________. Alice comes to school________________. Kitty comes to school________________. Peter comes to school________________. by bus on foot on foot by bus Language points 1. — How do you come to school? 你怎么来学校? — I come to school on foot. 我步行来学校。 询问某人出行方式的句型是 “ How + do/does + 某人 + come to+ 某地?(某人是怎么来某地的?)” 其答语的结构是 “某人 + come to + 某地 + 交通方式 . (某人 …… 去的某地。)” on foot 的意思是“步行” 。 2. What about you , Peter? 你呢,彼得? 这句话是在叙述完自己的情况之后,询问他人相同情况的句型,为了避免重复,常用“ What about you? ”来代替问句。 Look and learn by bike by bus by car on foot Look and read Ms Guo is a teacher at Happy Primary School. She lives on Green Street. 1.There is an underground station near Ms Guo’s home. Ms Guo walks to the station and takes the train. 2. She gets off the train at Park Street Station. 3.Then she takes Bus No.12 to Spring Street. 4. After half an hour, she gets off at Spring Street Bus Stop. Then she walks to her school. Complete the map. Green Park Street Spring Street Happy Primary School 2. There is an underground station near Ms Guo’s home. 在郭女士家的附近有一个地下车站。 这是一个 there be 句型,句子结构是“ There be (is/are) +名词+地点”,意思是“某处有某人或某物”。 There is 后面接的名词可以是可数名词的单数形式,也可以是不可数名词。 There are 后面必须接可数名词的复数形式。 Language points Draw and say I live far from/near my school. I go to school… I live far from my school. I go to school by underground. Do a survey Name on foot by bus by school bus by underground Kitty √ How do you come to school? I come to school on foot. I come to school… Name on foot by bus by school bus by underground Kitty √ Jill √ How do you come to school, Jill? I come to school by school bus. In my class, …students come to school on foot. …students come to school by bus.… In my class, 15 students come to school on foot. 10 students come to school by bus. 5 students come to school by school bus. 5 students come to school by underground. Think and write My father goes to work ______________. My mother goes to work _____________. ________________ go(es) to __________ _______________________. I go to school ____________. by car by bus My grandparents the supermarket on foot by school bus Learn the sounds Listen, Little Wa sp ! This is my cri sp . Please go away. It’s not a good day For a wa sp To play on my cri sp . sp wa sp cri sp 同学们,这一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现在大家来检验一下,点击下面的视频开始听写吧!

