人教pep四年级英语下册Unit 5 Part B 第4课时课件

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人教pep四年级英语下册Unit 5 Part B 第4课时课件

Enjoy the song What's this song about? Clothes. Can you say some words about clothes? hat pantsskirt dress —Whose shoes are these? Are these Amy’s? —______________________________ —Whose hat is it? Is this John’s? —______________________________ No, they aren’t. They are Chen Jie’s. No, it isn’t. It’s Mike’s. Look at the picture. Part B Let’s talk & Let’s find out Unit 5 My clothes PEP·四年级下册 Presentation 1. Who are they? 2. Where are they? 3. What are they doing? Look and predict. Watch and answer. What clothes are they talking about? Check the answer. What clothes are they talking about? Sarah, can you help me, please? The mother is putting away the clothes. Mum needs help. What does she say? OK. —What's this? —It's a coat. I like that green coat. How about you? I like this red coat. ... Whose coat is this? It’s mine. —Whose coat is it? —It's Sam's mother's coat. Whose coat is this? It’s mine. It's my coat. 谁的 nine mine 我的 And those? Whose pants are those? They’re your father’s. Whose pants are those? —Whose pants are those? —They're Sam's father's. Oh no! Sam! You’re funny! Look at Sam! Is that his coat? — Is that Sam's coat? — No, it isn't. It's his mother's. — What do you think of him? — He’s funny! Let's watch again. Read and act 1. Read the dialogue. Pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation. 2. Practice the conversations in groups. 3. Act out. Mum has put away things in the living room. She is going to the children's bedroom. Let's help her. Create a situation Let’s find out Sarah Mike Whose shoes are those? They’re Peter’s. Whose hat is it? It’s Mike’s. Make a demonstration. Sarah Mike Work in groups to make your own conversations. Blackboard Design Unit 5 My clothes — Whose coat is this? — It’s mine. — Whose pants are those? — They’re your father’s.

