沪教牛津版五年级上英语Project 3课件

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沪教牛津版五年级上英语Project 3课件

Project 3 沪教牛津 · 五年级上册 My toy city 1 Doll Road Bear Road Make a city for your toys. Draw a map of the city. Activity Doll Road Bear Road 2 What can the toys do at each place? Think and write. They can buy food at the supermarket. ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Benny’s Cake Shop Happy Supermarket Super Cinema Play roles Super Cinema They can see a film at the Super Cinema. Benny’s Cake Shop They can buy cakes at Benny’s Cake Shop. They can read books at library. 3 Show your map to your classmates. Ask and answer questions. Super Cinema Panda Road Duck Road Bird Road Bear Road Benny’s Cake Shop Happy Supermarket What are the pandas doing? They’re eating in the park. I’m at the bus stop. How do I get to the park? You can walk along… Then turn right… Play roles Super Cinema Panda Road Duck Road Bird Road Bear Road Benny’s Cake Shop Happy Supermarket What are the pandas doing? They’re eating in the park. Super Cinema Panda Road Duck Road Bird Road Bear Road Benny’s Cake Shop Happy Supermarket I’m at the bus stop. How do I get to the park? You can turn right at Duck Road. Walk along Duck Road. The park is on your left. Super Cinema Panda Road Duck Road Bird Road Bear Road Benny’s Cake Shop Happy Supermarket What is the bear doing? He is waiting for a bus. Super Cinema Panda Road Duck Road Bird Road Bear Road Benny’s Cake Shop Happy Supermarket I’m at the bus stop. How do I get to the hospital? You can walk along Bird Road. It’s on your right.

