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课 题 Unit 8 At Christmas 课时 ‎5—1‎ 日期 教学目标 ‎1. 能正确的听、说、读 单词:a cad, a christmas tree, father christmas, a present, a stocking, a turkey.‎ ‎2. 初步理解感知表示时间顺序的词语:first, next, then, finally.‎ ‎3. 理解,掌握对话内容,用正确的语音语调朗读对话,初步表演对话。‎ 教学重点 ‎1. 能正确理解对话内容,朗读对话,初步表演对话 ‎2. 会说会读单词:a cad, a Christmas tree, Father Christmas, a present, a stocking, a turkey.‎ 教学难点 ‎1. 能正确理解对话内容,朗读对话,初步表演对话 ‎2. 会说会读单词:a cad, a Christmas tree, Father Christmas, a present, a stocking, a turkey.‎ 教学准备 单词卡片,人物图片,人物头饰,多媒体课件 预习要求 教学过程 二次修改、旁注 Step1 Lead in ‎ ‎1、歌曲导入,引入话题 教师可先播放Jingle Bells和We wish you a Meeey Christmas(见song time)等圣诞歌曲,和学生一起学唱,创设氛围,为圣诞节话题的导入做铺垫。‎ ‎2、介绍圣诞文化 教师呈现一些与圣诞节有关的图片或实物,如圣诞卡片、圣诞树、长筒袜、帽子和火鸡等,与学生进行问答活动,引入目标词汇。如:‎ T: All these pictures and things are about a holiday. It’s christmas.‎ Step2 presentation ‎1、教授目标词汇 教师呈现与圣诞节活动有关的图片,教授目标词汇Christmas tree, Father Christmas, present, stocking, turkey和card. 如:‎ T: Look at this tree. What’s on it?‎ S1: There is a star on the tree.‎ S2: There are some coloured balls on the tree.‎ S3: There are some ribbons and knots on the tree.‎ T: Yes. The tree is beautiful with all these things. It’s a christmas tree.‎ Ss: A christmas tree T: What can you see under the tree?‎ Ss: I can see some boxes.‎ ‎(教师以问答的形式逐步引导学生学习单词)‎ ‎2、Learn story time 10‎ T: Do you know what can we do on christmas day? Let’s watch a cartoon please.‎ And tell me what can you see (看动画视频)‎ S1:I can see..‎ S2: I can see...(教师板书学生所说单词并再次教读)‎ T: Can you tell me the right step for celebrating christmas day? Read the story first, then discuss with your partner.‎ ‎3. Read and match 教师安排学生完成学生用书80页的read and match, 理解圣诞活动。‎ ‎4.阅读课文,检测理解 Ask and answer What do mike and his family do first?‎ Where do they put the pretty things and the presents?‎ What does mike do on christmas eve?‎ Read and judge ‎1 They have a christmas tree at home(T)‎ ‎2 Christmas eve comes after christmas day(F)‎ ‎3 Everyone likes christmas(T)‎ ‎4 People don’t eat turkey on christmas day(F)‎ Step3 Practice 排列句子,教授目标副词 教师和学生一起将圣诞节活动按照before Christmas, on Christmas Eve, on Chistmas day三个时间进行归类,然后教授副词first, then,next, finally,随意组合以上圣诞活动,如:‎ T: First, I buy a christmas tree. Then I put some pretty things on it. Next...‎ S1: First.....‎ S2: First.....‎ Step4 Homework 1. 抄写四会单词4遍 2. 自读课文3遍 教 后 记 ‎(第 篇)‎ 10‎ 课 题 Unit 8 At Christmas 课时 ‎5—2‎ 日期 教学目标 ‎1、能会听说读写单词a cad, a christmas tree, father christmas, a present, a stocking, a turkey.‎ ‎2、能正确流利朗读课文,并复述表演。‎ 教学重点 语音语调正确的朗读对话,复述并表演故事。‎ 教学难点 语音语调正确的朗读对话,复述并表演故事。‎ 教学准备 tape recorder 预习要求 教学过程 二次修改、旁注 Step 1: Revision T: Good morning, class. Last lesson, we learn the text ‘at christmas’, do you remember? ‎ 教师提问,让学生回忆课文,回答问题或判断正误 1. Waht do they do first on Christmas Day?‎ 2. What do they eat on Christmas Day?‎ 3. Father Christmas comes on Christmas Eve.‎ 4. The children are very happp on Christmas Day.‎ 5. People have a big lunch..‎ Step2. Presentation ‎ 1. Listen and number ‎1). 教师出示课文中的图片,让学生用一句话概括。‎ ‎2). 出示80页图片,打乱顺序,同桌讨论。‎ ‎3). 出示句子,学生再次排序,加深印象。‎ ‎4).学生以各种方式朗读课文,找3名学生复述。‎ Step3. Consolidation 1. 接龙描述,操练目标副词 10‎ 学生四人一组,以接龙的形式描述圣诞活动。如 S1:First, I buy presents.‎ S2:Then, I go to see father christmas.‎ S3:Next, we put some pretty things on the christmas tree.‎ S4:Finally, I put a stocking on my bed.‎ 1. 看图说话 出示四年级下unit3 my day 图片,根据图片和文字提示将yang ling 一天的活动进行排序,用句型first/then/next/finally表述。‎ ‎3.创造情景,创编对话 教师可提供给学生若干主题,如my day, my weekend, my birthday, after school等,让学生选择并四人一组小组活动,用句型first/then/next/finally表述。‎ 如: my weekend First, I do my homework in the morning.‎ Next, I go shopping with my mother.‎ Then, I play football in the park.‎ Finally, I watch tv in the evening.‎ Step4 Homework 1. 复述课文 2. 选择一个主题,用句型first/then/next/finally表述。‎ 教 后 记 ‎(第 篇)‎ 10‎ 课 题 Unit 8 At Christmas 课时 ‎5—3‎ 日期 教学目标 ‎1、 在小诗的朗读和学习中掌握字母j的发音规则。‎ ‎2、 能正确理解、流利朗读Cartoon time并能拓展相关话题。‎ ‎3、 通过学习,学生能理解Mr Turkey的心情,能尝试去理解并关心他人。‎ 教学重点 ‎1、能用自己的语言拓展Cartoon time模块和Christmas party相关话题。‎ ‎2、能正确流利朗读语音板块小诗。‎ 教学难点 ‎1、能用自己的语言拓展Cartoon time模块和Christmas party相关话题。‎ ‎2、能正确流利朗读语音板块小诗。‎ 教学准备 多媒体课件,卡片 预习要求 教学过程 二次修改、旁注 Step1.Free talk and revision 1. Daily report: Say something about Christmas.( If you want to get more stars, you’ll try to say more sentencse)‎ ‎(复习前面所学内容,唤醒学生相关知识回忆。)‎ ‎2 T: At Christmas ,westen people usually have a party. What do they do at t he party? Try to use “ first, next, then, finally”.‎ Ss: First they sing somesongs. ‎ Next they give presents to each other. ‎ Then they have a big lunch ┄‎ ‎(导入party 话题,从学生的回答中收集资源,适时讲解,为Cartoon time的学习做好准备。)‎ Step2: Presentation ‎1 Show a picture about Sam & Bobby ‎ ‎ T: Christmas is coming ,where are they going?‎ Ss:They are going to join a paty. ‎ ‎(从图片引出人物,利用任务教学帮助卡通人物一起学习歌曲。)‎ T: Look at the notice of the gate, they should sing an English song before they join the party . Can you help them.‎ 3. T: What will they do at the party?‎ Watch the cartoon and answer:‎ ‎“Is everyone very happy? “‎ 10‎ T: How do you know they are happy? Read and underline.‎ What else will they say? Discuss in goups.‎ 3. Mr Turkey looks sad,.Why?‎ Listen and answer 4. 拓展西方圣诞节的饮食文化,及吃火鸡的由来等。‎ 5. Mr Turkey looks sad,.Why?‎ Listen and answer 6. 拓展西方圣诞节的饮食文化,及吃火鸡的由来等。‎ Step3: Sound time ‎1. Mr Turkey is sad, Can you help him to be happy? Discuss in four..‎ ‎2.Let’s take him to see an animal show,‎ ‎ Read: Jump jacket juice Then listen and read the rhyme.‎ ‎3. T :Do you know other words like them?‎ Step4: Homework ‎1 听录音,流畅朗读或表演Cartoon time ‎2 Try to introduce the Christmas Party to your partners in English.‎ 板书设计:‎ ‎ Unit 8 At Christmas ‎ First ┅‎ Christmas Party Next ┅ jacket juice jump ‎ Then ┅‎ Finally ┅‎ 教 后 记 ‎(第 篇)‎ 10‎ 课 题 Unit 8 At Christmas 课时 ‎5—4‎ 日期 教学目标 ‎1. 能正确运用first/next/then/finally ‎2. 能用正确的语音语调朗读对话,在熟读的基础上分角色朗读。‎ ‎3. 初步懂得基数词one, two, three的序数词形式。‎ 教学重点 ‎1. 能听、说、读、写本单元所学句型。‎ ‎2. 能用正确的语音语调朗读对话。‎ 教学难点 ‎1. 能听、说、读、写本单元所学句型。‎ ‎2. 能用正确的语音语调朗读对话。‎ 教学准备 多媒体课件,头饰,卡片 预习要求 教学过程 二次修改、旁注 Step1.Free talk ‎1、Free talk ‎2.1 minute non- stop- talk: What do we do before/at christmas?‎ We buy...‎ We go to see...‎ We wake up..‎ We open..‎ We eat...‎ Step2: Presentation 1. Goals for this lesson Girst, retell the story.‎ Next, use”first/next/then/finally”correctly.‎ Then, sing a song”we wish you a merry christmas”‎ Finally, make a christmas card.‎ ‎(以目标的出示显示本节课重要的知识点)‎ 2. Retell the text T: How to retell a text? I give you some choices, and you try to complete.‎ How to retell a text?‎ 1. Connect the sentences to a text.‎ 2. Underline the key words or sentenses.‎ 3. Read the text fluently.‎ 4. Use the words and sentences.‎ First,_____________‎ Next,_____________‎ Then,_____________‎ Finally,___________ ‎ 10‎ ‎ 学生看图复述 1. 出示Grammer time图标,讲解first/next/then/finally的用法。‎ 2. 小组逐一复述表格中呈现的句子。如:‎ T: What do you do at christmas?‎ S1: First, we buy presents.‎ S2: Next, we put pretty things on christmas tree.‎ S3:...‎ S4:...‎ Step3 Practice 1. 出示81页Read and write,学生自读课文,小组讨论 2. 找4名学生朗读,教师纠正。‎ Step4: Fun time T: Some people like buying presents for their friends, but some like making a card. Can you make one? And how to make?‎ (1) 出示Fun time ,掌握步骤,师生可共同完成。‎ (2) 展示个别学生的贺卡 (3) 学生互赠贺卡 ‎(此时可播放song time歌曲)‎ Step5: Homework 1. Retell the text to your partner.‎ 2. Show your friends how to make.‎ 3. What do you do after school? Write a short passage, use”first/next/then/finally”‎ 教 后 记 ‎(第 篇)‎ 10‎ 课 题 Unit 8 At Christmas 课时 ‎5—5‎ 日期 教学目标 ‎1. Talk about Christmas fluently ‎2. Know the phonetic of the letter “j”‎ ‎3. Use ‘first, next, then, finally’ fluently and correctly ‎ ‎4. Introduce yourself activities 教学重点 Introduce yourself activities with ‘first, next, then, finally’ fluently and correctly ‎ 教学难点 Introduce yourself activities with ‘first, next, then, finally’ fluently and correctly ‎ 教学准备 预习要求 教学过程 二次修改、旁注 Step 1 Free talk.‎ ‎1. Sing the song.‎ ‎2. Show three tasks ‎3. Talking about Christmas. (To use ‘first, next, then, finally’).‎ Step 2 Presentation Task1‎ First, look at page 86’s pictures. Then talk about the pictures. (PPT)‎ Next, ask and answer.‎ A: What do you (usually) do at Christmas?‎ B: I… .‎ Finally, talk, do & check ‘Think and write’ (PPT)‎ Task2‎ Review ‘Sound time’.(PPT) ‎ First, review j-/dʒ/‎ Then, show some new words. Let students read the new words by themselves.‎ Finally, ‘Christmas Tree Decoration’ ‎ Write down some words include j-/dʒ/ on the Christmas tree.‎ Task3‎ First, talk about Yang Ling’s schedule.‎ Then, do and check ‘Order and say’‎ Step 3 Practicing.‎ Use‘first, next, then, finally’to talk about ‘What do you usually do after school?’‎ 10‎ T: What do you (usually) do after school?‎ Model: play basketball, have dinner, do one’s homework, go to bed, read books etc.‎ S1:I… .‎ S2:I… .‎ S3:I… .‎ Then,write a passage about‘after school’‎ e.g. I always have a good time after school.‎ ‎ First, .‎ ‎ Then, .‎ ‎ Next, .‎ ‎ Finally, .‎ Cultural tidbits ‎ Introduce ‘Santa Claus's House Step 4 Homework. ‎ ‎1.Review all the contents in Unit8.‎ ‎2.Write a passage of “ After school ”.‎ 板书设计:‎ Unit8 At Christmas Christmas What do you (usually)do at Christmas/ after school?‎ First… I …‎ Next… ‎ Then…‎ Finally…‎ 教 后 记 ‎(第 篇)‎ 10‎

