人教pep四年级英语下册Unit 3 Part A 第1课时课件

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人教pep四年级英语下册Unit 3 Part A 第1课时课件

Enjoy the song A: What does the girl want to do? B: She wants to play outside. A: But what’s the weather like? B: It’s rainy. So she can’t play outside. A: Today we’re going to talk about the “weather”. Weather PEP·四年级下册 Unit 3 Weather Part A Let’s talk & Let’s play Look and predict the main ideas of the dialogue. 1. How many people are there? Who are they? 2. Where are they? 3. What time is it? 4. What are they taking about? Look and predict 1. What time is it? 2. What does Mike want to do? 3. What does Mike’s mother say? Watch and answer. Let’s talk Mum, what time is it? It’s 11:00. Can I go outside now? No, you can’t. It’s cold outside. 11:00 1. What time is it? 2. What does Mike want to do? 3. How does Mike ask? It’s 11:00. Go outside. Can I go outside now? Ask and answer 在户外 Can I go outside now? 现在我能出去吗? Ø肯定答语是:Yes, you can. (行,你可以。) Ø否定答语是:No, you can’t. (不行,你不能。) Can we go outside now? No, you can’t. It’s cold outside. 寒冷的;冷的 It’s cold outside. 外面冷。 描述天气状况的句型: It’s+描述天气的形容词(+其他). 天气是……的。 Have some lunch, Mike. OK. Can I have some soup? Yes, you can. Be careful. It’s very hot. 12:05 小心 热的;烫的 1. What time is it? 2. What does Mike’s mum ask Mike to do? Listen and answer It’s 12:05 p.m. To have some lunch. 3. How does Mike ask? 4. What does Mike’s mum say? Can I have some soup? Yes, you can. Be careful. It’s very hot. Mum, what time is it? It’s 11:00. Can I go outside now? No, you can’t. It’s cold outside. 11:00 Read and act. Have some lunch, Mike. OK. Can I have some soup? Yes, you can. Be careful. It’s very hot. 12:05 Role-play the conversation. A: Mum, what time is it? B: It’s 11:00. A: Can I go outside now? B: No, you can’t. It’s cold outside. A: … B: … Fill in the chart. 1. What time is it? 2. What does Mike ask about? 3. What does Mike’s mother say? 1.Time 2.Ask 3.Answer Fill in the blanks. Can I…? Time Ask Answer Yes, you can. No, you can’t. 11:00 go outside No, you can’t. 12:05 have some soup Yes, you can. cold hot Let’s play Can I go outside? No, you can’t. It’s cold outside. Can I have some soup? Yes, you can. Be careful. It’s very hot. Role-play the conversation. Rules: Choose one card and turn it around. Ask and answer like this. Turn card game A: What time is it? B: It’s 2 o’clock. A: Can I go home? B: No, you can’t. A: … B: … 1. go to bed 3. go to school 2. have some soup 4. go outside 5. go home 6. drink some milk 1 2 3 4 5 6 Blackboard design Unit 3 Weather —Can I go outside now? —Yes, you can. /No, you can’t. It’s cold outside. —Can I have some soup? —Yes, you can. Be careful! It's very hot.

